Hey Steve!!
I’m really new to batchelor nation, I moved to Canada from the uk 4 years ago and the first season I watched was Arie’s. I only found your podcast recently too! Anyway I have a couple of questions, you may of covered them beofre but as I said, I’m a newbie!
How many days do they have between dates when filming? The first night always goes on until the very early hours, do they then have the first dates a few hours later?! Also when it gets down to fantasy suites, are they leaving the suite that morning to go on a date with someone else the same day? It’s date-date-date-rose ceremony. So once they start filming either in LA or a new location, it’s 3 days of filming then a rose ceremony. On the first night, the next day is an off day to move everybody in, then filming begins the next day. As for fantasy suites, it used to be back-to-back-to-back. But not anymore. There’s a day in between. During the bubble seasons, I’m not sure how they’ve done it.
I heard that Becca is currently filming BIP, how is she doing that and recording the podcast? I thought they didn’t have outside contact but she must be watching the episodes of Katie’s season to be able to cover it in the podcast? I’m pretty sure she’s down there recording it while she’s still filming the show. She’s Becca. She’s getting perks. And yes, she would’ve had to have seen at least Monday’s episode early to talk to Michael about it.
A sort of separate question, I read today that Chris Harrison walked away with a $9 million pay out and not the $25 million that was reported. Do you not think he would of got more than that from a tell all interview or a book revealing all the bachelor secrets??
Comment: A book he would’ve made more. Not a tell all interview.
First, I heard that Harrison got 25 million because he threatened the producers with spilling secrets.
Now, I’m hearing that he got about 10 mil.
9 for the severance package and the rest In contractual obligations. What do you think he got? And could he have gotten sued for spilling secrets? Do you think he had to sign an NDA?
Comment: I’m guessing now it was probably closer to the $10 million.
Hey Steve,
I’ve been reading your spoilers since Jason Ms season! You have grown so much since those days so keep doing you and I will continue to read/ listen!
My question: do you know if the leads get to watch the episode before it airs? Considering how media savvy Katie is and how often she is on insta it feels like she knows what they are going to show. It could be that she is just really good at saying lots without actually saying anything though! Ha!
Comment: Yes, they do. Leads and plenty of media/podcasters get the episode beforehand.
Hi Steve,
This is my first time ever leaving an email on your site, so here goes nothing.
I know you have decided to change how you report spoilers from now on, after all the controversy you recently endured. But I LOVED the episode by Episode recaps you had on your website. You always had play by plays of what happened each episode, and they were helpful to me any time I missed an episode or I missed a scene. I could always rely on your threads. Are you still going to do go back to those? You havent posted any for Katie’s season, and I dont think that infringes on any personal information, and is still online with the content you want to release. I haven’t posted them because I don’t know them. It’s been much tougher to get episode by episode breakdowns during the pandemic and bubble seasons. Hopefully it’ll return in future seasons.
My second question is regarding Brendan. You recently reported him coming to paradise. I dont know why that information initially shocked me, I expected him to be such a hot commodity, but after US Weekly reporting he was dating Piper, I just sort of figured he’d stay home and they’d just date off screen. I was in the camp who LOVED him and Tayshia, and I ate up every second of your original reporting that she left Zach for him. Can we clear something up? At no point did I EVER say that Tayshia left Zac for Brendan. What I specifically said was I was being told by someone that had happened but I had no idea if it was true or not. I made that perfectly clear. But of course, it got turned into I said she dumped Zac for Tayshia yet it’s right there on my site how clear I made it that I hear a lot of rumors every season and that was one I was hearing, but didn’t have any idea if it was true. Imagine that? People misrepresenting what I say to keep a certain narrative.
Brendan has done interviews shortly after the finale aired saying he does think Tayshia was the “one that got away”. Do you think, they can play that as a significant story line for him. Like they did for Colton or even a Nick V. And if he plays his cards right, Bachelor? Idk, you havent really spoken much about him so I wanted your thoughts. It does seem like a stretch, but from everything I’ve followed; Tayshias men are some of thee most universally well liked group of guys and I think Brendan is someone they want on their radar.
I apologize if this is really long and confusing but I hope you could find the questions in there. Looking forward to following you all throughout BIP, this season legit looks like one of the best, EVER. Maybe history making.
Thanks so much.
Comment: I don’t think Brendan is gonna be the Bachelor.
Question- what ever happed with Mike Fleiss’s second baby? Did they have it? I can’t find anything online one way or the other….Yes. They had it. And they are one big happy family. It’s on his wife’s IG account that’s public.
Also, suggestion for the podcast- Kirk! AS in Kirk and Carly. Not sure what he’s doing these days but he seems to have fallen off the Face of the planet. Would love to hear from him and he may actually come on since he doesn’t seem connected to bachelor nation any more.
Thanks Steve, your recaps are the best!
Comment: I could reach out to him, sure. Don’t know if he’d respond or he’d do it.
Katie has been very outspoken which is so refreshing! Is production ok with her sharing the Rachel article etc…
Comment: Whether they are or aren’t, she did, so they’re gonna have to live with that. Here’s a fun activity for you. How many BN contestants that posted on Chris Harrison’s IG post when he announced he was leaving the show have retweeted or reposted the link to Rachel’s story yesterday outside of Katie? The battle lines have been drawn and people are showing their ass right now.
Hi Steve,
If the elderly guy you posted about in your column today (Tuesday) was correct, and the elderly version of The Bachelor is filming July 13-August 3, then when are they filming Michelle’s season? I thought the whole point of them doing her season later was so that she didn’t have to miss school time, but most schools go back mid – late August. Will they film her season at the same time as the elderly version of The Bachelor?
Comment: That’s seemingly during when Michelle’s season would film, so it’s possible they send a smaller crew to do that one, since it seems like it’s not gonna have any travel and much less people. So it’s almost like they could use it for producers lower on the food chain to give them some experience.
Hi Steve,
I don’t have any questions or anything, but I just wanted to comment on what people are saying about Michael. My mom had ALS for 7 years before she passed away when I was in high school. My dad met his current wife and got married a little over a year after my mom had passed away. I definitely wasn’t happy about it, but he was.
Everyone has their own timeline and when you see the love of your life go through something so hard, it takes a lot out of you. You spend so much time caring for someone, that you forget about yourself. It makes sense to me that Michael would like to be taken care of for a bit and get the companionship he misses. I think people really need to step back and think before they judge how they “would react” to a situation.
Comment: Agree 100%. Michael is allowed to choose however he wants to grieve his deceased wife. Not to mention, he reached out to her parents before deciding to come on this show.
Hi Steve!
First of all, I was touched seeing your donation to RAINN. It shows that you are truly trying to be better and have worked hard to change. It’s a baby step and the least I could do. Doesn’t eliminate anything I wrote in the past, but thank you, I appreciate you saying that. Just trying to be better going forward.
I know it’s a little early, but I’d be curious to know if ATFR will be live or taped this year. It seems like with the vaccination rates, maybe they’ll choose to do a live show with vaccinated guests?? If not this season, then maybe for Michelle’s or BIP. Yeah, tough to say since the show doesn’t tell us much of anything anymore. You’d think they could, but, with Michelle’s season filming in July, I think it’ll be filmed like a month before it airs like the last couple have.
Do you happen to know when Michelle’s season is being filmed? Maybe sometime mid July through august? I think it would be also interesting to see if there will be some regional traveling next season. I’ve missed seeing all of the destinations.
Thanks for all that you do!
Comment: Yes, I assume that’s the timeline, similar to Clare/Tayshia’s. And again, this show doesn’t reveal anything anymore so until I hear about potential travel, or we see them in different locations on a given season, we just won’t know.
Hi Steve:
A few questions for you this week . . .
1. Now that Katie’s season has been airing for a couple of weeks, do you feel the traffic to your site is comparable to prior seasons? With the Demi situation a couple of months ago, I know you mentioned needing to wait until Katie’s season started to really see if that would have any sort of negative impact on site traffic or to your podcast. How has all of that looked for you? Nothing has changed. Sorry that upsets some people.
2. I loved your podcast collaborations with Game of Roses but noticed that they didn’t join like in the prior season to talk about Katie’s upcoming season / share their predictions. They did make mention of the Demi situation in a podcast of theirs a couple of months ago – so I was curious if they told you they didn’t want to collaborate anymore or have you just not asked them to come back on? Would love to see them back and chatting with you again! I hope to have them on again sometime this season.
3. Not sure if by the time reader emails runs you’ll have recorded this week’s podcast yet, but any hints on who it is?!? Will you share after it is recorded but before it drops into our feeds on Thursday?
Comment: Set to record today, although the time hasn’t been locked down. But they confirmed they could do it today. Old school contestant, well known, did multiple shows, no doubt will have things to say, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard them do a podcast before. If they have, it hasn’t been since podcasts have taken off.
Hi Steve,
Short and sweet this time around…. I think you may associate Greg Grippo as villainous because it’s alliteration like Lex Luther. I see where you’re coming from, if you agree with my assessment.
Comment: As much as I love alliterations, I don’t see it as that. I think it’s just the name itself sounds like one, and his 90’s haircut kinda adds to it. He just looks like a guy in 90’s HS movie that’ll steal your girlfriend.
Hey Steve,
Love your spoilers and your column! I had a question in regards to Becca being in paradise. I totally believe she’s there but had a question in regards to how she’s still doing her podcast? Today’s podcast had Michael A on there and they dove into his relationship with his late wife & what we as viewers watched Monday night. How was Becca able to do that podcast? If she did it before leaving, does this mean she has access to what’s going to be shown to viewers ahead of time?
Comment: Podcasts can be recorded from anywhere. My guess is they allowed her to record from down there. The fact that the background to her podcast is just a plain white wall where you can’t see anything else seems to also be a giveaway since that’s not her normal background. And they either let her watch the full episode, or, they just showed her Michael’s date. I would have no idea how much she had access to.