Regarding the shadow boxing Karl, do you think it’s more likely he was:
-Making the whole thing up
-Talking about Thomas
-Talking about someone else we haven’t heard about yet
Please tell me Thomas gets eliminated soon. He’s not much easier to watch then Karl. I don’t know what happened with Karl, but we’ve heard it before in the past so it’s not far fetched to believe he put too much trust in a producer telling him what to say/do. I don’t think Thomas is around too much longer.
Also, if Becca is podcasting from BIP and recapping episodes of Katie’s season, doesn’t that give her a bit of an unfair advantage to know more about the guys that are there (whether positive or negative)? Answered in previous email.
Thanks for your recaps and spoilers and for sharing about your donation to RAINN, I’m glad this organization got some exposure last night.
Comment: For sure. Glad I could help in any way. I’m sure they got an uptick last night with the coverage they got from the show and social media.
Theoretically, if one guy and one girl from the 90210 series was Bachelor or Bachelorette, who do you think would be best for that role? Or another way of asking, who would make the best Bachelorette and Bachelor from the characters from 90210? I dont know what “best” means, but just curious your thoughts. I feel like Donna would’ve jumped at the chance and Brandon fits the Bachelor mold pretty darn well. Thanks!
Comment: Brandon easily would make the best Bachelor. Middle America, smart, good looking, has his shit together, etc. No way it could’ve been Dylan. He’d be Tyler Cameron. The guy that didn’t need to the show to find a date and went off and dated celebrities.
I still think Kelly over Donna. More overall appeal being a former beauty queen. We know they love that shit.
Hey Steve –
They must have edited out the soldiers Karl said would be needed to make him leave.
Nick should fire his stylist. I thought it was interesting that he did not say he was on Bachelorette TWICE, let alone, BIP and Bachelor. I was hoping someone would ask him to share things he has done wrong and that the scene over the credits would be Kaitlyn speaking with him and then him telling the camera he had no idea who she was (I was just looking at pics of her appearance change).
Given that Howard Stern is a big Bachelor fan, have you ever attempted to get booked on his show? Ha ha, my aunt in NY (RIP) loved Stern. Told me all the time I should go on his show. Even gave me an email address to contact one time. I emailed and never heard back, nor did I expect to.
Have you been watching the WWE bios or Lost Treasures shows on A&E? I love hearing the behind the scenes stories. I’m also getting into Dark Side of the Ring on Vice – never knew Dynamite Kid was so awful to people and it was wild to hear Jacques Rougeau delight in his revenge by knocking his teeth out. No, but I’ve been watching all the A&E documentaries. I’ve seen Macho Man, Shawn Michaels, Foley, Booker T, and Austin’s. They’re great.
Any thoughts on Celebrity Dating Game? I watched Hannah Brown’s part last week. Besides it being completely scripted, not the least bit authentic, unfunny, and a waste of 30 minutes – I’d say what a brilliant show. Will never watch that garbage again. So stupid.
Do you ever interact with Twitter comments on your posts or would that be too much like writing additional columns for a much smaller audience?
Comment: It’s very rare. I’d say less than 1% of mentions I appear in on Twitter I engage with. You can just see by how few replies I do. I just don’t see the point in it. Because most Twitter reaction is negative. And you’re never going to win battling a troll on Twitter even if every point you make is right. Trolls aren’t interested in being right. They’re in for it annoyance and longevity. Not worth it.
First of all, – I kept on trying to figure out who Thomas reminded me of – and it’s Tahj Mowry (seriously, google him) an actor who was on Full House, and a lot of Disney stuff. He (Thomas, not Tahj) has this weird manic look all the time. It’s unsettling.
My question is, – do you think people are missing Harrison? Personally, I don’t – I actually prefer having Kaitlyn and Tayshia there – they can at least give some real insight to Katie..(ie – don’t let production screw with you, – that guy DOES seem like a douche canoe…) All Chris seemed to do was tilt his head and nod with “empathy” – not having that shouldn’t leave a gaping hole in the show…
I’m actually enjoying this season a lot more than Matt’s and the gong show of Clare/Tayshia split season. Looking forward to your final spoilers!
Comment: Look forward no more!
I think this season and only being three episodes in, sure, people are missing him because he’s what they’re used to. The more the seasons go along and once/if they decide on a permanent host, I think it’ll be less and less every season.
Hi Steve,
Long time reader, first time emailer, blah blah…
Was listening to the Bachelor Happy Hour podcast this morning and a thought crossed my mind–whether Becca pre-recorded some of these podcast episodes or they are giving her a few hours to step away and do so from Mexico, she has far more knowledge of the men from Katie’s season than anyone else on the beach in Paradise. Just a quick glance, since the start of June she and Tayshia recapped night one with Heather McDonald, last week they had Katie on to talk about her first two episodes, and today they have Michael A (who I’m guessing is not in Paradise, but still). Unless they are giving her super edited screeners or just a “Cliff’s Notes” version of each episode as prep for each interview, she’s seen a lot of Karl, Connor B, Thomas, etc…for the record, today they ONLY talked to Michael about his part of last night’s episode and his life beyond the show instead of doing a full recap, so depending on how long she’s been in Mexico, perhaps this is a moot point.
Assuming it will not be addressed in any way, shape, or form, but wondering how it influences who she may couple up with, as well as if she quietly slips any information to her closest confidants since they would not have seen how the men have been portrayed. Addressed in previous emails but didn’t want to delete all this.
Anyways. On a non-Bachelor Nation note, any thoughts on the MLB’s crackdown on sticky substances? My team was playing last night during the Bachelorette episode, so my Twitter feed was an interesting mix trying to keep up with both at the same time!
Comment: It’s ridiculous. Not that pitchers shouldn’t be cheating, but that MLB instills a rule midseason that umpires can check during an inning. Go look what happened with Scherzer and the Phillies last night and tell me if you think this is gonna be good for the game. Terrible. Should’ve waited until the end of the season.
Hey Steve,
In regards to people questioning how Michael’s ready to date “only” 2 years after losing his wife Laura seems very hypocritical. Based on what he said, it sounds like her cancer was aggressive and none of us know what conversations they had together regarding him moving forward and finding love again. Unless someone has ever been in the position he has been in how can we judge him? We can’t. Absolutely agree.
But I do have to laugh a little bit at the end of their 1 on 1 with the shooting star. What are the odds that was edited in?
Comment: Honestly I didn’t watch the ending credits scene. Can’t add anything there.
Hi Steve,
Thanks for all that you do! Have loved reading over the past few years.
According to the article below, Connor Saeli was interested in “someone who may or may not be going to paradise” but he found out this person was also talking to someone else at the same time.
BIP Season 7 – Everything We Know
Do you have any guesses as to who this might be? My first instinct was Madi/ Noah, but maybe that theory is not true, as Madi/ Connor recently did a YouTube for her channel and you have reported that Noah and Abigail are a new couple on BIP. I know Connor has expressed interest in Madi in the past as well.
Comment: Yes, I’ve heard who it may have been, and if it IS that person, they never ended up on Paradise, so it becomes a moot point.
Hi Steve,
Thanks for using your large platform to speak out against sexual violence. I highly recommend people watch the recent movie “Promising Young Woman.” The movie is fictional but highlights how important consent is and calls out how rape culture is a big part of our society, in a way I haven’t seen before in film or TV shows.
The film is AMAZING and was nominated for a bunch of awards this year. Carey Mulligan stars and absolutely kills it (Fun fact: She also happens to be married to the musician Marcus Mumford). I think the movie is on different streaming platforms now (maybe for a small cost) but worth it!
Comment: Thanks for the recommendation. Will have to check it out.
Hey Steve,
I hope this makes it in for tomorrow! A couple of questions/thoughts for you after watching last night’s episode. Obviously it tackled a lot of heavy issues. But, a few things came to mind as I was watching. Sorry in advanced for the long email, it’s my first time writing in!
-Had you already heard any of these stories that the guys told, but perhaps from the other side involved? You mention that every season you hear stuff about contestants that does not portray them in the best light. Given that many of the stories referenced or alluded to cheating or being a bad partner, I’m curious if any of the stuff that was sent to you dealt with the guys who shared stories last night. And if last night changed your opinion of them. For example, someone could’ve sent you a story about Connor cheating on his ex and how horrible of a person he was for doing that. But, I doubt they would’ve given you any of the context he gave last night. I’m in no way excusing cheating, but it continues to make me realize the importance of both (or in some cases, a few) sides to every story. So thanks for taking the time to be more careful about what you decide to publish going forward. Yes.
-I thought it was incredibly brave for Katie to share her story. That could not have been easy and hopefully that can quiet some of her haters saying that she’s too sex positive. Do you know how her story was handled to the rest of the house? Obviously not all the guys were on the date to hear that. But I can’t imagine she had the opportunity (or even wanted) to tell everyone else. Also, with half the guys knowing, it doesn’t sit well with me that they could’ve told the rest of the house after the date, when it’s not their story to share.
Comment: I don’t know what the rest of the guys who weren’t on the date know, but I can’t imagine the guys who were on the date didn’t share that with them at some point. I gotta believe they all know.
Hey Steve,
Love your posts and can’t wait to hear who Katie’s final guy is. I read Rachel’s article and was shocked, although sadly not surprised by what I read.
Now that this article is out and will most likely be widely read do you think that the powers that be will actually make some constructed and long overdue changes to the franchise? It seems they’re trying. At least taking some small steps. But they have so much that needs to change behind the scenes, and unfortunately us as viewers, will never really know if they ever do.
I’ve felt that the narrative has become more and more aimed at a white, Christian audience. I don’t really care about the religious views of the cast members and was rolling my eyes when Matt asked the women to take a moment and pray with him. Do the PTB not realize that this is 2021 and their audience is not made up of only white, Christian women from the south?
Comment: No. I don’t think they do. Hence the reason they have major changes they need to make.
Hi Steve,
Three things.
1. I’ve been a reader for years and as a therapist and a sexual assault survivor, I appreciate your column. It’s always been a source of entertainment for me and I’ve noticed your changes over the years and I really appreciate your growth and willingness to change. Thank you.
2. I like sports and pop culture so I’ve enjoyed your podcasts with recent guests outside of reality TV. I like those as well. Expect more to come. Really interested in talking to comedians, whether they watch this show or not. I know I’ve got one coming on towards the end of July. They were out of town the next couple weeks then back on the road beginning of July.
3. When Thomas told the men that he has told Katie he’s falling in love with her, someone audibly LOL’d. I know it’s only the 3rd episode but it’s my favorite moment. I was surprised it was left in.
Thanks for spoiling!
Comment: I missed that. But I did see the TikTok someone captured for when Thomas entered the room at the end of the episode about to get grilled by the guys and one them, like, sang a little song. Was it Connor C.? Pretty funny.
Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.