-The first thing about this episode I wanted to point out was the promo in the beginning that showed clips from what was upcoming. The biggest thing being that they made you think Hunter was the guy who caused the injury on the group date. Hell, that was the set up at the end of last week’s episode, which was, make it look like Hunter was the one who maybe put someone in an ambulance. As we know, that didn’t happen. I think this show is falling into a rut of showing an ambulance basically every season, and rarely ever does someone get taken away in it. Michael A. didn’t last night. And no, it wasn’t Hunter that tackled him and it never could’ve been since they were on the same team – the black team. Justin was the guy that ended up tackling Michael as they addressed on social media last night and everything was fine. Just goes to show how much editing can drive a narrative that wasn’t even there.
-We see Katie and Kaitlyn on a walk talking about how Nick joined Kaitlyn’s season after they were 4 episodes in and what she felt about that. Kaitlyn basically told her, “Yeah, every guy’s gonna hate it.” They mostly did on her season, and judging by last night, none of Katie’s guys are fans of it either. It’s not something you necessarily expect when you sign up for this show, however, you can’t be mad or bothered when it does happen. It’s pointless to be because it’ll only set you back. If she was meant to be with you, then she’d be with you. And can we stop it with the “They should’ve just met on Paradise.” How is Blake supposed to meet Katie on Paradise if she’s the “Bachelorette?” How are people continuing to say that. Would they have met on Paradise if Katie wasn’t the “Bachelorette?” Yeah, probably. But she is, so what’s the point in continuing to harp on that. You’re asking for something that can’t be changed and couldn’t be changed the second Katie was made official.
-All the guys are gathered in a room and Tayshia breaks the news to them that, hey, the guy the guy Katie REALLY wants is here, she’s letting him on the show and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it and you’ll meet him shortly. Blake walks in and he’s treated like a leper. No guy talks to him, most can’t even look at him, it’s dead silent – so OF COURSE you knew he’d get the first 1-on-1 date of the episode to make things all that more awkward. Damn. That was a gut punch. Even Nick didn’t immediately get a 1-on-1 date when he joined Kaitlyn’s season. He joined in New York, then they went to San Antonio next and Shawn and Ben Higgins got the 1-on-1’s there. I understand this was done for the most dramatic effect, but he didn’t HAVE to get the first 1-on-1 four seconds after walking in the door.
-Blake and Katie went horseback riding and made out in the hay. The last time two people on screen went at it on the hay, Andie was making out with Blaine in his parents stable in “Pretty in Pink.” And then Blaine ghosted her after that because she was poor and wore clothes from TJ Maxx. Or whatever the equivalent was in the 80’s. And then Blaine gave into peer pressure because Steff his best friend, who’d already been rejected by Andie numerous times, told him to stop dating her or he’d lose him as a friend. A lot of superficiality in this movie I’d say. So Blaine asked her to prom but then backed out of it and she physically assaults him at the locker calling him a “filthy fucking liar” and runs off crying. Fast forward to prom, Andie arrives to see Duckie there waiting for her, but Andie wouldn’t let Duckie touch her with a 10 foot pole, Blaine apologizes, Duckie tells her to go after him, and they make out in the parking lot in one of the most awkward make outs you’ll ever see. It was equivalent to the way Connor grabs Katie’s head. The end. There’s “Pretty in Pink” for ya’. Sorry if I spoiled it. You’re 35 years behind. And oh yeah, that movie is where my podcast music comes from. “Positively Lost Me” by the Rave Ups. Where was I?
-Oh yeah, Katie and Blake. Ummmm, they like each other. And make out in the hay. Then at dinner she shares with him the story of her sexual assault 10 years ago at a New Years Eve party. Blake gets it, he empathizes with her (or is it sympathize? I always mix those two up and I’m too lazy to Google it right now), they make out some more, and it’s clear these two are into each other and if sex could’ve happened that night it would’ve. In case you didn’t know, Katie is sex positive. And Blake made a clay penis on a group date last season, sooooooo, yeah, I guess that means these two need to make babies soon. It’s going to be a crazy, weird ending. Katie even alluded to that talking to Nick saying it wasn’t a traditional ending, but in the end, all roads will lead to Blake. African wildlife safari’s are in their future.