-Andrew’s 1-on-1 is next and, once again, the struggle to come up with dates in a one location shoot rears its ugly head again. The two of them just go out into the woods with lanterns, there’s a string of lights set up on trees that Katie plugs in and, voila! That’s their date. The lights have cards where they ask things to get to know the other one better – you know all stuff they could’ve just asked each other during the course of conversation. We got to see Andrew dance moves, which weren’t much. Probably doesn’t have a TikTok account I’m guessing. He had to make an animal sound which sounded someone darted a dog or a wolf. Then he said he’d rather tell the truth even if it meant hurting someone than lie and spare their feelings. Just hope Katie feels the same when, ultimately, she doesn’t choose him.
-Over dinner, a serious conversation is had when Andrew tells her about an experience with an ex-girlfriend, one he was close to proposing to, who expressed concern about having mixed children. Really? That’s brutal. It’s not like Andrew sprung on her he was black halfway through the relationship. I don’t know who this ex is but that seems really short sighted and pretty racist. I know he didn’t want to call her that, but, I don’t know how else to look at someone who admits to their black boyfriend they were concerned about having mixed kids. If that was a concern, then you’d never get heavily involved with a black man. Is it overtly, in-your-face racist? No. But at worst it’s subtle racism. How could it not be? Worried about being in a store and someone asking if that’s your child? THAT’S what concerned her? Bit of advice Andrew. Thank the heavens you’re no longer with her. You don’t need someone with that mindset having your child anyway. She gives Andrew the rose in the hot tub, post-dinner. I still only get friend vibes out of these two.
-It’s cocktail party time meaning we have to build up the Hunter storyline and make sure to highlight only a few of the men. Justin is up first and knowing that he lasts long, probably time to actually start featuring more than his facial reactions to everything. He breaks out a little game for Katie and for the life of game, I didn’t understand this game in the least bit. There were two answers to give: accept or no. Or something like that. Seems like this would be a simple straightforward game. It wasn’t. He says he prefers a chill night in. Katie accepted. Ok, we’re rolling here. Then he says would you rather not have music for a year or not have sex. Well that’s not an “accept” or “no” question, and even Katie is all screwed up. We all know Katie ain’t going a year without sex, remember she’s sex positive, but the way the question was framed and only having two choices of answers, yeah, this was too confusing for a stupid game that never should’ve been invented in the first place. Stick to making overexaggerated faces at rose ceremonies, Justin.
-Even though Hunter has a rose, he gets alone time with Katie to go look at telescope and has a blanket set up for them to sit on. From a distance, James and Aaron both watch and get pissed off because, whaddya’ know, someone who has a rose is stealing time with Katie. I’m done. I can’t with this storyline every season anymore. It’s so ridiculous. It makes this “oh no, this show is real” BS that certain contestants spew a load of garbage. If the show was interested in actually giving the men a fair shot at Katie, then every after party and cocktail party, every guy would get time with her and no one would get interrupted. But that’s not how this goes. They purposely don’t let guys (and women on the “Bachelor”) not get time with the lead so they can create drama. Tre didn’t get any time with Katie. James had to butt in on Hunter’s time which, we know, is egged on by producers. They tell you when it’s your turn to talk, not the other way around. It’s a trope this show uses season in and season out and there’s no point ever talking about it anymore. It’s going to happen, deal with it, and if you don’t like it, don’t go on the show.
-Rose ceremony time. Blake, Hunter, and Andrew S. are safe with roses. Katie: “Thank you all for an amazing week…relationships really growing…taking this seriously…follow my gut in decisions going forward…appreciate each and every one of you…oh hell, who am I kidding? It’s really only some of you. The others I barely know your name.”
Greg: When does he wear his Members Only jacket and bully a kid at the lunch tables, only to have that kid end up getting over on him in the end?
Aaron: Is he always angry? Like, when he eats his cereal in the morning is he already at peak pissed off level, or, it takes him a while to build to that during the day?
Michael A.: I don’t think Michael was ever picked first in sports when he was in school based on that group date performance.
Connor: Rumor has it if he has a buttoned up shirt, we get 6 more weeks of winter.
James: He’s giving the Rock’s fanny pack/turtle neck/necklace look a run for his money.
Justin: Lets never play another game with Katie ever.
Mike P: He’s been a ghost the last 2 episodes.
Brendan: Who? Has anyone gone 5 consecutive episodes without an ITM? I can’t remember one he’s done.
Tayshia: “Guys, Katie. This is the final rose tonight. When you’re ready. I’m back on track. No deviating from the script. Can’t add in own words. Must memorize exactly what they tell me.”
Tre: I don’t think he’s long for this show.
This ends our journey for Quartney, Andrew M., and Josh. And if any of you remember a single thing that Andrew M. and Josh did or said this season, you are a better person than me. Quartney had a few lines here and there. The other two? Uhhhhhhh, I don’t even know if their own family members could identify them this season.
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