Crisis averted. For those that read my intro yesterday, you know that right after I woke up, I shut off my phone so I could restart it, and it basically got locked on the Apple logo. Couldn’t figure it out, so headed to the Apple store which is about 20 min from me. Since I didn’t make an appointment, I was a walk up. Got there at 10am and they told me walk up wait was between 2 and 2 ½ hrs. So I put my name in, grabbed a quick bite, drove home, stayed here about 30 minutes, then drove back. Guy helped me, hooked me up to his laptop, uploaded the software onto my phone, and nothing was lost. I had the latest IOS update, so I don’t know why my phone did what it did, but hey, it works now and I didn’t lose anything. Yes, I have everything backed up, but still. I walked out of the store and didn’t have to do anything to my phone once it was fixed. Took about 20 minutes total once I was there. Those Genius Bar people really are geniuses. Maybe some of you have had bad experiences at the Apple Store, but I swear, every time I’ve had to go there for something in the past (I wanna say this was maybe my 3rd or 4th time in probably 12 years), they always fix whatever issue I have and are always helpful in the process. So yes, I’m happy. No problems there. However, let me tell you about my drivers license ordeal I’m dealing with…
Ok fine, I’ll tell that story another time since I know you want to hear the Greg stuff. So in Katie’s podcast appearance with Nick, in the last half of it she made a comment about there’s a bigger villain than Thomas this season. Since I heard that I’ve told you I believe she was talking about Greg, but I didn’t know exactly what he said or did. Now I do for the most part. Not to mention, no other guy made the least bit of sense of who she could’ve been talking about except Greg. There’s 7 guys left. You really think Brendan or Mike P was it? No. Michael A. is getting the Bachelor edit, so we know it’s not him. So that leaves the final four. There just wasn’t anything that pointed to Andrew or Justin all the sudden becoming a villain, and she’s with Blake. So, it only made sense she was referring to Greg. Now, it’s impossible to get specifics on something like this because I wasn’t there and didn’t hear it first hand. We’ve seen in the season promos clearly there’s footage of Greg very upset, running from the cameras, along with Katie as well so flustered she’s telling someone to book her flight home. So to the best of my ability, here’s what I can tell you what happened:
During an off day on overnight dates, Greg goes to Katie’s room to talk to her. Again, hard to know specifics or words/phrases uses, but it basically centered around the fact that Greg felt he got some sort of assurance from Katie he was the one, or felt he’d be picked, yet he couldn’t understand why she was still involved with other men – something the editing has alluded to all season which is that that Greg is having a hard time with the process. Well, it finally hits a boiling point during overnights where he goes to her room to speak to her about it.
Everything I’m hearing is that Greg’s exit from the show will not be pretty. It’s a meltdown apparently. When Brendan eliminated himself towards the end of Tayshia’s season, he politely told Tayshia how he was feeling, felt he wasn’t ready, and while it was a tough conversation to have, it was cordial. Greg and Katie’s conversation is the opposite. This is basically a fight that they have. A fight that kinda goes back and forth. He talks to her, leaves, then she goes to talk to him, then one storms off, and it just keeps going. I’ve been told the two of them kept going back and forth at each other “for hours.”
The #1 question I’ve been asked all season is, “What happens with Greg?” Well, there’s your answer. They have a blowout fight during the overnight dates which essentially causes him to leave the show and it upsets Katie a lot. Maybe she really was set to pick him but saw this side and realized better. But nothing about this fight is going to look good for Greg from everything I’ve been told. I do not know if some ultimatum was made, and I hate to pin the Luke P. label on him as well since I don’t know exactly what was said. All I know is the fight happens during a day off between overnight dates, Greg is having a real hard time understanding why she’d want to be with anyone else, and it escalates from there. So much so I’ve been told “it’s the worst fight we’ve ever seen on this show.” Clearly that’s an opinion, and everyone will be able to determine for themselves when it plays out of where they place it on the level of fights we’ve seen on this show, but it’s not good. Both were crying, both were raising their voices, and it’s a giant shit show. Hell, I don’t care if Katie did tell him she was gonna pick him and gave him every assurance in the world. It’s not gonna justify him reacting like this. And lets face it, for 6 episodes, the guy has gotten a squeakly clean edit and all Katie does is show us how into him she is. So yeah, they edited it this way on purpose to “surprise” you for what’s ahead – basically a 180 from the Greg we’ve seen up to this point.
So that’s “what happens” with Greg and what causes him to ultimately leave the show at that point. Should make for a hell of an After the Final Rose I tell ya’. That’s what I know in terms of the Greg aspect of it. What happens after that, or how we get to a Blake proposal in the end after that, we’ll just have to see play out. So it’s definitely not a traditional ending as Katie says, and once Greg leaves after this blowup, I’m sure there’s some weirdness on how Katie continues on because clearly she was into him and I’m sure she wasn’t expecting this blowout to happen. Stay tuned. Should be good.
In lighter news, the first promo for FBoy Island on HBO Max dropped on Monday of this week. It starts July 29th and it’s hosted by Nikki Glaser. I’m definitely tuning in to this debacle:
“Reader Emails” begins on Page 2…