As usual per my Tuesday column, get your “Reader Emails” in for tomorrow. Pretty low right now. Also, spots are opening up for my Annual Fan Appreciation Party in Vegas, Aug. 27th at the Rio Hotel and Casino. All I ask is that you’re vaccinated and show proof in an email to me. Party starts at 8:00pm on the 27th and it’s first come, first serve to whoever emails me to get on the confirmation list. That’s all you need to do to get on. Just email me, tell me everyone’s name in your party, prove vaccination, and you’re on the list. It’s always been a great time. Last year had to cancel because, well, COVID hit and I didn’t know Vegas was going to reopen the weekend I was set to have my party. There will be an open beer and wine bar all night, appetizers, and we will be doing a raffle for prizes & money. So email me at if you’re interested in coming. If you’re local to Vegas, obviously you’re welcome as well, I just ask that you don’t flake once you’re on the list. Look forward to seeing everyone there.
So in case you didn’t read yesterday’s post, a few things were covered in it:
-Mentioned that Andrew finished 5th, and Michael A. finished 4th. But next week, Michael A. eliminates himself and never has a hometown date. That’ll happen once the episode begins, and then it’ll transition into the “Men Tell All.”
-“Men Tell All” taped this past Thursday in front of an audience. Kaitlyn and Tayshia hosted. I believe there was about 12 guys there total. Michael A. and Andrew were both there since they’d just been eliminated. Justin, Greg, and Blake obviously weren’t. I hope to have some info on the MTA this week some time.
-Michelle’s season will begin filming at the end of next week. I broke the news Sunday on their location:
(“BACHELORETTE” MICHELLE FILMING UPDATE): When filming begins next week, filming will be at the Renaissance Esmeralda Resort & Spa in Indian Wells, CA. From there filming will move to Minnesota as originally reported.
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) July 18, 2021
I wouldn’t worry too much about the “but it’s 110 degrees there.” The whole season is not filming there like Clare/Tayshia’s. They’ll maybe be there two weeks tops. They are headed to Minnesota from there and staying at the Marquette Hotel. I don’t know what any of the dates are there yet, except I heard the Semple Mansion will be a location for something – date/cocktail party/rose ceremony – I don’t know. Just that that location has been secured.
-Guys start flying to Palm Springs beginning of next week and will quarantine for a few days. So that means we’ll get the potential cast released probably next Wednesday or Thursday. I’ve got 4 guys right now I believe, but once the full cast is released, as has been the case since they started doing this, I’ll have their full names and IG accounts of everyone by the end of the day they’re released.
-Filming for Michelle’s season is set to end on or around Sept. 10th. They are only booked at the Marquette in MN from Aug. 5th-29th, so it looks like they’re definitely headed somewhere else for overnights and/or final rose ceremony. And from what I’m told, they plan on bringing back regular hometown dates this season, where Michelle will go to her final 4’s home.
-Kaitlyn and Tayshia are set to host Michelle’s season. But everything I’m hearing has been that they are looking for a permanent host to start once the “Bachelor begins filming at the beginning of October. I do not know who is on their short list to host.
On a normal season, there are 11 episodes. The 8th is always hometowns, the 9th is overnights, 10th is the Tell All, and 11th is final rose ceremony followed by an ATFR. With Michael leaving at the beginning of next week’s episode and them going right into MTA from there, there’s only 10 episodes this season. Next week is the 8th, the 9th will be “overnights” (Aug. 2nd), and then finale and ATFR on Aug. 9th. But because of the fight with Greg and his wonky exit, I have a feeling there will be a cliffhanger from the Aug. 2nd episode into the 9th. Probably will be the shot of Katie wanting to leave the show. They love doing that.
All I know is the Greg fight. I don’t know at what point at overnights it happens, I don’t know the order of the overnights, or what else plays out. All I know is Greg basically eliminates himself after the blowup with Katie that went on for hours. I have no idea what they’re going to show. I’m sure we’ll see a lot of it, but how they show it, and who they choose to focus on and where their edit is biased towards will be interesting. So the Aug. 2nd episode will begin with the final 3 guys – Justin, Blake, and Greg – and then the Greg fight will at least start on that episode, and by the end of it on Aug. 9th’s finale, Katie will be engaged to Blake. That’s all I got as of now.
Recap begins on Page 2…