-Jessenia got a date card and took Ivan on a date where she talked about the racist comments she received from Toxic Bachelor Nation after Matt’s season. It was a good talk that maybe a lot of fans didn’t even know about so, in that aspect, I’m glad it was brought up and now some watching last night maybe realize what she went through. The question now is will it have an effect on Toxic Bachelor Nation moving forward. Unfortunately, that answer is no. We’ve seen this time and time again. All you have to do is read mentions on tweets or look at comments on people’s IG accounts to know that it’s not going away anytime soon. It’s just the way this fan base is now. Everything is extreme, everything is black and white to them, and anytime a BIPOC contestant is involved in any drama whatsoever, trolls come out and full force with the racist blasts. It’s wrong but it’s reality for this show. She shouldn’t have had to deal with that, yet, she won’t be the first BIPOC contestant to deal with it and won’t be the last. And to be honest, I don’t even remember anything Jessenia did on Matt’s season that even warranted that type of response.
-Maurissa and Connor have a talk about their “relationship” and she needs more reassurance from him that he’s into her. Another storyline that’s being set up now for what’s to come, since we all know where Maurissa is headed with Riley this season. Connor is not long for this show and, well, I’m pretty sure he’s moved on post-show based on everything I’ve heard and seen. So it’s really tough to invest any time whatsoever into a Connor/Maurissa thing when it has a shelf life of maybe 1 more episode.
-Oh yeah, back to Victoria and James for a minute. It’s bad enough that the edit she was getting pretty much made it seem like she knew she was caught and that’s why she bolted. But what was with this whole idea that she couldn’t remember the guy’s name? Was that supposed to be funny? Because honestly it made her look even worse. As far as we saw, it was the only guy she was interested in down there, and continually forgetting name, or at least pretending to, was yet another instance of Victoria just coming across as there to play the game and not remotely interested in anyone. It’s hard to remember James’ name? Am I missing something here?
-Before the Victoria drama, I applaud Tammy for handling her situation with Aaron well. Serena C moved in on Aaron to make out with him, Tammy saw it, and rather than flying off the handle which so many contestants seem to do (especially after only 2 days there), Tammy took the approach of “Whatever, I’m not worried about Serena.” What? Logic? Is that even allowed on this show? It just goes to show that just because you may “claim” someone, or be “coupled” with them, they’re allowed to go do other things. And usually what we see are others losing their shit, not understanding why people are open to seeing other people on the show, and having complete meltdowns. Tammy took it in stride, figured what she had with Aaron was solid, and wasn’t the least bit worried about what Serena and Aaron were doing. Tammy and Tahz so far, for me, are the MVPs of the first two episodes.
-Rose ceremony time. 10 guys have roses, 14 women. Well, now 13 since Victoria P. left. Going into this, it was clear as day who 8 of the guys were giving roses to, and 9 if you really didn’t consider Aaron was gonna switch to Serena. So basically, only James’ rose was the one in question, and even that was quite obvious.
Ivan to Jessenia
Noah to Abigail
Joe to Serena
Connor to Maurissa
Tre to Tahzjuan
Karl to Deandra
Brendan to Natasha
Aaron to Tammy
Kenny to Mari
James to Demi
So in my overview spoilers, I had originally thought that Becca Kufrin arrived before the first rose ceremony. Clearly that didn’t happen, so that threw everything off a week. She arrives tonight I believe. Or at least before rose ceremony #2 when the women are giving out roses. All I know is that Becca gives her rose to Aaron next rose ceremony, and Tammy gives hers to Thomas once he comes in. Then in rose ceremony #3 when the guys are giving out roses, that’s when Thomas flips on Tammy and gives his rose to Becca, sending Tammy home.
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