Well, it was a successful weekend in Vegas I’d say. I’ve had better weekends at the tables, and I’ve had worse weekends for sure. I’m not talking about that. What I am talking about was what I told you guys a week ago that I was hell bent on doing, and that was trying to be the first customer at the new Olive Garden on the Vegas strip that opened yesterday. Well, in case you weren’t following along on my social media yesterday, I documented the whole thing. It’s on my Twitter, IG stories, and my IGTV. They opened at 11am. I got there right at 10 and, well, no one was there. I didn’t think there’d be a line around the corner, but yeah, no line whatsoever. I could’ve arrived at 11am and still been the first customer since I was the only there til about 11:20 or so when a party of 3 showed up. Still, they couldn’t have been nicer, they were excited I waited an hour for it to open, the manager wanted to take a picture with me, and they gave me a t-shirt for being their first customer. One of the greatest achievements of my life, which pretty much tells you all you need to know. I’m just glad I set out to do something and did it. I assumed I’d be the first getting there an hour early but didn’t know for sure until I got there. The people watching on the strip sure was interesting. I rarely ever walk on the strip. Too hot. So to watch the cascade of characters at 10am on a Monday walking by, well, it definitely kept me entertained.
Get your “Reader Emails” in for tomorrow’s column as we’re low right now. Haven’t gotten around to setting any of those up either so I’ve got some work to catch up on today. I’m sure you have some thoughts on last night, and if enough people have questions on it, maybe I will go back and watch the episode just so I get more of an understanding of how things played out. I just have the gist of it watching Blake’s IG stories. We’ll see. But get your emails in today for tomorrow’s column regardless. I believe I have less than 10 right now. Need another 10-15 more.
By having to change my flight to 3pm yesterday to accommodate my Olive Garden visit, it means I didn’t land til close to 8pm last night and made it home as BIP ended. I was too tired to watch it last night, and honestly, don’t think I’ll get around to it today either. I watched Blake Horstmann’s recap on his IG live so I kinda feel like I saw what I needed to see anyway, then I read US Weekly’s recap as well. So I’m aware of all the storylines that happened heading into tonight. So there’s nothing to really recap today from last night since I didn’t see it, but I do have a note that I know a lot of people will be interested in. Becca arrives tonight, and if you read the spoilers, you know her and Thomas begin to have a thing and Thomas gives her his rose during rose ceremony #3, choosing her over Tammy. Becca and Thomas break up before the finale and leave the show separately. There’s been rumors floating around given the amount of DM’s and emails I’ve gotten on it, and yes, those rumors are true:
Becca and Thomas have gotten back together post filming and are dating.
Here come all the 180 turns on how people feel about Thomas. Pretty funny. If Thomas were to have paired up with, I don’t know, Victoria L., people would still hate him. All it takes is to be seen, hang out with, or date someone loved by the franchise and, voila!, public opinion changes on you at the snap of a finger. I never thought what Thomas said about the Bachelor gig during Katie’s season was that big of deal. All guys think that. He was just dumb enough to verbalize it. I was always just a little skeptical of how he said things, how quickly he claimed to be in love with Katie, almost every guy in the house having an issue with the guy, and then on BIP Thomas admitting that he did things which I don’t think we ever knew about when he apologized for specifics to Tre and Aaron. Is he a monster? No. But I don’t think he handled situations well at all on this show. But now that he’s with Becca? “You know, I really like that Thomas guy!” You could’ve seen this one coming a mile away.
Tomorrow I’ll have more of a recap of the episode and go over some other things happening in Bachelor Nation. Just wanted to get the official Becca/Thomas relationship status out there before she shows up tonight. Enjoy tonight…
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.