“Bachelor in Paradise” filming from June 6th or so until June 28th I believe. On June 30th, I gave you all your spoilers for who got engaged, who broke up, and what most of the major storylines were. Not all, but most. And the spoilers all ended up being right. 3 months ago. It’s October 6th now. But this is how crazy the evolution of spoilers have become. After June 30th, I believe within a couple weeks I posted pics of Joe & Serena together, and told you I had a pic of Kenny & Mari together post show but couldn’t post that one. Yet look at yesterday’s “Reader Emails” and people were still asking are the couples still together? Same thing goes for “Bachelor” and “Bachelorette.” Even after giving the spoiler to the season, it’s still not good enough for people because it can change by the time finale airs. Like Arie’s season did and I was on it from the moment the change started happening from Becca to Lauren. But it’s crazy to me that it’s not even good enough anymore to give you the spoilers of what happens on the finale.
If I’m not updating people on what’s STILL happening with the couples, it’s like I’ve given them nothing. “Well, it’s been a while. Are they still together?” It’s like spoilers are never ending. Ahhhhhhh, I guess the good ol’ days are gone. If there’s a change in the spoiler, and I know about it, I will post it. Have done it in the past. But these engagements were never changing. Because Joe and Serena weren’t following each other on IG meant nothing. I will say it until I’m blue in the face. Social media activity is not always 100% indicative of anything. Sometimes it gives stuff away? But most of the time, it’s just assumptions. (Chris Gallant in Michelle’s final 4 because of no social media activity? Bahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Dude barely lasts on the show. I think he’s gone by episode 2).
As for the BIP format, I know it’s been the same for all 7 seasons, but I’ll continue to say it for the 7th season in a row. The format is utterly ridiculous. Yes, I know it’s produced marriages and even babies. Those people are the exceptions, not the norm. But all you need to do is look at last night’s episode to realize how utterly ridiculous it is. Anna and James and Ed and Mykenna literally met two days before they’re supposed to make a decision of stay together or break up. Yes, sometimes they’ve allowed a couple to leave the show just to date, but it’s rare. They want an engagement or a break up for the most part. It’s why Noah & Abigail and Becca and Thomas broke up on the show, then immediately got back together once filming was over. They weren’t gonna give producers what they want and get engaged for the sake of getting engaged. But instead of having them leave as a couple, they needed some drama and some tears, so they have them break up. Knowing both couples have been together literally since days after filming ended, do you really think Noah and Becca wanted to end it the way they did? Of course not. They also weren’t going to get engaged on the show, so, you do a break up so the audience gets all weepy. It was tough watching that last night knowing it was pretty much a joke. I’ll just say this, if all 4 people in those couples knew exactly what was going on and knew they’d be dating seconds after they got off the show, I can’t say I’d be surprised. Nor should anyone else.
Since it’s been 2 years that BIP was on, I forgot the finale format. And boy, that was a lot. The one thing I’ve always found humorous is on that last day, they split up the guys and the women, then one by one, they send a guy over to the women to pull her aside and tell her his decision. It’s like final casting on “American Ido” where they have like the final 48 sitting in a room and Seacrest comes in and tells which contestant who’s next, and each one does the long, slow walk towards the judges to find out their fate. Yeah, kinda like that but on a beach. And no Seacrest. And no singing involved. And no judges. Other than that, EXACTLY the same ha ha.
I was absolutely fine with a 3 minute recap on the couples with captions rather than an hour reunion show. We just watched the last 90 minutes of the show with the only 3 couples remaining that frankly just dragged. All a reunion show would’ve done is literally drag it out even more. As mentioned earlier, this show ended filming around June 28th. If they would’ve filmed a reunion, it would’ve been 3 months later. We already complain every season how the Tell All shows seem to be a waste because it’s so much later and these people are over their beefs and it’s all just a Paradise audition. I don’t expect the Tell All to disappear for Bachelor/ette. And maybe the only reason they didn’t film one for BIP was because they’d already started Clayton’s season and next season they’ll go back to it. I’m just saying, that 3 minute recap, along with how big social media has become with these couples all taking to social media last night showing videos of them watching the finale together, you really don’t NEED a reunion show. But hey, maybe that’s just me.
Well, another season is in the books, and now we get a week off before Michelle’s season starts airing Tuesday, October 19th and we’re back at it again. Remember, with the show on Tuesdays, “Reader Emails” will be on Tuesdays during the rest of the calendar year, with recaps on Wednesdays, and podcasts on Thursdays. Thanks for another successful season. You guys have been there all season and I really appreciate it. Signing off until…next week. By the time Clayton’s season ends, it will be basically 9 consecutive months of activity, with only next week, and then the last week of December as the only 2 weeks off with no Bachelor programming. That’s insane. But such is life. Talk to you next week.
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.