I’ll be honest. I had no idea the “Men Tell All” was airing last night until about 2:00 yesterday afternoon. I’d seen all the promos all weekend, but I guess I never paid attention to the very end where it said what day it was airing. This is the first episode of the season that’s aired on a Monday, and actually, I’m fine with it since the Tell All is pretty much a BS episode anyway. A bunch of rehashed arguments from 3 months ago where you know most of these guys really aren’t that bothered by it anymore. Do I think that Martin annoys Olu and they’ll probably never hang out and be friends? Sure. But in terms of drama this season, there really was very little. Peter and Jamie was the first 2 episodes. Then Martin took over for a few. Then Chris S. had his 2 episodes under the microscope. And even those guys, when you look back on what they did, it wasn’t nearly the level of villainy we’ve seen from past contestants. Not even close really. But hey, that’s what the Tell All episodes have become, and I think everyone and their mothers would agree this should be a 1 hour show that’s tacked on to the end of a regular episode. There’s no need to drag this out for 2 hours. But they will on pretty much every season. In case you didn’t know, the final 2 weeks are back to Tuesdays. Fantasy Suite dates next Tuesday the 14th, and then the finale and ATFR the following Tuesday the 21st.
So since this was the only Monday episode of the season, that means that tomorrow will be “Reader Emails.” Get your emails in as right now it’s still a little light. Next two weeks we are back to “Reader Emails” being on Tuesday, I’ll take the last week of December off (outside of a podcast), then back at it for first week of January on a normal schedule – recaps on Tuesdays, “Reader Emails” on Wednesdays, and podcast on Thursdays. Speaking of podcasts, this week we have Nicci and Danny from “12 Dates of Christmas.” Yes, they are still together and going great. Will be really great hearing from them especially after hearing Brooke’s interview last week. I’m curious to hear Danny’s side of things in regards to how it all went down, and how it played out on in the episodes. So look forward to that on Thursday.
In regards to Tayshia talking about her breakup last night, for those that didn’t pay attention to timelines, this is what it was. Since it’ll put last night into a bit of context. That MTA was taped on Mon. Nov 22nd. That was the day it was “officially” announced to the media they’d broken up. Neither of them have posted anything on their IG feeds about the breakup since that day. Hell, neither of them have even posted anything on their IG feed since the 22nd. They’ve done stories but no posts. It was reported by the entertainment sites that day they’d broken up and a rep for Tayshia confirmed it. And I’m sure the reason why neither of them posted anything on IG about their breakup (something I’m pretty sure almost every couple from this franchise has done) was because this was how it was “first” going to be addressed. On the MTA. I didn’t expect Tayshia to give many details about it – but boy did they hype it up yesterday like she was going to spill her guts or something. Not even close really. However, what they promoted vs what was shown was even different. So here was the promo they were running before last night’s episode about it:
Sending @tayshia our love. ?? pic.twitter.com/ZSbv5jkXBp
— The Bachelorette (@BacheloretteABC) December 6, 2021
However, when it aired, they really cut a lot of what Kaitlyn said. And then I transcribed everything Tayshia said about the breakup. This was how the conversation was shown last night:
Katilyn: “But before we get to that, Tayshia I wanna talk to you about something. You’re not wearing your engagement ring. So can you tell us what’s going on in your relationship w Zac.”
Tayshia: “All in all, all I have to say is I’m heartbroken. We tried really hard, and, I still love him very much. And I’m not sure what the future holds. And you know how it is, it’s really tough.”
And that was it. So yes, a lot of buildup with very little payoff. I don’t know the ins and outs of Tayshia and Zac’s relationship and, as I mentioned, neither of them have said a word about it til what we saw last night where Tayshia said four sentences. So really not a whole hell of a lot was cleared up. All we have to go off of is that Tayshia’s rep confirmed that they were broken up the day the story came out.
So last night we got our longest promo for Clayton’s season with some new footage. Here it was:
Emotional, wild, and quite possibly the most ???????? season of #TheBachelor yet. Watch the journey begin Monday, Jan 3 on ABC. ?? pic.twitter.com/HV9za6EZru
— The Bachelor (@BachelorABC) December 7, 2021
Right after it aired, I tweeted this out:
So this is just a quick reaction to the Clayton premiere video, but when he’s standing there telling 2 women he was intimate w both, that’s Sarah (brunette) and Rachel (blonde). My guess this was in Vienna before he Sarah went home/was sent home & he kept Rachel. pic.twitter.com/SoWCpvom25
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) December 7, 2021
So a part of that was right. The blonde woman is Rachel and the woman crying whose face we see is Sarah. However, that’s what I get for tweeting that literally two minutes after it aired. Hence why I said quick reaction. It was sent to me numerous times last night, that the venue Clayton is standing in is in Iceland (where we know the overnights and final rose ceremony are) and that the two women whose backs are two us (and he’s seemingly telling he was intimate with both) are Rachel and Gabby, two women we know had hometown dates. The shot of Sarah crying was squeezed in from another point in filming since we know Sarah didn’t make it to Iceland. So most people assume now Gabby and Rachel are your final two based on that shot in Iceland. Certainly looks that way, but with the way the editing works and how tricky they can get sometimes, the only thing we know for sure is that whole scene happens in Iceland. Saying they’re the final 2 because that’s the only two you see there with their backs to us, I don’t know yet. Maybe it is and the show just gave away their final 2 last night, but I’d like to think they’re smarter than that. So we’ll see.
One thing I’d heard since hometowns was that Serene was eliminated at #4, and judging by the previews last night, it was all but confirmed. So your final 3 are Gabby, Rachel, and Susie. How that final 3 elimination went, I don’t know yet. What we do know is that Clayton found love this season (something he admitted on GMA), so whatever drama they want you to believe ensued from that conversation of saying he was intimate with “both of you” obviously didn’t derail anything. So he’s either with Gabby, Susie, or Rachel, and as I mentioned on my podcast last Thursday, I’ve heard rumblings about all three since filming ended. And nothing either of them are posting on social media has confirmed or denied anything. I’m leaning towards one person based on info told to me, but again, until I get the confirmation I need, there’s no need to tell people what I’m “hearing” because that ultimately turns into “Reality Steve said…” and people have a really hard time differentiating between the two. When I’m confident I know who he picked, I’ll let you know.