Reality Steve

Reader Emails

“Reader Emails,” “Women Tell All” Taping, Shanae (Again), & “Temptation Island” Season 4

Photo Credit: ABC

Hi Steve,

I hope you’re doing well! This may be an odd email since it isn’t about your spoilers – which I love, so thanks! But the most interesting stuff you’ve tweeted about lately were your bets leading up to the Super Bowl! How did you get into sports betting? I’m a bigger baseball fan than football but have always done a little betting year round in DraftKings. Can’t say I’ve ever seen payouts like you were posting. What does it take to get on your level? Do you think you’ll do another podcast episode with Kelly? I was so fascinated by that one. I need to expand my knowledge. Just interested to hear more about your side hobby – or maybe it’s more than that. Thanks!

Comment: I mean, I’ve been doing it for years. Always been a huge sports fan, then just got into it because I enjoy making money ha ha. Do I always win? No way. But that was the first future I’d won that had that big of payout. I only started doing futures recently. The only other one I had that big was I bet the Dallas Stars to win the Cup the year of the pandemic. I bet them about 20 games into the season, and it was $1k 10/1 I believe? I know it paid $10k. And then they went into the bubble and the Stars made their run and made the finals, but lost. I didn’t hedge.

My level? I don’t know what my level is, but, obviously unless you’re hitting futures with high payout odds, you have to bet big to win big. But “big” is defined differently for every person. I’m sure Kelly will come on again in the future. Just want it to be topical, because I can talk to her about gambling practically any day. She seems to love being at Barstool now, and I use her service as my proxy for the Circa Million and Circa Survivor contests every season.

Hi Steve!

Was just curious if you are watching the Real Dirty Dancing show with Tyler Cameron on it?

Comment: I did not watch the first two episodes, only because I forgot. But I recorded last nights. Haven’t watched yet.

Hey there, Steve

I don’t know how much attention you pay to other upcoming reality shows, but I ran across this article online about a “Bachelorette/Bridgerton” hybrid ( ) and the preview had me chuckling. This sounds like an SNL skit, but apparently it’s a real show! Maybe the costumes are to keep ABC from suing for copyright infringement?

Comment: Oh it’s definitely read. Starts next month. Here’s the trailer:

They’re not doing anything Bachelor-esque really other than one lead, a bunch of suitors, eliminations, etc. That’s basically the premise of most dating shows, but there’s no copyright infringement here. Just another take on reality TV dating. I doubt I’ll watch. Much more interested in “Temptation Island” starting up a week later. But we’ll see.

Hi Steve, I started a new job this past summer. I quickly found three of my new coworkers were avid Bacehlor/ette fans. I asked if any of them followed spoilers, specifically your site. None of them had heard of you or knew spoilers existed. None of them follows any past contestants on social media or listens to any podcasts. They do read the occasional story on People or other sites about former contestants. They are aware when a couple breaks up but frankly don’t care. They watch the show to be entertained. They pick favorites, guess who is going to “win”.each season, and generally talk about the drama week to week. Once the season is over, they move on. All of them are busy working moms in their early 30’s. Two are women of color. I get the impression they can’t commit more time to the show beyond watching it. I know you say it over and over again that most viewers don’t follow spoilers or dissect every preview. I bet most of your readers still don’t believe you. Your readers live in the bachelor bubble of drowning in Bachelor content from multiple media sources. The producers know the truth. People watch this show for mainly one reason – entertainment! They want the drama, they want the villain, they want twists, they want tears, and in the end they want the proposal. That’s it! Then they move on and want the same the next season.

Comment: Yup. People complain about the drama, cattiness, etc every season, yet, if everyone got along and 25 women all became BFF’s and every rooted for the other, and they were all happy for others dates, you’d complain about it being so boring because there’s no drama. So that argument has kinda always gone in one ear and out the other to me. People that complain about the drama are just complaining to complain. They’d find something else to complain about if it wasn’t that.

Call me crazy but I actually have a reason to complement Shanae – she can actually vocalize cohert thoughts. Evil ones, but at least I can understand her.

I can’t listen to most of the conversations any more – ‘like disease’ has become more contagious than COVID. Thank God for my DVR and the FF button – and sadly doing that usually means I missed nothing.

Filler words are ok in moderation, but when we get ‘like I like – like think like’ it becomes too hard to try and figure out what they are saying – assuming they know themselves or are capable of a coherent conversation.

The biggest offenders are the vapid Clayton himself – and the group of women that Mara points out are too young and immature to be ready. Such irony that the ‘no chance’ contestants are the most articulate.

Comment: There are A LOT of verbal crutches happening this season with the women. The thing is, that happens EVERY season. It’s just noticeable now because it’s the season we’re watching. But trust me, they do it every season.

Hi Steve –

I’m glad Chris Kattan withdrew from Celebrity Big Brother as he was clearly in no shape for physical competitions and I felt bad for him. As a non sports / non Kardashian guy, does Lamar have a reputation for not being bright? At this point, he still doesn’t know how the veto works? It was so awkward watching Julie try to get his vote out of him. I was wondering how they were going to handle it if it went on longer. At this point, can you see someone beside Miesha or Todrick winning? Based on how they got fooled into putting up Shanna, Carson and Cynthia deserve to be the next ones gone. When they watch it, I think they are going to have a moment like Clayton seeing the Shanae antics. Pivotal moment for the season and it aired opposite the Super Bowl. Does Lamar even know he’s playing Big Brother? On the court, he was always very savvy, very heads up player, that was never a superstar, but was a guy that did a lot of things on the court. This is totally out of his element, I get it, but we’re 3 weeks in and he doesn’t know how POV works. Bizarre.

I really wonder if Carson and/or Cynthia will catch on before the show is over. It’s possible they might. Would much rather see either one of them win that Miesha or Todrick. Can’t respect that game play.

Looks like “old” (she is 32 after all!) is the new mini villain for saying the quiet part out loud – hot people in their low 20s may not be into getting married and popping out babies so fast. Anyone without a date when some are getting a 2nd 1 on 1 surely must know they are filler and it is now about trying to make a mark for BIP, followers, and travel. I’m guessing production didn’t give her the chance to create a 1 on 1 like Susie. Ha ha, no. Mara was definitely filler like you said. And zero chance she’d get the chance to do what Susie did. Did she know she was filler? Well, she was verbalizing exactly what a filler person is to Clayton when she expressed her frustrations, but maybe it wasn’t sinking in to her head that that’s what it was.

On Married At First Sight, I’m seeing what you mean about viewers who think these are real time shows as there are endless posts urging the experts and production to kick someone off the show.

Comment: I don’t watch that one, but yeah. It’s utterly amazing how many people think some of these shows are in real time. Unless it says “live” on the screen, it’s not.

1) Former producers… would/could you ever have any on your podcast to talk about BTS production stuff or do they have NDAs for like, the rest of their lives? They’d never do it. Ever. No point in even asking. Unless they are out of that industry forever and have zero interest in getting back into it, it just won’t happen. At least in terms of them really admitting what they do behind the scenes.

2) I know you don’t know who Clayton ends up with (yet). But are you 100% sure he is with somebody, or is there a chance he ended up alone? There is nothing that is 100% solid when it comes to this season. At least for me.

3) Putting some of the different previews they’ve shown us together, it looks like Susie walks out of the F3 rose ceremony (you can see in one of them her walking down some stairs with the 2 roses on the table still in the foreground) – for whatever reason – and then Clayton says what he said to both Rachel and Gabby (also for whatever reason). Looking like for some reason she leaves on her own but weird that she would do it at the beginning of a rose ceremony. Any thoughts or reaction to this?

Comment: Not really.

Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.



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