-Is it just me or have the hometown dates since COVID shown us way more depth and the families have just been more memorable than before? This is the first season since Peter’s of having regular hometown dates where they traveled to the contestants hometowns rather than them show up at the location of wherever the season was being filmed. Just seems like we’ve gotten some really good ones from Tayshia’s men, to Matt’s women, to Katie & Michelle’s guys and now Clayton’s women last night.
-I’ve also noticed in recent seasons, they kinda done away with having the men asking the fathers for their permission to marry their daughter. In the real world, of course that should happen. But it always seems so phony and fake when it happens on this show because that’s literally the first time the father is ever meeting his daughters new “boyfriend,” who also happens to be dating three other women at the time when he asks that. And I pointed out every season how stupid it was. Clayton really couldn’t do it if he tried last night since two of the women’s dads weren’t even present – Gabby and Serene. Yeah, Gabby’s dad showed up in a car, but you know what I mean.
-They’ve been talking about doing this Senior Bachelor season for 2 years now. I do think it was set to go into pre-production before the pandemic hit, but ever since then, I haven’t heard when or where this thing will happen. Looking at productions yearly calendar I don’t even know when it can be fit in. Regardless, if they ever get around to doing it, Gabby’s grandpa John has to be the lead, right? RIGHT? I say we riot if he isn’t. That guy was a hoot.
-I’ve never taken a martial arts class, nor do I plan to, but I’ve always found it fascinating that no matter what you weigh, if you learn the technique, you could absolutely fuck someone up with those moves. Watching Susie roll around with Clayton last night, even though she’s outweighed by probably a good 150 lbs, she could snap his arm like a twig if she wanted to. In addition, seeing them in their Gi’s just made me sad that we’re still 10 months away from Cobra Kai season 5 airing. Womp womp.
-Once again, the hometown dates were filmed in a certain order, yet shown completely out of order. They were filmed Susie, Rachel, Serene, then Gabby, but last night were shown as Susie, Gabby, Serene, then Rachel. I guess because they wanted to save the “scariest” dad for last, and Rachel’s dad sure fit the bill. And when I say scary, I just mean his demeanor about the whole thing. He was definitely in the Matt F’in Randolph camp the way they were setting him up. However, he was made out to be more menacing than he turned out to be. While he was skeptical, he was fair. And ultimately he apparently ended up liking Clayton as evidenced by the shoulder pat he told him he’d give him when he left.
-Serene’s hometown date activity was straight out of Bachelor Cliches 101. Going on an obstacle course with a mini bungee jump (was that even considering bungee jumping) just brought out all the things we’ve heard so many times on this show. About how navigating the obstacle course was like navigating a relationship, and the leap they took was just like the leap you take when in a relationship. I swear we hear this every season in some form or fashion. Nothing new here.
-So now we know the full schedule for the rest of the season. Back-to-back episodes the final 2 weeks. Next week, the “Women Tell All” airs on Monday, with the Overnights airing on Tuesday. Then the following week, the 2 part finale. Part 1 airing Monday March 14th, with Part 2 airing on the 15th, which will include the live ATFR. And I leave the morning of the 16th for Vegas for March Madness. Ugh. How do I know that the men for next seasons Bachelorette will be released sometime while I’m out of town? It’s gonna happen, so, I’ll just have to tweet and IG post the guys once I find all of them. I have like 3 or 4 right now I’m hearing will be on, but we’re still a couple weeks away from them leaving. I will keep you updated on that.
-Also remember this is our first non-COVID Bachelorette season in 2 years, and we remember what they used to do for that. On the ATFR for Bachelor, when they made their “Bachelorette” announcement, they’d bring 5 of her guys on stage to meet her since filming would begin later that week. Don’t be surprised at all if that happens again since we’re back to, somewhat, doing normal things again. As for who that Bachelorette will be, well, we don’t know that yet. I’ve actually been told one name, but again, until I get the confirmation I need, not to mention figuring out how this season plays out, running with it now wouldn’t feel right. But I feel I’m getting closer to things as we head down the home stretch.
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