Back with more spoilers. This is a summary of what I talked about on my IG live last night. Condensed version so to speak. Although last night, I did not give you the rose ceremony #2 roses, and I’ve included those here. So you can check out the IG live if you want as it’s on my IG feed now, and I’ll have a Reel up later today. When did Reels get extended to :90 seconds? Finally. Now I won’t feel as rushed. In case you missed it late last night, Katie and John broke up. They each released a statement on their respective IG stories. Katie’s was 4 words (“we are not together”), John’s was 3 paragraphs. So unfortunately, another Bachelor Nation couple has called it quits this week, but just like Michelle and Nayte, I don’t have anything to say about this one either. I knew nothing about Katie and John’s relationship other than how it started with her “12 Days of Messy” proclamation. Was silly and unnecessary at the time, she owned up to it being something she shouldn’t have done a couple weeks later, and now they’re broken up about 8 months later. Breakups suck, they’re never fun, and I have zero interest in trying to dissect what happened. I’ll let the gossip mongers spend an endless amount of time on that.
Now, lets get to your BIP spoilers since Friday’s post, starting with the rose ceremony #2 results:
Rose ceremony #2 (Women giving roses to men)
Serene to Brandon
Shanae to Logan
Victoria to Johnny
Sierra to Michael
Genevieve to Aaron
Lace to Rodney
Brittany to Andrew
Jill to Jacob
Justin Glaze and James Bonsall I believe were the only two guys eliminated at this rose ceremony.
A couple things to update since Friday’s last post:
-Casey broke his ankle pre-rose ceremony #2, so he was gone before then.
-Michael ended it with Sierra after rose ceremony #2, not rose ceremony #1 as I originally reported. He broke up with her after rose ceremony #2, THEN Danielle came in and took him on a date.
-Pizza Peter (Michelle’s season) came in after rose ceremony #2 and took Brittany on a date. Didn’t go well and he self-eliminated after that.
At this point, the twist happened. It’s basically a rip off of Casa Amor from “Love Island.” If you’re unfamiliar with Casa Amor, essentially halfway through filming, all the couples are separated with one gender going to another villa and meeting new singles. That’s what BIP did. I think the women were the ones that moved to a new location in Mexico, and were introduced to 5 new men brought in. The guys stayed on the beach and were introduced to 5 new women brought in. The 10 new people who came in were:
Sarah Hamrick (Clayton’s season)
Kate Gallivan (Clayton’s season)
Eliza Isichei (Clayton’s season)
Jessenia Cruz (Matt’s season)
Florence Moerenhout (BIP Austraila 1 & 2) – I think this was the name I heard. Still trying to get 100% confirmation, but I do believe it’s her based on what I was told.
Tyler Norris (Rachel/Gabby’s season)
Alex Bordyukov (Rachel Lindsay’s season, BIP Australia season 2, BIP Canada season 1)
Adam Todd (Bachelorette Australia season 6)
Rick Leach (Michelle’s season)
Olu Onajide (Michelle’s season)
Now on “Love Island,” Casa Amor only lasts for one day. So I don’t expect them to be split up very long. But basically they use it as a way to “test” the current couples since you’re away from them for a day and “forced” to mingle with someone else. Then at the 3rd rose ceremony (which happened Sunday and I don’t have the results yet from), assuming it’s a guys rose ceremony, they are making them choose between who they were coupled up with originally, or will they jump to someone new. As mentioned, I don’t have the 3rd rose ceremony results yet, outside of these two things that happened:
-Rodney dumped Lace for Eliza.
-Olu and Rick were sent home as they didn’t form a connection with anyone.
-I guess the other thing to mention is the fact that, by my calculations (and I could be missing possibly 1 or 2), but I have 37 accounted for that have already appeared on Paradise this season and we’re only about halfway through filming. Filming is supposed to end next Thursday or Friday. You had 21 to start with. Then after first rose ceremony, we know that Salley, Rodney, James, and Aaron all came in. So that’s 25. Then after that Danielle and Peter came in before the “Casa Amor” (I don’t know what they’re calling it) twist, so that’s 27. 10 came in for Casa Amor (5 of each sex), so that’s 37. Not the most they’ve ever had on BIP in a season, but we’ve still got roughly 10 days, so I fully expect them to set a personal record. I went back through every past season, and here were the number of contestants that appeared on each season of BIP:
Season 1 – 25
Season 2 – 29
Season 3 – 30
Season 4 – 33
Season 5 – 35
Season 6 – 38
Season 7 – 41
So as you can see, they’ve increased the contestant count every season, and we’re well on our way to passing 41 this season.
Hopefully in the next couple days I will get the rose ceremony #3 results. If/when I do, I will post those on all my social media channels.
Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you Thursday.