The four month break is ovaaaaaahhhhhhhh. What’s funny is when Clayton’s season ended airing in mid-March, that was the end of 9 straight months of programming, and people were complaining it was too much. Then they took basically the next 4 months off and returned last night, and people complained that was too long of a break. Just watch, now that we’ve officially started back up, we’re headed for another 9 straight months of programming with “Bachelorette,” straight into “Bachelor in Paradise” on Sept. 27th, then maybe a couple weeks off (depending how long BIP runs), before straight into “Bachelor” in the first week of January, which lasts through mid-March. And people will complain they’re burnt out in March. I think it’s just right. Yeah, almost 9 straight months of Bachelor programming seems like a lot, but in case you haven’t been paying attention the last, oh I don’t know, 10-12 years, this show is either filming or airing in 44 of the 52 weeks of the season. This is nothing new. It’s just the way things get pushed back now that doesn’t give us as much of a break. Usually the break was between Thanksgiving and New Years. Now the break is more between March and July. But get ready, we have a looooooong road ahead of us.
If you’re just returning to the site after taking those 4 months off, welcome back. I have a new Daily Roundup podcast that started yesterday, and will post Monday-Friday around 9am EST. It’s not going to be much longer than 15-20 minutes a day where I talk about the show, Bachelor Nation, pop culture, and then maybe mix in some sports opinions at the end. The regular Thursday podcast will not change. The Daily Roundup is in addition to Thursday’s podcast, so yes, Thursday you’ll get two pods. On Thursday’s, Daily Roundup will post around 9am EST, and my regular Thursday pod will go up around 10am EST.
You can listen to today’s podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in by clicking the player below:
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts,RSS, Stitcher, Spotify
Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)
(SPOILERS) Today’s Daily Roundup covers last night’s “Bachelorette” premiere, Big Brother producers address the bullying of Taylor, Jason Oppenheim has a new girl, Zach Wilson gets called out by his ex, and Derek Jeter disappoints us all by putting to rest one of the best urban legends that we thought was truth.
And yes, for this Daily Roundup podcast, starting today I decided to put a different music bed in that you’re used to from Thursday’s podcast. Same group, just a different song. Tomorrow I might try and have the music bed playing underneath the whole time. Let me know which one you prefer. For those interested, both songs are by the Rave Ups and you can find them on Apple Music. Thursday’s podcast song that you’ve been listening to for 5.5 years is called “Positively Lost Me.” The Daily Roundup song is also by the Rave Ups, from the same album (and from the movie “Pretty in Pink”) called “Rave Up (Shut Up).”
It’s been four months, but you know the drill. Get your “Reader Emails” in today for tomorrow’s column. I have none as of now, which is expected since the show has been out of sight out of mind for the last 4 months. But get those in today as I’m sure a lot of you have questions.
Now, lets get to the biggest question I’ve been asked the most in the last 24 hrs – “When are you gonna tell us who Gabby and Rachel picked?” Short answer: When I know. I don’t know who they picked. Last few seasons it’s been much tougher to get the ending of the season as evidenced by not having Clayton’s until the end, and also didn’t have Peter’s until the end. Not to mention a couple others. Michelle’s I had two weeks before her premiere aired, so go figure. Each season is different. Some I get a ton of info on and have the winners right away, and others I don’t. But when I do, I’ll let you know.
In terms of what spoilers I do have for this season for you, here you are. And these are going to be repeats if you’ve followed me at all the last few months. If you’re just coming back today after taking off since March, then here’s some of the basics you should know about this season.
-At the third rose ceremony is where the men will decide which women they want to pursue going forward. You saw in the season preview quite a few guys rejecting Rachel, as I reported that a couple months ago. I know some guys just tell them before that rose ceremony who they’re interested in and it’s obvious, but I guess some guys wait til their name is called? Clearly done for dramatic purposes, but yeah, I guess that’s how it’ll play out.
-It’s at this third rose ceremony where Hayden I believe becomes a “villain” this season. We see a glimpse of it in the season promo of him sitting down with Gabby. He essentially tells her he’s going to pursue Rachel, but the way he tells her doesn’t come across well. I think he even brings up his exes. So that doesn’t sit well with Gabby.
-In addition, and probably not too surprising, shirtless Jacob rubs a lot of guys the wrong way this season and they have an issue with him. I believe he’s involved in some sort of altercation this season.
-Once they leave LA, they fly overseas then board a cruise ship that takes them to their next 3 destinations: Paris, Belgium, and Amsterdam. So instead of flying to each city and staying in a hotel, cast and crew stayed on a cruise ship that took them to each city, then they had their dates in those cities.
-As mentioned, I do not have the winners for this season yet. Here’s what I have that was spoiled in real time back in April:
Rachel’s Final Four: Aven, Tyler, Zach, and Tino
Gabby’s Final Four: Erich, Jason, and Johnny. I do not know her 4th hometown date, however, I still do believe she had one.
Rachel’s 4th place finisher was Tyler Norris. Aven was eliminated at #3, so Zach and Tino are Rachel’s final two.
Gabby’s 4th place finisher was Johnny DePhillipo. So that leaves Erich and Jason as two of her final 3.
Here’s the season preview they showed last night:
Double the love, double the drama. ? Don’t miss a moment of this HERstory making season, MONDAYS at 8/7c on ABC and Stream on Hulu. #TheBachelorette
— The Bachelorette (@BacheloretteABC) July 12, 2022
As you can see, they showed a ton of footage of Tino and Erich in that (including Erich and Gabby kissing in Mexico, the site of overnights and final rose ceremony), and for good reason. Obviously there’s also a ton of drama in that preview you have questions about, but I don’t have all those answers yet. When I know more, I will pass it along.
Recap begins on Page 2…