-You know the first thing that jumped out at me last night? Did you see that first commercial break where they asked for women to apply for the next “Bachelor?” In the past it’s always been a generic, “If you or somebody you know is interested in dating our next Bachelor…” Last night they ramped it up about 10 notches with Jesse Palmer voicing, “Your boyfriend’s a loser. Drop his ass. Apply for the Bachelor.” I mean, truth in advertising I guess. No shame anymore. Why not just invite them to not even tell their boyfriend and apply anyway? I’m sure that’s coming next. In hour 2, the same ad ran except all Jesse said was, “Ready for some magic in your love life?” I’ll be curious to see going forward if they run that original ad every week. Pretty funny. Definitely caught me off guard.
-We didn’t get any of the guys intro videos last night. That’s a first. Although I would expect ABC to put them up on their website today since they’ve done it in the past. All we saw was guys sitting at home at the night of the ATFR when Gabby and Rachel were announced and recording themselves. I need to go back and watch that scene since I thought some guys were already sequestered in an LA hotel the night that happened. I’ll check again to see if that was actually real or people just acting. Acting? On this show? No way!
-The biggest jerk move of the limo entrances was production clearly telling some of the guys to bring up Clayton. Totally wasn’t necessary but of course you can’t put anything past producers. Clayton, a guy who has readily admitted he struggled post show with his mental health, had to be dragged through the mud last night and watch production instruct some child’s choir to memorize a song with a chorus “Clayton Sucks.” Think what you want about Clayton, and yeah what he did last season sucked. But he’s apologized, he owned what he did, he realized after the fact he wasn’t in love with both Gabby and Rachel, and yet 4 months later, still has to be subjected to be ridiculed. Don’t ever tell me production has the leads back on this show. Never have and never will. Last night was a prime example. It was totally unnecessary. Hell, even Gabby and Rachel were over it. Did people really get a chuckle out of that? And if you think I’m the only one who thought this way, think again. Plenty of BN alums let their feelings be known on social media last night as well. UPDATE: Here was Clayton and Susie’s reaction to what was shown. My point exactly. Didn’t need to be shown.
A few thoughts on some of the limo entrances:
–Jason: I get what he was trying to say being in love with 3 women. It just didn’t come out right. You’re in love with your sister? And your mom?
–Quincey: He let Gabby and Rachel know he hasn’t gotten laid in a year and a half. Probably TMI. You really wanna come out of the box with that one, big guy? Might wanna rethink that. Hell of an ice breaker.
–Alec: He was the one who had the children’s choir sing “Clayton Sucks.” Look, I’m well aware none of that was Alec’s idea, so I’m not gonna pin it on him. Just tacky on productions part. We should expect nothing less of them.
–James: The meatball sub. Mmmmmmmmmmm…meatball subs. While it was about 10 times bigger than the ones I usually eat, can you really go wrong with a meatball sub? The answer to that question is, “No. No you can’t.”
–Branden: Did I miss something? Is this a thing with the younger kids now? What was that blue thing he entrapped himself in? Totally confused. Sorry. I’m old.
–Roby: I’m sure he’s a great guy. And I don’t have an issue at all with his magic tricks. I have more of an issue with him pronouncing his name “ROW-be.” No. Just no.
–Jacob: Arrived shirtless on the horse and said he was looking for his happy ending. I don’t know if Jacob is aware of this, but Yosef’s daughter is watching this show. Have some respect.