-Immediately when the show starts, we have Gabby telling us she “wants someone to fight for me,” which was an immediate signal to producers to run and get boxing gloves, a ring, and mouthpieces so they could start swinging at each other. Ahhh, production. Gotta love them. Another episode where they chose a theme and stuck with it for 2 hours. Last week for 1 hr and 45 min it was “Gabby doesn’t feel like she can be loved.” Which then turned into every guy accepting Gabby’s rose at the end and Rachel getting rejected 3 times. This week? Lets toy with Rachel’s emotions even more! I mean, it was a 2 hr hot mess for Rachel last night, and looks like again next week, the struggle continues when Logan tells her he wants to date Gabby.
-The other disaster started at the beginning of the episode before they left for Paris, and that was Hayden talking to a couple of the guys giving his opinions on Rachel and Gabby and for some reason comparing Rachel to his ex. @Bachelordata has Hayden’s breakdown all ready to go for you, about 12 minutes after the episode ended. She’s on it:
So last week after Jacob didn’t come across well at all in regards his comment to Gabby about not thinking he could be there anymore if it was just Gabby. Well, of course after last night, there’s no way Hayden could not say something, so he took to Instagram to post his apology (read his caption):
Again, it’s the least he could do at this point. His actions going forward will determine how sincere he really was. At least he didn’t say that what he said was edited or spliced, and just full ownership for what was shown and realized he maybe wasn’t in the greatest head space coming on this show. Fair. He wasn’t, as we learned his dog Rambo has a brain tumor and doesn’t have much longer to live. I don’t know why he’d want to come on the show in the first place with that happening at home, but to each their own. Still doesn’t excuse what he said whatsoever and there’s really no way around it. Maybe when Rachel confronted him and he still denied it he didn’t think he said those things bc his mic pack wasn’t on, or didn’t think cameras weren’t on him. But it’s pretty clear. We see him call both women bitches, say that Gabby called herself “rough around the edges” (which, to be fair, maybe she did. If she didn’t then he made that up out of thin air), and said his ex was better than either woman. All around not a good night for the guy, and he apologized. We’ll see him in Paradise.
-Tino and Jason get 1-on-1 dates in Paris. And we know they’re going to Paris because the show made sure to show us the map of the United States and Europe and a white line traveling from LA to France. Thank you! If it weren’t for that descriptive flight pattern, I don’t know what the hell I would’ve done or known what country they flew to. Such a big help. Please do it more. Also while you’re at it, how about you include some math problems with your geography lesson. Maybe have us all do a book report on the country of France. I wanna do some learnin’ when I watch this show, and dammit, just a map and moving line isn’t enough to stimulate my brain. Gimmie more.
-The one thing different about travel is we know that they’ll be aboard the Virgin Voyages Valiant Lady. Almost had a full alliteration there! Anyway, as I was saying last paragraph, Tino and Jason get 1-on-1 dates, and just like last week where everyone’s opinion after Zach’s 1-on-1 was how could he not be the winner, last night, that switched to Tino after watching their date. He’s clearly a front runner, Rachel can’t hide her excitement, and everything she said about him was super positive, just like Zach last week. So people can have a field day dissecting who got more compliments over the other. But yet again, it’ll get you nowhere. But were great dates, she was into both, she overly complimented both, and she was giddy for both dates.
-Now Jason on the other hand…Look, I’m sure he’s a nice guy. By all accounts, he seems to be. I’ve heard basically nothing about him, but hey, no negative is good news when it comes to this franchise. However, Jason is not, shall we say, the most excitable person in the world. Self admittedly, he’s very shy, it takes him a while to open up, and this experience is pretty overwhelming for him so far. Hasn’t eaten much nor slept according to him. But the guy is just not good TV, plain and simple. Not a shot at him as a person. Doesn’t mean he’s the worst person ever. Doesn’t mean anything other than, on TV, he’s not an attention grabber for the audience by any means. Good looking guy, good back story – not compelling TV. What does that mean in the end? Hell, I had someone email last night who watched that date was convinced Jason was the winner because they felt Gabby and Jason trauma bonded together. Hey, I wish I knew for sure who she was with. I don’t. The point being Jason seems like a great guy. He just doesn’t jump off a TV screen. I’m pretty sure that’s why he’s been a ghost for 3 episodes. He’s not giving them anything.