-Group date time. Gabby’s up first and time for men to “fight” for her affection. Get it? She wants someone to fight for them and producers take that shit literally – like every season. Isn’t there a boxing/fighting date every season, no matter if it’s the Bachelor or Bachelorette? I need to look into that. Because it sure seems like there is. Here’s how you know this date was a set up and possibly got the reaction it did. Why didn’t Gabby and her guys get to watch Rachel’s group date the next day? So I guess we’ll never know for sure, but Rachel got very upset during this date because none of her guys looked at her, waved, sat next to her – nothing. They stood and watched the fight and Rachel felt unseen. Which, I’m sure she was. My only question is were the guys specifically told not to approach Rachel or talk to her since it literally gave them their storyline for the episode? You can’t rule it out. The same thing happened in Clare’s season, and she was called needy and self absorbed. If anything, Clare might’ve had MORE of a reason to be upset because she was the only Bachelorette and it was her group date. So just keep that in mind, as I’m sure that some people who were upset at the guys and felt sorry for Rachel last night were the ones who were trashing Clare and calling her needy in the exact same situation. Hypocrisy at its finest. Again.
-Rachel had reason to be upset for sure. But I’m leaning more toward this was a set up and the guys were told they couldn’t sit next to her. Production has done much worse on this show, so it’s not far fetched to believe. Of course the guys were oblivious to it since they were playing grab ass with each other and bro’ing out watching the fights between Gabby’s men. Until later that night when Rachel came in and gave them a tongue lashing they haven’t received since stealing a cookie from the cookie jar as children. Ok, maybe it wasn’t that harsh. But she made it known that, you know, it’s ok to actually look at her, flirt with her and not treat her like she has cooties or something. It’s ok guys, she doesn’t bite. In fact, and maybe I’m speaking out of turn here, but something tells me if you actually talk to her and give her attention, you might even get in her good graces and possibly have the chance to kiss her. I know. Foreign stuff, right? Get your act together, and in the immortal words of Roman Reigns, “Acknowledge me.”
-They didn’t spend too much time showing us any of the fights, which was probably a good thing. I know Nate fought Erich. Johnny fought Michael. Quincey fought Mario. And Kirk fought Spencer. In case you didn’t know, there’s a Spencer on this season. And not only is there a Spencer on this season, but he actually won the group date rose, got extra time with Gabby, and they had a nighttime make out session. Of course, they couldn’t just focus on Gabby’s date going so well without interspersing it with shots of Rachel in her ITM’s crying because her guys treat her like she’s a leper. I believe this was the first we’ve ever really seen of Spencer this season. He comes from a military background and that bonded him with Gabby. Off the show, Spencer is part of the Chicago crew of current and former Bachelorette contestants that hang together.
-On Rachel’s group date, I mean shit, they’re flat out out of ideas at this point. What the hell was that. You’re in Paris, France. One of the most romantic cities in the world. And you stick them in a room with some perverted couple that you paid a couple hundred bucks for the day and watched them make out. Well, I don’t really know if we can classify that as making out. It was some of the most awkward “intimate” kissing I’ve ever seen in my life. I’m sorry, there was nothing sensual about that. Not sure what the whole point of this date was outside of embarrassing the guys. After what they pulled the day before, do you honestly think that Rachel wanted to sniff 8 armpits that day? Literally one of the worst group dates ever, but again, not something they haven’t really done before. Way to waste a day in Paris. Tyler ended up getting the rose because his armpits smelled like daffodils. Or something like that.
-It’s during this date that Logan starts talking about not feeling it anymore with Rachel and hasn’t stopped thinking about Gabby. So we will see that play out next week. I think the way the show presented Logan’s dilemma made it out to be worse than it was. It’s not like he’s been stealing roses for weeks and sneaking off with Gabby behind Rachel’s back. This was the first episode we heard he was thinking about Gabby. And next week is probably where he informs Rachel and becomes one of Gabby’s guys, which she accepts. So this story seems to be making a mountain out of a mole hill. While yes, it plays into the storyline of Rachel being rejected again, it’s not being done maliciously. I think with Hayden gone and only two episodes before hometowns, looks like they’re just trying to shoehorn another “villain” in there. Because lets face it, before the season, isn’t what we were ALL saying? That someone was going to like both women. He got a rose from Rachel in rose ceremony #3, started having doubts, got a rose from her one rose ceremony later, and next week will move on. So yeah, they’re making a bigger out of this than it really is. If this was a major story, or Logan was doing a dick thing, then Gabby would reject him once he makes his intentions known. So if you’re pissed at Logan, then you have to be pissed at Gabby since she allows it. And none of you are. Hypocrisy at its finest. Again again.