-The cocktail party consisted of Meatball telling Rachel what Hayden had said back in LA. On page 2, I posted the @Bachelordata video on the page so in case you missed the episode, you could see exactly what he was saying to the guys. When confronted by Rachel, he denied ever saying it. I also posted the subsequent apology he posted online last night, which is what he should’ve done. Whether or not he’s apologizing because he got caught versus because he really means it will only be determined by his actions moving forward. That goes for anyone’s apology. However, this doesn’t give fans free reign to completely obliterate him online, call him names, throw death threats his way, etc. You know, like they do every season. And I will give this statement every season. Will people listen? Probably not. But I’m going to remind people every season to stop taking things so far about someone’s behavior on TV. After today, there’s no need to even talk about Hayden again until he shows up on Paradise.
-I do think the guy wasn’t in the right head space to come on this show, so I’ll agree with him there. Doesn’t excuse anything he said, but just saying, he probably should’ve never come on the show in the first place with a dog who was dying of a brain tumor at home. That would overwhelm anyone. But why would you possibly think that comparing your exes to Rachel and Gabby or calling them bitches would ever be ok? He must’ve thought he wasn’t being filmed or something, or thinking he was safe. Lets face it, when he was saying the ex thing, the only person in the shot was him. It’s very possible he was having that convo with a producer, which is why he said it, thinking he was safe. And why no one else was in the shot. Still a stupid thing to say, but, we’ve seen in plenty of times in the past where people are actually talking to a producer, but the show makes it seem like they’re sharing with other contestants. So just keep that in mind before you fire off your vitriol on his IG.
At the rose ceremony, each woman is eliminating two men. Rachel has already gotten rid of Hayden, so only one of her guys is getting eliminated. Tino, Jason, Spencer, and Tyler with roses.
Rachel: Aven, Meatball, Zach, Ethan, and Logan. (Jordan H. eliminated)
Gabby: Nate, Erich, Johnny, Michael, and Mario. (Kirk and Quincey eliminated)
So here we are with each woman down to 7 guys each and two locations left before hometowns – Belgium and Amsterdam. We know Rachel’s final 4 are: Tyler, Aven, Zach, and Tino. And three of Gabby’s final 4 are: Johnny, Jason, and Erich. It’s so weird I still haven’t heard who her 4th hometown was with. Also, I thought their logistics on Gabby’s hometowns was bizarre. Of the 3 we have, it went Erich (New Jersey), then Jason (New Orleans), then Johnny (Florida). Kind of a weird trek to make when they eventually ended by being in CA for the rose ceremony. Of course, it could have everything to do with availability among the families, so I gotta keep that in mind. But why go NJ, to NO, to FL? You’d think they’d go NJ to FL to NO. But whatever. Definitely could be something to do with logistics and the family.
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