What a great week this is. Not only coming off the first weekend of college football that had some really exciting games, but, we’re headed for Week 1 of the NFL season, kicking off Thurs night with the defending Super Bowl champion Rams hosting the Bills. I leave for Vegas Thursday morning for my annual first NFL weekend trip, and Friday and Monday’s Daily Roundup will be recorded from there. Lets pray that I followed the YouTube instructions correctly and I’ll able to record from my phone and upload it to where it needs to be uploaded and get it to you at your normal time of 8am EST. And oh yeah, throw in the fact that season 5 of Cobra Kai gets released at 12am Friday morning, this basically is the greatest week of my life. Yes, I will have to be scooting around Vegas all weekend either on my knee scooter or the electric scooter they’re providing me, but then again, it’s not like a do a whole hell of a lot there other than sit at the sportsbook or the craps tables. I’ll be fine. I think. Then again, if the tables suck and I lose all my bets, it’ll be the worst weekend ever. So there’s that.
Don’t forget to submit your “Reader Emails” for tomorrow’s column. Fairly low right now so get those in and they’ll be sure to be there tomorrow. Unless, of course, it’s a repeat question of someone else’s then I just try to answer it once. This week’s podcast is another first timer (I believe that’ll be 3 weeks in a row), and that’s Stefanie and Jackie from the She’s All Bach podcast. Great time having them on and they’ll definitely be guests in the future. Expect that podcast on Thursday per usual, a couple hrs after my Daily Roundup comes out.
Speaking of the Daily Roundup, today’s is up now covering last night’s Bachelorette episode, a Nate sighting, Bachelor contestants, and BB’s Michael’s total comp domination is proven with the stats.
You can listen to today’s Daily Roundup on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in by clicking the player below:
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Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)
I think one of the things about last night’s episode that was different than previous seasons was the fact that with two Bachelorettes, they decided to spread it out over two nights, meaning it seemingly gave each date for airtime. When Gabby started off the show with Erich’s date, I noticed that their date didn’t end until 7:41 CST. It started around :10 after, which was a TON of time. Now, @Bachelordata only has screen time stats, but this date took forever. Here was her breakdown of how much time Erich got last night:
They really dedicated a lot of time to Erich’s overnight, not to mention, the last 10 minutes of the episode which was him meeting up with her at the bridge. I guess maybe because they knew Johnny wasn’t going anywhere and he didn’t get a night portion they decided to fill his time with someone else’s. But yeah, Erich got an inordinate amount of time over everyone else. Almost 50% worth.
Recap begins on Page 2…