-One of the weirdest things about Rachel’s overnight date with Aven is how much Tino we got. Did you notice that? From the very start of her overnight with Aven, we got footage of Tino worrying about Rachel being with another guy. Including Jesse coming in out of nowhere basically just “checking in” with him. When have we EVER seen that from the host during overnight date week. Answer: we never have. I thought maybe we’d just see Tino at the beginning. But no, even when Rachel and Aven were on the boat, we’re getting shots and ITM’s of Tino back at his hotel commenting about it. Too funny.
-They also showed the dates last night in a weird order. We got Gabby and Erich, then we got Rachel’s dates with Aven and Tino back-to-back. Then back to Gabby with Johnny. I’m sure you noticed, or I’m hoping you noticed, the giant difference between Rachel and Aven and Rachel and Tino last night. It was clear as day. Over dinner with Aven, Rachel told Aven how happy she was and that “I’m falling in love with you.” With Tino, she said, “I love you. I really do.” BIG difference and something we cover every season. It’s been quite obvious from the beginning it was always Tino, and his parents questioning it during the hometown are the hurdle they had to throw in there to make it seem like maybe she doesn’t end up with him. Well, last night should’ve cleared up any questions about that. And we know it goes sideways after the overnight with Zach tonight, sooooooooo, you tell me who Rachel ends up with? It’s really not a question anymore.
-You notice how from the beginning of Tino’s date, they were editing it to make it all doom and gloom? Like he felt she was nervous, and they had this elephant in the room the whole time that they were building towards, which was what his parents said on their hometown date. And all that went away in about two seconds when Tino told her his dad doesn’t get him when it comes to relationships, it wasn’t about her it was about the process, and he didn’t care. He loves her and he sees a future with her. And that’s when she responded with, “I love you. I really do.” Ballgame fellas. Thank you Aven and Zach for your effort. We appreciate you participating this season. Please grab your trophy on the way out. Tino wins the prize this season. Here’s your winner. I mean, this was all about Tino all season. It’s just a matter of the journey and how Rachel would get to that point.
-The biggest thing regarding the Johnny/Gabby breakup that everyone will be side eyeing is him telling her he doesn’t think he could get there (an engagement) in a week, knowing he got engaged to Victoria Fuller in Paradise after 3 weeks. Now, is that just because he couldn’t see himself engaged to GABBY in a week? Or was the fact that it was he barely knew her? Honestly, it’s probably a combo of both. We’ve said it time and time again and have heard it from former contestants that you barely get any time with the lead during the course of this show. It’s maybe 48-72 hrs combined if you add it all up at the end of filming. In Paradise, you literally get to spend every minute with them if you want, not to mention get to sleep with them every night. So you definitely know someone at the end of the 3 BIP filming weeks WAY better than you do the lead on the Bachelor/ette. Still, you’re getting engaged to someone after 3 weeks and I doubt Johnny and Victoria Fuller spoke pre-show. But yeah, I’m sure people will be giving Johnny shit for that once Paradise rolls around. Or not, and maybe they’ll forget by November what he told Gabby tonight. This fan base does have short term memory when it comes to stuff like this.
-I’m just gonna say this about the final conversation between Erich and Gabby last night when he asked to meet her at the bridge by leaving a note under her door. I have no proof of this and didn’t hear anything behind the scenes. This is just my opinion, but to me, that scene seemed totally producer manipulated. I’m guessing they told Erich he should see her one last time before she goes on her next date, he listened, and it blew up in his face. I really don’t think that was his intention and he probably thought it’d be a good thing. But when we heard these three quotes from Gabby about it:
“Biggest dumpster fire”
“This feels like the end for me”
“My person might not be here”
I just assume that’s another editing trick to make you think Gabby ends up alone and this thing ends horribly for her. Go watch all the footage of Erich earlier in the episode. You know, the 30 minutes they dedicated to their overnight date in clock time. She’s already eliminated Johnny. Jason can’t even say he loves her and completely doesn’t believe this process can produce and engagement at the end of this thing. Erich is endgame with Gabby. I really don’t think him telling her at the end how he basically feels really jealous about her dating other guys is gonna derail the whole relationship. The show just wants to make you THINK it does. She’s basically telling Erich the whole episode to just wait for her as she gets through the other two dates and she’ll be there for him at the end. Did Rachel approach it differently? Yes. She flat out just told Tino “I love you.” Gabby is being a little more coy, which is fine. But there’s no doubt who Gabby wanted.
Now tonight, we only have two guys left: Jason for Gabby and Zach for Rachel, and we know each of them don’t go all that great. Zach has his convo with Jesse after the overnight where he says he was blindsided. And Jason seems so disinterested in this show, and has already said on multiple occasions that he can’t get there with an engagement so soon, and when Jesse asked him if he was falling in love with Gabby, he couldn’t even say yes to that. So tonight’s episode will be filled with drama and I’m sure some wonky editing, so be ready. It won’t take away from the final results for each woman that I reported about a month ago.