Steve thanks for suggesting the Te’o movie. It was excellent.
Perhaps after Bachelorette ends on 9/20 you would consider more movie suggestions to keep people like me engaged and still listening to your Daily Podcast (as I have no interest in Paradise). Thanks for all you do!
Comment: The funny thing is, I’m not a huge movie guy anymore. Compared to the 80’s and 90’s? Yeah, not even close now. Now I’m just a TV watcher and I’ll see the occasional movie. But every time the Oscars comes out, at best, I’ve seen maybe one of the movies up for Best Picture. It’s been that way for years now.
And you’re welcome. You don’t even have to be a Manti Te’o fan, or even know his backstory to appreciate the documentary. Really is a hard look at how the media can change someone’s life.
I appreciate you deciding not to run the story you were going to, however, I take issue with the fact that you failed to deliever yet again on another promise. You do this ALL THE TIME and it can get real annoying. I’d rather you just not say anything and see what happens, but this was very disappointing. Hope you re-consider in the future. Good luck.
Comment: All the time? Huh? While this story ultimately will probably not get reported, what exactly are you talking about? What’s one time where I tweeted or posted about something I was going to reveal then just flat out never revealed it? I can’t think of any time. And if I did, it couldn’t have been all that major. Maybe I’ve delayed the release time of something, sure. I maybe have said I’m gonna post about something on Tuesday but then held off. But to your point, the story still got posted. It’s not like I just never spoke of it again.
This story was just unfortunate. If anyone knew anything about who the subject was and what was involved, you’d maybe understand why she decided to ultimately not talk. Had nothing to do with me promoting it. But, once again, people get a narrative in their head as to why this subject decided to ghost and not do the interview, and no matter what I say, they aren’t gonna listen anyway. So what I’d say to them is, you know nothing about her, you know nothing about the subject matter, and you know nothing about her reasons for not doing it. Please just quit assuming your reasons you think why it didn’t happen are the actual reasons. Because I can guarantee you, they aren’t.
I had no reason to believe this subject would ever back out of the interview. They wanted to speak on it from the first day I spoke to them. Never really had any reservations about it, so yeah, I promoted it thinking it would happen. It’s unfortunate, but, anyone upset with me for that really needs to re-prioritize things. You’re acting like I purposely did it just to mess with people. Shit happens sometimes. No one should be mad at anyone. I’m not mad at her, therefore, anyone mad at me for a very serious interview not happening is frankly out of their mind.
Hi Steve,
Hope you are recovering well from your surgery! You might remember that my mom and I came to your (first?) fan appreciation party in 2015 at Mandalay Bay- the person who filmed Nick V on the airplane was the surprise guest, and my mother won your trivia game that year! You gave her a gift card to a restaurant. Good times!! Man, that was a loooooooong time ago. What, 7 years? 2015 I believe was my first party. Anyway, glad you enjoyed yourself. And yes, that party was kinda memorable with the appearance from the woman who recorded the Nick plane video. Almost forgot about that.
Was just curious about the contestant contracts on the show- I imagine they sign something at the beginning saying that will participate in the MTA/WTA, correct? Do you happen to know what the stipulations are in their contract, and the legal action taken if they don’t show up? Does the show come after them financially, etc? After that awful MTA last week with 2 villains not showing and the shows’ sad attempt to fill the time, I was wondering about this.
Thanks! As a fellow college football fan, this is by far my favorite weekend of the year, hope you enjoy it too!!!! Go blue!!!
Comment: No, the contract doesn’t say you HAVE to I don’t believe. Look, they got Luke Parker to get on the plane and come out and he knew what he was up against. While also “villains,” Hayden and Chris weren’t nearly as problematic this season as Luke was with Hannah. I don’t know the reason why Hayden and/or Chris weren’t there, but
Hi, Steve! I’m a big fan and I was just curious about something regarding Tino and Rachel. Supposedly he is moving out of LA, which I believe a lot of the couple visits are held? I was just wondering if you had heard anything about their status or if something messy had happened between the two of them. Thanks for always keeping us in the loop!
Comment: I hadn’t until last night, and that’s that they’re broken up. No idea about moving or anything like that. Haven’t heard anything in regards to that.
Dear Steve,
Hope your healing and getting around better. First time e-mail.
My hubby and I are wondering if or when Joe Millionaire is coming back for season 2? It was better than we expected.
Comment: When I spoke to Martin the Butler at my party in June, he said he hadn’t heard anything yet. But that was 3 months ago now, so who knows? I haven’t heard anything either way, but, I doubt I would anyway. I’ll ask Amanda or Annie, maybe they’ve heard something.
I feel like Aven hasn’t been mentioned as a candidate for Bachelor, but why not? He seems like the “full package” as Rachel says!
A couple weeks ago someone emailed about the Celebrity Family Feud with Boyz II Men which I already saw and agree – it is amazing and you need to watch.
Comment: I watched it and I already forgot what they did. And no, I don’t believe Aven will be the Bachelor either.
Did you catch the reference to the size of Aven’s dick? Rachel in an ITM said that Aven was the full package, followed by chuckles and her repeating with a big smile, “the full package.”
Comment: Ha ha two “full package” emails in a row. Yes, I did catch that. The show loves the sexual innuendos.
Hello, Steve:
Quick question — why did Gabby’s hip get the ‘black box’ during her date with Erich? Weird tattoo?
Comment: The show is so weird about stuff like that. I’m sure it’s because it was a bottom that showed a lot of ass cheek, since that seems to be the new style nowadays. But I mean, how many times have we seen ass in Paradise over the years? I’ll never understand why they do that. Must be something coming from legal in regards to how much can be shown, but, the Paradise thing throws me off because I feel like we’ve seen plenty on that show before.
Hey Steve,
Like everybody, I was gutted by Erich’s hometown date, and how his father was in the late stages of cancer and passed away before the episode aired. But I was left wondering whether production had allowed Erich to contact his family while away on the show. It did not seem as though they had, and I know that generally the cast are kept incommunicado. But they made an exception for Michael A. to Facetime with his young son. It seems to me that there is an even more compelling case to allow Erich to talk to his dad, given that everyone knew he did not have much time left. Do you know anything about this?
Thanks for all your work, and all the best for your recovery!
Comment: I have no idea if they did or not.
Hey Steve,
In watching Part 1 of the overnight dates for Gabby and Rachel, I have to say it was nice to see production go back to not having the final contestants sitting in a room together as each guy got back from his overnight date. It’s been super cringy the last couple of seasons having them sitting in the living room when someone gets back asking them how their date was when they know the bachelor/bachelorette likely slept with that person—I know they are trying for drama and to see how uncomfortable they can make the contestants feel. Do you think production got enough fan backlash over it so they went back to the old setup where the final three were secluded once it came to overnights until the rose ceremony? Maybe the producers are human (forgot my sarcasm font) and decided it was a bad look. What do you think?
Keep up the good work and don’t lose all of your money at Vegas and Olive Garden.
Comment: It’s possible they did. But they’re only on a one season streak with that now. So I guess we won’t know for sure until the future seasons play out.
Hey Steve –
As much as I am not a fan of endlessly bashing Clayton, I think the lamest of the limo entrance zings were better than anything Zingbot came up with for the houseguests. I get that they are excited to see him as a rite of passage for making it so far but wish they would be honest in their responses to the lazy, uncreative insults. I’d love it if someone yelled back “I’ve been here for a month and that’s all you’ve got?!” Someone should zing Zingbot back and roast him for being incredibly unfunny.
I think the #kkkyle hashtag was overdone. He did not appear to be an intentional, unrepentant racist. His girl dumped him too. Alyssa – you put up with Kyle’s lack of geography knowledge, not telling you about his alliance, and bad sex but unintentional racism made you break up? Zing! That’s a bit much. Lets stop trying to cancel people for something that his housemates clearly forgave him for and use it as a learning lesson.
During the Cookout season, if someone had correctly warned others, they suspected a black alliance, they would have been right but would it have been racist? Would it only be racist if they just assumed it and tried to counter it? In some people’s minds, sure. It was never that way for me. But look at how the fanbase is reacting towards Kyle. I gotta believe it would’ve been the same last season. There was nothing racist about the Cookout alliance, yet, plenty of people out there think there was. Smh.
Do you think ABC and the contestants will ever be bold enough to air/say “Going into fantasy suites, you were in 3rd place but you rocked my world so much, you moved to first.”? (or you went from first to last because the sex was bad)
Comment: Ha ha, not a chance.