Hey everyone! Long time, no talk. Well, more like long time, no read. I’m sure you’re asking, “Steve, what is this? I’m actually reading words that you typed out on a computer. I haven’t seen that since March.” Yes, and you’d be correct on that. But today’s story is important enough to where while I did spend time talking about in on my podcast today and also shared the video on my Twitter and IG stories, I also wanted to put it writing so people could read it as well and maybe watch the video through the site today. Charity’s season is still a little less than 3 weeks away, and we’re back to the regular schedule of recaps on Tuesdays and “Reader Emails” on Wednesday, with podcasts on Thursdays. Who knows if I’ll have more to write on before then, but just wanted to write out this story for those of you today who don’t listen to podcasts or care much for social media. Yeah, you might be a dying breed as my traffic numbers suggest, but, it’s not completely dead yet.
So here are the basics and the timeline of things that went down. On Cinco de Mayo weekend, I got a tip about a video circulating of Brandon Jones in a club clearly with another woman that wasn’t Serene. Didn’t think much of it because as you know, I do not run with stories anymore unless the person coming to me with it puts their name behind it, or, provides evidence to support the story. So as of that weekend, to me, it was just another negative story I heard about a Bachelor guy, something I get all the time. But with no evidence of anything, there wasn’t anything I was gonna do. Then on Monday, May 8th, Serene and Brandon release a statement saying they’re broken up and, well, that of course piqued my interest and made things a lot more interesting since it seemingly came out of nowhere and just days after I heard about him in a club with another woman. But still, nothing to report since I had no evidence, and no one had come forward to me with any proof of any of this. Until last week.
On Tuesday of last week, I was sent this video of Brandon in a club with someone that clearly isn’t Serene:
(EXCLUSIVE): Brandon Jones at the club Superstition in Austin, TX on May 5th with another woman. Three days later on May 8th, Brandon and Serene gave a joint statement on IG announcing their break up and ending their engagement. Read the details here: https://t.co/fvPLDTm8SM pic.twitter.com/2WJGdMAfEy
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) June 7, 2023
I reached out to Serene last Tuesday once I received the video, but have not heard back. However, here’s what you need to know about the video that I have been able to confirm from sources.
-Yes, that is Brandon in the video. And that is not Serene he’s draped all over.
-That is Will Urena behind Brandon, a fellow cast mate with him on Michelle’s season.
-This video was taken in Austin, TX on Friday night, May 5th, at a club called “Superstition.”
-If you go to Brandon’s IG feed, on May 5th he posted a pic of him throwing out the first pitch at a San Diego Padres game. He threw out the first pitch on May 3rd, two days earlier. May 5th he was not in San Diego, he was in Austin with his friends at the club.
-Three days after this video taken at the club, Serene and Brandon post a breakup statement on IG and Serene, as you can see, has not posted anything on her IG since.
Breakups are no fun. Public breakups aren’t any better. And while Brandon doesn’t deserve any unnecessary hate and berating from people behind fake IG accounts or fake screen names, he also has to take responsibility for his own actions. Is this a great look? Of course not. Does he deserve to be called out for this? For sure. But no need to bombard with hate, vitriol and death threats. If you’re following him and this disgusts you, then just click unfollow and never think about him again. Simple.
I was told that Serene was made aware of this video and has seen it. That’s what took me a few days to find out. And then leaving for Vegas this past weekend I wanted to report everything this week once I was back since I know there will be fallout and a lot of people now covering/talking about it. I don’t like dropping a fairly big story and then heading out of town. As mentioned, I’d heard that weekend it happened but never had any evidence or proof. But this video has apparently made the rounds and it’s almost surprising it hadn’t gotten out til this point. So to know now that Brandon was seen in this video with another woman on May 5th, and May 8th they release a joint statement announcing a breakup, I don’t think it’s hard to figure out what happened here.
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you soon.