Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 4/23 – More From Jenn’s 1-on-1 Date, Podcast Transcripts, Jenn’s Men & Negative Reports, Pilot Pete, & Re-Listened to Taylor’s Album

As I mentioned in the open, Peter Weber went on Chris Harrison’s podcast with Lauren Zima.

I didn’t listen to the whole thing, but I listened to the part that I wanted to because someone alerted me to the fact that Chris Harrison actually talked about something he’s never talked about before.

And basically, Peter, after the first 30 minutes or so, a little bit turned the interview on Chris because they had talked about going through a rough time on this show.

And Peter asked Chris, where were you?

When everything went down, you had been with the show for so long.

Were you thinking of quitting?

Where were you at with it?

And Chris admitted for the first time, my contract was up in a year.

I had been with the show 19 years, and I was struggling with, do I stay with the show or do I not?

Then he said, everything happened, and they basically, if you read between the lines, he said they lowballed him in an offer, because he had just given bad publicity to the show by doing the Rachel Lindsay interview and the GMA interview.

He didn’t say those particularly, but he said they had leverage over me.

And Lauren chimed in and said, yeah.

And she even said, this is the first time we’re ever talking about it.

But that was something he had never brought up before.

And he said he was at a place where he had spoken at it with Lauren, because they were dating at the time.

And he didn’t know what he was going to do.

He isn’t saying that I was going to quit, but he was also saying that, do I just stop it at a good round number?

I do one more year at 20 years or what?

And he goes, I had not decided yet, but then everything happened and the decision was basically made for me.


I think there’s still more obviously that went into it and I still obviously think Chris can’t say certain things.

He did not talk about any settlement money that he got.

And it’s funny because Peter’s asking him, can I ask you this?

Are you going to talk about it?

And Chris is like, oh yeah, ask me anything.

It’s like, okay, we know he can’t go into everything.

And the interview with Peter, it’s the same thing.

Like I have said this time and time again, if there’s one deep dive that I would like to do with any former contestant, it is Peter Weber from November when his season ended filming and he got engaged to Hannah Ann till the after the final rose and maybe a couple weeks after when he was seen with Kelly in Chicago.

Because so much happened with him in those three months.

The things that we know about are, number one, he got engaged to Hannah Ann and then broke up with her in January the week of the Super Bowl.

At the Super Bowl, he runs into Kelly.

We know that by what the show showed us.

He got back together with Maddie or whatever you want to call that.

He goes and they bring Maddie to him and they decide to sit there on the after the final rose couch and decide we want to continue seeing each other, even though Sweetenums wanted no part of Maddie in her son’s life.

Then two days after the after the final rose, they announce on Instagram they’ve decided to go their separate ways.

Then we find out when Hannah Brown’s book came out that during that time, sometime between January and after the final rose, she had sex with Peter yet again.

She went to his house and she stayed at his house.

So that means he was engaged to Hannah Ann, hooked up with Hannah, hooked up with Hannah Brown, ended in a, you know, I don’t, we don’t know the order.

Obviously, I think the order was end stuff with Hannah Ann before hooking up with Hannah Brown, which I definitely think the Hannah Brown stuff happened in February at a party in LA.

They were at the same party, ended up going home together.

And then when did the Kelly stuff all start?

When they met in Miami during the Super Bowl, five days after he broke it off with Hannah Ann, did anything happen?

I guess we’ll never know unless one of them wants to be very honest about it.

But Peter didn’t get into any of that stuff.

And that’s what I mean.

Not to mention the other rumors that were floating out there about one, if not possibly two other women during that time.

So that’s what I mean.

Like, it’s like they talk about it to a certain extent, but then they never really dive into it.

I would love for Peter Weber to finally come clean about what really happened between November and March.

I think it’d be fascinating.

I don’t think anybody would think of him any less because I think we pretty much already know, but we’ve never heard him say it, and we’ve never heard him admit it.

Like, the whole thing with Maddie, has anybody ever asked him about this, or has he ever addressed this in public?

Like, dude, you sat up there on the After the Final Rose, holding Maddie’s hand, defending her until the death with your mother just staring daggers at you and saying, this is never going to work out, and you gave up two days later.

You and Maddie both were like, yeah, we’re done.

You know, that’s what I mean.

It’s like, come on, Peter, be honest about what really happened there.

Did you just do that because the show asked you, can we get a happy ending out of this season?

Can we get some sort of love story after you’ve ended things with Hannah Ann?

I’m sure that played a role.

It would be nice if he would be honest about it.

But as far as I know, he’s never addressed why he sat there with Maddie to defend her, and two days later, two days later, they release an Instagram statement saying, we have decided to go our separate ways, after he just vehemently defended her on that stage with his mother staring him down and saying, this isn’t going to work.

And look, in hindsight, Sweetenums was right.

Like, we all knew it wasn’t going to work.

We’ve seen where Maddie’s life has taken her, and that was not Peter’s life whatsoever.

It wasn’t then, and it isn’t now.

So we knew it wasn’t going to work because of her religious ties that she had, and we just knew Peter was not into that at all.

So why defend her as much as he did?

And if you’re just like, well, I wanted to try and make it work.

Okay, then give it more than two days.

Like, you know, that’s what I mean.

I really wish somebody, anybody could get him to talk about that.

But it seems like he never will, unfortunately.

And finally, the other thing that I posted last night on my Instagram stories was after yesterday’s take down of the Tortured Poets Department album, I was like, okay, you know what?

I had listened to it twice.

And when I gave that review yesterday, I was like, okay, let me do it again.

And the first two times I listened to it, I was kind of following along with the lyrics for most of it.

And yesterday I was just like, well, let me listen to the songs because I was on a walk.

I go on a nightly walk around anytime between 4 and 530 every night.

And I was like, let me just press play when I walk out the door.

And my walk takes me about 50, 55 minutes, so it got me up to song about 13, I believe.

It got me up to Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, song 14.

And I’ve heard The Alchemy and Clarabelle, but I just didn’t on my walk yesterday.

So I was like, let me have a updated review of Tortured Poets Department.

And after listening to basically the first album, yet again, for the third time, I am here to say this.

I will admit this.

It’s just about as average as I thought it was the first two times I listened.

But with that said, like nothing major changed in my mind, but I will say there are three songs that I think will crack my Taylor Swift playlists out of 17.

I do like Guilty As Sin.

I do like Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf or whatever that’s…

Oh, Who’s Afraid of the Little Old Me.

I do like that one.

And I do like I Can Do It With a Broken Heart, because that’s literally the only song out of 17 that changes any sort of tempo.

It is 16 songs that are kind of slow and dreary and sad.

And vulnerable.

I get it.

I get this is more of an insight into her diary.

This is poetry.

I get it.

It just, like I said yesterday, this doesn’t take away from her as a songwriter.

It doesn’t take away how much I love her other albums.

It just means that this particular album, a little too slow and dreary for me, and I would like a little more diversity in the songs.

So Guilty of Sin, I like that one.

Does it pass some of her other bangers?

No, I still don’t think there’s a banger on this album.

And maybe there isn’t supposed to be, because it’s not poppy, it’s not catchy.

It’s just a lot of vulnerability in her talking about, you know, what she went through in relationships.

The So Long London song is just like, as I said in my story yesterday, like why didn’t you just call that Bye Joe?

It’s like, okay.

And Taylor obviously is a master at this.

She never, ever, ever references who she’s referring to in her songs.

But everybody dissects it and they can pretty much guess.

But she’ll never give anybody any confirmation.

Oh, Taylor, we think you’re talking about Jake Gyllenhaal in this song.


I’m never going to reveal who I talk about.

But for God’s sakes, Taylor, you dated Joe Alwyn for six years.

He lived in London.

You lived in London with him for a while.

Then you release a song after the breakup called So Long London.

And the whole song is about a relationship between a girl and a guy and how she was feeling.

And we’re not supposed to believe.

You’re not fooling anybody.

It’s about Joe.

Just call the song, bye.

Bye, Joe.


Found myself a tight end.

One of the top three tight ends in the history of the NFL.

I’m done with you.


So and I just honestly, I just don’t particularly care for that song.

I don’t hate it.

It’s just there.

If there’s two other songs in the first album that may crack my playlist, maybe Fortnite will and maybe down bad will.

Those are okay.

I like them.

But if you’re asking me my three favorites, it would be guilty of sin.

Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?

And yes, I’m going to just call it that because that’s what I’m going to call it.

And I can do it with a broken heart.

Maybe you can also add on L-O-M-L, maybe.

But the three that definitely will be making my playlist, guilty of sin, who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?

And I can do it with a broken heart.

So that’s my update.

Nothing major changed with me listening to it for a third time.

But as I said yesterday, I don’t hate the album.

I just like most of her other albums a lot better.

Anyway, thank you all for listening.

Really appreciate it.

Follow me on Apple Podcasts.

Also rate and review if you can.

But you got to hit play.

That’s how it counts as a download.

Sports Daily will be up in an hour from now.

And yes, like I said at the beginning, it starts today.

The transcript of this particular podcast will be up on at some point this morning.

I will tweet it out when it is.

Thanks again for listening.

I appreciate it, and I will talk to you tomorrow.

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