Reality Steve


Podcast #388 – Interview with Greer Blitzer from the “Bachelor” (Including Transcript)

You get in the black suburban and they’re driving you wherever to the hotel or the airport. How, how long were you in the black suburban before bachelor in paradise was brought up to you about, Hey, would you be interested in being on paradise this summer?

My, my ask, I think my ask wasn’t till much later.

Oh, really? My, yeah, my ask wasn’t till like a month before paradise.

Okay. Yeah. Some, some get asked on their exit, like, or at least not asked, but like, Hey, would you be interested? I just wanted to know if they had thrown it out to you, like, like others.

Yeah. I had someone like on the phone with me say like, Hey, like maybe the beach will be calling your name in the summer, but it was never like a real conversation.

It was just a teaser, but no.

Was it something you always knew? You would be interested in

a 100%. I actually thought that I would thrive on the beach, but we both know that didn’t have

We’ll get to that in a second The so I asked everybody this who was eliminated from the show now you asked it obviously you last pretty far You were right there before hometown.

So you had a pretty good idea You know Once you find out or I don’t know when you found out that Gabby Ariel charity and Katie or the with a for hometown dates But in your mind when you left the show Who did you think he was going to pick?


Katie. So, you know,

Oh, I, I so knew, I remember I came back cause Katie was so good at keeping a secret.

Oh my God. If you want to tell her a secret, she’ll keep it. Cause she didn’t budge. We even had a premiere for the first episode with her and we didn’t even realize that she was the one where we were, we were having girl talk. We were saying some things, we had no idea, but I remember actually saying to Katie.

If it’s not you, I don’t believe in love. So

what was her reaction? Did she kind of Riley smile? And I’m just like,

she just giggled. She was like, ah, ha

ha. Interesting. Yeah. No, I, you know what? Now that you bring that up, I think I remember premier party for Zach season. A lot of you, a lot of the ladies were together now that you bring that up.

Okay. So you go down to paradise. And when you’re interviewing for paradise, what were you saying to, because this, this has always been fascinating to me because I’ve been doing this obviously a long time. And for the longest time, when paradise started, the guys that were on the current season of the bachelorette were.

There was usually about one or two episodes that had aired before everyone headed down to paradise. And then most of the time you were down in paradise is when that particular bachelorette season was airing. But in recent seasons, they’ve started the bachelorette season. Airing much later. So all you would have known is just who these guys are.

And if anybody read spoilers, you’d have an idea of how far they lasted. But for your season, once again, you go down to paradise and you don’t know Any of Charity’s men, Charity, no, no, no, not Charity. Was it Charity? Yeah,

Charity. Charity’s men.

You didn’t know anything about them. You, well, you knew who they were based on headshots and their pictures getting out on the Bachelorette Facebook page as contestants, but you had never seen them on TV.

You didn’t know any of them talked, walked, dressed, anything,


So you don’t know anything about them. I’m sure when they got down there, they’re, I don’t know how much they’re allowed to tell everybody. Like. Hey, this happened to me on charities season, like, like someone like I’m blanking on charities guys, but, or someone like Aaron like when he gets down there, does he tell people like, Oh, you know, I got eliminated at hometowns, but then I came back and tried to win her back.

Like, Did you know that? Was Aaron sharing that with people? Obviously you knew he wasn’t with her.

Yeah, everyone pretty much shared their stories. Everyone loves a good trauma bond. I think that’s why people in the franchise get so close is because we have such a unique experience. But everyone just can’t wait to tell you what they went through and they want to hear what you went through.

So pretty much the first two days, it was just everyone dishing.

Okay, so that’s what you were finding out about all these guys and


just kind of looking at, you know, Brayden, like you, when Brayden comes down to the beach and you see this guy with feather earrings and you’re probably like, this guy seems like a total clown, like what is his deal?

And then obviously he probably told everybody, yeah, I’m the, I was the villain, this guy’s didn’t like me. And then you had Sean and yeah, whoever else was there. So when you’re interviewing for paradise, who did you tell like production and casting like that you would possibly be interested in? Did you mention any of charity’s guys?

Like how could you? Yeah. Oh, you did?

Yeah. I pretty much mentioned every guy who. Wasn’t on the beach.


every guy who wasn’t there. I mentioned who, wait, what was, Oh my God. I’m blanking on his name now. That’s crazy. Cause he’s one of the names that I dropped. Who’s the guy who fell asleep on charity’s date.

What was he was like really tired.

Oh, yeah. I’m again. I’m watch every episode every season I write about it and I just I lose stuff. I know there’s so many different

names Who

was it that fellas?

Wait, can I ask Davia really quick? She’s here. Let me ask her. What was his name?


What was it? What was his name?

Warwick. Warwick. Who? Warwick. Oh Warwick. Warwick. Oh yes, Warwick.

I thought he was so cute. And then Oh, oh, I really wanted Joey. I was Oh yeah,

clearly Joey.

Yeah, clearly. But I think that’s so funny because we also, we had no idea that he was going to be the bachelor. We didn’t even know he was in the running.

We have no idea. And I remember his headshot came out and I told all my friends, I was like, he’s so cute. And I was like, but, I, I can’t chase, I need to attract. And so I waited. I waited for the beach and obviously he didn’t show up, but side note, him and Kelsey are super cute. I’m really happy for them.

So Yeah, no it seemed to work out for them.

You guys, so you, again, Paradise, you know, last summer, I’ve already forgotten. I obviously know you went home at the first rose ceremony, but Was there anybody that you had connected with early on? Did you think you were getting a rose at that first row ceremony or did you pretty much know I’m gone?

So I connected with Aaron Schwartzman in the beginning and cause he’s Jewish and I’m Jewish and I was like, this is amazing.

We can start planning our, our Shabbat dinners with our families. This is incredible. And I, it was cool. I’ve never dated a Jewish guy. And I was like, this is really cool to meet someone who’s, who’s Cut from similar cloth. That’s something to bond on. And I liked that he was like in his thirties. I, I didn’t really want to be with someone in their twenties.

I’m I wanted someone who was like kind of knew what they wanted in life. So there’s just a lot of things about him that I thought he was cute. There’s a lot of things that I was interested in when it came to. And but that didn’t work out. He, he had a stronger connection with Sam and then yeah, I just was like friends with.

I became friends with everyone on the beach and I got friend


Oh man, I got friend zoned. I know, but like, yeah, I was so in that zone and I remember asking or I didn’t ask, he just, I became friends with everyone and kept up with them afterwards. And they told me. For all I know they’re just saying this to make me feel better, but they told me that I friend zoned them.

I was like,

what? No But yeah, because I don’t know

initial cast was I think seven guys and eleven girls It might have been eight and twelve. I can’t remember but the guys were Aaron B Sean Will Brayden Aaron s You The other pilot, Pete and Blake, right? So those were the, yeah, those were the guys. And so none of the outside of Aaron S none of those were potentials that you’re like, Oh, I have a, maybe a chance to get his rose or was it, I’m all in on Aaron S if he doesn’t give it to me, I’m shit out of luck.

I mean, I talked to, I talked to pretty much everyone. And then I remember One of the guys I was talking to had asked me who I was talking to, who, oh, if I liked anyone on, on the beach and I was like, I’m kind of just, you know, I’m getting to know everyone because I, I didn’t kiss anyone the whole time I was there, which was obviously not long at all.

But I remember. I didn’t want, I just, I want to do that with someone that I knew I was interested in, they were interested in that. They made me back. Like, I didn’t want to just kiss someone. And then like the next morning they’re kissing someone else. I didn’t want to play that game. And I remember I was talking to this person and they were like, Are you, who else are you talking to?

I’m like, well, I’m kind of talking to everyone on the beach, just trying to see where the connections are. And then this person said to me something like, I gave you the chance to tell me the names and I can’t trust you and my future part. And it was really weird, really weird interaction. And then after that, it just, it just never Never with anyone didn’t turn into anything.

I just felt like everyone was just it, there was no romantic connection with anyone. It was just, I felt like I was just like on a speed dating with like people that I wasn’t into.

So when you went down to paradise, were you, and you know, fresh off of Zach season, Zach, well, I mean, not fresh off I’m talking about, cause Zach season, you probably got sent home in October of Zach season, maybe it was, Early November, but you were back home in October at that point was, you know, obviously you said earlier that Davia is your roommate now, were you, were you close friends with Davia then, or did it develop after paradise?

When did your friendship with Davia like takeoff?

Yeah, so my friendship, okay, this is how it really started so we were We were on zach season and my biggest love language is words of affirmation and davi and I weren’t close on zach season, but she said to me Greer is one day she said to me, Greer, you’re like, really cool.

So she’s like your BFF for life. Cause she told you, you were cool. Oh

yeah. I was like, I was like, Ooh, I, I was like, you’re in, you’re in. And I really liked that. That stuck with

me. And then at the, so I always liked Daphne cause she thought I was cool. And then we were at the premiere. For the first episode and she was there with us in Austin and we just really bonded.

So we, our bond was mainly kind of in the, in the real world. We both were single. We both had a lot of the same interests and I was trying to get back to New York. I had my studio that was coming. The lease was coming to an end, and I wanted to get there, and she wanted to move to New York. So, we instantly knew we wanted to live together, and we became so close, where we FaceTimed and talked every single day until she moved to New York.

In October last year.

And then when did you move?

So I, before I lived in New York for about three years, but I moved back July, like literally right after paradise. I went right back.

You went back to, you went back to New York. Okay.

Oh yeah. Yeah.

And you were at the time you left to go film Zach season, you were living in Austin, right?

No, I was, I was living in, so I was living in New York. Oh, I was New York. Yeah. So I, I moved to New York 2020. Then the year, I can’t believe that was. Whoa. That was, was that 2022? Oh my God. 2022. That’s right before filming happened for Zach season went straight to LA. And then after filming, I had rented my studio out to someone.

So I moved back to Texas for about six, six, seven months.

Okay. That’s what, yeah. Cause I think you’re, I think your location on Zach season showed you in Texas somewhere. Was it Austin? Yeah.

Yeah. So they I’m from Houston, Texas. Yeah. So I grew up there. Yeah. I think, I think they made it to Houston, Texas.

Cause I didn’t get any footage or video of me in York.


All my, my intro video was Houston. Yeah.

That’s right. Okay. Couple of random questions. First one. I know you’ve probably been asked a thousand times and if you have been asked it, I’m apologizing for asking it a thousand and one times, but I don’t know the answer and, okay.

Because of your last name, are you, are you related to Wolf Blitzer?

No, but my professors called me Wolf all the time. Oh,

okay. Did not know. No, so no relation there. And where did the idea of cheerio Greerio come from for your Instagram handle? Oh

my God. Yeah, there is this girl, Mary Kate Stallings. She was in theater with me in high school.

We were both 15 and she’s very spunky. She’s has a very creative mind. And I was trying to come up with my username on Instagram and she was like, cheerio, cheerio. And I was like, yeah, I’ll do it. And it’s been my username ever since.

Okay. So that’s where it came. So yeah, I was looking, I was looking for it.

The origin story of Cheerio

Gu. Yeah. Mm-Hmm. , that’s how it was born.


I, yeah. I’m yet to have a Cheerios collaboration. Yeah. That, that, but I, that’s

calling your name . It really is.

It is.

So recently, earlier, it was either earlier this week or end of last week, you posted on cheerio Greerio that you have now your own swimwear line.

Your own suit that is open. I know the launch is this Saturday, so it’s great that everyone’s hearing this on Thursday. This Saturday, you are having your own line launched. Explain to everybody what that’s all about, how it came to be. And just who it’s with. I believe if I’m not mistaken, I want to get this right, but it’s with a white rose swim, correct?



Yeah. Yeah. So it’s, it’s a collaboration with White Rose Swim. They reached out to me earlier this year and asked if I wanted to do a design and collaborate with them for their summer collection. And of course I could not pass up that opportunity. I said, absolutely, let’s do it. And so for the past about three months or so, I’ve created a swimsuit for their collection.

It’s actually called Lady de Toile. And yeah, so it’ll be mine. It’s it’s has my name on it too. And. Has hers as well, but yeah, so it’s going to be released this Saturday, April 27th, and it’ll be available to everyone. I think it’s going to be a limited amount. But obviously if there’s a higher demand for it, they’re going to restock, but yeah, it’s going to be my own swimsuit in, in relation with this swimsuit line.

Have you ever, I mean, is this something that you. Have always been kind of interested in them aside. And then someone came to you, you’re like, Oh, wow, I finally get to do, you know, create a swimsuit. But like, what went into this idea of creating a a swimsuit? Like, obviously there’s so many bikinis out there.

There’s so many different designs and you know, what made you choose the design that you did and you know, just the thought process behind it.

So I, I’ve always been very interested in styling, always very interested in clothing even my, my current job that I have right now, I’m a stylist in New York.

And so I’ve always had a passion for this and I’ve always wanted to be involved in it too, especially after graduation, being in New York during the pandemic, I always was trying to figure out ways. to have a creative release and also do something in fashion. And I’m a strong believer that how you look can really affect how you feel.

And a swimsuit, that’s your most vulnerable moment, right? Like you’re fully, almost fully exposed and You want to feel your most confident self. Like once you put that swimsuit on, you want to feel like you are as woman as you can possibly be. And I, myself, like we all go through moments where we aren’t the most comfortable in our own body and like summer’s coming around where you have to embrace where you’re at your current state that you are with your body.

And so I wanted to have this moment to create. A swimsuit that would be flattering for everyone and one that would make you feel feminine and feel like the woman that you are and having that opportunity. I couldn’t pass it up. And so I was so excited to do it.

Well, that’s awesome. I mean, I, I, congratulations on that.

And I’m assuming on Saturday, like. You’ll obviously be posting the link where people can purchase it because this is an online purchase. I assume

yeah Yeah, so I’ll be posting the link on Saturday the 27th and it’ll be available to everyone.

Okay. Yeah, and I obviously I saw you know Davias as well Both of them.

I mean, these are really really good bikinis By the way, I really, I like both of them. I obviously I’m not going to choose one myself. I’m not going to wear a bikini, but

you can, you can tell me which one you like better.

Yeah. I’ll just tell you yours is better. There you go. No, but I, no, I really, like when I saw it, I was like, wow, this is actually, this is a really cool bikini.

Like it’s, it’s fire. So good for you. Congratulations with that. You said you were, I was going to ask, and then you answered it in your own in, in your answer was. I was gonna ask, what do you do, like, you said you lost your job when you got back from Zach’s season, obviously that was a couple years ago.

So what are you doing as a stylist in New York?

Yeah, so I have a showroom in SoHo and I’ve been styling menswear, actually. It’s been great. So.

Like evening wear? Is it what kind of menswear?

Everything from, from social, personal, business, whatever a guy needs help in his wardrobe, any, any gap, any hole that he needs filled in.

That’s where I come in.

Oh, so is it like one of those deals where you, I did this probably, Oh God, how many years ago did I do this? And I don’t remember, I don’t even remember the name of the company, but I was at my old, I was at my shit. I was at my apartment. So this would have been pre 2013 where it’s almost like monthly.

Your stylist sends you clothes and you literally try it on on zoom. Is it that where you’re like dealing with somebody like that, where they send me a box of clothes every month and then you, whatever you keep is what you pay for and you send the rest back. But once I get it, I have to put it on, on a zoom call and they tell me about it.

Yeah, that’s kind of like personal shopping, styling, et cetera. It’s not that no. So I do custom clothing. So I, with European fabrics, like, like from, from Italy, from France. So I’m working with these designers that I have partnered with their fabric, their fabric mill. I’m able to pretty much create any piece of clothing from start to finish with someone, which is really cool.

So. Like I said, I like to have a creative release, so I’m able to basically build an outfit from the fabric all the way to the finish of the garment for anyone that comes into my showroom.

Gotcha, okay. Really? That’s, that’s really interesting.

Okay. Thank you. Thank you. You’re very, very different to what I was doing before.

I was, I was in, yeah, I was in medical sales and yeah, big, big jump. But I, I like to think that. My experience, like coming back and them saying, you know, pretty much you don’t have a job here anymore. I mean, I think fair enough. I haven’t gone for eight weeks. You know, like it pushed me to do something that was way more fulfilling.

And I, I love what I do now. It’s so fun. I was

gonna say, and it got you to move. I’m assuming that played a big role in you getting to New York, right? When you got back from filming.

What I did was, it was actually, I so, it was so hard to get a job actually. After, after filming, it was really, really hard and, and I couldn’t get hired.

And I remember I just, I knew New York city is where I wanted to be. And as much as I love my family in Houston, I couldn’t, I couldn’t stay there. And so I thought to myself, all right, if no one else is going to hire me, I’m just going to hire myself. So I started my own freelance marketing for a whole year.

And I now do that on the side, but now I have this other, this career in styling, which is more of my passion, which is really cool, but it took me about a year, but I use the marketing, starting my own business to get me back to the city.

Okay. And. On the dating front. You know, people want to know, are you single?

Are you dating? Are you, cause I, you know what, having followed you on Instagram, I thought there was, I could be way off and I could be mixing you up with somebody else. But was there a man recently that you were like definitely dating and


okay. So that was you. Is that not any more?

No, no, no, it didn’t work out.

Who ended, who ended it and why?

They ended it with me. Oh

I’m just turning the knife here. Sorry.

It’s so it’s okay. Yeah, it’s been, it’s been a while. Yeah. Well,

yeah. When was that? Because I feel like I, it was like a month ago, but I know it wasn’t when

yeah, it was about like two months ago.


okay. So it was, yeah.

So it’s, yeah, it’s just one of those things where it just like one They’re, they’re in banking, they’re investment banker. So it just, I, they just didn’t have the time that I had. And also I was really, really excited. To share, I was just a girl excited to share a relationship that she was in and I think in the, in the future, my next, the next person that I’m with, I’m going to be, I’m going to protect their privacy more because I, I didn’t realize I, I, in my mind, I’m, I don’t really matter.

So I didn’t know that Reddit. Would get a hold of things. I didn’t think it would be a conversation and I had my own experience with that this past year and, which I would never want to inflict on someone else. So I think that in the future, less, less cooks in the kitchen will be nice and out of respect for my relationship for sure.

Was something found out about him?

No, I just, nothing was like found out. It was just, he’s the person I was with was a very private person. Oh, and I just, I, I wish I would have respected that more.

Well, do you, do you feel like do you, do you feel like it was when you did that? He probably said something to you like, Hey, you know, maybe don’t post this without asking whatever, or looking back on it now, do you think that maybe Unfortunately.

He was trying to hide you didn’t want people to know that you guys were dating Yeah,

I know it happens

it definitely

yeah No, it’s never like that and at all I mean it was I just think the way that I went because this person knew I was gonna be Posting but just the way that I personally went about it.

It wasn’t coming from a team effort And I was just really excited. I just wanted to show this person off and I So proud of the person I was with, but I, in that, in that, in that time, in that moment I wasn’t really considering what makes them feel comfortable because it was something that I just wasn’t as aware would make someone uncomfortable and someone who doesn’t choose to be in, in, in any kind of form of spotlight, like I, I chose this life.

And this person didn’t choose that life so I I think in the future if I ever did date someone who Didn’t choose this life that I have I would be a lot more I would be a lot more careful protecting them and making them feel comfortable because not everyone wants eyes on them to that extent so I would definitely be more respectful, but He’s a really great guy and I have nothing bad to say about him.

I had a wonderful time with him You We it just didn’t work out

were you kind of were you blindsided at all when he ended it with you Or did you kind of know like did you feel it was coming? How long did you date? How long what did it last

about seven months?


Yeah I could I could feel it was coming.

So So when it when it did happen I, I, I was like, I can’t, I refuse to give someone a reaction, I remember, I, I’m the type where if you don’t want to be with me, that’s okay, that’s your choice I, I not take, I don’t take it personally at all, I feel like everyone’s on their own path and figuring out their own shit, so.

In that moment. Yeah, I knew it was coming, but I just knew that I, if that person isn’t going to choose me, at least I choose myself.

Gotcha. And are you of the opinion that I hear this all the time? I’ve never, I don’t want to say I haven’t, I’ve never lived in New York because I did, but it was, I mean, I was born in New York, but I only lived there until I was three.

So I’ve never lived there, but I hear it all the time now. Oh my God, it’s impossible to date in New York. Are you, are you in that frame of mind? Is it hard or is that an overblown statement? Are people just trying to draw attention to themselves when they say that? What is it? Is it hard there? Oh,

it’s a, it’s a fucking nightmare.

Oh, okay. All right. Yeah.

No, it’s, it’s absolutely terrible. I don’t, I don’t recommend it to anyone. I’m actually not on any of the apps.

That’s my question. I hear, like I say, I hear it all the time. People say like, Oh, it’s a possible date in New York, but I’ve never heard like the reason why is it? Because the guys are dating 17 other women at the same time and just going through the,

it’s the bachelor, just not in your face.

Oh, okay.

So also, you know, it’s, it’s girl, it’s us too. It’s it’s both. It’s not just the men. Like there’s just so many, I feel like when you have so many options, And you don’t have to take that accountability. Where things are face to face. That’s where ghosting happens. That’s where like a lot happens here It’s very a very fast life in New York So a week feel can go by so quickly and even though you went on a great date with someone It’s almost like that person it never happened.

That person doesn’t exist or that the time just flew by so it’s actually really hard to Foster relationship here because there’s so many other distractions pretty much.

So something that you mentioned in your answer that I wanted to bring up and, you know, sorry if it took this long to bring up, but you mentioned about, you know, Reddit, getting ahold of things and stuff like that.

And it, it happened during your season. There was a tweet that you had sent out quite a few years ago in regards to defending a classmate who did blackface. And then you were brought up on stage. The women tell all to actually, you know, talk about it, address it and take it head on. I remember at the time, you know, there’s been a lot of apologies that have had to been made in this franchise, whether it was online on a tweet or on an Instagram story.

And a lot of them are just like, okay, well, you know, whatever. I mean, it’s just, it’s just, that’s just the start. I, and it’s just like, sometimes you just like as an audience. It’s like, whatever. I don’t know if I believe this. I remember seeing you up on stage and thinking like, okay, she actually, I feel like she gets it and she realizes her mistake and she’s not just apologizing because she got caught with, you know, an old tweet and stuff like that.

So again, just, you know, Refresh refresh people’s memory about what you said in a tweet, but what you kind of learned from that whole incident and getting up on stage, how I got to imagine, even though you had realized your mistake and you had actually talked to somebody about it and learned from it probably was kind of nerve wracking sitting up there addressing that.

Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I don’t want people to think that I. Just learn about it after speaking to someone who is really knowledgeable about it. I I was pretty much aware of of it before, before that conversation because Whenever I came back from filming and that’s what I came home to and I wanted to speak on it Immediately, but obviously I’m, I’m in contract.

I can’t, I can’t say things or do things how I want to without approval. And at the time I spent months researching by myself, I, Months looking into it because I remember I would speak to people about it and they would tell me that I did nothing wrong and that really bothered me and it really bothered me because I knew just because you don’t know something at some time doesn’t mean you weren’t in the wrong.

You can be ignorant and wrong at the same time. And so I remember reading and doing my own research because I wanted to be able to have a conversation with people and not just. Be quiet. I wanted to be able to use this time to actually educate people around me. And I was, it was actually my idea to apologize on national television.

That was my idea because what I, what I, what I purposely did on the day that I, the first episode with me getting the first impression rose, I actually purposely Put that apology up on my on my story initially because I knew that was my moment and my only moment Pretty much in the entire season and I knew all eyes were gonna be on me.

Yeah, so I

purposely thank you I I purposely even though like that it sucks like, you know, the one good moment of that entire experience like I didn’t get to enjoy but I thought in that moment that this was more important because I needed to get that across and if people aren’t aware I want to make it aware and so then I I wanted to speak more on it So then I was given the opportunity to talk about it more on the show and I really had No, I had no prep.

I, I was just like, you know what, I’m just going to speak from the heart. Hopefully I, I can’t, there’s no such thing as saying the perfect thing as much as I want to be perfect. There’s no such thing. Let me just speak from the heart and bring attention to it when most people wouldn’t, I took that moment.

I was like, I know there’s someone out there that needs to hear this. There’s someone out there that needs to learn from this or feel safe or feel heard and understood. So Yeah, that’s, that’s kind of what was going on before that moment on Tell All. And once I was in that moment, I was absolutely terrified.

It’s, you know, it’s, it’s live. I’m in a room full of people and a lot of you know, women of color who were on my season, who I was so mortified, I was so embarrassed. By that because I, I disrespected and loved everyone that I was on my season with and it actually, that experience in going through that, I, I didn’t really talk to many people on my season for a while because I, it’s like, I was just so shamed that I would, I would, I was basically why distancing myself, I was punishing myself for my actions that I had previously.

But even though it was really hard for me, I’m sure I know, not, I’m sure. I know that people of color and every, any, everyone else has had it worse than the experience that I had for a couple of months.

Yeah. So, and I just had a curiosity. Did any of the women of color from your season, you know, cause you, I guess said you went home probably end of October.

So there were two months. I don’t remember when it surfaced. But you said you came out in the first episode of the season, which was like January 23rd or something like that. So you, there was probably a good month, six weeks there where you could not address it right when it was, you know, building up this storm.

So you have to do it. You did it on the first night. Obviously, I’m assuming that was approved by ABC. You were probably like, I gotta, you can’t let me not say anything or

right. Right. I said, this is my life. I, I, I’m going to say something

and they were, and they approved and they were fine with it.


Okay. And then obviously you got to address it at the at the women tell all, was there, were there any women of color from your season that contacted you either before you made your apology to say like, Greer, what the fuck is this all about? Or Afterwards and said, I really appreciate you doing that.

Yeah. Well, I, I, at the premiere, I even talked to a lot of the women of color who was with me. I let them know before beforehand, I gave them all a heads up. I even, I even had to. I gave a lot of people a heads up, even in my personal life as well. I had conversations with certain people about it before it went really, really public before the sun.

I think the sun was the first article to pick it up. And so I had those hard conversations before. Anything picked up. And then after it did, I had a bunch of people for my season, reach out to me. And then a couple of the women said thank you after the conversation at tell all.

Well, that’s good.

Yeah. Because I remember, and then just pulling up what you had said, you know, you had your, you had your Instagram story on the day that Like you said, the premier and the one thing that you really wanted to make clear was, you know, that you said at the women tell all, like, Hey, what I failed to mention in my apology was that what happened was, was racist.

And it’s not about the intent. It’s about the impact.

And the acquaintance of mine that was performing blackface was racist. Me defending it was racist. My ignorance was racist and I’m, and I’m so ashamed and I’m deeply sorry. And I think that is. Obviously that is absolutely the approach to take on something like this.

And I’m glad that you, you know, you said it that way. Because like I said, there’s been plenty of apologies in this franchise where people have had to come out and address stuff that they said in the past, or maybe even they said currently. And it’s just like, eh, like I said maybe not the greatest, maybe they should have gotten some help on how to approach it, what to say, but I think what you said on the women tell all was.

Was exactly what you needed to say. And I thought you, that was a great job on your part. So again, I hate to you know, end this podcast on a downer. So, let me just ask you let me just ask you, I mean, I appreciate you you know, talking about it again. I’m sure you probably don’t want to bring this up, but I felt like I had to ask because it did happen and it was.

You know, a thing that was on the women tell all and

kind of

a social social media thing. But you know, just as we, as we end this and we talk sometimes in the past when I’ve had contestants on, I’ve done like a a rapid 10 where I just asked them a bunch of silly questions. I honestly, I don’t think I’ve done the rapid 10 in like five years.

So I don’t have a bunch, but I’ve got a few here that I, you know, kind of some old ones that I just go to. So just to not end this on such a sour note, we’re going to do a little rapid, I don’t know, five here. Okay. We’ll do this. So these are really quick questions and like first thing that comes to your mind.

So question number one, last movie or TV show you cried at?

Oh my God. What’s that chemistry show? Is it chemistry? With oh my god, something, oh lessons in chemistry, bawled my eyes out.

I don’t even know what that is. Is it on the streaming service? What’s it on?

It’s with Brie Larson. It is a, whoo, that is a tear jerker.

Oh, really? Yeah. Okay. Oh yeah.

Are you good at math?


Okay. Celebrity crush, male and female.

Okay. Celebrity crush.

And you can’t say a Gosling or Ryan Reynolds. It’s too big. No, no,

no, it’s not. It’s not going to be them. I have two that are like, I love comedians. Okay. I love comedians. And so I would say this guy, Marcello, who’s on SNL currently saving.

Yes. He’s saving the SNL franchise. He’s. Incredible. Yeah. Big crush. And then I have to give credit to my crush since I was 17. Little Dick, little Dickie. He’s got the show called Dave.

Little Dickie is your crush, huh?

Yeah. Yeah. He’s really funny. So I love a good personality.

Okay. And then female crush.

Okay. Rihanna. 100%. Oh, wow. Okay.

Your first kiss. Do you remember the name? And where it was, not where on your body, but where your first kiss happened.

My first kiss. So I was like, okay, let me think. Cause I was, I was a bit of a Casanova when I was little. So I

say little, what are we, what age are we talking about?

I was like four on the playground and made this boy kiss me. So

yeah, I’m assuming he didn’t make out with you at four. Okay. So yeah, no, I can tell you

make out.

My first makeout was, was, was sixth grade. It was this guy named Paris, and we were at his, we were at his house, and I felt so cool.

Did you, did you go to your senior prom and are you still in touch with it?

You don’t have to mention his name, but are you still in touch with him to this day, if you did,

okay. I did go to my prom and absolutely not. This guy was my,

was he just a guy you went with or was he your boyfriend? No,

no, he was my high school sweetheart.


wow. And yeah, we, we dated pretty much all my school, but I’m pretty sure he has.

A baby now. He just had a child and I think he’s engaged. Oh,


Yeah. I hope they’re hope they’re well as long as he’s not who he was back then. I wish them well

Oh, wow shots fired This and this is your high school sweetheart.

This was my high school sweetheart.


Oh, wow


and final one final one best valentine’s day gift You’ve ever received doesn’t have to be yeah.

Well, whatever it was whether it was it was

definitely from the recent the recent one It was very very thoughtful So my mom is from Joburg, South Africa. And so I love rooibos tea and This person went to multiple markets in New York and found me different strains of rooibos And gave that to me. I thought that was really thoughtful.

It’s not necessarily about the, you know, the, the tangible things or whatever, or just, you know, something, somebody putting a lot of thought into something, cause they know like, Oh, she likes this. I’m going to, I’m going to save that for later. So that’s good. That’s a, that’s very thoughtful. What about, what about for you?

What, what’s the best thing that you have given on Valentine’s day?

On Valentine’s Day, I I’m the best gift giver. All right, let me think on Valentine’s Day. What did I give? I Think okay. This is actually it’s pretty funny Okay, so I’ll tell you like the least the one that’s not as explicit and then I’ll tell you the other one and then So I gave them they were losing their keys constantly so I got them like an air tag and then Got them like they also want to like whiskey glasses.

So I got that as well, but then I had this box and I said, handled care and open it up and it was handcuffs and a blindfold. So,

cause you were gonna, cause you were gonna play cops and robbers. Got it. All right. So

handled care, right? Exactly.

Got it. Totally get it. All right. Well, thank you. You’ve completed the You’ve completed the top five.

Thank God. I still had these saved in my phone. Cause I wouldn’t have remembered these off the top of my head, but, um, career, thank you very much for coming on. I really appreciate it. Good luck on Saturday with the swimsuit line launch and remember go to cheerio, it’s cheerio. Underscore Greerio underscore, or what’s, what is it again?

Is that just

one underscore? Yeah. Cheerio underscore Greerio.

And it’ll be it’ll be on your Instagram. You’ll post the link to it and anybody can go there and purchase it again. Greer. Thank you so much for coming on. I really appreciate it. And I will be, we’ll be in touch.

Yeah. Thank you. Thank you Steve for having me.

I really enjoyed my time with you.

You got it. Bye. Thank you so much to Greer for coming on. And yes, I was very well aware. I, you know, I, obviously I knew the incident that happened with Greer, but just like so many things that happened during the season where I totally draw a blank, I had totally forgotten about the apology that she had to give on the, after the fun the women tell all.

So I appreciate her bringing up that up again or answering it again and, and being upfront and honest about what she went through. So again but really fun to kind of take a trip down memory lane with somebody that was on, She’s the first woman I’ve had on from Zach season. So, they’re out of contract now, so hopefully I can get some more on.

That’d be great. But again, thank you so much to Greer for doing that. I think what I’m going to do today, because like I said, I started this week, basically transcribing or having transcriptions of the daily roundup on Thursdays. I guess I’ll just use Trent transcriptions of both, even though this one will be a lot longer cause they’re an hour.

Whereas my daily roundup is only 20, 25 minutes. I’ll still do it. So I’ll have both of them on today’s web on today’s post. You’ll see both transcriptions of the daily roundup and podcast three 88 with career. So, look for that on the website. A little bit after this is posted. So thank you all for listening.

I really appreciate it. Please rate, subscribe and review. Also follow me on Apple podcasts. It is very much appreciated if you do. It’s the only way it counts as a download. So we definitely need as many downloads as possible. Again, thank you for listening. The sports daily was posted an hour ago. Daily roundup was posted two hours ago.

Again, thank you for listening for Greer Blitzer. I’m reality, Steve. Thanks again for tuning in and I will talk to you tomorrow.

Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.

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