Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 5/8 – A Correction On Yesterday’s Pod About Ben/Kaitlyn, Nick & Natalie Come Down On Maria, VPump Season Finale, Idol Top 5, & A Grease Death With Bachelor Ties

All right. Vanderpump rules. Season finale was last night for season 11. I didn’t even realize it was the finale until I started seeing the trailer for the once again, three part reunion show, which was filmed, I believe three or four weeks ago.

And obviously there’s rumors coming out about that. What happens? Lala and Sheena, I mean, apparently Sheena and Ariana, not friends anymore. Same with Lala. Are we going to get our answers next week? And I just thought like it didn’t even, maybe at the beginning of the show, the, the voiceover announcer did say on the season finale of Vanderpump rules, but it seemed like it ended rather quickly and it really didn’t seem like that big of a deal.

Like, I know that they had this, this blow up at the end of the episode, but there’s blow ups at the end of every episode. Like, why was this one any different? I don’t know. But we know that they’re not filming this summer, season 12, supposedly going to pick up a lot later. It’s going to start filming in the fall, but three part reunion show films next week.

We’re going to get our answers. I guess one of the things that they did is they did not show the cast, the ending of the episode until they filmed the reunion show. So they showed them the ending live. So is that the ending that we all saw last night, like the last 10 minutes? Where Sandoval went to everybody and told Sheena and Lala that Ariana hates them and she talks shit about them behind their backs.

Is it that or is it something that we as an audience haven’t seen either? I don’t know, but apparently that’s the big thing in part one of the reunion is they show the cast what happened At the end of filming live so they can get their live reactions. It’s going to be a hot mess. We know this. We pretty much know that Ariana is not friends with Sheena anymore.

And I think not Lala anymore either. I don’t know. You know, this was a very tough season to watch, even though it was only my first full season, just because it was a lot of the same storylines repeated over and over. And, you know, my thinking is Ariana doesn’t need this show anymore. So if we’re going to get a season 12 and it’s going to be the same thing over and over.

Where she’s telling everyone, I don’t give a shit about Tom Sandoval. Don’t talk to him about me. And if you do, I’m cutting you off or I don’t want to talk to you. And it’s just going to be a bunch of fights about that. Then someone needs to leave the show. And if she can’t, because she’s under contract.

Then maybe the producers just cut the show off because I’m guaranteeing you most of the audience does not want to see Season 12 if it’s gonna be a repeat of what we just saw for 11 for 12 episodes in season 11 You know who wants to see that Ariana is so much bigger than this show now. She’s got Love Island hosting She did dance with the stars.

She got the Chicago gig. She’s gonna do more in this summer now Why does she need to go back to the show? So if it’s only for contract related issues, and she can’t get out of it, then I guess we’re stuck. They need to think of either, they need to either hire better writers or scene people that set up scenes better because nobody wants to watch this again.

In the beginning, I was like, okay, I understood the fallout because the beginning of the season was going to be the fallout from The Scandal. Totally get that, but it lasted 12 episodes. It was the whole season. We got some small storylines of, oh, James and Allie want to be married and have kids and maybe she doesn’t want to have kids and, oh, she wants to start an astrology line and all this stuff.

Everything was so short lived. The main theme of the whole season was Ariana basically saying, get Scandoval away from me, get Sandoval away from me. I don’t want to talk to him. I don’t want to see him. And I don’t really want to be friends with anybody who wants to hang out with him or be part of his life.

Okay, then that’s making it very difficult for the viewers. Yeah. Because then producers need to step in and say, all right, well, we got to get rid of one of you. And I’m sure Ariana would be like, please let it be me. The fact that they’re forcing these two to film together when she clearly does not want to be around this guy.

Doesn’t want to film with them. Doesn’t want him breathing the same air that she does and doesn’t want him in her presence. Then why are you continuing to give this to us? Producers shit can one of them. I don’t care who it is. It’s. Not entertaining television after about four or five episodes. I was like, okay, this seems to be the storyline.

And I, and I wish that they would just change things up or well, Arianna is never going to forgive him. So we don’t have to, that’s not going to happen. So I don’t know what they do. I said it, you know, last year when I watched the reunion show, the one thing I kept saying How are they going to film this show when Ariana made it clear at last year’s reunion?

I want nothing to do with this guy and never want to film with him. I never want to talk to him, which she pretty much stuck to all season outside of a couple here and there’s where he was in the same shot as her. But a lot of her, you know, was her yelling at him and saying, don’t talk to me, get away.

You did this, you did this, you did this, which is what she had every right to do. But I’m like, okay, but as a viewer, I don’t know how compelling that is. Because we know that’s how she feels. Did we have to see it for 12 episodes? I don’t know. I don’t know what they’re going to do. Moving on to American idol.

So I watched Monday’s episode. And as I told you, McKenna was in the bottom two on Sunday night. I didn’t think all of a sudden she was going to somehow appear in the top five because it clearly showed whatever reason the audience didn’t connect with her. Shocked to hear that. I thought she was one of the best singers the show has had in the last five seasons.

I’d still listen to anything that she put out. Unfortunately, she’s been eliminated. Now we have a top five. And now that I see the top five, I got to imagine that Jack blocker is winning this thing. Because we know the people that vote on this show are mostly middle aged women or teenage women, and I see his appeal to that crowd.

I’m still not a hundred percent sold on the. Like I think he’s a good singer for sure. It’s not like I don’t think he’s a good singer for me Just watching him is is is kind of tough because of the facial expressions and singing out of the side of his mouth and And look, that’s how some people sing.

It’s, you know, he tries to correct it. It’s, there’s only so much he can do, but I got to believe he’s the favorite now. Am I, am I missing something? Is it, I, you know, if Tristan ended up winning this thing, I, I don’t know. I knew Tristan would, would go far. I would not be surprised if he made final three. So what is it?

It’s Tristan, Emmy, Jack, Abby. And what’s his name? Miles got the beard country guy. Yeah. I, I don’t know. Just knowing this audience and knowing the way I could totally see Jack blocker winning this thing. I wouldn’t have an issue with it. I think he’s a really good performer. He’s a good singer, but for me, I just have a hard time watching him.

That’s it. So we talked about the Netflix roast of Tom Brady over the weekend, and then I got this email that’s going around. Yeah. There are odds being thrown out there on who the next celebrity roasted person would be. And there’s odds out there, I think it was 35 to 1, that the next roast would be the roast of Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift.

I tell you right now, anybody that wants to bet that at 35 to one, I’ll take your action. There is zero fucking chance that Travis Kelsey and Taylor Swift sit up there and get roasted by celebrities and comedians. Are you kidding me? Taylor Swift is the most protected woman in America, along with being the most popular woman in America.

She would never, ever, ever subject herself to that. No fucking way. I’m sorry. It’s just and I understand it’s probably for clickbait It’s what people want to do to to get people talking I’m here to tell you that I’ll never happen in a million years. This was an interesting story. I want to end with this.

You know, if you’ve listened to me long enough that I’m a fan of the Greece franchise, I love Greece too. I’m probably one of the only men in this world that can recite pretty much every song in that movie. But I, I also liked the original, like the original is, was part of my childhood as well. I don’t know if you saw this story.

It broke yesterday in the entertainment sites, but it actually happened last Thursday. Patty Simcox, Patty Simcox. Who was played by actress, Susan Buckner, Patty Simcox passed on Thursday. Is that the side of her family? And so it made the entertainment sites yesterday and I’m reading the story. I was like, oh man, that sucks.

You know, Patty Simcox died and I’m reading the story and it said the death was confirmed by her daughter. Samantha Mansfield said the light she brought in. Everyone will be missed forever. She was magic and I was very lucky to call her my best friend. That was. From her daughter, Samantha Mansfield. Then I start reading the article and go down further.

And at the end of the article, it says that Buckner was survived by her daughter and then other people that were listed, grandchildren, you know, Oliver, Riley, Abigail, Ruby, as well as her sister, Linda, daughter in law, Noel, son in law, Adam Mansfield, and longtime partner Al. And so I’ve always known that Adam Mansfield is a former producer on The Bachelor.

And I was like, that’s not the most common name in the world. Let me go to Adam Mansfield’s Instagram account just to see, I knew he was married and come to find out his wife’s name is Samantha and their daughter’s name is Abigail. So I just thought it was an interesting note. I had no idea. That former bachelor producer, Adam Mansfield is the son in law of Susan Buckner, who played Patty Simcox in Greece.

So now you all know you can share that with your friends, but yeah, I was just, I saw that, you know, normally I wouldn’t even read a story all to the, all the way to the end where it says who they were survived by. I would just be, I was just interested in like, Oh, Patty Simcox died. What did she die of? How old is she?

You know, usually that’s usually the extent. I’ll maybe I’ll read a little bit about where they did and, you know, find out that she was miss Washington, 1971 and competed in Miss America, but I thought it was interesting, 72 years old. And it didn’t say how she died. No cause of death was provided, but I, for some reason I read until the end and I noticed, Oh, her son in law’s out of Mansfield.

I wonder if that’s the guy from the bachelor. And it was interesting note. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts, also rate and review, but if you could please hit play, I’d really, really appreciate it. That’s the only way it counts as a download. So please do that.

Sports daily will be up in an hour from now. You can check that out. And once again, we’re back tomorrow with yet another edition of the daily roundup along with podcast three 90 from a first time guest. I’ll tell you all about that tomorrow in the daily roundup and tease that. Cause it is one of. The better ones I’d say I’ve done in the last six months, 12 months.

One of the more interesting people, because it’s a story that I think 98 percent of bachelor nation doesn’t know about. So I can’t wait for you to hear that coming tomorrow. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

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