Reality Steve


Podcast #392 – Interview with Morgan Paige, @MorganPTalks on IG (Plus Transcript)

All right, let’s talk about survivor. The finale aired last night, three hours.

If you haven’t watched it or haven’t heard about it, read about it yet. You can mute this or fast forward the next five to seven minutes. Cause I mean, I’m going to spend some time on this and. It’s kind of a little bit of my beef that I have. And you know, again, I’m never good with survivor predictions.

I’ve been terrible. You’ve heard me when I’ve been on with fish back at the end of every season, Steven Fishback is going to be on next week on the weekly podcast, but. I told you before last night’s episode, I was like, look, this is between Charlie and Maria. I said, maybe Kenzie, but Ben and Liz have no chance.

And there were two things that I noticed before the episode start or right when the episode started, I was like, and I wasn’t saying like, oh, it’s definitely going to be Kenzie, but two things piqued my interest. Number one, when we see at the very beginning of the episode, Jeff probst laying out, we have five people left when he named the five remaining contestants.

He said, Kenzie’s name last. And to me, I mean, to, to the average person that might’ve been nothing, they might not even been paying attention to the order he gave the names. And I don’t know, maybe somebody has kept track of this when he has done this before in the opening of the final episode of who is left.

When he was, when he mentioned Kenzie’s name last, I was just like, I’m going to keep that in mind in case Kenzie wins. And obviously we know she did. I thought that was interesting. He said her name last. Now, I think Probst wants the audience to think that that shot of him saying that is filmed before they actually go into the final tribal.

And he has no idea who’s going to win. The bottom line is we don’t know. For all we know, he filmed that after the season ended, you know? So, we have no idea. But if he does film it after the season ended and he said Kenzie’s name last, I’m sorry, that’s a subconscious To kind of make people think that the last person he mentions isn’t going to win.

It’s just my opinion. The other thing that I did notice, and this happened maybe a week ago, I saw on Us Weekly, there was a story that Kenzie from Survivor is pregnant. And look, we see pregnancy announcements on Us Weekly all the time. Kenzie’s Instagram and then Survivor ran an Us Weekly, ran a story,

Us weekly doesn’t ever talk about survivor like ever. And it’s like, okay, a contestant that’s currently on the season is pregnant. I don’t know when I came up last week, that was something that stuck in my head. I’m like, why would us weekly even bother to mention that Kenzie from survivor is pregnant?

Not because it’s not important, but because something I went over a week ago or two weeks ago is the fact that. These survivor contestants, this is not a social media show. These part, these people are not part of pop culture really at all. This isn’t like being on the cast of Vanderpump or the Valley or the bachelor, the bachelorette, or any of the housewives you saw the numbers on bachelor.

There isn’t a contestant on the season has more than 50, 000 followers. So to announce that somebody on a show that really, that, that a lot of the public isn’t jumping on board and following, they might be watching the show, but they’re not even really following the contestants. I just found it interesting to throw out Kenzie’s name.

And look, I don’t know if there’s still a survivor spoiler side out there. I know for a while, survivor sucks. com had the winners and I don’t know if it ever had an episode by episode breakdown or Martin Holmes if he’s actually giving out spoilers for survivor, I’m not really sure, cause I don’t want to know, so I stay away from it.

I’ve never Googled survivor spoilers. I didn’t want to know who wins this season or any season for that matter. But I just found it interesting that a very popular entertainment site just decided to throw out there. Hey, a contestant on this season of survivor is pregnant. Okay.

The show is not for it’s got, it’s got a fan base and it draws more than the bachelor does and more than the bachelorette does millions of viewers weekly, but for us weekly to post that one of the contestants from the survivor is pregnant, I found that rather interesting and you know, this season was filmed basically last April through May it’s been known to the people who were on this cast for a year who won because they don’t do a live finale anymore.

So. Is it really hard to think that maybe somebody at us weekly found out that Kenzie won and they just wanted to kind of. Throw her name out there. Not that she had won. They didn’t give away a spoiler They said hey Kenzie from survivors pregnant. It just keeps her name out there So when today they run their story about Kenzie winning they can also include the fact that last week We told you that she was pregnant, you know, I don’t know It’s just something again that I thought about here’s something that bothered me about the finale and I’m sure Charlie Is a standup guy.

He seems like a really good guy. And I don’t think that he’s ever going to just go off on somebody. But if I were him, I would be pissed at Maria. Maria has every right to vote for whoever she wants to. And Maria is one of the better players in the new era. That’s why I’m so disappointed because I thought her reasoning for voting for a Kenzie was kind of bullshit over a guy that was your number one all season.

And you can’t say, well, he tried to get me out. So that was my payback. No, you tried to get him out at the tribal that you ended up getting sent home. He ended up beating you in that. So if it’s just, Oh, Maria is just bitter. Well, then I don’t like her for that because I hate bitter juries vote for the person you think was best.

But Maria giving her reasoning as, Hey, when I saw Kenzie on that firemaking challenge, she was giving it her all seriously. That’s your reason. For changing your vote from Charlie to Kenzie Maria, Kenzie was going up against Liz who could have sat there for five hours and wasn’t going to make a fucking fire.

I don’t care how much heart and determination Kenzie had in her fire making challenge. She was going to win it. She could have won that thing. Fucking blindfold. Liz was terrible. She told everybody she was terrible. She never even got a fire going and that’s what made you change your vote. Charlie was your guy all season long and you changed it because of that.

Then not really thrilled with Q’s vote. Q went in thinking that he was going to vote for Charlie and he changed it based on the answer of what people were going to do with the money. I mean, look, I’m not saying what Kenzie’s answer was, was a bad answer, but can we get a better jury and better questions or better reasoning as to why they voted for somebody?

Isn’t that kind of similar to. Who was the guy season one, who ended up changing the whole complexion of the final vote because he told Kelly and Richard Hatch to pick a number. And I guess Hatch was the closest to the number he had, and so that ended up being the deciding vote. Like, that would piss me off.

These jury people go to Ponderosa after they’re eliminated, they get to talk and they get to strategize about, Hey, who’s playing a good game, fill me in here, what did this guy say, what did this woman say, all this stuff. And Maria comes with, yeah, Kenzie was really determined to making fire. I’m going to vote for her.

Oh my God. And you knew Charlie really want, I, I don’t believe Charlie’s answer for one bit when Jeff asked him, how much does that affect you? I think he wanted to go off on her, but he seems like too nice of a guy and he wouldn’t. So those are my thoughts. Look, I’m not against Kenzie winning, but two people changed their vote.

And yeah, some others did too, but it really looked like Charlie was going to win going into that. And I’m just surprised at the reasoning. People change their votes. If Charlie absolutely fumbled final tribal, totally could see it. I don’t think he did. I think he was solid. And did Kenzie blow me away with her answers at final tribal?

No, she gave good answers to like, I thought they were pretty even, and I just don’t like the way they voted because they gave us their reasoning. And frankly, the reasoning sucked. All right. I want to talk briefly about the Clayton Eckerd lawyer, Laura Owens case. I haven’t brought this up in over a month and the reason, and I, I’ve read some of the emails you’ve sent me like Steve, why don’t you talk about it?

And here’s the reason because. There is so much going on in this case. Like I follow it. I watch Dave’s videos. That’s how I keep updated. I go to the justice for Clayton Twitter site. I go and read David Gingras is batshit crazy tweets. Who is Laura’s lawyer. I feel like. If you’re not talking about this every day, me popping in once a week is damn near impossible to keep anybody updated.

Dave Neal and Megan Fox are doing the Lord’s work on this case. They have all your info. You don’t need it from me. They are doing such a good job covering it. Me just adding on. Doesn’t really do much. If you didn’t hear yesterday, four motions, it’s either three or four motions that were filed by Laura’s lawyer.

We’re all struck down by the judge.

Oh, I absolutely love it. And of course, Gingras took to his Twitter account and made it seem like, Oh, no big deal. Emotions, you know, motions are filed all the time. And this guy, this guy cannot admit defeat just like his client. Dude, you just got worked over by the judge. All your motions were declined.


A lot of people are saying, and I think one of his big things has always been the men from Laura’s past should not be able to testify because it has nothing to do with the Clayton case. You bet your ass it does. And the judge said so yesterday. So what’s his response now? Oh, well, I mean, they’re getting worked over and June 10th, you know, I’ve said it two months ago, June 10th is when the trial is for this case.

I will be there. Dave Neal will be there covering it. A lot of people are going to be showing up for this thing. I think I’m just going to hang out in Dave’s camper that he’s going to rent for the day, because we’re going to be in the parking lot, Dave will be covering it more than me. Maybe I’ll go into the courtroom just to listen and whatever, but I’m I.

I’m not great with the heat, so I might just hang out in the air conditioned camper with Dave, but I will be there. And just because I haven’t talked about this case doesn’t mean I haven’t been following it. And yesterday there was a very big positive for Clayton, which is the fact that the judge denied three motions by Laura’s lawyer might’ve been four.

I don’t even know. And that’s the other thing. There’s a lot of legal talk that I don’t understand, but I do know that all of his motions got denied and we are. 10 or about nine, 19 days away from trial. That’s not good. Last time I checked. So as I’ve said from the very beginning, I will let the Arizona courts determine where this thing goes and what Laura’s punishment should be.

You already know my opinions about all of this. I’ve given them over the last few months, or ever since September, ever since I was in contact with Laura. She probably regrets every email she ever sent to me, because, God forbid, the amount of contradictions from her testimonies, from things she has said online, to stuff that she has sent me.

I’ve lost track of how many times she’s contradicted herself. So, those emails weren’t for nothing. Those emails are in the hands of the right people. So I just hope the Arizona court system looks at all the facts of this case and realizes, Holy shit of what went on here since last May 20th, when Clayton and Laura hooked up, it’s probably the last you’ll hear from me talking about this until we get to June 10th and finally.

Actually, I’m going to save this for tomorrow with actual data. So thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review sports daily. We’ll be up in an hour from now and in two hours from now, podcast number three 92 with Morgan page at Morgan P talks on Instagram.

You know, where you love her really good conversation about reality TV with her, and she’s got a great story about her husband that she met 12 years ago. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow. See ya!

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