Reality Steve


Podcast #392 – Interview with Morgan Paige, @MorganPTalks on IG (Plus Transcript)


You are listening to the Reality Steve podcast with your host, Reality Steve. He’s got all the latest info and behind the scenes juice on Jen’s upcoming season of The Bachelorette and interviewing some of your favorite reality stars. Now, here’s Reality Steve.

What’s up, everybody. Welcome to podcast number three 92. I’m your host reality. Steve. Thank you all for tuning in a good first time guest for you today. Morgan page, you know, her as at Morgan P talks on Instagram. She talks about everything from the bachelor, the bachelorette to Vanderpump rules, the Valley.

We get into all that in today’s episode and more a great first time appearance from Morgan. She’ll definitely be on in the future and we’ll get to all that momentarily. I do want to tell you about Tropical Smoothie Cafe. They believe you deserve a little vacay every day, not just once a year. Nothing says summer like a tropical mocktail smoothie.

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Before we get started with the first time guest Morgan page. Just wanted to give you a heads up on what’s going on over on the daily roundup that was posted a couple hours ago. I do mention the fact that Jen’s first promo of the season was posted yesterday on the bachelorette social pages, not the trailer doesn’t show anything about dates and stuff like that.

This is just her promo, which if you ask me. Is a bit Love Island y in the way it comes across. And hell, maybe the reason they did that was because Love Island is more popular than The Bachelor and The Bachelorette franchise. Maybe they’re just trying to try something new. I don’t know. But a very weird concept of having Jen as part of an arcade game where you use the claws to pick up stuffed animals.

And she’s inside the video game, arcade game. That’s not a video game. Actually, you know what I’m talking about? You pay a buck and you get that claw thinking you’re going to take out a stuffed animal and that claw literally never grips anything and everything falls right through it. That’s what this first promo is based on.

Kind of weird. I also spent a lot of time talking about the Survivor finale last night. So if you don’t know what happened or you’re waiting to hear what happened, I guess you just want to fast forward or mute or something like that. You can even mute this for the next couple minutes. But yeah, there was a couple things about Survivor that really bothered me, and I still thought it was a really good season.

I’m just at kind of wits end with how things played out at the end. Because, The jury just did some very questionable things because they were very open about why they voted for who they voted for. And they gave reasoning. I’m just shocked that they admitted that was their reasoning because there wasn’t one jury member who gave their reasoning for why they voted, who they voted for.

Then I was like, Oh, I see, look, you can vote for whoever you want as a jury member. You made it to the jury. You can do it. However you please. Remember in season one, some dude told Richard Hatch and Kelly Wigglesworth. To pick a number between I think one and a hundred and he made his vote off that That would piss me off if I was a player and a couple of things that were said mostly by maria and q Pissed me off about how they made their vote.

I’d be furious if I busted my ass out there for 26 days And someone based their vote off of hey, what are you gonna do with the money? And boy, she really tried during fire. Really maria. That was your reasoning you You We’re ride or die with Charlie all game long. And you changed your vote at final tribal because you saw Kenzie was really trying hard on the fire making challenge.

Maria Kenzie could have taken five hours to make fire and she still would have beaten Liz because Liz wouldn’t have made it. We’ll make fire in 10 hours. She was terrible. She told everybody she was terrible. I can’t believe that’s why Maria changed her vote. And I know that Charlie was biting his tongue and he just didn’t want to lash out.

Seems like too nice of a guy, but man, you know, he was pissed. Other thoughts that I have on Survivor, they’re all in the Daily Roundup, so check that out. Also, for the first time in probably over a month, easily over a month, I do talk a little bit about the Clayton Eckerd Laura Owens case. We are 19 days away, or 18 days away, from trial happening on June 10th.

I will be there. Dave Neal is going to be there. He’s going to be renting out, I believe an RV in the parking lot. We’re going to be hanging out there because it’s the weekend of my Vegas party, but June 10th is a Monday. So I’m going to head from Vegas to Phoenix on Sunday and stay in Phoenix from Sunday to Tuesday and go to the trial on Monday, I haven’t talked about it a lot, and there’s a reason for that, because I feel like if you don’t talk about this case every single day and what’s been happening, Every day with Dave’s updates, Megan Fox’s updates, Laura’s lawyer, David Gingras with his crazy ass tweets.

It’s just, you can’t pop in once a week and just be like, Hey, these are my thoughts because so many things happen given the, over the course of a week. I mean, Dave does one or two videos a day on that case. I don’t need to cover this case. Dave and Megan Fox are doing such a good job on it. If you want your information on that case, please go to their stuff because it is awesome.

And it is very thorough and very detailed. And for me, I just, at the, at one point I was just like, look, I follow along. I watched Dave’s videos. I w I follow the justice for Clayton Twitter account. So that’s how I keep up, but I just don’t want to relay every single day. When other people are doing it better than me.

So let them do it. They do a great job and I want you to go there to check it out. But the reason I’m bringing it up today is one, I got a lot of emails saying, why don’t you talk about the Clayton and Laura case anymore? And two, just to update you in case you missed it, but if you’ve been following the case, you know what happened yesterday.

Clayton got a very, very big victory in the court yesterday where a judge basically denied the last four motions. It’s either three or four that Laura’s lawyer filed. And of course he can’t take an L on anything and he doesn’t seem to think it’s a big deal, but I’m telling you right now, if he would have won all four motions that he filed, you would have bet he would have been screaming from the mountaintops and writing a 12 page blog post about it.

So I don’t want to hear this BS that it’s not a big deal. They lost four motions yesterday that he filed, including. He’s basically been saying none of these guys from Laura’s past that everyone’s claiming she lied about and tried to trap should be allowed to testify in court. Well, the judge is going to allow their testimony to happen.

And now. Laura’s lawyer doesn’t think that’s a big deal. That’s a huge deal and a huge win for Clayton. But that’s the latest on that case. I give some other thoughts on that. But yeah, that’s happening on the daily roundup. Like I said, that was posted an hour ago. This podcast is brought to you by way.

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Okay. Let’s bring her in. You know, her on Instagram as Morgan P talks, it is Morgan pages first time on the podcast, Morgan. Thanks for joining me.

Thank you for having me. I’m excited.

I wanted to immediately start out with this, since this is the first time we’ve talked and the first time obviously you’ve been on the podcast.

I want to know your background in terms of how you got started with all this. How many years has it been? What made you get into what you’re doing on Morgan P Talks? What were you doing beforehand? Just kind of fill people in the listeners on how this all came to be for you.

It was completely an accident to be completely honest with you, but I do have a journalism background.

I went to school for broadcast journalism and I thought I wanted to do TV news until I realized it was way too serious and most times sad. So it really just didn’t fit with my. Personality type, but I started by getting into radio. I worked for a radio station for 10 years, was on a morning show for five, almost six years.

And on that morning show, I was in charge of doing all of the pop culture updates. So stuff about Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber and the bachelor and, you know, all the things that women typically enjoy when it comes to reality TV and pop culture. So that was my. Day job. And then during the pandemic, that’s kind of really when everybody was getting on Tik TOK, but at that time, it wasn’t really what it is now.

And in, in terms of it being a business model. But I was really just bored in quarantine. I lived alone. My boyfriend at the time, husband now was. In London, and we weren’t able to see each other for a year and a half. So I was just looking for ways to fill my time. And so I was watching a lot more TV and basically I just decided to start repurposing what I was doing on the morning show on social media, not really having any idea that it would lead to side business eventually, and then a full time business.

Like I said, I was just doing it to pass the time, but I really enjoyed what I was doing. I was able to use my broadcast training to make, you know, just short videos and, and get to the point and get the tea out there that people wanted to know, and one thing led to another. And. Slowly, but surely over the span of four years, it’s been able to become my full time business.

When did you leave radio? Was it at the pandemic?

No. So I actually just left. I’m about two months out. So for the past four years, my kind of day to day schedule was to wake up at five o’clock in the morning. First crack of the mic was at six and then our show ended at 10. And so then I would come home and that’s when I would watch all the shows because I couldn’t stay up until 10 o’clock watching The Bachelor.

So I’d watch it in the afternoon and then you know, the later half of my day would be the social media business. So I was doing that type of schedule for about four years.

Wow. Okay. Well, you and I have a very similar background. We both went to college and got a degree. You in broadcasting. I got mine in communications.

My start was in radio as well. I was in sports radio for 97 nine years. And then But it was doing this on the side and then again, it became my full time job. So yeah, it’s kind of, kind of the same path. And yeah, and hearing that you’ve been in radio, it makes sense now because you definitely,

I think the same thing about you.

I’m like, Oh yeah, he’s totally a radio guy.

Yeah, I you know, when podcasting became a thing, like for the longest time, it was just my website and just me writing and. I was never, I didn’t, I mean, I had to write a lot for my major in college, but I never considered it journalism because of what I was doing.

I wasn’t writing for anything but myself. It was my own blog, wasn’t a newspaper. It wasn’t an outlet. I wasn’t doing freelance work. It was just me writing my thoughts down. And then when podcasting started to become a thing, I was like, Oh, this is, this is my niche. This is what I like to do. I like to talk into a microphone.

I’ve always liked the anonymity of radio. And. So I was just like, all right, well, let’s get started here. And that’s, and that’s kind of how the podcast took off. And now the podcast is 90 percent of my income over versus 10 percent on the website. And that’s probably done a one 80. In the last, probably since the pandemic, you know, before that it was 80, 85 percent of the income was off the website and the podcast was a second income.

Now it’s, now it’s flipped. It’s crazy how the things have changed, but I wanted to I want to start off with, I’m trying, I was trying to think, do we start off with bachelorette stuff or bachelor stuff, golden bachelorette, but it seems like you’re pretty dialed in on Vanderpump rules. So I want to start there.

And how are you a lifer for this show? Have you been watching since the beginning?

Oh yeah. Vanderpump rules was my gateway drug into the Bravo sphere for sure. That was the first show I started watching. I remember watching it in college with my roommate, you know, 10 years ago. So I also think it’s the one that I’m most connected with a, because it was the first one I started watching, but B because it I feel like I was growing up at the same time that they were, we were like in the same stage of life where, you know, you, you don’t really know what you want to do with your life at age 20, 21, you’re, you’re working jobs and restaurants and your relationships are a mess.

So I have been. A true Vanderpump Rules fan from the beginning.

Okay. So I don’t know if you know this about me. I am a late comer, like a lot of people in that one scan of all broke. I had never watched three seconds of this show. I knew the names of the people cause they were always in the headlines of the entertainment sites that you go to EW and us weekly and people.

I had never watched an episode. Then I hear about scan of all, I ask one of my friends to kind of fill me in. I’m like, Hey, what’s the big deal about this? And they feel me and I’m like, okay. And so I started watching from the reunion show last year, I watched all three parts of the reunion show. And then obviously all of season 11.

So obviously you’re more well versed than me. I feel like I’ve got a grasp on a lot of things that have happened, but. Without ever having seen them play out. It’s still very different for me. I just don’t know the deep connections that some might have with others. I just know who hooked up, who hooked up with who and who dated who.

But I want to ask you this just overall for season 11, it seemed to be getting critically panned by everybody saying this season sucks just because it’s just the same thing over and over, which is Ariana doesn’t want to be here. And. Tom is trying a redemption, a redemption arc, Santa Claus, and it’s just like, so I just want to get your opinion on Did you get tired of that storyline in season 11?

Did you like it? Did you like any other things about it? What was your thoughts overall in season 11?

I will say I think I heard Katie compare it to a slow burn and I think she’s right in the way of Describing it that way where the first couple episodes I was like, what in the world are they doing? I mean, they just came off of this huge You Scandal that broke the internet.

I mean, how many times have you heard Tom Sandoval say it’s, it’s on CNN and you know, everybody in the world is talking about it and it just seemed like things just felt a little like jolty and awkward and I think it’s because they really didn’t know how to navigate the situation. I think the big problem with this season in particular is Vanderpump Rules has gotten to a place where it’s no longer about these people’s real friendships as much as it is job security.

Like you have people like Lala specifically who historically has always hated Sandoval. They’ve never been friends in, you know, the eight years that she’s been on the show. They’ve never had a relationship at all. You know, we all remember last season Lala was probably the loudest person at the reunion when it came to confronting him about things.

Which, you know, people, Had their different suspicions on why she was doing that. If it was because she was projecting maybe some things from her own relationship. Cause she had a bit of a scandal in her relationship with Randall as well. But I even remember like, last season, Lala was on watch what happens live with Andy.

And this was before anybody knew anything about what was going on with Tom and Rachel. And she’s like, you know, we just need to get Arianna away from Tom. And that was in like a six month span. And then she’s like, Sitting in his backyard, having these heart to heart moments. And I don’t even think that like, like, I think everybody deserves a chance.

I, I wasn’t once a completely. Right off Tom Sandoval after the scan of all, I think that a lot of decisions he’s made since then definitely don’t paint him in the best light. But I think for the most part, when it comes to Gina and Lala, they’re just doing anything they can to make sure that they get to season 12.

And it’s not coming across as authentic or genuine because you know, the history of it. She does a little bit different because. Also, she is a type of person that has to be liked by everyone. And sometimes people will criticize her about not having loyal to anyone because she has to be liked by everyone.

So although hers isn’t as apparent as Lala’s is when it comes to maybe pandering to producers, I think she kind of got caught up in that as well.

Do you think that this narrative about Lala, Being upset with Ariana or I don’t know about being upset, but just, I guess, jealous of Ariana reaping the benefits of this breakup versus everything that Lala went through.

And she didn’t get dancing with the stars. She didn’t get love Island. She didn’t get Chicago, not that she was trying out for any of those, but you know what I mean? Obviously Lala is getting, and this, and this narrative has been floating around that it’s clear. Lala is jealous that Ariana has. Basically become, and she kind of admitted it in that finale.

They’re basically saying she’s God now, everybody loves her. And is that some sort of projection on Lala’s? And because we all know that with her case with Randall, nobody seemed to care as much about her. Versus what’s happened to Ariana.

Yeah. I think going into season 10, Lala thought that the entire season was going to be about her and Randall.

Because going into that season, that kind of was the buzzworthy topic. You know, you have Randall who’s being accused of, you know, kind of running a casting couch. You have nightline episodes about Randall, and this is someone who Lala now has a child with. That’s a compelling story to tell. And I mean, people, I think at that point wanted to hear a lot Lala’s side of it.

I think what ended up happening was Scandal Al completely erased that story for Lala. So I don’t even think it’s as much about like, her not not going on Broadway or Dancing with the Stars or any of those other opportunities. I think it’s more of the fact that. She didn’t get to tell her story with Randall at all because it was completely overshadowed by Tom and Ariana.

And I actually think that’s why she was the loudest at the season 10 reunion is because, you know, going into it, she thought she was going to be the main event. She wasn’t. So, and, you know, she admitted that. Part one of the reunion that she does project. So I think that was a really big projection for her.

Yeah. I mean, obviously I, I know about the Randall relationship and how bad of a guy he is, but not having watched season 10 until the reunion show. Again, I didn’t, you know, I missed out on a lot of that, but it seems like, you know, I guess Lala, like you said, is one of these people that at this point really thought that that season was going to revolve around her, or at least it was going to be a lot of attention now, whether or not she, how much she’d be able to talk about it.

Cause it seems like every time it’s brought up, she says, I don’t want to talk about it or I can’t cause we’re still dealing with legal stuff. So is it something she would have been able to talk about freely and openly?

Probably not. I mean, they even, she even discusses how Ocean, her daughter is.

allow that, which is in his rights. He, you know, that’s his opinion and I’m not gonna condemn him for that. But I also think that people didn’t react the same way to land Randall and Lala, because people, people pretty much knew from the get go that Randall wasn’t a standup guy. I mean, he got with Lala while saying.

still married to his first wife, Amber. And it was a big secret, you know, for numerous seasons. Then, you know, Katie would approach Lala and be like, we all know you have a married boyfriend, Lala, but she wouldn’t say his name. She wouldn’t say anything about him. So I just feel like it’s totally different when you see Tom and Ariana and.

Rachel, you know, people who you thought had a solid relationship, a friend that you thought would never backstab somebody like that. So the situations are just so entirely different. But I think, yeah, Lala is just still upset that she didn’t get that much. Star power from it.

Before this all blew up and she was with Randall.

Was he on the show? Was he on Vanderpump?

He was on for one season. So, a lot? Not really. I think it was season nine, which was a, was a pretty bad season. Vanderpump Rules was like on the verge of being canceled. It was pretty much an open secret.


And he was on that season, but up until then, you know, it was, we can’t talk about him, we can’t say his name.

He didn’t sign up for this life. I did. But then all of a sudden, once they had ocean, he was on the show, but that did not last very long.

Okay. So I want to get your opinion on this, the the other narrative happening with Lala this season and continued throughout the whole season, which was this whole idea of her telling or her saying that.

Ariana telling anybody, hey, if you want to be friends with Sandoval, I don’t fuck with that, I don’t deal with that, I don’t appreciate that, and Lala saying that, and everyone else was kind of saying, hey, Lala, this is exactly, and Lala saying, hey, that’s not fair, Ariana. But then people shouting back at Lala saying this is exactly what you told everybody to Basically stay away from Randall and don’t be friends with him So she loses me there But I’m curious as to why she doesn’t think it’s the same thing because everybody’s like it’s the same thing Lala You’re telling you’re saying Ariana can’t tell people not to talk to Sandoval fine But you told everybody not to befriend or talk to Randall.

What is her actual reasoning for? For her saying, no, it’s not the same. Cause I don’t even know if I really understood it.

She is not saying it out loud, but it’s because of the show. Because Randall isn’t a main cast member and you know, their livelihoods don’t revolve around them filming with Randall that I think in her mind, that’s why she can set that boundary.

Look, this guy isn’t bringing anything to your life. We’re not on a show with him. He is a dog. He was cheating on me. He’s not who he says he was, whatever. We can just wipe our hands and go. clean of it. But because Tom is a full time cast member, has been on the show for 10 years, as has Ariana. Like I said, they’re trying to make it to season 12.

What do we have to do to make sure that we get renewed for another season? Ariana, this isn’t going to work if we continue to not film with Stan. If everybody just cuts him off completely, where does the show go from there? I don’t think she, I don’t think she thinks that she can come out and say that because, you know, it’s.

It’s what they call a fourth wall break, which we’re getting more of in Vanderpump Rules. And I think, honestly, everything revolves around that at this current moment in Vanderpump Rules. Like I said, it’s no longer about these people’s genuine feelings about each other as much as it is about prolonging a show that’s been on the air for 10 years.

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