Reality Steve


Podcast #392 – Interview with Morgan Paige, @MorganPTalks on IG (Plus Transcript)

Well, we’re recording this on Tuesday afternoon. So part two is airing tonight of the reunion. So, so we can’t cover anything obviously that happens in tonight’s episode. It’s going to run on, this podcast will run on Thursday. So I do want to talk about the main thing, probably from last week’s reunion show, which was how it ended.

And that was once again, Lala involved in a major storyline with the Katie fight. I saw your reel on this and I know that you had seen and you admitted like, look, I see both sides of this, but there are some people that are absolutely like, no, Lala’s in the wrong or no, Katie’s in the wrong. So kind of give everyone your updated thoughts.

Now that more has come out since part one of the reunion show aired, give everyone your thoughts on the Lala, Katie fight.

Well, I just want to go on record and say that I had this conspiracy theory. Long before the reunion came out because they were dropping hints and all of their press interviews that they were doing that You know someone Lala and chino was saying someone hasn’t been honest.


About their feelings regarding ariana out of fam backlash And I was just like, okay The only person they could be talking about here is katie because really the only other person that was Writing as hard for Ariana was James and James doesn’t really have a reason to hide his feelings from the audience.

I don’t think, but I also think, you know, I, I said this in my conspiracy theory videos. I said, Ariana has seemingly left Katie behind for good reason. I mean, nobody would ever, if somebody got offered Broadway and their dream is to be on Broadway, nobody would ever say, Oh no, I can’t do it because I started this sandwich shop.

Like. 10 times out of 10, you’re going to go and your partner is going to be supportive. But at the same time, I think your partner, Katie, has a right to kind of feel like, well, what the heck, what do I do now? And in the moment I saw where Lala was coming from because I thought I would have that reaction if I were Katie.

I think that’s totally valid and I don’t think that Katie should be hiding from that type of feeling because I don’t, I don’t think it would warrant fan backlash. But then when Katie actually articulated why she felt that way. And it really didn’t have anything to do with Ariana leaving as much as it had to do with her imposter syndrome.

You know, how much of this can I actually do? Like she took ownership for those feelings, which I can appreciate. From Katie and I agree with her when she said, you know, for the past 10 years, I never act for the camera because historically people don’t really like Katie, she’s not, she’s more of a fan favorite now, but seasons one through nine, she really wasn’t, people weren’t riding hard for her like they are now.

So I just feel like, you know, she has a good track record of being genuine. So I’m going to believe her when she says she was over it by the time that filming started happening and didn’t want to bring it up.

So if I’m reading this correctly, Katie is upset because she shared that with Lala in private and Lala aired it out on the reunion show.

That is that, okay. So she’s just saying, yeah, I expressed all these to you in the moment. Cause that’s how I was feeling. Not thinking that you would use it against me in public. So that’s her big beef.

Yeah. And I mean, even Ariana doesn’t seem surprised by the revelation, right? Cause she says, you know, Katie and I have had these conversations.

They might not have been word for word what Katie said to Lala, because that sounded more like a. A venting session to a friend out of frustration. But I feel like we all, we all do that. You know, we’re upset with something we vent, we sleep on it. And the next day we have a bit of a more nuanced approach to it where our feelings aren’t as strong and our opinions might change a little here and there.

So I feel like that’s where Katie is, but Lala is just focusing on the fact that she had a vent session at all. And Lala sees that as, again, another storyline.

So basically Lala’s blurring the lines between friendship and the television show.

Totally. Totally.

Here’s something that I’ve thought about. I, maybe other people have brought this up online.

I’m not huge into the Vanderpump rules deep dive and you know, I see Instagram accounts show up on my, on my feet. And anytime I do see something Vanderpump related, I will read it and stuff. But I have no problem with Katie and Ariana opening up a sandwich shop, you know, go for yours. Do whatever you can.

This is something that you guys wanted to do together. I’m just kind of looking at this as an outsider and being like, okay, it took you over a year to open this sandwich shop up and it just seems like this is more of a headache than anything else. I mean, you’re in. Southern California. Are there, is there a giant need for sandwiches in Southern California?

Like I get that your, your name is just going to draw people to your shop, but is this really going to be a goldmine? It looks like it has seven chairs in the whole place. Like what, what is the deal with this sandwich shop? And it’s like, they’re so, I mean, like, like I said, like. I’m all for them opening up a shop.

That’s great. But it just seems like it’s a lot of work for, I don’t know, very little ROI return on investment here. I don’t know. Maybe it’s a, maybe it’s a goldmine. I don’t know. It doesn’t seem like it though, to me.

It doesn’t seem like it’s a me either, but I think that there are ways to expand that brand and they’ve done that.

I can’t remember. I don’t know if this is fact, but you know, whenever they started selling the, something about her March, I feel like I heard it made like 200, 000, which is of money off of sweatshirts and stuff. So I feel like we’re kind of entering into a new era in the Bravo universe where people know that their television show isn’t going to last forever.

So what are they going to do to capitalize in this moment that will keep a passive income when they’re not on these shows? Because they can still sell a sweatshirt. They can still have people, you know, there’s a novelty aspect of it where me as a super fan, if I’m ever in LA. I’m going to sir, I’m going to Tom, Tom, I’m going to Schwartz and Sandy’s.

I’m going to something about her. I’m going to do those things. So I think for them, it’s just a way to diversify their income for whenever the day comes that they’re not on TV anymore. I don’t know how profitable it’s profitable. It’s going to be. I mean, I feel like restaurants and bars in general are the hardest business to get into, but I mean, I wish them the best of luck.

Yeah. Like I said, and like I said, it’s not. At least what we’ve seen on television. It’s not very big. So it’s like, even if you had every table full, it doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of tables and it’s sandwiches, you know, I don’t know. I’m like, okay. There are like

18 sandwiches.

Yeah. And I get it. People are going to show up because they want to think that they’re going to run into Katie or Ariana or both or something like that.

And you know, I get that point of it, but it just doesn’t seem like it’s Even if it did kill it, you’re all, you’re still only selling sandwiches and there’s not a lot of chairs and tables in it. So I don’t know.

Their rent probably isn’t that high though, either. It’s just all, all the things that you have to take into consideration.

Okay. So final thought here on Vanderpump rules. Here’s my question. Do


think there’s going

to be a season 12? And if so, are we gonna, would it be a season 12 with no Ariana, with, with Ariana, or just no season 12? So basically three choices. No season 12, a season 12 with her, a season 12 without her.

I think, I think she’s leaving the show.

That’s, that was the second part of my conspiracy theory, was that I think I think she might announce it at the reunion. And you know, this was also before she booked Love Island. And it was also before Vanderpump Rules went on a little filming hiatus because they normally film in the summer. So all of these signs to me point to, they don’t know where the story is going and why is that?

And I think it might be because she’s going to leave. I feel like rightfully so she is kind of checked out. I can’t say that if I were her, I wouldn’t be checked out either. And I, I got some backlash after, you know, I said, I think she should have watched the show. The season, I think, you know, if, if anybody’s going to have an issue with Ariana leaving a party or not wanting to film, like, I think all those things are valid.

I think not watching the season back is a bigger disservice to the audience. And, you know, a lot of people were saying. She needs to do it to protect her mental health, which I am totally an advocate of. If that’s the case, then she totally needs to do that. I think you do have to ask the question though, if you are a part of something that you can’t watch back due to your mental health, is it affecting your mental health while you’re doing it?

And is that healthy for you? And I just don’t necessarily think that it is. And when you have all these other options, like, Broadway, you know, it’s not a little option. Hosting Love Island is not a little option. I think, you know, it makes sense that this would be a time for her to bow out. I don’t even know that we’ll get, I think we might get a reboot of people that actually work at Sir, and that this will be the end of Vanderpump rules with.

Lala and Katie and the Toms the little montage in the last five minutes was giving, you know, it might not be the end, but it’s the end as we know it. That’s kind of the vibe that I was getting.

Yeah. I think Ariana doesn’t, first off, she doesn’t need the show anymore. And if they do do a season 12, if anything, I can’t see her being full time cast member.

I could see her making appearances. It just doesn’t make any sense. For her to go into next fall and be like, yeah, I’m doing this full time again, when she’s got so many other things, obviously everything that came to her after scan of all she’s because it’s, it’s one thing to say she got all these opportunities, but she’s also taken them and ran with them because she could have fell on her face and just not been very good at dancing with the stars or sucked in Chicago.

And it’s been the opposite. She killed it. And both. So that’s why it just doesn’t make any sense. I mean, as a guy who’s only watched one and a half or one season in a, in a reunion show, you know, I just don’t see why she would even want to subject herself to this next season, considering as well, the way this season just ended.

Like everyone’s like, kind of upset at her and they’re just don’t like the rules that she puts down. And she’s just like, if I’m her, I’m like, I don’t need this. I


so many other things here. Why would I go back to this? And all those other people definitely need it because this is their job.

And they make that known.

I mean, I even feel like in previews for, you know, part two of the reunion, Lala calls it her livelihood and how she supports her family and, you know, all of those types of sentiments. I think the only Little caveat, I think with Ariana leaving under these terms is I don’t think that she would want it to be viewed as they iced her out or pushed her out because it could also be interpreted that way where it’s like, okay, Ariana just went through all of these things and now everyone has all these issues with her boundaries.

And at the end of the day, she’s the one that has to leave the show. It’s kind of like a weird parallel universe. situation where Tom’s the one that cheated and made, you know, their lives a living hell for the past year and a half, but she’s the one that has to leave the house. So I feel that too about the show.

You know, she’s been, she’s been through all this. She’s showed up. She might have had some boundaries that other people didn’t like, but she still showed up. And to me, I’m like, dang, if she’s the one that has to leave, even if it’s on her own accord, like, I’ve always been like an Ariana fan, so I would be sad if she did leave.

Well, great Vanderpump rules talk there. Thank you.

Thank you.

Okay. So I want to move on to my second guilty pleasure, which popped up this season and that’s the Valley. Again, I did not know. Well, I shouldn’t say I did not know. Obviously I knew the name Jax. I knew the name Brittany because again, just on the entertainment sites over the years, I had read stories.

I knew they were married. I knew they had met on, you know, and he was on Vanderpump rules. And I’ve heard every single rumor about the guy and not, and not even the rumors that, you know, the stuff that he admitted to cheating on Brittany and stuff like that. But I had actually never watched him on TV before.

Like I had never seen an episode. And obviously I’ve watched every episode of the Valley this year. And I’m like, and I don’t, you know, mean or what, like he’s one of the most unlikable people I’ve ever watched on reality television. He’s just not a likable guy.

Nothing. This is nothing. Yeah. And this is, yeah.

And I know this isn’t nearly as bad as probably whatever he did on Vanderpump rules back in the day, but he’s just, yeah. He just thinks his shit doesn’t stink and everything should be done his way. He’s just not a, not a good guy. And then maybe you have insight to this, the latest going on with him. I’m sure you’ve heard in regards to, and I find it interesting because.

I thought I read from somebody on the valley. I can’t remember who it was, went on a podcast or did an interview and said, no, we’re not having a reunion show. They have been picked up for a season two, but I’ve been told there is no reunion show that’s happening. So it obviously can’t be addressed, but there was a major thing going on with unfollowing her PR person, somebody that has been Brittany and Jax’s PR person for years and then rumors starting.

It’s because she found out that Jax slept with the PR person that they both shared. Do you have any insight into this? Do we know if it’s true? Do we know if it’s because nobody has addressed it, nobody, the PR person hasn’t said anything on their side. They’ve never come out and said, this is, Absolutely false.

I would never do that with one of my clients. Jax has never addressed it. I don’t think Brittany has in any of the interviews that she’s done. Have you heard anything? Is this true? And I mean, God, if it is, that’s a horrible business decision by the person.

Yeah. So first and foremost, I do not know if it’s true or false, but I do have some thoughts.

I think first and foremost. Jax Taylor has the biggest mouth in the world. So I feel like he personally can’t keep a secret. So if it did happen, it will come out. But I also think that Jax, Jax pitched the valley, Jax and Brittany. So I think they care a lot about the show. I think they care about the success of the show.

So I feel like they might be holding some things in their back pockets. For season two, especially because they didn’t get a reunion as a married woman. I am not unfollowing. If I get separated from my husband, God forbid. I, if I’m unfollowing him and unfollowing a mutual friend after a rumor like that comes out, there’s a reason why I think that speaks a very clear message.

And I also, I don’t know anything about the PR person. I don’t. Like I said, I don’t know if it’s true or if it’s not true, but I do know some people who used to be represented by her and when this story came out, the the response I got to it from former clients of hers was, I would not be surprised if this were true and sentiments like, there’s a reason why I no longer work with her, were some DMs that I got.

Interesting. I, you know, I just find it fascinating, usually when a rumor like this starts. Somebody would at least come out and deny it, even if they’re just covering their ass. And if it is true, I mean, you would just think it, but unless this is something that is being held over for a storyline or something, maybe that’s why they’re not.

So I, I get the TV aspect of it. Do you think the Jacks and Brittany? Separation is all part of a storyline so that in season two we see him, you know, doing the work that he needs to do to win her back and then he wins her back in season two. Or do you think this is legit and she is never going to take him back?

I have to say at first I was really all aboard the conspiracy train and I was like, there’s no way that this is true. The timing is just too coincidental. You know, it’s like, right. Is there a show is supposed to come out, they announced this separation. And then I remember that it was Jack’s Taylor who like, it’s like, if there’s one, you never want to root for anybody to get divorced and that’s not what I’m saying, but I feel like.

Everybody thought, you know, there’s a chance that Jax Taylor would be a person in life to get divorced. I think Britney is his saving grace because she is, I mean, people like on the show would call her an angel, and you know, everyone really loved Britney. So I feel like she, Wouldn’t want to get divorced, but I also just feel like she wouldn’t she wouldn’t fake something for a storyline, especially now that they have a son who will one day grow up and, and I don’t know if he’ll watch it, but he’ll definitely know kind of what went on on the season.

So I think it is real. And I think that if Jax doesn’t make some serious changes, which Jax has been the same person for 10 years that they will end up going their separate ways.

You know, when I watch it, I mean, even we saw on Vendor Pump Rules this year when they were talking about Jax and Britney and they brought up the fact that, Oh, I still hear that Jax is running around



And that was before, clearly, I think, before any story about the PR. Person. So it just seems like it is known in that circles that he has not changed. Even though the Valley was supposed to portray him as, Hey man, I’m a dad. Now that life is behind me. And it just seems like he’s running in the same crowd and he’s doing the same stuff.

He’s got a sports bar. He’s out late at night. Like, is it really, I mean, I don’t know, I don’t even know Jax. And I feel like if we find out that this is, this is true again, it would be like, yeah, it seems to be that’s. What this guy does, he runs around on his wife. He’s already, I mean, he’s already admitted, like it’s been publicly admitted that he cheated, like it’s been known to everybody, including Brittany and the audience, he’s cheated on her in the past.

We know this, right. Numerous


And not just been one person, right?

Yeah. Brittany kind of maintains like at this current moment that while they were, you know, in their marriage and not separated, that she doesn’t think that he. Cheated and that the separation began because of a lack of respect for her, which I feel like we see a lot of in this season of the Valley, just the way that he handles conflict and the way that he talks to her.

So, and like, I, I don’t know if he’s just maybe pulling the wool over her eyes or, you know, people can believe what they want to believe, but regardless, I feel like. You know, the rumors of cheating are always going to be around when it comes to Jax Taylor, but what we do know for sure is that he doesn’t have a lot of respect for his wife, estranged wife, and I’m proud of Brittany for, you know, standing her ground and, and getting out of the house.

And even though he should be the one that’s living in an Airbnb, you know, she wasn’t going to stay in that toxic situation. And I feel like right now I’m getting like a, a very empowered sense of Brittany. And I feel like she’s going to continue down that path and make whatever decision is right for her and her son.

And I think America is behind her in that. And then they’re going to be very bothered if she does take him back. It just doesn’t seem like God, if she did take him back, no matter how they show Jax and how they edit him. him on season two, I just can’t imagine many people will be thrilled if they, if she ends up taking him back and says, you know, he’s put in the work, I’ve seen the changes.

We’re having more sex. Speaking of the valley, I’ve, the amount of sex stories I know about these couples is, it’s unbelievable. How? Look, I get that these, these are conversations that people probably have when the girls have their wine nights and stuff like that. I get you talk about, but I’m just amazed at how willing these people are to openly talk about not even just sex in general positions.

How many times we’ve done, I’m just like, my God, but I don’t know. I mean, maybe that’s, they’re saying like, Hey, we’re just being authentic and real. This is what we would do in real life if we have a girl’s wine night. And I’m just like, okay. Bye. Bye. Do you really want to say that you haven’t had sex with your husband in two months?

I don’t know. Keep that to yourself. The cast

of The Valley have nothing to lose.

Yeah. So they’re

really just putting it all out there. I mean,

hey, look, I, I’ve enjoyed The Valley. I’ve really, I mean, I love, I liked The Valley season one hell a lot better than I liked Vanderpump Rules season 11. That’s for sure.

Yeah. But yeah, I just, just. I’m kind of fascinated by how much these people are openly talking about their sex lives with their spouses. Like

it’s, it’s TMI for sure. Yeah.

I’m just like, okay, I get it. All right. The other thing I wanted to mention about Jax was, you know, if, like I said, America is going to be behind Brittany for sure.

And you know, if he, whether she takes him back or not, but I’m looking at this whole You know, season and looking at him and determining, do I think he is capable? And it just doesn’t come across to me that he is capable. And if he is, he’s doing it just for the cameras. Like, do you think the audience will turn on her?

If she takes him back,

it’s hard to say because, you know, we have been down this road with Jackson, Brittany for,

Oh, actually, sorry, because this is what I wanted to say about that the time that he admitted to cheating in the past. It was somebody from the restaurant, right? Didn’t he openly say like a, yes, I slept with her and, and Brittany knows that he cheated on her.

So what was her. Since I didn’t watch it back then. What was her rationalization for getting through that with him? Just, Oh, it’s a one time mistake. He made a mistake. I understand him. Were they married at that point? Did they have cruise at that point or no?

No. So they were just dating. They had, they weren’t even engaged yet at that point.


And Brittany went back and forth a lot with whether it back together with Jack. She, you know, had all of the emotion. grief, you know, where you have anger and you have sadness and then you miss the person and so she really went through all of those things. I think the catalyst unfortunately, Jax’s dad had passed away during that time and Brittany was really there for him during that period of his life.

And according to Jax, the way that Brittany acted during that situation, after everything that Jax had just put her through kind of made her see, or kind of made him see her in a different light. And, you know, he, I just remember. During that reunion, he was saying things like, you know, I put this girl through hell and back and the way that she dropped everything to be there for me when my dad passed away, just proved to me, you know, how great of a person that she was and how I wouldn’t be able to get through this without her.

And this has showed me that she’s the person that I want to be with. Forever. And, you know, at the time he did make a lot of life changes. Did to see, he did seem to be on a better path. But ironically enough, Tom Sandoval was the one who Tom and Ariana was questioning Jack’s saying, you know, Jack, she just went through something very traumatic and not, and very shortly after that they got engaged and plan their wedding.

So Tom Sandoval at the time was like, Look, you have just been through a pretty traumatic experience. There’s still a lot you guys need to work through. You, you literally just cheated on her not too long ago and now you guys are getting married. You know, I think you should make sure that this isn’t just an emotional response to your dad passing away and that these, These changes that you say you’re making are going to last five, 10, 15 years down the line.

And it’s not just in the moment when emotions are high and Tom caught a lot of flack for that. But I think, you know, hindsight is 2020 and we’re kind of seeing that he, he did eventually go back to his old ways.

Yeah. That’d be interesting to see. I mean, I think this PR person story is. Big time news and the fact that nobody has addressed it.

It’s just kind of an internet online thing and nobody, none of the parties have talked about it. You know, Brittany, I mean, actually now that I think about it, does Brittany and Jack still have a podcast together? That comes out every week and they’re separated. Are they talking about this? So they’re actually doing a podcast

every week.

Yeah, they do the podcast every week. Jack’s hasn’t been on it as much lately. It’s been like Brittany and Zach, who is also on the valley. I think, I think last week was the first week that Jax was back in like three or four weeks. So that might’ve been strategic. You know, they might’ve wanted that story to die down a little bit before Jax reappeared on the podcast, but to my knowledge, they haven’t addressed it.

Which is just totally bizarre. And it makes you think


makes you think there’s got to be something to it because immediately if you’re getting accused of sleeping with your PR person, I, and we know that Brittany has unfollowed the PR person, you would think the first thing you would do is say, This isn’t true, you know,



I don’t know but hey, I’m tuning in


many more episodes we got tonight’s episode 10 is this the finale tonight or no,

I don’t think it’s tonight I think because I I don’t really religiously listen to Jackson Britney’s podcast But I did listen last week and I think he said last week that they had three or four episodes left So we’re nearing the end, but we’re not quite there yet


One thing I did learn this week because I asked it openly to my audience was, is Zach’s hair real? And apparently I got an answer because it’s literally, when this guy is on screen, I’ve never seen his hair move in nine episodes.


looks like a toupee. Just a bundle of hair. And it’s just like, it goes like right to his eyebrows and it’s, he never pushes it out of the way.

It, it’s the most bizarre haircut I’ve ever seen. And apparently he did a podcast or talked about it and he said, yeah, the show wouldn’t let me cut it for continuity purposes and. So yeah, I basically had to keep it this way the whole time, maybe in season two, I guess it’ll be different, but man, his hair,

one of life’s unsolved mysteries, his

hair is trippy.

And then obviously we know that Jesse and Michelle, right? Yeah, Jesse and Michelle not only have separated, but they’re already dating somebody else. And so again, this was filmed Valley filmed last summer. So, and we got to see it start airing in like March. So that’s a nine month lag, which is. It’s almost too much like we’re again.

Yeah, it’s almost like the Kardashians back in the day. It’s like we knew everything that was happening Because they were followed by the paparazzi every single storyline and then it’s like oh here comes the season And we’re just gonna get to relive what happened back when you know, Kim was robbed and stuff like that It just seems like nine months is almost too much of a lag.

But You know, what are we going to do? That’s that’s doing it seems to be their filming schedule and they’re going to film at season two, as we know, got picked up. So I think they film either June or July through August, September, and we’re going to get it in 2025 unless they want to move it up and get us it at the end of 2024.

I don’t know, but sounds like we’re probably going to get next year again.

You would think that they would have some type of way to make. A little faster. I mean, just in today’s day and age, we’re finding everything out on social media. So it feels like, you know, are they going to be able to keep up with us?

Cause we’re on it.

I know it’s just like, really, you’re going to film June or July through August or September of this year. And we’re not going to get to see it until March of 2025. That’s like way too long. I’m sorry. Like,


They’ve got to, they’ve got something here. They’ve obviously got a fan base that has watched it enough to where they picked it up for a season two.

Let’s, let’s speed it up. Especially if we’re not going to get a season 12 of Vanderpump, let’s at least get season two at maybe January at the latest, maybe even throw it out there in December, I don’t know, of the Valley, but I guess we’ll have to, you know, time will tell on that. Let’s move over to my.

Expertise. And that’s the bachelor and bachelorette. And I guess golden bachelorette, let’s start with golden bachelorette, because that seems to be more relevant because of the success of golden bachelor, when you found out that Joan was named golden bachelorette, were you surprised? Were you fine with it?

Not that I’m not, not that I think that you were like, Oh God, we have to watch Joan, but like, were you surprised in the fact that it wasn’t Leslie?

Yeah. I mean, I love Leslie. That’s. No surprise to my audience but when Joan was announced, you know, my initial thought was that makes sense You know, I feel like she was always a contender I feel like you know looking at it objectively even though I really liked Leslie.

I kind of feel like There was a strategic component to it in picking someone who didn’t get that far into Gary’s journey.

Gary, I mean, his season took so many different plot twists. And while it was so great, I feel like maybe they kind of want Wanted to distance themselves from it just because, you know, there is a couple of scandals, but how do you distance yourself from it while keeping the essence the same? You pick somebody like Joan, who still had a great storyline, the fans really connected with, but did not get heartbroken by Gary.

So it’s not like she’s going to be sitting there. Talking about the end of their relationship for, you know, multiple moments. Whereas Leslie might have to have a little bit more explaining to her story because she did have to kind of overcome this heartbreak and this blindside. We’re not going to get any of that with Joan.

So I feel like it was a safe choice, but also something that the viewers wanted.

Yeah. And it’s somebody where while Joan didn’t last very long on the show, we know she would have. Because it was fresh off of her one on one date that went really well. And she was the one that went to Gary and said, I gotta get back home to my daughter.

So it’s not like, while she did not last very long, and maybe a lot of people don’t remember, it’s clear as day she probably would have made final three, if not final two, I think, if the situation with her daughter doesn’t happen.

Definitely. I agree.

And, you know, it’s, it’s going to start filming, I believe next month in June and you know, who knows, I, I, it’s going to be interesting because we know from season one with Gary, he was 71 and they made sure to cast everybody as 60 years old or older.

They didn’t dip into the, you know, late forties women and mid fifties women for a 71 Considering they are still calling it the golden bachelorette, your golden years, I believe are by definition after 60. So is Joan as a 61 year old going to get all men 60 or older? Is she going to get a late forties guy, early fifties, mid fifties guy.

That’s another thing that we don’t know. I would hope they keep to the formula that they did for Gary, but. Again, I don’t know. And the thing that I brought up last week, and I think the problem that this show is going to run into just like it did with Gary, even though we don’t know the exact reason for the breakup with Teresa, seemingly they couldn’t get on the same page about families and living in the same area.

It doesn’t seem like Teresa was ever going to move to Indiana and Gary was never going to move to New Jersey. And it makes sense because when you’re at that age in your life, I’m guessing And, and look, Joan already put it out there. She’s already said in her first interview, there’s one thing I’m not doing for my winner.

I’m not moving. I’m standing here and I’m not leaving Maryland. She’s already said it. So now we’re going to get a bunch of guys that I’m assuming at the youngest or probably mid fifties, I’m guessing are either widows or have children. They might have grandchildren. They’re going to be in the same boat that Teresa was like, how do we know any of these guys are interested.

In packing up their life and moving to Maryland when Jonah’s Jonah’s every right to say, I don’t want to move, but I think they’re going to run into the same problem unless she picks a guy that literally lives either in Maryland or, you know, surrounding states. You know, it just, I don’t think, I think they’re gonna have another problem because these people with bachelor and bachelorette.

Mid twenties. You probably aren’t set in any sort of career. You probably have a job very easy to be like, yeah You know Kelsey and Joey looks like they’re moving to New York. Okay, it makes sense. She’s 25 26, whatever. She is A 55 60 year old man who’s probably got family and grandchildren close to him Is he gonna pack up and move to Maryland for Joan?

I don’t know It seems like that’s gonna be an issue again.

Yeah, and I think Honestly, I’ve been saying this recently, just in general on Bachelor Nation, that they would be smart to take a page out of the Love is Blind book in casting people, maybe not even from the same city, but in a close vicinity because You know, or at least five

or at least five, not the whole cast.

They’ll never do the whole cast, but yeah, at least five, you know?

Yeah, because I mean, that seems like one of the biggest reasons why they, why bachelor nation couples don’t end up working out. And there’s a pretty logical solution to make sure that that doesn’t happen. And you know, we do have a lot of love is blind marriages feels like almost as many as bachelor.

I mean, I’m sure bachelor nation has been on for much longer, so they have a better track record there, but who’s to say, like, if they were airing for the same amount of time, do you think that there would be more love is blind marriages or bachelor nation marriages? And I would, I would gamble and say that there would be more love is blind.

For sure. I mean, I just, it makes the most sense and everyone has already. You know, said that outside of outside of Andy and Josh, who both lived in Atlanta and Colton and Cassie who were both in California at the time You can count on one hand how many times the final couple from either the bachelor the bachelorette Lived in not only the same city, lived in the same state.

And it’s just like,


somebody has to make a life changing move. And I’ve said it from the beginning, when it comes to the bachelor bachelorette, the engagement really doesn’t mean anything. It’s just someone you’re continuing to date. There is a ring on their finger, but it’s only because that’s what the show wants you to do.

It’s a product of being on this show. And the relationship really doesn’t start, or at least I don’t take this relationship seriously in any of these bachelor bachelorettes until someone makes the move. Then I’m like, okay, now they’re serious. They’re living in the same spot until then it’s long distance dating, which is very, very difficult.

Something I’m definitely going to talk about with you since it’s major, a major part of your life. But. You know what I’m saying? Like, it’s like, this was like, it’s not easy and it’s easier for somebody in their mid twenties to pack up and say, yeah, I’m going to give it a shot and go live with this guy.

Or for the guy to go live where the, the woman is for golden bachelorette. And she’s picking a 60 year old guy who probably has kids and grandchildren. And she’s already said, like, I’m not leaving Maryland. How’s this going to work? You can let you pick somebody from Maryland or at least, you know, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, somewhere where it’s like not a giant, you know, cross country flight.

I also saw where she said that she A wasn’t going to rush into a marriage and B that if she got off the show and they weren’t engaged and they were just getting to know each other more that she would be fine with that, which I also found very interesting because like logically, yes, that makes sense.

But the other part of my brain says, why would the bachelor? Producers pick her because it seems like it goes against everything that they try to push, right? Like they try to push these quick engagements, you know, they pushed for a televised wedding just because people Literally just ate it up and it was a ratings blockbuster So after seeing that interview and what she said, I was really sad Surprised with the fact that they continued to choose her just based on those answers alone.

Yeah. I mean, she might’ve said that. I don’t know if that’s ultimately going to be the outcome. It seems like you’re going to lose people if they dedicate however many weeks this show is going to be eight, 10 weeks. To see Joan choose someone at the end and he’s like, yeah, I want to continue to see you and she’s like great Like it’s like, oh great We just invested all our time to watch these two continue to date even but even though we we know the engagement is Just whatever at least People feel like they invested enough time and they can be like, okay, these two are going to give it a try.

But yeah, I, I, she might be saying that, but I’m positive this golden bachelorette season is going to end in an engagement. Now they might not rush into a televised wedding and it seems like she could at least hold off on that. But I absolutely believe she’ll end up getting engaged at the end of this thing.

Yeah. So, which brings me into bachelorette. Obviously this was a few months ago, but we weren’t talking then. And I want to get your thoughts on the whole idea of Jen being the bachelorette after clearly Daisy turned it down. And then as we heard recently, when Maria went on call her daddy and went on Caitlin’s podcast, she made it clear.

Well, I was the bachelorette and I, then I wasn’t your thoughts on all that,

honestly, I just feel bad for Jen because she, she doesn’t have any control over this, right? You know, she doesn’t have any control over the fact that Daisy turned it down and that Maria also, you know, came out and said that she turned it down, but she’s the one who gets the brunt of the backlash, which isn’t fair.

You know, she’s just taking an opportunity that she was given. You might’ve been. You know, the third person that was approached, but everybody is still, you know, up in arms over the fact that it’s not Maria or Daisy, which I also understand. I mean, we, I feel like as an audience connected to them the most, because they got the most screen time, they were the most memorable for, you know, a couple of different reasons.

So. So I understand why people are, I guess you could say disappointed that it’s not Daisy or Maria, but you know, I’ll go into it with an open mindset and give her a chance because I feel like a lot of people aren’t going to just because they’re going to let their disappointment kind of, you know, But at the same time, I feel like Jen, I mean, she’s super cute, very bubbly, very outgoing personality.

I don’t think she’s a bad pick at all. I also wish we would have just got a little bit more of her in Joey’s edit. I think that would have helped a little bit, kind of. You know, not fan the flames. But you know, what can you do? That’s beyond her control.

Yeah. I just feel like she is somebody that clearly wasn’t their first or second pick and because they had to scramble, the season was already out.

They couldn’t go back and reedit her edit and it’s just like, Hey, here she is. And, you know, I mean, I get it to a certain extent. I mean, you got to choose somebody and she was pretty much next in line. And you know, I’ve obviously haven’t asked you this. Are you a spoiler person or no?

It depends. Sometimes I do.

Sometimes I don’t.

Okay. So you are, it just depends on the season of whether or not you want to go look or listen to my stuff to see if you want to

be spoiled. Yeah. I have my selective seasons where I follow you.

No, that’s fine. I mean, I, I, I always, I’m always curious about, you know, asking people because it doesn’t matter.

To me, I, it’s not like I’m mad at somebody doesn’t, you know, follow the spoilers, but it is obviously Jesse definitely a different way to watch the show. Clearly if you, if you know, and then last year was just totally wild. Did you, what about last season with Joey? Where were you on spoilers?

I remained unspoiled for Joey season.

So I think the last season that I knew what was going to happen going into it was Zach,

but then

for charity season, I was spoiler free pretty much because I wanted to see like how good my intuition was and how good I was at catching a winner edits. You know, as somebody who like studies reality TV, that’s kind of the game that I like to play now that I’ve been doing it for a while is, can I see what clues, you know, they’re putting down for the final pick and for the potential bachelorette?


So yeah, the last one that I knew going into it, what happened was that.

Did you, when you do put out a video, anything you did during charity season, anything you did during Joey season, where you talk about like your thoughts about, Oh, I think this might be the one he paid and stuff like that. I got to believe people in your comments saying like, well, the spoiler is this do you, you just not read them or nobody or people don’t?

I avoid the comment section. Okay. Like my life depends on it. Okay.

No, that’s, that’s the way to do it because somebody inevitably I got to believe is posting that. Oh

yeah. People do it all the time. And then people also sometimes can be mean to me, so I just try not to look at the comments at all.


All right. I wanted to end with this because this is part of your story that. I don’t know if people know this, if they watched your reel back in October, where you explained the relationship with your husband and how it all came to be. This is kind of fascinating to me because this is very. I think is very rare.

So start, start telling the story of your husband, how you guys met the distance, the time spent away, all these gaps in your relationship leading up to your wedding, which I believe was 2022, right? Yeah. Married in

2023. Yeah. Okay. Yeah.

Okay. So yeah, start talking about it. I might jump in with some questions because when you, when I watched your reel, I was like, wait a second, I want to ask her about this.

So go ahead.

Yeah. My love story could very easily be turned into a lifetime movie. I’m not sure why I haven’t pitched it yet because I feel like it can make a lot of money. But I met my husband 13 years ago. My husband is originally from South Africa and I am from Cleveland, Ohio. And however, both of us ended up in West Virginia at the time.

I was a senior in high school and he was in the states on an athletic scholarship playing soccer at a university nearby. So you were going to high school in West


I did. Yeah. Okay.


So I went to high school in West Virginia and then I ended up, my family moved back to Ohio while I was in college which is how I ended up back here.

But my sister actually met my husband David first just with a group of her friends and she told him, she’s like, you know, you would like my little sister. I think you guys would get along. And so we met and, you know, at that time it was definitely young puppy love. I mean, I was 18. He was he had just turned 21 and whenever we met, it was in February of 2011, he had already decided that at the end of that academic year, he was going to go home to South Africa.

So I meet this cute South African boy who plays soccer and has the greatest accent in the world. And I just. Love him and I know that he’s going to leave in three months. So that was kind of always in the back of my mind, but we were really Inseparable from the moment that we met. So we briefly dated, but then obviously had to go our separate ways.

He moved back home. I went to college. I feel like I lived eight lives, you know, during that time, but we didn’t see each other for seven years. And did you stay in

touch at all? Or no

here and there, here and there, I think, I think really what happened was whenever we were single, we would talk to each other.

But whenever we were in relationships, we would kind of mind our own business and lurk on each other’s social media pages. You know how that goes. But he had ended up moving to London. And he had asked when he was living in London, if he could come visit me and my family for Christmas in 2017, which you know, when we were all in West Virginia, my family really took him into, you know, my mom would make dinners for us and my mom would do his laundry because he didn’t have anybody there, you know, we both kind of bonded over being outsiders.

in West Virginia where we were living at the time. So I was like, yeah, of course, like you can come and it’s going to be great. And everyone around me was like, Morgan, you guys are going to fall back in love. What are you going to do? And, you know, I’m 25 at this point. And I was 18 when I first met him. So I was like, no, I’m so much more like wiser now.

And, you know, it’s totally different. And I mean, literally like I can remember clear as day. picking him up at the airport, watching him come down the escalator. And it was like, it was like no time had passed at all. It’s like, we just immediately picked up right where we left off. We were inseparable. And so then, you know, I’m 25, he’s 27, turning 28.

And it’s like, okay, are we about to commit to this cross continental, long distance relationship? I had only been in like one other serious relationship and it was long distance, but it was only three hours and it was horrible, you know? So I was like, I don’t want to do this again. I know how it went last time.

It wasn’t great. But you know, obviously what I learned is that it really had nothing to do with the distance, it was the person. And so we decided really last second, literally before David walked through airport security, we’re like, what are we going to do? Are we going to try this or are we? Are we crazy?

What’s going to go on? And I think I just said to him, you know, if we try and it doesn’t work out, then we tried and it doesn’t work out. If we don’t try at all, we’ll never know. And we know that there’s something here, you know, it’s lasted the test of time. Can it last, you know, a test of distance and different time zones and, you know, where our lives are going to take us.

So. We decided that we were going to date and then he went and got on his plane and went back to London, bounced back and forth, you know, I would go visit him. He would come visit me and then the pandemic hit and he was physically not allowed to, you know, come to the United States for a year and a half.

And I was only able to go to London, you know, eight months into the pandemic. And that came with a lot of stipulations as well. You know, all the vaccines and being tested and having to quarantine when I was in England and, you know, literally the British government coming to David’s door to make sure that I was.

In the house and you know, not going out, it was, it was a really crazy, crazy time. So I saw him for a total of 10 days in a year and a half during the pandemic. And people are like, how did you do that? And the crazy thing about it was I never once considered ending our relationship. I just knew. And I, obviously he didn’t either.

I just knew that it couldn’t, this could not last forever. And, you know, We have stood the test of time once. So I’m going to bet that we will stand the test of time again. And we did. And we got engaged, went through the K 1 immigration process. And as of three weeks ago, he got his green card. So we’re in the clear.

He’s, you know, legally allowed to stay here now, but it was, it was definitely a journey that is for sure.

So you guys live in Ohio together now. So during that time, 2017, after the whole, he came out for Christmas and then you guys determined when he went back to London, we’re going to try this. Obviously you said you guys saw each other, he would come to the stage, you would go to London and then, and then COVID hit, but during that time, and I guess even COVID, so I guess 2017 to when you got to see him for the first time, eight months into COVID, it, was it just all FaceTiming and phone calls every day, texting every day?

Okay. Yeah. And it

was, we say it all the

time, like, we’ll be getting ready to go to sleep. And we’ll be like, how good is it to not have to FaceTime every day? Cause it’s like, it took a lot of effort. And I mean, you have to also take into account that there was a six hour time difference. So it was a lot. I think there were a couple like saving graces.

The first being that I worked on a morning show. So. You know, by the time I woke up in the morning, the rest of the world in the United States, well, most of them were still asleep, but it was new for David


I would go to sleep, you know, two hours after he would go to sleep that coupled with the fact that he has always worked remotely.

So whenever he would come to America, you know, The rule is you can stay on a tourist visa for 90 days. So David would come over for 88 days, you know, and then fly back. And he’s always worked remotely for an American company. So that made the transition really easy. Once you get there. He got over here.

He just kind of switched from being an independent contractor to being an employee now that he has his green card. So there was a lot of things that made it a little bit easier for us. I mean, it was still difficult, but if it wasn’t for those aspects, I don’t think it would have been nearly as doable.

So When did he like officially moved to Ohio where he was staying those 88 days, then going home and then coming back for, you know, up to 90 days. When did that happen? 2021. 2022.

Yeah. So I would say the first time I went to London was in 2017, and then from 2018 on, he would do those really long extended stays.

Hmm. But then obviously when we got engaged, we had to apply for. A fiance visa, which is what you see on 90 day fiance where you submit all your paperwork they approve it. He comes over, you have 90 days to get married. So, that’s the process that we have been going through. And then he got approved in September of last year.

So he officially moved here late September and then we got married in October.

Gotcha. Well, it’s a hell of a story. Like when I saw that on your reel, I was like, Oh my gosh. Like I didn’t know.

I know. It’s pretty crazy. Yeah,

I didn’t know. Cause I had only seen, I mean, I didn’t, you know, obviously you can’t see every single one of your reels due to the algorithm, but I.

I didn’t know. Had you, did you post him a lot? Did you had, what made you tell the story on on, in October of last year on your reel, were you just getting a lot of people saying, Hey, we want to know more about David or you just decided, Hey, I just want to share this story with everybody.

Yeah. I had been documenting our immigration process just because For me as someone going through it it’s really hard to like Google answers, you know, so I was in all these Facebook groups of, you know, how long did this application take and how much did you have to pay for this?

And what are the waiting times for this? Because it’s a lot of, it’s a lot of waiting. So I would always just want to kind of know where we were at in the process. And it was pretty impossible to find those answers on any official, you know, government website. So I was just, you know, I was sharing my life on social media anyway.

So people, people hear David’s accent and they’re just automatically intrigued by him. But also he just, is so funny and likable that anytime I would post it and people would be like, well, you need to hear David’s thoughts on this or anything of the sort. So I was documenting the immigration process so that, you know, people who were looking for answers could actually find them.

So it, and like I said, it, it wasn’t something that I, you know, set out to, To be an influencer and that healed, you know, with this, I know people do it. But I just thought if I can help anybody, then I will. And a lot of people were asking through that, through me, through me sharing that experience, well, how did you guys get to this place?

And it’s funny because, you know, after documenting all of that literally like six days after we got married. I get a DM from a 90 day fiance producer saying, Hey, we love you and David, do you want to be on the show? And I’m like, well, I got married six days ago, so I don’t think I can technically be on it anymore.

And they were like, oh yeah,

congratulations, but sorry, we missed the opportunity. I’m like, great, great guys. Thanks.

Well, that’s a hell of a story. Like you said, you should be pitching that to Hollywood execs because that is, you know, It’s something that, I mean, like I said, it’s just not normal. It’s not a very, most couples, you know, you hear, Oh, we met on a dating site or high school sweethearts or whatever, but to put, to put yourself through that, I mean, congratulations to the both of you for able to withstanding that for 12 years.

That is, that is crazy. So Morgan. Thank you so much for coming on. Great first appearance. I definitely want to have you on again in the future. Maybe when some more tea about the Valley and Vanderpump rules drops, but absolutely want to have you on again in the future. Thanks so much for coming on.

We’ll definitely be in touch.

Of course. Anytime. Thank you for having me again. I had a great time.

You got it. Thank you so much to Morgan for coming on great first appearance, man. She is low She sees exactly who I need when I want to talk about Vanderpump Rules stuff because she’s really got her finger on the pulse and well thought out opinions on that show as somebody who has been there from the beginning her journey with Vanderpump Rules where she said like I kind of feel Like right at the age that they all were when they started filming and you know working in bars and dating and stuff like that Kind of how I feel about 90210, as I told you, like their college years lined up directly with my college years.

It’s why I connect to the show so much when they were freshmen in college, I was freshmen, I was a freshman and so on and so forth, so, Yeah. I didn’t realize this such a similar background. I had no idea Morgan was in radio before this and had only stopped working a couple months ago. So anyway, great first appearance by Morgan page.

Go check her out on at Instagram, on Instagram and Morgan P talks and on Tik TOK as well. Thank you for Morgan for coming on. Thank you all for listening. Please follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review. In addition, you got to hit play. Even if you miss an episode, please go back and hit play.

It’s the only way it counts as a download. I appreciate it. Daily Roundup was posted a couple hours ago. Sports Daily was posted an hour ago if you want to check those out. So for Morgan P, I’m Reality Steve. Thank you all for listening and I will talk to you tomorrow.

See ya!

Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.

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