Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 5/31 – (EXCLUSIVE SPOILER) How Does Jenn’s Season End, More on Survivor Finale, Jax Taylor Says He’s Not Dating, & A Game Show Misspeak

So I wanted to just talk a little bit about yesterday’s podcast, number three 93 with Steven Fishback. And I really liked his talk about Liz helping Kenzie at the final five challenge to eliminate Maria, because, you know, he asked me a couple of times like, well, what did you think of it?

And I’m like, you know what, in the moment it occurred to me, I was like, this doesn’t seem right. And, but it never really, I don’t know. It never struck a nerve with me. And I was like, Oh my gosh, this show has jumped the shark. They’re now letting individual challenge turn into team challenges and letting people gang up on the other person.

I’m like, yeah, I never, I never thought of it that way. But then when I talked to Steven and I recorded the interview on Wednesday, I’m like, you know what? He makes a really good point. It’s an individual challenge. And then I heard something online yesterday that drove it home even more for me. And that is, remember when I was talking to Steven about the final challenge, the one where you have to have one hand behind your back and you’ve got the balls going down the cage and just rolling down the cage.

That happens usually at the challenge heading into the final four challenge. So it’s only one challenge away from that final five challenge where Liz literally helped Kenzie when there’s no ifs, ands, or buffs about it. She went down and got her board and brought it up to her, even though she could have just told her Kenzie, you need to go get your board and count the holes.

She just went down and did it by herself. So it’s like, okay, she literally helped her in a challenge. Kenzie didn’t have to run down a giant wall or scale down a wall, run to go get it, come back up the wall, you know, that’s the endurance part of the challenge that she literally got to skip because someone wanted to help her.

So I’m thinking of the final ball challenge that they’ve done numerous times. I don’t know if they’re ever going to bring it back. But that would be the equivalent of, what if somebody got eliminated out of that Final Four challenge, but wanted to help somebody else? And they went over to where they were doing their little ball maze.

And they just stood there at the end and said, I’m just going to stand here with my hand open. So you’ll never have a ball drop. You think that would be fair? Because it’s essentially what Liz did. She helped her with a challenge that would be helping somebody in that particular challenge. Hey, Kenzie, I’ll just stand here.

All you have to do is cover one of the exits where the ball drops. I will cover the other one. Yet the whole point of that game is to be able to rotate back and forth while putting in a new ball and Not making sure a ball hits the ground Isn’t it a giant help to have a second hand there that you never have to worry about?

well that exit where the ball is going out is taken care of because You know, whoever Liz is standing there and is gonna help me. How is that any different than what Liz did to Kenzie? That’s what I mean. And I didn’t really, it didn’t, it didn’t get driven home in my head until speaking with Steven. The other thing that he said, and this is like what he said, and he said it over and over in terms of Maria, changing her vote to Charlie after she told him you get to the finals, you got my vote is that survivor jurors can vote for whoever they want.

Whatever they want based on whatever their own criteria is. There is no set thing when you’re a survivor jury member that says, you got to look at this more than looking at this. No, everyone’s got their own thing. Remember the guy from season one that basically said, pick a number between one and a hundred Q said, what are you going to do with the money?

Why should that have anything to do with who your vote is? I don’t agree with what Q’s voting technique was, basically whoever gave a better answer of what they were going to do with the money is who he was going to vote for. I don’t agree with it at all. But the thing is he’s allowed to do that because there are no rules when it comes to the jurors.

They can do whatever they want. Just like the, you know, the free speech amendment people that scream free speech and I can say whatever I want. It’s a free country. Yeah. You can. But there’s free freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences. It just means the government can’t get involved in your freedom of speech.

I use this example all the time to the first amendment truthers, freedom of speech, right? You can say whatever you want. Great. I want you to go into your job today, go right up to your boss, tell him to fuck off and tell him how much you hate your job. And you think the company sucks. Do you think he’ll not fire you?

You had freedom of speech. You’re allowed to say whatever you want to your boss, but it doesn’t free you of consequences. He will fire your ass on the spot and he had every right to so enough with the freedom of speech stuff, you know Yes, we know free country You can say whatever you want But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to reap any consequences that could possibly come from it read the First Amendment It just means that the government can’t do anything to you for what you say I still can’t believe people don’t understand that when it comes to First Amendment is like free speech free speech.

Okay Yes, nobody’s saying you can’t have free speech, but there are consequences. You could absolutely suffer from what you say. With that said, none of these survivor jurors, I’m sitting here saying, look, you can do what you want, but I’m also allowed to be very critical of how you chose to make your decision.

Cues I thought was bogus. I don’t think you should base your final vote on what they plan on doing with the money after the fact. For me. And I think for most people, if you’re on survivor and you’re a juror, vote for who you think played the best game. Why are you basing it on something that happens after the show?

I just, I don’t get that should be based on what you did during the game. Now, if Q wanted to make an argument, well, I thought that Kenzie played a better game. I’m all for that, but Kenzie is going to do better with the money than Charlie is. To me, that sucks. Not a good reason, but he’s allowed to do it.

And I don’t think you can ever install a criteria for the survivor judges and say, no, you got to start looking at it this way or this way. No. So that’s the frustrating part is every year. We don’t know what we’re getting with the jury. Sometimes we get bitter juries. Sometimes you get very smart juries that vote with their head and you’re like, yeah, I can see why they voted for that person, but I just want to keep it to the game.

I just hope people that are on future juries vote for the winner based on the game that they just played them with. We’re moving on to the valley. We talked about it earlier in the week, Jax was seen last weekend, paparazzi got photos of him hanging out with an Instagram model, an OnlyFans model, Paige Woolen, and Jax took to social media yesterday and just wanted to inform everybody, and he said yesterday, he, a brief statement he shared to Twitter, he said, I’m not dating anyone and I wish you all knew the full story of this situation, it’s not what you think.

Okay, so either this is going to be a storyline in season 2 of The Valley, which I don’t, I don’t even know if it is because they haven’t started filming season 2 of The Valley, I think they don’t start till July. So, if it’s not what we think, then just tell us what it is. Is this a business thing? It’s clear he called the paparazzi, it’s clear he wanted this out there.

Like, I don’t, it’s very hard to believe anything this guy says anyway, but don’t tell me he didn’t call the paparazzi on himself. Because why would they be following Jax Taylor on a Saturday afternoon? How would they know to go to that particular bar and catch them walking in? You know, they called them, he called the paparazzi to make sure that this was out there and it just, I guess, keeps his name out there.

So I guess that’s probably why he did it. Whether he’s dating her or not, we have no idea because we don’t even know the definition of a lot of these people when they say dating, it’s like the whole point Jax is you might say, Hey, I’m not dating anyone. And you might be. Semantically correct, but let’s just say if they’re hooking up, the whole point is you were seen with another woman when you’re claiming you want things to work with Brittany.

Yes, you are separated from her, but you’re claiming that you’re a guy that doesn’t believe in divorce, doesn’t believe in separation. Well, that’s already been changed because Brittany separated from you, but you’re claiming that you want to be back. You want your family back. So. That’s what I mean. He can easily say we’re not dating, but in this day and age, you can say you’re not dating, but you’re hooking up with somebody.

I wish he would just explain it. Be a lot easier for the rest of us. And finally, if you know me, you know how much I like game shows and especially game shows that have whack ass answers. I’m sure you’ve all seen the clip by now. Wheel of Fortune. Earlier this week, Tavares Williams was a contestant.

The subject was phrase. It was a four word phrase. And it was one of those rapid rounds where the letters are just being, it’s not where you guess the letters. It’s towards the end where the letters are just filled in themselves and you guess them. Just buzz in and guess what the phrase is. It’s a four word phrase.

The first word had four letters, but none of them had been turned over. The second word had two letters. One of the first letter was an I. The third word had three letters. A T was the first letter and an E was the last letter. And then the fourth word has four letters. B was the first letter. T was the last letter.

So, we knew the middle two words were in the. Blank in the blank. And Tavares buzzes in and is so sure of himself. And says, right in the butt. I

mean, this is up there. I mean, is this the second greatest game show answer ever given behind the newlywed game from the 1970s where Bob Eubanks asked one of the couples, ladies, where is the one place your husband said is the strangest place you’ve ever made? Whoopi. And the wife said in the ass,

and then this, I mean, this answer is essentially the same answer, just, she didn’t say ass or Tavares didn’t say ass because would have been really embarrassing if he said ass, when the last word in this clue is B blank blank T, but he said right in the butt. Well, we obviously knew that was wrong because right has five letters in it.

And the first word had four letters. Guy went on Kimmel because of this. Like he’s famous. I don’t know. I still think in the ass when asked, what’s the strangest place you’ve made? Whoopi is the all time greatest game show answer ever given. I doubt anything will ever top that, but I think this might be number two now, just because he was so off right in the butt.

I don’t even know if that’s a common phrase is that’s not even a common phrase. By the way, the answer was, this is the best, not right in the butt. Tiberius. Anyway thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. Hey, it’s my birthday today.

Please hit play. It’ll do me wonders. That’s the only way it counts as a download anymore. You got to hit play on this episode, on any episode you have not listened to go back and hit play. That’s all I ask. I gave you a birthday present today with the spoiler for Jen’s season. Please give me that birthday present.

I’d appreciate it. Not even asking for any sort of gift. I don’t want anything monetary. I don’t want anything material. Just go hit play. Really appreciate it. Sports daily is up in an hour from now. You can go check that out if you’re interested. So thank you again for listening. I really appreciate it. I hope everybody.

Has a great weekend. And I will talk to you on Monday.

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