So yesterday in the column I mentioned, and I can’t remember if I mentioned this on the podcast, I don’t think I did, but I put it out there on my social media. And it was, we got an identification of the first man who Joan, the golden bachelorette took on her first one on one date of the season at Disneyland.
You saw the pictures that got out there. I posted them at the time I posted them. I didn’t know who the guy was. Well, I found out in recent days who he was. He is a 60 year old insurance salesman from Wichita, Kansas by the name of Chalk Chapel. I’m assuming that’s how you pronounce his last name, C H A P P L E.
Chalkchapel. Chalk is a name that he uses, his name is Charles Chapel, but he goes by Chalk. Interesting. I can, I think I can honestly say, and if anybody else has ever heard of this, please let me know. Anybody in your life. I don’t think I’ve ever heard the first name Chalk. C H O C K. I’ve never heard anybody go by that, even as a nickname.
It’s the first time I’ve ever, like, I’ve been on this planet 49 years. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that name. Anywhere ever chalk, CHOCK, not C H L C H A L K C H O C K. He goes by chalk chapel. That’s his name. And so I put it out there. Hey, this is the guy that we have finally identified who was on the first one on one date with Joan.
I was able to find out a little more information about him. I did link to his. In insurance page, his about profile on his insurance company page. And it mentioned he has kids. He has two kids from a previous marriage. He is divorced from that woman. However, get your violins out because chalk chapel was engaged for, I believe the last couple of years, 2022 and 2023.
However, his fiance died suddenly of brain cancer. In 2023. So this guy is checking all the boxes of exactly what they’re looking for on the golden bachelorette. I mean, I Jones husband passed away. Chalk’s fiance that he was set to marry passed away suddenly last year. Apparently it was a rare form of brain cancer, I guess came about fairly quickly, took her life.
So boom, I mean, checking all the boxes there. And I got to believe that chalk chapel getting the first one on one of the season at Disneyland. I don’t know anything else about Joe Jones season right now, but I’m guessing chalk chapel goes far. I just, I can’t see him not going far yesterday. Bachelor data, Susanna Summers posted on her.
Instagram feed that the data from 24 hours after Jen’s premiere aired, how many followers she gained in that 24 hours. And it ended up actually being more than the amount of followers Joey gained after his first 24 hours after his first episode aired, it was a little bit more. Jen gained exactly 14, 728.
Joey gained 14, 674. So doing my math, that’s a 26 and 28. 54 people more, but basically we’re talking about like the same gain for Jen, who people were saying like, Oh, not the first choice, which she wasn’t, but Hey, not the first choice. Asian bachelorette, the audience is racist. This was actually good news for her because I don’t think a lot of people thought that she was going to gain this many followers just in 24 hours since the premiere.
Now you also got to take into consideration that the bachelorette women tend to be more of followers on Instagram. And I mean, the data speaks about it. All you gotta do is go to bachelor data’s page and notice that, you know, the top 20 most followed contestants in the history of the bachelor franchise.
I believe, I think it’s like 13 or 14 are women. And because women post content that other women want to see men really don’t post great content when it comes to Instagram, at least men from the bachelor, there’s other, obviously men content creators out there that do really well. Still with that said, I think a lot of people are surprised.
I think I am. I didn’t think she would get the same amount of 24 hour followers post first episode that Joey did. So that’s good for her. And speaking of bachelor data, she is going to be podcast number 3 99 this week. I’m going to talk to her today. We’re going to go over this. She’s going to give her, you know, her reasons why she thinks this may be and talk about ratings, talk about the season already in general, maybe ask her if she has the same thoughts as I do about the episode one and episode two contestants who repost numerous Instagram stories of other people watching them.
It’s really kind of funny and obviously a lot of other stuff to talk about Susanna about. So that’s podcast three 99. Which will be up tomorrow and then obviously as we know next week, the Clayton interview is coming, which I can’t wait for you all to see either watch it on YouTube or watch and listen to it on Apple podcast or Spotify, however you listen to it.
Hey, if you can do both, I’d be even better. Go to my YouTube channel, subscribe, and keep building that thing up. Because that’s what I want to do. You know, I’m getting into the video side. I’m still getting used to it, getting better at it every week this week. I don’t know if you noticed this past Sunday’s live stream.
I actually added the ring light behind me. Because I noticed the first two weeks, I did have shadows on my face because I didn’t have a light. I had a light, you know, I have a light in my office, which is above me, which gave me shadows on my face. I was like, wait a second. I have a ring light right behind my camera, which is right behind what I’m looking at.
And I didn’t turn it on the first two times I did the live stream. So I had it. And I think it looks a lot clearer. I also upgraded my computer. So my computer. I noticed that my camera did not freeze. It was never, the audio was never not synced up with my movements of my mouth. So that was a good investment.
I made the only investment left right now, at least is the arm mic, which I’m going to get eventually. But I guess the biggest decision I have before tonight’s live stream at eight Eastern seven central six mountain five Pacific is which t shirt do I go with tonight? Do I go karate kid? Do I go Rocky?
Do I go Hoosiers? Do I go another over the top shirt? Do I go dumb and dumber? Do I go back to the future? Do I go karate kid? I think I said that was the first one. Those are probably the six movies I have the most t shirts on, but like I said, I probably got eight to 10 back to the future shirts, probably four to five dumb and dumber shirts.
Yeah. So it’s just going to be a healthy rotation. I said, like I said, I think I’ve got over 60. So you’ll see a new shirt and I am keeping track. So please join me tonight for the live stream. We’re going to go over and break down the official trailer that ABC released on Monday night’s episode. We’re going to do that live for you.
And finally, did you see who chimed in giving his thoughts on Bachelorette first episode? None other than Ryan Reynolds. So Ryan Reynolds posted a video, which was a video for Deadpool set to the theme of the Bachelorette. Yet the caption that he put. Underneath the video on yesterday said everyone seemed to like the Deadpool bachelorette spot last night.
But can we talk about the episode? Thought Jen made some strong choices, except for sending my countryman Brendan packing. Marcus is easy on the eyes. Grant was a little much in the day trading thing, but I get it. Two Sams will get confusing so slightly leaning towards Sam N. Jen’s mom might have been the highlight, and Melbourne, Australia felt like a huge shoutout, so a bit of a low light there.
Overall, great start. What was I talking about again? Now, this could be some sort of synergy. We’ll see. This could be some sort of somebody told someone in Ryan Reynolds camp to mention the bachelorette to give it some juice, to give it some legs. Like, Hey, Ryan Reynolds is talking about it. Who knows if he even watched it, this could have easily been written or been told and written by somebody in his camp, his PR team that actually watches the bachelorette wrote it out and said, here, just put this as your caption.
We don’t know for sure. Regardless, it’s really cool when somebody who has 51. 7 million followers. Decides to write a paragraph caption about your season premiere. So I don’t care if he wrote it or not, this is good publicity for the show. And Jen responded, other people in bachelor nation responded like, wow, I can’t believe Ryan Reynolds watches the show.
And like I said, maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t, I don’t think it really matters if he does or doesn’t, but 51. 7 million people who follow Ryan Reynolds. May have seen that post and said, wow, Ryan Reynolds likes the Bachelorette. Maybe I’ll go watch it. And that’s how, that’s how content networking basically works.
You get somebody popular to wear a hat, wear your shirt, something like that, and it explodes. Somebody popular with millions and millions of followers. Well, this guy with millions and millions of followers just shouted out the bachelorette and her, then their season premiere. So very cool for the show.
Very cool for Jen. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review. But remember you got to hit play it’s the only way it counts as a download if you miss a day Please go back and hit play sports daily will be up in an hour from now. Don’t forget tonight live stream We’re gonna break down the four minute bachelorette trailer I’ve got some specific pictures and photos and stills that I can show you and point out when and where it happened in the show and what the relevance is and that’s it That’s going to happen at eight Eastern seven central six mountain and five Pacific tonight on my YouTube channel at reality.
Steve, join me there. Anyway, thank you all for tuning in. Really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.
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