You are listening to the daily roundup here as part of the reality, Steve podcast. I am your host reality. Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Wednesday. Got a good show for you. Another golden bachelorette spoiler for you, hometown date taking place yesterday in Chicago for Joan. Tell you all about him.
I also want to talk about things that happened on Monday night’s episode. The post that I made yesterday in my column in regards to what Sam McKinney’s brother in law posted back in March when he was announced as a contestant. I’m going to also discuss the national anthem singer from Monday nights, major league baseball, all star game festivities, even though it is sports related, it’s also pop culture related.
And then we’re going to talk about the debut, the premier of big brother tonight on CBS. We’ll get to all that momentarily. So I wanted to start out with this. If you saw my social media yesterday, spoiled the fact that Joan was on another hometown date in Glencoe, Illinois yesterday. You know what’s funny?
I have only told you about two men that are on this season. I told you Mark Anderson, Kelsey’s dad is on this season. And then we knew that the one picture that got out of filming this season was Jones first one on one date, found out his name was chalk chapel. There was one other guy that I had texted it to my friend about three weeks ago.
I was told this guy’s on the show, but I had never seen him on a date. Obviously we’ve only had pictures of one date and I had no idea if he was still left on the show. And yet that’s the guy that was on yesterday’s hometown date. His name is Pascal. Ib, Ib Gwee. I B G U I. He was born in Paris, but he currently lives in Glencoe, Illinois, and he is a hair salon owner.
And I posted the picture yesterday. They were actually at a place called Hometown Coffee and Juice in Glencoe. I don’t know if anybody listening right now is in Glen Clo in Glencoe or a neighboring city to Glencoe. If you know him, if you’ve heard of his salon, The funny thing was when I was first sent him, I was sent the link to his salon page with it, which is pascalporel.
com for the longest time, basically ever since. I was given that I thought his name was Pascal Porel, but that’s the name of his salon. I was told that Porel, I’m probably pronouncing that wrong because it’s French. I was told that means a woman in French. And I thought his name was Pascal Porel because the website is pascalporel.
com. I was like, Oh, this must be his name. And then yesterday when I found out he was on the hometown date, I’m like, Oh, let me, I was about to, I was about to post his name as Pascal Porel. And then I was just like, wait, what’s his last name? And I saw that his salon was Pascal, but it was poor L maybe is it pronounced Pua L I don’t know.
I don’t speak French. There was, it’s a three word name, Pascal P O U R E L L E. So I was like, wait, that’s not his last name. So I asked someone to help me and they found it in like two seconds. I don’t know why I couldn’t find this guy’s last name, but I, I didn’t. And someone helped me out with that. So thank you for that.
And his name is Pascal. I B G U I. Like I said, he’s from Paris grew up, I guess. I don’t know what, I don’t know when he moved to Chicago, but it seems like he’s been in Chicago a while because he’s had his hair salon business for a while. Found his personal Instagram page and he’s got a son that looks like he could be on the bachelor.
So I have no idea if his son has a girlfriend, no idea. But if he doesn’t maybe look for him in the future on a, on a future bachelorette season, because he looks the part handsome little kid. Anyway, she was on her hometown date with Pascal. I’m going to say so many times talking about this guy in the future, but it’s I B G U I again, just like I didn’t know what number hotel hometown date chalks was on Sunday.
I don’t know if this is her third home down date, her, you know, her second home down date, her third hometown date, or her last one. I just don’t know. And we don’t even know if she’s having four or three Gary had three seems like maybe for this franchise They’re just gonna do three hometowns, but maybe they’re changing it up for Jones season We will not know until we get more information, but we know of two Chalk Chapel Sunday in Wichita, Kansas yesterday Pascal Ibgui and and that’s probably French too, and I’m pronouncing that wrong.
So I apologize that was yesterday in Glencoe, Illinois and And I have not heard if Mark Anderson is still on the show. I know as of a week ago, he still was. So if he got eliminated, he got eliminated right before hometowns. I think if you pay enough attention to Joey and Kelsey’s Instagram in the next couple of days, I think they’ll probably either give a hint or give it away.
They’re not going to obviously. Post an Instagram story of filming happening. I don’t think that’s going to be the case, but I just think they’re not going to be able to not say anything or give some sort of hint that they may be home for his hometown date, you know, because obviously Kelsey and Joey are going to be a part of it.
If he goes back to Louisiana for his hometown, there’s no way they wouldn’t be. So I would just keep an eye out on that. It looks like they’re doing it every other day, just like the. Bachelor and bachelorette due. So the next hometown date won’t be till Thursday. If there is another one left, maybe it is going to be Mark Anderson.
I don’t know, but we’ll keep our eyes out for it. Watching Kelsey and Joey’s Instagram stories. So I do have a reader email column up today. It’ll be up in a couple of hours on reality, steve. com. One of the questions that I got that I answered, but I also want to answer here on the podcast is in regards to the approach that Aaron took with Devin and giving him a book about emotional intelligence, I never made the connection, but an email or did someone who texted me did, and I was like, Oh yeah, I never even thought of that.
I totally forgot when Noah was on shit. What season was he on? What was. That was Claire’s season, right? It was Claire and Tayshia, right? So, Bennett, remember Bennett and Noah just kept going back and forth, and Bennett thought he was just superior to Noah, and Bennett pulled him aside and had these gifts, obviously all put together by production, and presented Noah with a book on emotional intelligence.
Well, I’m asked it in the reader emails today, and I didn’t, I mean, I remembered once it was brought up to me, but before yesterday, I totally forgot that Noah was on the receiving end of an emotional intelligence book during the season that he was on, and then on Monday night, Aaron, who Is the one who’s giving an emotional intelligence book to Devin.
So I went back and looked at the clip from that scene between Bennett and Noah, because I wanted to see, wait a second, did Noah pass on the same book about emotional intelligence to his brother before the show, so his brother could give it to somebody else and give it to Devin. I went back and looked at the clip.
No, it’s not the same book. The book that Bennett gave to Devin. Noah was blue. I have the screenshot in the column today, but the cover of the book says HBRs 10 must reads on emotional intelligence. That’s the name of the book. The one that Aaron gave to Devin, I don’t remember the name of it. I just know it was yellow and it’s still on my DVR.
I could probably go look, but. It’s not the same book that was the, I mean, I think that would have been interesting synergy and have been like, okay, obviously it wouldn’t mean it would mean it was even more planned if, if it was the same exact book, but because like, come on, Noah receives a book on his season, gives it to his brother.
His brother just happens to give it to a guy on his season. It’s like, let’s, let’s try and pretend we’re trying to be organic on this show. Even though we know nothing about the show is organic. Let’s at least. Yeah. Tell the audience or make them think it’s possibly could be organic, but no such thing.
Didn’t happen. Not the same book. Wanted to point out one thing from yesterday’s story that I added when I posted the screenshot from the Facebook page where Sam McKinney’s brother in law posted the day that he was announced as a contestant back in March and wrote under his photo and reposted it. I thought he actually posted it on the bachelorette.
That’s only up for about three or four days. He actually posted it, reposted it on his own Facebook page. And it was sent to me back in March. And where he says, someone says, can we bet on him? I’m trying to retire this year. And his brother in law says he’ll have to leave the show to come marry Olivia and I in Costa Rica, so we can scheme something there, LOL.
Again, it’s. It’s hard to deny proof now. I’m sure he’s going to say it was just a joke. It obviously wasn’t. He never thought in a million years when he wrote that, that someone was going to screenshot it and send it to me. So again, this is just something that Sam relayed onto others. Was going on the show.
Wasn’t serious about it. He knew he had to leave. He was never going to win. And unfortunately, you know, one of his exes spoke and he At least publicly, and I’ve talked to another one privately, his ex fiance, and you know, like I said, it’s, it’s not one of these things again, where I’m trying to start some sort of war here.
This is just, honestly, it was sent to me. I know Sam is a big character on this season. He obviously goes far on this season, and Rayleigh, a girl that he was seeing up until the day he left, a girl he had seen on multiple occasions. Met family. She posted a tech talk. I cover the show. I wanted to go directly to the source.
I talked to Rayleigh. She showed me receipts. I have a lot of receipts of their text message exchanges, and I’m sorry, it’s not some girl that’s just as scorned X and they were barely seeing each other. He sent her some pretty serious stuff that I’m sure his sister and brother in law have never seen and know nothing about.
That’s why I get it. Look, I understand family is going to defend their family. I have no, I’m not surprised in the least bit that his sister and brother in law are calling me out and calling out the women who have said negative things about their brother and brother in law. I totally get it, but it doesn’t mean it’s not true.
And that’s where this narrative of, oh, these women are making stuff up. And I even had someone approach me yesterday and say, why are you bringing the family into this? I’m like, Hey, they brought themselves into it. Number one, by posting that. On a public forum on Facebook and number two, go look at my Sunday night live stream this past Sunday.
Look at one of the comments on there. It’s from Ed saying the same thing. So he’s putting his name behind things. On things that I am doing. So clearly I have every right to address him, address what he says and just say, Hey, I understand you’re defending your brother in law, but he didn’t not do this.
I’ve seen the receipts. I have the receipts. So unfortunately this is the way it is, but again, this doesn’t make Sam the worst person in the world. It’s like, look, he seems to be telling women what they want to hear. And he got caught. A lot of guys on this show have multiple women before going on the show.
Now. A lot of theirs in the past. Just don’t talk. Some do. Some don’t. It just unfortunate that Sam’s women decided to talk and release a tick tock. I wouldn’t have known anything about this. It really didn’t release a tick tock last Thursday. I would have known obviously about his ex fiance, but that was public knowledge so that he had one.
And like I told you when she first came to me and it. She said like, Hey, I know he’s going to tell a story that I cheated on him. And I know he’s going to try and make me look bad because that’s what he does. I’m not going to deny that that happened, but there’s more to the story. I didn’t even ask. I didn’t even ask for the story.
I could, at some point, maybe she’ll tell me, maybe she won’t. It’s her story to tell if she wants to, but I don’t know what their quote. There’s more to the story than what he’s. Leading. I don’t know what that means because I haven’t asked. She wants to tell her story. She can. We’ll see how much we’ll see how worse it gets during the season.
And then we’ll just kind of take it from there. This podcast brought to you by tropical smoothie cafe, tropical smoothie cafe believes you deserve a little vacay every day, not just once a year. Get on tropic time with bright and refreshing smoothies. Tropic bowls, wraps, and flatbreads from tropical smoothie cafe, tropical smoothie cafe, one bite of their tropic bowls, and you’ll instantly feel like you’re Cabana side.
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