I’m sure you saw on Monday night before the Home Run Derby for Major League Baseball started because it made all the rounds on the entertainment sites. The fact that Ingrid Andrus, who is a country western singer, sang the national anthem and sang it about as poorly as one could imagine.
I covered this on my Sports Daily yesterday. And my whole take was It was so bad. It was the worst we’ve ever seen. And I’m talking about the worst we’ve ever seen from an actual singer. When Roseanne Barr did her thing and before a Padre game in the nineties, that was, she’s not a singer. She made fun of the national anthem, or she made fun of major league baseball players.
When Carl Lewis sang, he was trying to sing, but he screwed up. This was, this was worse than Carl Lewis. This is from a woman who’s been. Nominated for a Grammy four times. I had never heard of Ingrid Andrus before Monday night. Never heard of the, I never even heard of the name and like, look, I hear names and pop culture all the time.
I’ve just never heard that name once. I did not know who she was and I did not know that she was up for four Grammys. She’s never won a Grammy, but she was nominated four times. So when you watch that performance on Monday, which I’m sure a lot of you did, cause it made the rounds on social media. You’re like, what in the hell is going on personally for me?
I thought there was something wrong with her earpiece because everybody knows when you sing in front of a large crowd, you have to wear an earpiece or else you’re going to get feedback and you’re not going to be able to hear what’s going on. Your, your voice is going to be off. It doesn’t match up with the music.
You got to wear an earpiece. And I thought maybe something was up with her earpiece the whole time and she didn’t know what she was doing or she didn’t know how to fix it mid song. I don’t know, but it sounded so bad. Well, or I said the other thing, maybe she was sick. And she just powered through it because they couldn’t find a last second replacement.
I go, maybe that was it Well, we find out yesterday. It was neither of those Ingrid andrus took to her instagram yesterday and said this i’m not gonna bullshit y’all. I was drunk last night I’m checking myself into a facility today to get the help. I need that was not me last night I apologize to major league baseball all the fans and this country.
I love so much for that rendition I’ll let you all know how rehab is I hear it’s super fun So we have our answer. I just, I never thought that she was doing it on purpose. I never, I just thought something was seriously wrong. She was either her earpiece was screwed up or she was sick and ended up being, she was drunk.
And when you watch it back now, knowing she was drunk, yeah, makes all the sense in the world. What I want to say though, is this. When she wrote that, I’m assuming she’s telling the truth about this. But when she threw in that last sentence of, I’ll let y’all know how rehab is, I hear it’s super fun. I’m like, wait, is she being serious?
Or is she joking? It just, if she’s serious about sobriety, that just seemed like a really weird line to leave in at the end of an Instagram post where you admit you were drunk singing the National Anthem in front of millions of people. I didn’t think that she would go there, but I don’t know how to take it.
I’m assuming every, every outlet is reporting. She wrote on her Instagram, but has anybody followed up with her management team? Is this like a real thing? She is going to rehab. It just seems like if you’re going to release a serious post like this, like, Hey, I’m Checking myself into rehab. That was not me last night.
I apologize to everybody and then throw in, Hey, I’ll let you know how rehab is. I hear it’s super fun. It just seems like a weird way to end a statement about how you embarrassed yourself on national television. I guess we’ll find out in the coming weeks if she has been in rehab, you know, I hope this doesn’t stain her career.
Seems like she’s pretty popular in the country world. She obviously made a mistake. She needs to get help. I hope she does, but just a weird last sentence to make in a statement where you’re being very serious. And finally, big brother starts tonight. We know it’s a two night premiere. We’re only going to get eight people introduced to us tonight.
We’re going to get the next eight tomorrow night, and then they’re going to vote on whether or not they want a 17th person in the house. Again, I don’t know if they’re voting because they know the name of the 17th person, or even if they’re voting just, Hey, do you want to vote? Yes. On a surprise to start the season.
Maybe they don’t even know it has to do with the 17th person coming into the house. I’m assuming the 17th person. Is an alumni. We saw the one alumni that you want, not even alumni last year. We brought in Sari, but she was from a different show, but she was known in the reality TV world. I’m wondering exactly what it is going to be on Thursday night, but considering they all have to vote on it, we’re not going to get that twist vote until Thursday night, because we know that eight people aren’t all 16 people aren’t being announced until Thursday eight tonight and eight on Thursday, we know who the 16 contestants are.
And once again, I don’t know if it’s fair or not, but when you have 16 people and two of them are over the age of 50 and 14 of them are 35 or younger, I mean, does that put 52 year old Kenny and 50 year old Angela at a disadvantage that they are the oldest or does that put them in a, you know, fatherly role, motherly role, people feel like they don’t want to vote them out because they want some wisdom and knowledge in the house?
I don’t know. As far as I know, I, you know, I’m not good again, I’ve only started watching big brother since season 21. I don’t know how many older people have won this show in terms of age range. I’m sure if I went to the equivalent to bachelor data for big brother, I’m sure it’s out there. I’m sure I could look at the age of every winner and the median age of the winner and then at oldest winner and the youngest winner.
I don’t know any of that stuff. I’m sure I could find it. If I looked, I just think again, it just seems a little bit unfair, at least survive, I mean, survivor for a long time, went for the younger crowd. And then they did the same thing. They’d give us one or two old people and then, you know, 16 people that were 32 years or younger, you know, they’ve seemed to go a little bit older in recent seasons with more contestants, but.
I mean, we have 16 of the, we have the 16 people that are going to be on the show. Three of them, two of them are over 50 and everyone else is 35 or younger. So again, I don’t, I don’t know if that’s a disadvantage or an advantage. Again, I like big brother for the game aspect. I think everything else surrounding it is ultra super duper corny.
You know, big brother. And then last year with the laser. And then this year they’re already talking about AI, big brother and her BB AI, and the games are corny and cheesy. The challenges aren’t really that hard. It’s just, I can deal without all that stuff. You know how I feel about Zing bot, literally one of the stupidest bits on all of television.
Not funny whatsoever, but they think it’s the funniest thing in the world. And Oh my gosh, Oh, what a roast that was by zing bot. And, you know, tomorrow night when the, tonight when the eight. People get into the house for the first time. They’re going to run around the house and just act like, Oh my gosh, this is the greatest house I’ve ever been in.
Even though it’s a soundstage, it’s just like all that stuff I could do without. Just get to the gameplay. That’s what I care about. So, but I’ll be looking forward to it tonight. I hope you all will too. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play.
It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily. We’ll be up in an hour from now. Don’t forget that. And obviously we’re back tomorrow with not only a daily roundup, not only a sports daily, but our first YouTube weekly interview. And it’s with Clayton Eckerd for podcast number 400. You’re still going to get it in your Apple podcast feed in the morning.
You’re still going to get it in your Spotify feed, but you can also watch it on my YouTube channel at reality. Steve. It’ll also be embedded into my column tomorrow on the website. And speaking of columns, reader emails, along with your transcript of today’s daily roundup is up on reality. com in a couple hours.
So thank you all for listening again. Really appreciate it. Take care. And I will talk to you tomorrow. See.
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