Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 21- Jenn

Bachelorette Jenn – Episode 3 Thoughts, Villains Changing From One Episode To the Next, How You Can Attend the Men Tell All Taping, & Your Daily Roundup 7/23 Transcript

Photo Credit: ABC

You know, is it a good thing or a bad thing that the ABC released a non-serious IG post earlier yesterday warning people about the content of last nights episode? I mean, it’s always a positive when this show doesn’t take itself too seriously and can make fun of themselves. On the flip side, this show is OB. SESSED. with having at least one episode a season where one man (or multiple men), are in a thong or their underwear. I wish someone would do a breakdown of how many seasons in a row we’ve gotten at least one date like this. I’ll ask Suzana if she has that info. But off the top of my head, I wanna guess at least 5 seasons in a row now, but it’s probably more. Which is so ridiculous because there is ZERO chance they’d ever do it the other way around. Nor should they. But enough already of putting the guys in this position. It doesn’t make them vulnerable, it doesn’t mean they can “roll with the punches.” It’s just stupid. Period.

There was no livestream on Sunday night because I had some family stuff come up and I didn’t want to push the live back 30-45 minutes. But it will return this Sunday, and every Sunday until football season starts, then I’ll determine what night to move it to. But one good thing after reading a couple comments on the Clayton interview, is now I know how to control the ads. You were right. They were out of control on that interview and were literally showing up every 5 minutes. That’s WAAAAAY too many. But I’m in control of them now and I can manually set them for when I want them to appear. I’ve gone back through all the videos and they will appear every 15 minutes. That Clayon interview literally had over 20 ads running. Ridiculous. Thank God someone taught me how to fix that.

Reader Emails again tomorrow. Don’t have too many in there right now so send any questions/queries/comments in to or hit me up on IG and get your questions in for tomorrow’s column. Last week I think we got to 10. Is it too much to ask maybe to get to 15 this week? It shouldn’t be. But then again, maybe nobody has anything to say about anything. That’d suck. So get those in today to appear in tomorrow’s column.

Talked about this on my podcast yesterday, but if you want almost all your Claim To Fame spoilers, go to @carpoolkyleoke on IG and TikTok. He’s the one that’s spoiled at least 7 of the remaining contestants and who their relatives are. Most of these contestants seem to be nieces and nephews of their celebrity relative, so you’re not really going to figure it out just by looks. Especially Miguel. He has everyone fooled. I’d be shocked if anyone got his. But then again, he might get put up as a guesser and get someone else’s wrong and that’s what sends him home. Whatever the case, if you want to know the ones left, go to that guys IG or TikTok and watch his videos. It’s all there for you. Adam, Shane, Dedrick, Miguel, Hud (who we already knew), Mackenzie, and Naomi are the ones I’m seeing he spoiled. He’s missing a couple as of now, so I guess there’s still some mystery left – but not much.

Also, off Bachelorette for a moment, but how bananas has Big Brother been in just the first week? Have we ever seen it this crazy in week 1? Granted, This is only my 6th season, but I don’t remember people having meltdowns like Angela did this early. You’ll see that meltdown on tomorrow’s episode. But if you haven’t watched online or are avoiding live feeds, you’re in for a real treat. What a total overreaction to what Matt said to her in her HOH room. What am I missing here? Why did she absolutely lose her marbles over what he said, which really wasn’t that bad? Yeah, so he’s cocky and good looking. I’m not sure why Angela thought that was so “threatening” to her, but maybe I’m missing something. Bonkers. Not to mention the upgrades that Makensy (I hate how she spells that) and Quinn got are definitely bonuses, but I’m gonna make a prediction now that I also said on my podcast. The 3 person noms will only last a few weeks. I can’t see this being an all season thing. I’ll say it goes four weeks, then it’s back to two-person noms. I could be way off, but that’s how I think it’s gonna go.

The “Bachelorette” is looking for audience members to attend the Men Tell All taping on Thursday, August 15th. You can apply here. Interesting to note that this films on Aug 15th, which is the episode before Hometown dates airs on Aug, 19th. It usually tapes before the Overnight date episode and normally the person who gets eliminated at #3 is at the taping confirming whatever the spoiler is. So it just looks like for this season, Jeremy will be at the taping (since his elimination on the show will be the next episode the viewing audience sees), but Devin, Marcus, and Jonathon will not.

Episode 2 thoughts begin on Page 2…

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