Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 21- Jenn

Bachelorette Jenn – Episode 3 Thoughts, Villains Changing From One Episode To the Next, How You Can Attend the Men Tell All Taping, & Your Daily Roundup 7/23 Transcript

Photo Credit: ABC

You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I am your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in. We are going to talk about episode three last night on The Bachelorette, where we have absolutely had a shift in villains from one episode to the next, and it’s not even close.

We are also going to discuss what’s going on on my YouTube channel. I realized something yesterday and it’s been fixed. We have a reboot of a classic from the nineties that I can’t wait for. And I’m finally going to give you my two cents and my review of Cobra Kai season six had not brought it up yet.

Totally just blanked on it. I’m going to give you my thoughts. If you haven’t watched it and you don’t want to know, by all means, you can mute or fast forward, but it’ll be at the end of this podcast and we’ll get to all that momentarily. Tropical Smoothie Cafe wants to celebrate summer with you. This week only July 22nd to the 28th.

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You know, we started off with Spencer’s one on one and I’ve come to realize anyone who gets a one on one on this show, whatever you do on the day portion, while it might be fun and they consider it some sort of bonding experience. Very rarely do we see them actually talk to each other and granted it lasts for hours, the day portion.

So there’s only so much they can show, but seeing Spencer get picked up and going in a helicopter and going to 12 apostles or whatever, it’s like, I’m sure they spoke to each other, but it’s usually not till the dinner portion where they sit down and they’re basically forced to have conversation. Do we actually know anything about these two’s relationship?

And if they’re getting along, because. We sat there and watched a helicopter ride and being at the 12 Apostles, and I didn’t feel like I knew anything about Spencer, but then they sit down at dinner and he opens up to her. He tells her about his broken engagement, something that I mentioned the day I found out that Spencer was a contestant on the show back in March, said he was previously engaged.

What he did not talk about with her, which I’m kind of surprised is that he used to weigh 300 pounds. He put that out on his Instagram, I believe last week, either his feed or his story. So thought he might go into that considering he talked about his breakup and I think his relationship and his, his engagement ending might’ve been.

The reason he got to the weight that he did, but don’t quote me on that because when he told the story, I saw it on his Instagram, but I don’t know the years. I didn’t know the timeline, but I know that the end of engagement was in the last two or three years. So maybe that’s what led to it, but I’m, I’m not a hundred percent sure.

I just remember him showing on his Instagram that he had gotten up there, said close to 300 pounds, if not 300 pounds. And has since obviously looked you know, lost weight, looks a lot better. And. Just surprised he didn’t tell that maybe he didn’t they cut that out of the night portion But he wanted to open up and I feel like you have the day portions of these dates You just you just feel like it’s two people that barely know each other and you’re in that awkward phase on a first date where?

You barely know somebody but you’re doing something to keep you busy So you don’t have to have some sort of serious talk and the serious stuff really doesn’t happen Until the nighttime and honestly, does anybody get a one on one on the show anymore? That literally has led a normal life And didn’t have a breakup or a broken engagement or a divorce or somebody cheat on them or some major tragedy in their life.

It seems like if you don’t have any of those, you don’t get a one on one. I don’t know. More often than not, the one on one people always have a story to tell. Now, while they were showing the Spencer date, they also were showing Devin versus Thomas and Sam back at the house or back at the hotel. And Sam McKinney is calling Devin an ankle biter.

And he said, Devin, isn’t worth a second of my breath and energy, which was probably the quote of the episode since the rest of the episode, all the time. All Sam M did was talk about Devin and spend many seconds and of his breath talking about Devin and many seconds spending his energy on Devin. It’s just laughable at this point because.

We talked about it at the end of in last week’s Tuesday podcast at the end after episode two We’re like in the context of this show is Devin quote unquote the villain Yeah but there’s levels of villainy and he’s very low because he didn’t really do anything other than he’s just loud and he’s very confident and some people looked at as a positive like as Many people that were calling him the villain and said they couldn’t stand Devin last week I’m like, okay There were still plenty of people that were like, I love his forwardness and he’s there for Jen clearly.

And the same thing showed up this week. He’s very confident, even though he admitted he has insecurities about his weight, cause he used to be a bigger kid. And yet here he was on a stripping date, putting himself in a thong when he clearly had probably of all the guys there on that date, clearly had the worst body, but didn’t seem to care and kind of rocked the fact that he went in literally a banana hammock, literally went in a thong and nothing else and was gyrating all over the place for a guy who doesn’t have half the body that the other nine guys on the date did.

So you got to give him credit for that. And I just find it really, really interesting. Yeah. Of how it shifted, and I’m not here to be some sort of Devin Stan. I’m just calling it like I see it. Devin came across so much better in last night’s episode than Sam M did. It wasn’t even close. Sam McKinney is a complete jerk.

At least in these episodes. You know, I know his family is very, very, very much online. And they’re gonna defend him to his death. But yeah, he’s family. Of course they’re going to defend him, but I’m sorry. He’s coming across terrible in the first three episodes. Terrible! There’s nothing redeeming about him.

All he does is talk about himself. All he does is put down other people. If he’s so confident in himself and what he has with Jen, why does he spend so much time talking about Devin? It’s getting obnoxious at this point. And we all know the end result here. And that’s that Devin outlasts Sam in this thing.

Sam’s only got three more episodes left and he’s setting all the things that he needs to say to Jen, Oh, ferocious, love this. And then episode six, you tell her I’m falling in love with you and all this stuff. Then we know the second he got home, he trashed her to the girls that he was talking to before he left for the show.

It’s like, it’s obvious what Sam’s doing here. He’s pissed off that Devin outlasted him and he’s going to be embarrassed for three more episodes. It’s just kind of embarrassing at this point to watch him on the show. Even if you didn’t know what happened behind the scenes and was, and you didn’t know what he said about Jen once he got home and told people, it’s just what we’re seeing on the show.

He thinks he’s God’s gift. He thinks every woman should bow at his feet. He’s in love with himself more than he’s in love with anybody else. He’s a total alpha male. And he’s embarrassing himself on the show. I just don’t know how you can defend what he’s saying. You’d be like, Oh, Steve, it’s just an edit.

No, we’re seeing him act. They’re not adding anything in while there might be some Franken biting in some of his ITMs. I’m not even talking about those. I’m just talking about the times where he’s sitting there and arguing with Devin and then goes straight into an ITM where we actually see his face and.

And his lips moving at the same time, he thinks he should be winning this thing. He thinks he’s got the greatest relationship right now with Jen. And how could Jen possibly love someone like Devin and love someone like him? It’s just. My gosh, man, this guy is so stuck on himself. And that’s why I don’t think he could ever love Jen because he loves himself too much.

I really think it’s just, look, you’re watching the same show. I am. I, I can’t imagine. I, you know, obviously there are people out there that like Sam, but I’m telling you right now. Anybody that’s taking Sam’s side after last night’s episode is just probably someone that thinks he’s hot. And Devin is not conventionally hot by definition on this show.

And they just think Sam is hot. But you really want a guy that acts like that? Good luck. I mean, take the group date after party, for example. Yes. Was it ridiculous that Sam told her, I’m falling in love with you when he’s been there in real time about a week, he hasn’t had a one on one date and he’s barely had any time with her?

Of course it was. Clearly a producer gotten Sam ends ear and told him, Hey, you know, you’re going to need to tell Jen how you feel, or you might be going home. I guarantee something along those lines, paraphrasing, but a producer got in his ear and said, you need to tell her how you feel. And a good way to do it would be to stop this whole stripping date down and tell her over the mic in front of everybody.

I guarantee that’s how it went down. Sam shouldn’t have listened. He’s naive. It was ridiculous. However, he didn’t need to be ganged up on by Sam and Thomas about it. And you can say what you want about Devin. He’s loud. He’s a little overconfident. He’s kind of obnoxious in certain ways. I don’t think he realizes how he comes across to people.

I know he’s just saying, this is me, but this is me doesn’t necessarily mean that’s for everybody. And while Sam and Thomas may be annoyed by him, I think he was 100 percent in the right. To tell Thomas to tell to tell Sam, man, Hey man, this is how you feel. You don’t have to apologize for anything.

He didn’t have to apologize for it. And yet there’s Sam and Thomas just mocking Sam M for saying that I’m not mocking Sam M for saying it, Sam N for saying it, saying he shouldn’t have said it, but I’m not going to make fun of him for saying it, just saying like, don’t listen to your producer so much, but here’s Sam M getting so bothered by it.

And Thomas too. Like, what, why does that, why should it matter? If anything, you, you think it’s inappropriate, okay, let the guy bury himself by saying something like that. Obviously, Jen wasn’t turned on by it. Just let him bury himself. Devin had every right to step, like, Thomas Thomas N. and Sam M. were being bullies.

And Devin was the kid in the schoolyard that stuck up for the kid that was being bullied. There’s no other way to look at that. Like, I was, Devin, after last week’s episode where people were calling him the villain, I, he’s not the villain. Because everything that he’s done, Jen has approved of Jen likes everything he’s doing because all he’s doing is giving Jen his attention and telling Jen how much he wants to be with her.

And I think obviously if you’re in the lead role, that’s what you want to hear. Now you and I can debate whether or not Devin is saying that because he really means it or if it’s a competitive thing with him and he just wants to win and he’s got a guy like Sam M in his crosshairs and it’s become competition between those two.

I can debate that for sure. Because there is a part of me that thinks Devin seems to want to win. And I don’t know if I can believe all these things that he is telling Jen, but what he’s telling Jen, isn’t negative. He’s not shit talking. The other guys really, he’s just very confident in what he has with Jen.

And like he said, from the very first episode, he’s just a loud guy. He’s a loud guy. And this is what he does. So I just think after last night’s episode, Sam M is the clear villain of the season. And I. Anybody defending him must just be because they don’t want to get on his bad side or think he’s hot or something.

But my gosh, this guy has come across as about as alpha and shallow and a big bully as you can get. So what I was told about Aaron herb ended up being true. The whole thing about him being a pilot and leaving fighter pilot school called flight school called fighter pilot school flight school called, and he had, and he had to leave and they did make a storyline out of it, although it wasn’t the hero storyline that I thought they might make it out to be.

So just a weird way to go out as well. I mean, I just thought that was kind of Bush league. What was the point of that? He knows he’s leaving. He’s like, yeah, by the way there’s some guys not here. Well, who? I don’t want to, I don’t want to say any names. It’s like, then why bring it up? You know, total Bush league way to go out.

Jen wasn’t happy. I’m sure Aaron might say something at the men tell all. And by the way, the men tell all tapes on August 15th, which is the three days after the Seattle episode airs. So that means that we’re only going to get the final four guy at the men tell all meaning Jonathan, Devin, and Marcus.

Aren’t going to be at the men tell all this year, final three will not be at men tell all because we just found out yesterday because they sent out a memo on bachelorette, abc bachelor nation. com. To be a part of the men tell all taping. If you want to be in the audience, it’s on my website today. Go check it out.

The pod, the column will be up in a couple of hours and I put a link to it to where you can be a part of the mental all taping, but we do know it’s taping on Thursday, August 15th and August 12th is the date of episode six, which is the episode before hometown. So means Jeremy who gets eliminated at hometowns will be at that taping because his episode will air the following week.

And then it looks like we’re getting men tell all. On the, let’s see the 19, 26th, and then it looks like we’re going to get final three and final two in the last two weeks or something like that. So anyway, just want to do a throw that in there. I’m sure Aaron will obviously be at men tell all, unless he’s got flight school that he can’t get out of.

I’m not sure, but I mean. Not gonna sit here and go over the rest of the date because this was all about Devin versus Sam M I mean, that’s what they’ve made this show into. Yes. You had a little bit of Sam N versus Sam M and Thomas but this has become Devin versus Sam. They both say Numerous times during the episode, they don’t respect each other.

It’s like, okay guys, we get it, but it’s just hilarious. How in the beginning of the episode, Sam McKinney is telling us, Devin isn’t worth a second of my breath and energy. And literally all he talked about all episode was Devin. You know, it’s just, you can’t deny some things. Some things are just factually correct.

And that is one of them. And I just don’t see how anybody could side with Sam M after last night’s episode. This podcast brought to you by Mint Mobile. I love a great deal and Mint Mobile always has great deals. However, I figured when I first heard about this deal from Mint Mobile, where you get 15 a month with purchase of a three month plan, I’m like, there’s gotta be some sort of loophole, right?

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