Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 8/30 – DWTS’ Artem Chigvintsev Arrested On Domestic Violence Charges, Big Brothers Eviction Was The Right Move, & The Challenge Bonehead Move Of The Season

Let’s discuss big brother last night. So if you listen to podcast number four or six yesterday with Tommy Bracco, he said it and I said it.

If Tucker does not win power of. If he does not win AI arena last night, you got to take a shot at him. If you don’t, guy has a chance to run the table and get to the end and have one of the biggest resumes we’ve ever seen. And he’s going to win this game. And look what happened. You know, I’ve been saying for two weeks, you can’t put him up as a nomination because he’s got two chances now to get himself out.

Power of veto. And AI arena and this week he lost both power of veto and AI arena and AI arena last night He didn’t only lose McKenzie destroyed him He had four pieces that weren’t even in place yet and McKenzie was done not to mention He did the power. He did the puzzle backwards. You heard him in his interview with Julie afterwards.

He just completely blanked I mean that was obviously his worst performance in a comp Yeah, he lost the power of veto to Cam, but he made it to the final two there, and he just missed on the slingshot. This one, he was terrible. As it was happening, I’m like, why is he going, number one, why is he going so slow, and number two, he really seems confused by this.

So, it was just, as Tommy and I said, this is something that needed to happen. If anyone else in that game wanted a chance to win this season, you had to take a shot at the guy when you can, because you had no idea when he was ever going to be up again. And did you really want to put them up twice or have to worry about, well, we just need them to lose the AI arena or lose power of veto and we can get them later on.

You just, you can’t predict the future. You’ve got to act in the moment. And they did. They showed us before the AI arena took place. They showed us. Leah. Chelsea, McKenzie, Quinn, and Cam had the votes and they said, if he doesn’t do it, I think we can do this. We can get him out. And it made sense. It did not make sense to keep him in the game.

He was too good. Now, the question now becomes, and what people are asking and kind of complaining about, Oh, now this season’s going to be boring. He was the best player. He made moves. I hate people that just float and sit on their hands. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second. You can’t be saying, we love people who play old school.

We love people who take risks, aren’t afraid to make moves. And then when the biggest threat in the house is eliminated because people decided to make a move, Chelsea Quinn cam Leah and MJ, they could have sat back and said, no, let’s get Angela out. Let’s keep Tucker here. They decided to make a move. They were the ones that flipped the game.

So you can’t complain. That you don’t like people who don’t play the game and then people play the game and they eliminate your guy just because you’re mad. It’s not the way it works. They did what they needed to do. If you like gameplay, they eliminated a, a, a minority alliance going into last night, they had people flip on their side and they got them out five to three.

Now. You can sit here and question T Core all you want on her own H O H. Two of the three people on the block were from her own alliance, and maybe, you know, you can sit there and blame T Core, but Tucker volunteered himself. You can say, well, T Core shouldn’t have listened to him, and she couldn’t, shouldn’t have taken him seriously.

Okay, but then you can also say Tucker should have never nominated himself. Maybe she would have put Leah up to begin with if Tucker didn’t nominate himself, which means in the back of my mind, Leah T Corp knew she had to get, she had to get Tucker out at some point and he gave her an out. He shouldn’t have given her an out.

He shouldn’t have been so confident that he was going to roll through every competition, but they did the right thing. I’m sorry. Did you see the statistic going on that? There have been six people voted out of big brother. Now, first six, all six of them are people that voted against Ainsley coming into the house in that first episode.

Remember when they played that game and had to vote yes or no. If you wanted AI to come in and play in the game, all six that have been voted out all voted no. So I guess Ainsley is getting her revenge, but no, obviously she has no control over it. But it’s just, it’s just a funny statistic at this point.

I I’m just. I don’t think the season is going to be boring. I think one person now that I want to say flew under the radar, but they are no longer under the radar and they are the comp beast of the season is McKenzie. McKenzie is a threat now to win this game. Here is someone who has built a resume.

She’s got three wins. She’s been on the block. What three weeks out of six, maybe four. I’ve lost track of how many times she’s been on the block or was nominated. But she’s got more wins of anybody left in the house. Now she’s got the most wins and she certainly can win competitions. And it’s like, okay, it makes sense.

She’s a college athlete, college volleyball player, very competitive. So good for her. She’s got a really good resume right now. And if this five, some that just voted out Tucker sticks together, they can run the game. And your final five might be MJ, Leah, Quinn, Chelsea, and camp. That might be your final five.

Now, if those five, I mean, alliances, you know, change seemingly daily on that show, but right now that’s the strong five, the other five, I guess, could stick together and we could have a, whoever wins next HOH from whatever group of five, they’re basically going to control the game. So I didn’t even look yet.

You know what? Let me check right now. I’m going to pause, check Twitter and see who won HOH and I’ll come back. All right. As I’m recording this at 1150, it’s almost midnight central time and nothing has been reported yet of who won HOH. So we don’t know just yet. We’ll have to talk about that on Monday, but you’ve got those five who voted for Tucker last night and then you’ve got the other five, whoever wins HOH out of that group, it looks like they’re going to control the game.

So it’s not, I. People that say I’m not going to watch anymore because Tucker’s gone. This is going to be boring. I don’t know what to tell you. I think that’s a stupid take. I just think, honestly, I think it would have been boring. While it might have been entertaining television wise, don’t you want a final where it’s maybe between two people that have a, you know, a close vote?

Tucker going up against anybody in the finals, he would have killed them. Wouldn’t have been close. So I think it’s kind of wide open. I think Chelsea’s playing a really good game. She lost two of her allies and now might be in the power Alliance. MJ, like I just said, has three wins already and has been on the block three or four times.

She’s building a resume. I mean, I think it’s more wide open. Quinn, somebody that was Tucker’s target, got him out. He’s got somewhat of a resume. So I think it’s more wide open. I like it this way. You heard me talking to Tommy. I just thought it was going to be a blowout if this, if Tucker stayed in the game and made it to the end, he was going to beat anybody and he was going to beat them badly.

Now it’s kind of wide open and I like it. And finally got around to watching the challenge from Wednesday night, I don’t really understand what Tony Raines was doing I, other than just being an alpha male and that was just an idiotic move on his part. Not come to some sort of agreement with Avery on who they were going to vote into the arena.

And because they couldn’t decide on anybody, it ended up being Tony and Avery going into the arena and Tony got the floor wiped by who beat him again. Oh, Darrell, Darrell absolutely destroyed him. Now there’s rumors that Tony didn’t even try. I read an interview with him where he said, I’m absolutely tried.

I don’t know where that’s coming from. He goes, if I wanted to leave and I didn’t want to try, I would have lost a Leroy last week. Of course I tried because it just wasn’t good. So Durrell stays, Avery stays, and then they get to nominate a man and a woman from each era as targets for next week. So that should be interesting, but I’m enjoying it so far.

I really am. I think this is, it’s going to ramp up. I, I just. I just, I was kind of floored by what Tony was doing. Like I actually thought he was going to be somewhat of a player this year, not player as in hooking up with girls. I’m talking about an actual player. Guy’s gotten in so much better shape from when he was on the show before.

And he’s like, got what? He’s got a million dollar body and a 10 cent brain. That was just dumb of him. Avery told him like, look, I’m not backing down from you. If we got to go in, we got to go in. And Tony really thought that she was just going to give in to him. And she’s like, fuck you. No, I’m not. And she didn’t nor she should, nor should she have, but just an, just one of the boneheaded moves in the history of the challenge for Tony there.

And then one of the worst performances in the AI arena. I mean, he had what two plates down for the time Darrell finished. He wasn’t even, it wasn’t even close. So goodbye, Tony reigns. And goodbye. Who was the other one? Oh, Jody. Jody lost to Avery. But, yeah, it’s gonna, it’s gonna start picking up. Looks like we’re getting rid of at least two people a week.

I’m sure they’ll have a double elimination some weeks. They’re adding in all these twists. Looking forward to how this all shakes out for sure. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download.

Like I said, no live stream tonight. I’ll let you in no live stream next week. I’ll let you know in a couple of weeks what I’m going to be doing with that. For those that are interested, even though there will be no bachelor talk on it, Jordan Rogers is going to be on the sports daily coming up in an hour from now, a college football preview talk.

With Jordan Rogers. It’s a really, really good. He’s very knowledgeable on college football. I love to talk to him. We talked about as many topics as we could, and I think it’s an excellent, excellent preview heading into our first full weekend of college football games tomorrow, kicking off. So check that out on the sports daily coming up in an hour from now.

And Oh yes, I apologize. Yesterday in the podcast, I apparently called him Jojo’s fiance. I obviously know that Jojo and Jordan got married. What, three years ago? They’re supposed to get married in 2020 and then Covid hit and they got 2021, or maybe it was even 2022, but they’re obviously married. I just blanked sometimes, like I usually do.

But check that out in an hour if you’re interested. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it and I will talk to you on Monday. See you.

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