Big brother.
Last night we saw the head of household play out and Quinn wins his first head of household of the season and seemingly. The five that voted Tucker out last week, Quinn, Leah, Mackenzie, Cam, and Chelsea seem to be sticking together since Quinn put up none of those people and put up Angela, Kimo, and Robina.
Now, If you don’t want to know what’s been going on since head of household, again, mute or fast forward, I’ll give you three seconds, three, two, one. So the power of veto played out. The other two that were picked were Leah and Joseph and Leah finally does something in this game and one power of veto now today is the power of veto ceremony, and there are rumblings and people are trying to get Leah to take Angela off the block.
And it’s, it’s really weird why people are wanting to save Angela. And Quinn just basically doesn’t want any blood on his hands. Like these are the three that he nominated. If Leah doesn’t do anything, then they stay up and one of them’s fighting in the AI arena, but man, I. I just, I don’t understand why look, and we know alliances change at the drop of a hat.
How many different alliances have there been? The collective there’s been the friends, there’s been the Pentagon. There’s been this, there’s been that they’re all changing. But last week, those people came together and actually did something smart. They voted out the best player in the game, which was Tucker.
And they got together and did it. Now they might’ve done it behind people’s backs, but sometimes you had to say you have to do it. So they did that. So you would think, okay, you five can run the game. As long as someone from your five wins head of household every week. You guys can run the game and get yourself to final five.
And then from that point forward, determine how you’re going to play this game out, who’s going to go after who, but it seems like once again, people just can’t stay with any sort of Alliance. They’re thinking actually to use that veto telling Leah and Leah’s even thinking about it. I want to use the veto on Angela and force him to put T CORE up.
And then you’re getting rid of the someone from the good chance. Not it’s not a given, but good chance. Someone from the T CORE. Chemo twosome is now split up because they’re seeing them as a power, you know, quote unquote couple, even though they’re not romantically linked. I just think you just get Angela out now.
I don’t see she’s such a floater. She’s got no alliances. And I, and I understand the, Hey, if we take her to the end, nobody’s voting for her. I totally get that, but I think that’s a weak move. Get her out, get her out. Now she doesn’t belong anywhere to any Alliance in this game. It’s just, they’ve got to be kind of tired of her by now, constantly telling everybody how she’s going to win and I’m going to do it.
I’m going to do it. She is not going to do it. She’s probably not going to win the AI arena. I think they should just go after her and just cut their losses and finally get Angela out of this game. She should have been gone a long time ago. Tucker. Went on a binge of comps and did whatever he could to keep her in the game.
But let’s face it while she does have two HOHs under her belt. I, I just, I don’t think that she’s a strategic player whatsoever. She’s got no alliances. They’re down to 10 people in the house and she is basically DOA at this point. I wouldn’t even use the power of veto. Quinn nominated Angela, Kimo, and Rubina.
Let those three play for the AI arena, give themselves immunity, and then let the other two vote on those. I, I, I, why? Why use it? So, but, I don’t know. Maybe Aaliyah’s got some master plan of why she wants to use it and save Angela again. One thing I did want to point out, I’ve been very critical of Tucker all season, out of his gameplay, although it did seem erratic and very impulsive, and I didn’t really know where he was going at times.
I, I will say that Tucker certainly, certainly has a lot of fans online. And it’s like, if you don’t like Tucker, there’s something wrong with you, apparently. And so, Apparently I’m in the minority, but I will say this I’ve seen a lot of videos of Tucker back home already in the two days that he’s been home from filming Because he is not part of jury.
He is back home So it means they’re gonna be there’s gonna be a seven person jury this year, which kind of surprised me I thought they were gonna go with a nine person jury. You heard me talking about it with Tommy on Thursday so the fact that Tucker’s already back home means he’s done. They’re not bringing him back for anything.
So I don’t think they can send you home and bring you back. Right. Except for finale night to sit in the audience or whatever. He’s back home and seeing him online. That’s the Tucker that I found endearing. That’s the Tucker that I liked. He’s like, okay, look, he’s a normal person. My whole thing with Tucker was he wasn’t acting like a normal person in the house.
Not just because he hammed it up in the ITMs and whatever that kind of is, but you know, Quinn just yells in the ITMs, which is annoying as well. He doesn’t need to do that. Tucker was just playing a bunch of cartoon characters and doing stuff in this game that. Again, was he really doing it to improve his game or was he just doing it to make things entertaining?
It just didn’t really sit well. And I just got sick of the characters, but every time I’ve seen them online since then people posting out and about the putting tech talks up of seeing Tucker out in the wild, totally normal guy, it’s like, why couldn’t you have acted that way on the show? Why couldn’t you have just played the game like a normal person?
That’s all I was looking for. Seeing him online. Yeah. Good for him. Seems like a normal dude. And finally, I just wanted to give one little update on the Artem and his rest for domestic violence in Napa last week. So TMZ published the audio of the nine one, one call made on Thursday, the 29th, a dispatcher on the phone staying that the.
The dispatcher is saying it initially came in as requesting medical, but now he is stating he got into an argument with his wife and his wife through shoes at RP, which is the reporting party. There’s a child on seed medical in route. And then basically he called back and said, no medical. He is stating that no medical is needed now, but they were already out there.
They showed up and he was arrested on charge of corporal injury to a spouse. So we know Nikki has been involved. She released a statement at the end of last week saying, Hey. Please respect my privacy at this time. And there is TMZ also in their story said that his anger stemmed from not finding out or finding out that he was not going to be a part of season 33, which if that’s the case that spurred an argument that’s not a good reason to find out you’re not on a season and then arrested for corporal domestic violence, corporal injury to a spouse.
I, that’s not acceptable. Obviously. Any sort of domestic violence is not acceptable, but you’d be like, well, he was in a bad mood because he didn’t get cast. It’s like, okay, you can be in a bad mood. You can get in a verbal argument with somebody or have a disagreement. It doesn’t need to escalate into this.
That’s not an excuse for anything. And we don’t know enough details. He said on a phone that Nikki threw shoes at him. Well, what if she threw shoes at him after he hit her? We don’t know this. Did she just randomly just start throwing shoes at him? So again, for people that are saying, see. We don’t know the full story.
Maybe it was Nikki that started it all. Well, we don’t know that. So don’t say that she started at all. And I’m not going to say that he started at all, but all I do know is factually, he was arrested for corporal injury to a spouse. So details will play out. We’re probably going to hear more. We’re going to find out more.
I guarantee it. TMZ is going to do as much. It’s one of the biggest stories going right now. They’re probably going to dig as much as they can, but just keep that in mind that there’s still a lot out there and. Because a story came out of Nikki throwing shoes does not make her the guilty party in here.
Because what if it was in self defense? Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Actually, we did go 20 minutes. How about that? Please follow me on Apple Podcasts. Also, rate and review, but you gotta hit play. Please hit play. If you miss a day, go back and hit play on the podcast.
That’s the only way it counts as a download. Sports Daily will be up in an hour from now if you want to check that out. So, again, hope everyone had a great Labor Day. And I will talk to you tomorrow. See you.