Reality Steve


Podcast #408 – Interview with Dave Neal & Courtney Robertson (and Transcripts)

Charity took to her Instagram story yesterday and did a Q and a, and the one question I think that people were most interested in hearing was, wait a second. You’re pausing your wedding planning. Is everything okay? Is there trouble in paradise with you and Dotton?

Basically in her Q and a, someone asked, can you address those clickbait headlines, making it look like you guys are splitting. So here was her answer to that question on the Q and a she did yesterday. Okay.

Okay, I really didn’t want to address this, but I am. I think the whole point of this is that exactly what you said is clickbait headlines.

If you actually read the article, you would realize that there’s literally nothing wrong with what I said. I just probably used not the best choice of words, which is the word pausing. To leave room for interpretation, which is exactly what’s happening, and that’s fine. But That’s for you guys to figure out.

We’re good over here. The whole thing is, is that we were just kind of trying to give an update and talking about like where we were at with wedding planning and it is a lot. So we’re just taking a moment to just decompress and to make sure that with wedding planning, it does not like, you know, take away the joy that we have had in our engagement time and to continue to have so much to look forward to.

We’re not planning just one, we’re planning two weddings, which is incredibly overwhelming for anyone who has planned a wedding. Nonetheless. So we’re just trying to like do things the right way, take it day by day and like really enjoy our time with each other in this time period. So we’re all good, nothing to worry about.

So there’s your answer, which, like I said, if you listen to two podcasts and we’re four or seven last week with Dotton, when I asked him, Hey, what’s the deal with wedding planning? And he’s like, yeah, you know, everybody wants to know this and that, and we’re just kind of laying low and you know, we’re still together.

Everything’s great. So. But he never got into details and look, I didn’t expect him to break any news on my podcast and you know, charity did it yesterday or the day before, and then she had to re answer the question because everybody ran with the headline of charity and Dotton putting their wedding planning on pause, which just in a headline in and of itself makes people think, Oh, wait, they must be on the verge of breaking up.

And I never got that impression from Dotton last Thursday. And that answer from charity again, solidifies that it has nothing to do with them having struggles in their relationship. It just has to do with the fact that, well, they have two weddings to plan. It’s become overwhelming. They got a lot going on in their lives.

They’re just putting it on pause. They’ll get around to it when they get around to it. There’s no rush to get married. Big brother last night was a OTEV veto challenge. And is it called the OTEV veto challenge? I know OTEV is veto backwards, but you just, when it’s OTEV for the veto, do we just call it the OTEV challenge?

They have it every year. You got to usually go up a slippery slide and then go back into the little play area and find something and bring it back to OTEV and present it to them. It’s, you know, part of the silliness of this show that kind of drives me nuts. I’m so much more into the gameplay than the actual challenge.

Charades and kind of silly games that they do play. I like the strategy. I like alliances. I don’t really care for OTEV and ZingBot, which I’m sure is coming within the next couple of weeks. Whatever the case, we had a first apparently in big brother history in that everybody got the first question wrong, except for McKenzie and McKenzie wins OTEV and she wins the Vita power of veto.

In round one, apparently that’s never happened before. They all thought the answer was Tucker. MJ said the answer was Cedric. She was right. And I guess the way it was worded could have been a little tricky. Hell, I don’t even remember the answer, the name, the question. I know it had to do with the first HOH challenge.

The one that Angela won, where you had to slide the thing across the board, basically like shuffleboard at bars. That one. I guess the way the question was worded, five of the six weren’t paying attention and McKenzie was, and she ended up winning, but the strategy now was okay. Angela and chemo were on the block last week.

Leah saved Angela earlier in the season. Tucker saved Angela. If you don’t want to know the spoilers for tonight, mute it. Fast forward. I’m giving you three seconds, three, two, one. So tonight McKenzie is going to go through. And save Angela again. And this kind of goes back to what I was talking about at the beginning of the season.

I said, Angela, even though she had one, two HOHs earlier in the season. There’s no way she’s getting to the end. And if she does, she’s being dragged there by somebody that knows they will take every one of the votes in the final voting process. Nobody’s giving Angela a vote. That’s why they keep putting her up on the block, but then realizing, look, we don’t need to get her out.

Now we can get her out at any time. We want, she’s not a threat. She’s not going to win. Even if she gets to the end, even if she goes on a HOH and comp beast run, even if she gets to the final two, no one’s voting for her, everybody else in that house is more likable than her and seems to like other people better than they like Angela.

So she’s not going to win, but these people that keep saving her, it’s like, okay, at what point though, are you just going to be like, can we just get her out tonight? Mackenzie saves her and. Chelsea puts up Quinn and from everything that I’ve read, Quinn now is the target tonight because he is the biggest threat in the game.

And they have a take, they have a chance to take a shot at him. Chelsea wants him out. McKenzie wants him out. Certainly chemo Rubina. Oh wait, chemo is on the block, but Rubina and T CORE, they want him out. So it looks like only Leah and Cam are going to be voting for Quinn. So again, haven’t read anything in the last 24 to 48 hours.

Maybe things are changing, but it doesn’t look like it. And it looks like Quinn is going home tonight. Look, I do understand he is absolutely a threat and this is a way to get him out. This would have been the way I would have said if Tucker made it this far, this is the way you get Tucker out. You don’t put them up as a nom.

And now that BBA arena is gone, it lasted six weeks. I thought it would last four and ended up lasting six, but now the BBA arena is gone. This is what, how you would have gotten Tucker out. You don’t put them up as a nom. You hope somebody wins, veto uses it on somebody else. And you put them up as a renom and he has no chance to save himself back in the game.

Quinn is a very good player and he’s their target now, supposedly. And the last thing that I saw, but I, like I said, I haven’t been online in the big brother world in about 24, maybe 36 hours. So maybe things are changing. Maybe he is convincing people. Look, you got to break up the threesome. Of chemo T CORE and Chelsea.

No, not Chelsea. Robina. That’s the three headed monster right now that before McKenzie won the power veto, that was the plan. The five of Chelsea, McKenzie Quinn cam and Leah, they were the five strong. They had the numbers in the house. So I. I, I don’t understand the flip. If it’s really, if Chelsea is really believing what Angela told her, then that isn’t a smart move by Chelsea.

Look, she’s taking out one of her own. They have the five, they have five versus four. If those five stick together, they would have gone, you know, they would have had. The three headed monster of Robina, T Core, and Kimo. Angela’s basically a floater. You put Angela on that team. That’s their four against your five.

And you have Quinn and Kimo on the block tonight. Possible eviction. Why not just have your five vote out Kimo? Obviously I know Chelsea can’t vote. But the other four can. So, I’m so confused. I don’t understand why. And even if it went four, four with Chelsea, not voting, even if the other four vote to evict chemo and chemo’s side only has what three on their side.

So it doesn’t make any sense to me, but again, it could be other things that are happening that I don’t know about. You know, they had a solid five. Chelsea was like excited and wanted someone from her Alliance to win power of veto and McKenzie did. And now McKenzie wants to use them on Angela because she wants to get out Quinn.

It’s like, but you just were in alliance with him. I understand alliances break up all the time on this show, but good Lord. And finally, speaking of Wednesday nights, now last night, the challenge wasn’t on because of the VMAs. I know Taylor was there. I’ve seen clips, but VMAs have just kind of fallen by the wayside for me.

I don’t really care about them. I haven’t watched them since I was basically back in college. It just kind of lost its luster to me. Next week, we have two new shows starting on Wednesday night and the challenge is back and we’ve got big brother. So next Wednesday night, I’ve got golden bachelorette. I’ve got the challenge.

I’ve got big brother and I’ve also got survivor. What the hell am I going to do? Because golden bachelorette is 90 minutes. So maybe I watched that first and they go right into the survivor and challenge. And gosh, big bro. I can’t, I got to watch big brother Wednesday night. I mean, I guess I could push that off just and just read who won HOH, who won the power of, well, I’ll know who won HOH cause that’s Sunday’s episode, but power of veto and did they use it?

You know, the power of veto has been used every week this year. And I guess that’s why people are saying they really like this season because we’ve never had a season where the power of veto has been used the first seven or eight weeks. It’s never happened before. So. Maybe I just read about it and don’t watch because there’s no way I’m watching four on Wednesday nights and then going to record two Podcasts, it’s not happening.

So gonna watch Golden Bachelorette Wednesday night then probably survivor I’ll read about Big Brother and challenge is just gonna have to wait till Thursday and then I’ll cover it on Friday’s podcast So that’s the plan but man Did I, did we, did I ever have this problem before shows airing Wednesday nights in the past?

I don’t think so because golden bachelor aired Thursday nights with bathroom paradise after it last year. So Wednesday nights was just big brother survivor, and I’m probably the challenge. But for man, that’s a little bit much. So starting next week, my Wednesday nights are going to be loaded anyway.

Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review. But you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download. So please hit play and you don’t even have to technically. Be attentively listening. Just hit play and let it play in the background while you do dishes or you clean up your house or pick up after your kids, whatever the case may be.

Just have it running in the background. That would be great sports daily coming up in an hour from now, if you’re interested in that. Anyway, thank you again for listening. I really appreciate it. Don’t forget podcast number four Oh wait, it’s the conversation on the live stream I had with Dave Neal and Courtney Robertson.

That’ll be up on my YouTube channel, 9 15 AM Eastern time. Also in your podcast feed feed right around that time as well. Again, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. And I will talk to you soon. To you tomorrow.

See ya.

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