Reality Steve


Podcast #408 – Interview with Dave Neal & Courtney Robertson (and Transcripts)


? You are listening to the reality. Steve podcast with your host reality. Steve, he’s got all the latest info and behind the scenes juice on Jen season of the bachelorette and interviewing some of your favorite reality stars. Now here’s reality. Steve. What’s

up everybody. Welcome to podcast number four. Oh wait, I’m your host reality. Steve. Thank you all for tuning in. A interesting episode 408 for you today. It was the live stream from yesterday that I did with Dave Neal, where I had two major things happen to me online during the one hour and five minute show.

Courtney Robertson also joined, but man, I had some issues. We’ll get to all that momentarily. So if you are listening to this, you are going to just listening on the podcast forum, because this will be up at 9 15 AM Eastern time on my YouTube channel. You’ll see about 25, 30 minutes in, I had to take a phone call because I had gotten back to back to back phone calls from my bank and what happened to me last month just happened again, which is very frustrating.

But I had another fraud alert on my phone. Somebody tried a 499 purchase at Best Buy. Then there was a 1, 500 purchase somewhere else. And then they got into my Zelle account, tried to add their name and send 2, 500 to themselves. Now, none of those ever went through, they didn’t deduct it from my account and then put it back in once they called me and I told them, no, I didn’t approve any of these, but just means I’m getting a new card sent to me today.

And I have to redo all the things that I have set for, um, monthly automatic deductions every month. So yeah, that sucks. Not too thrilled with that whatsoever. So that took me off of the live stream for about 10 minutes. And Courtney came on in my place during that time. And then I jumped back on and I was on camera for maybe five minutes before my camera went out.

I don’t know why I signed out, signed back in. I unplugged my camera, plugged it back in, did not matter, didn’t work for me. So the last 15 minutes, if you are going to go watch podcast number four or wait on my YouTube channel at reality, Steve. I’m not on screen for the last 15 or 20 minutes. You can hear me talking.

I’m still giving my opinions and talking about the Jen and Devin video or the Devin video, but man, that was just a bad half hour for me. And it all happened when I happened to be recording. A podcast, which is really never have never had anything like that happen before in 408 podcasts, but of course it happened yesterday.

So you will hear me disappear. And if you’re listening to this in audio form, you’ll hear me disappear for about 10 minutes. Dave can clearly carry a podcast and you will hear Courtney come on. Courtney had some audio issues as well. And, um, Yeah, it’s just for this week, this is what I decided to do. Cause I could not get a guest after getting back late on Monday night.

Couldn’t find anybody to record with Tuesday and Wednesday. So Dave and I decided, Hey, and one thing that I do want to give you a heads up on, we do not show. The text messages that Devin posted in his Instagram video. We play his video, but we don’t do the text messages because it’s an invasion of privacy.

Jen didn’t consent to those being released by Devin. In case you don’t know, Jen will be on Nick Viall’s podcast today. They recorded it yesterday. So she is going to give her first reaction to Devin’s Instagram video. I’m guessing it’s not going to be positive. I’m guessing she is not thrilled with non consenting sexual texts being thrown out there by Devin for no reason.

He claims it was his fault. He didn’t realize those were out there until people brought it to his attention. My reaction is, I don’t know what I can believe when it comes to this guy anymore. He doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt with me, with the way things have been handled post breakup. And while they were together, so the other reason I don’t have a, I have a hard time accepting that as truth is because there are plenty of text messages in that video that he did show where you see he specifically went in and blacked stuff out.

So it’s not like he just posted screenshots of a bunch of their text messages and did no editing. He did editing to plenty of them, but yet ones where she was sexting him. He couldn’t take the time to block out. Yeah, there’s a part of me that thinks he did it on purpose. Sorry, he doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt with me.

Maybe he does with you. He doesn’t with me So but dave and I talk about the video We he had a he has a program where he was able to blur out all the text messages So if you’re listening to this You don’t even really need to see the video of devin Because it’s straight audio and things that he was talking about and we don’t show the text messages in the video Anyway, we just react to what he says Devon said, so just know that’s a, that’s part of today’s podcast.

We’ve also, um, I do talk about the fact that charity addressed the clickbait headlines going around of her pausing their wedding planning. They did, but the way the headlines presented it. Would make anybody I even had friends message me text me about looks like they’re headed for Splitsville I’m like actually no, they’re not if you read the story they use the headline of charity pausing wedding with Dotton to draw people in to think that they are on the outs and They’re having problems in their relationship and they’re gonna end their engagement sometime soon And that couldn’t be further from the truth.

If you actually read the story you heard Dotton on the podcast last Thursday You I never, I never got the impression that they were anywhere close to breaking up, but I did get the impression that wedding planning wasn’t the first thing on their mind either. Which totally understandable because they are doing two weddings.

Dotton said that last week. So charity just addresses that. I play her clip from her Instagram story in case you missed it. So you’ll hear her address that because people asked her, she did a Q and a yesterday and someone asked her, what do you think about the headlines? And she addresses it and she, she admits that she probably used the wrong word.

We do address, I do talk about that. Um, in. The daily roundup that was posted earlier. And I also talk about big brother and the fact that my Wednesday nights starting next week are going to be incredibly busy, but today’s podcast, uh, with Dave and then joined by Courtney, and then I joined back in after I get off the phone with my bank.

It’s, it’s kind of a hot mess, so I apologize for that. Anyway, um, I just wanted to give you guys all a heads up of what to expect come this podcast. All right, let’s get going. Podcast number four Oh eight.

Get into it. Get my,

what’s, what’s been, what’s been your reaction or what’s been the reaction to the Debate that you’re getting

to the, to the more interesting to, well, I mean, my reaction, I, um, I think people are all over the place really well.

Um, we, we, uh, we’re live now, so we’re going to have our audience come in, you know, before let’s do this, let’s just chat for a few minutes and then I’ll do a proper introduction. Cause it takes people a few minutes for the stream to populate. So, um, anyhow, for those that are here, we are just gonna sort of wait a second or two to get everyone on the same page.

Um, But, uh, what, what do you, I mean, there’s a lot, there’s going to be a lot to dissect. What do you, what do you think the, you know, if you could give an artificial intelligent response to everything that’s going on online, what do you think it is?

Of the Devon stuff or what are we talking about? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah. I thought we were talking about debate, um, last night. Uh, I mean, look, I have no problem with Devin. Defending himself. He obviously was getting attacked from every which way. So I figured he was going to speak out. However, this platform that he took and what he decided to show, I think was the wrong attack or the wrong way to go about it.

And so of course he has every right to defend himself. I just didn’t think he didn’t. I just think he didn’t do it in a good way. I thought he’d go on Nick’s podcast and. When he revealed what he did yesterday, it just didn’t make a lot of sense to me, because And I brought this up on my podcast today because somebody brought it up to my attention, like, well, how can you say that it was okay for Blake Horsman to release texts, private texts, conversations between him and Kalen, and this isn’t fine.

I said, well, there’s a major difference. Blake Horsman’s texts that he revealed were refuting specific allegations made against him. It was like, this was what was said about me on the show. This is what I was being accused of. Here, these texts prove. I was not accused of this. What Devin did was totally different.

Devin just ran a hundred texts across the screen. Like it was his background wallpaper. Yeah. He said, it’s just like said, Hey, look at everybody used to talk about. And it’s just like, huh? I, if he would’ve said, okay, Jen said this, here’s a text to refute this. Jen said this, here’s the text reviews. I wouldn’t have had a problem with that, but that’s not what he did.

So yeah.

Yeah, no, that’s it. That’s a great point. Let’s um, let’s do this. Let’s dive in. We have 300 people and we’ll keep going. I’ve got Steve tagged in the title. So make sure to follow reality Steve across his Instagram and also on his YouTube and every podcast and everything else. All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the live stream reaction to the Bachelorette gens.

Devin releasing the nuclear codes. He really just laid it all out there. I’m joined by a spoiler King reality, Steve here, and we’re going to discuss the fallout. Uh, we’ve decided, uh, to not share the text messages. I’m sure they’re out there. Uh, people can go find them, but they were kind of not with both parties consent.

And I think just listening to what Devin has to say will be enough for, uh, for enough for us to sift through. Did you tell me, walk me through what’s going on in the reality, Steve empire, when you get probably a thousand text messages from people going, Oh my gosh, this happened. Do you just drop your cat and run to the computer?

Like what, what happens yesterday at 4 PM?

Yeah. I. The first thing I saw was it with my own eyes because I follow Devin. I had not gotten a text or a message yet. I saw it and I watched it. I started watching it, but before I started watching the video, I didn’t look at how long the video was. I was just like, okay, let’s see how, I saw Devin posted a video.

I started watching it because it was on his feed. I started watching it, but then I Double clipped the screen so you could see the time bar at the bottom. Cause I, it was going for about three or four minutes. I’m like, wait, how long is this? And then I saw it was 13 minutes. I’m like, Oh, geez. Uh, but then I started getting stuff sent to me.

People were sending it to me. Um, I watched the full thing and then I reposted it on my Instagram story and said, Devin has spoken, but he didn’t address any of the accusations that people seem to want to know about him. Were there any other women involved? What about the girl in New York two weeks before after the final rose?

Um, why did you break up with jim? There’s still None of that was addressed. And that’s why I said that was my other problem with what he did yesterday. He didn’t address the things that we wanted to know. All he wanted to show us was like, Hey, look, Jen and I were cool at times during our relationship, but when there was no dates and no timestamps of everything and certain parts of the text conversation were blacked out, that seems like we were getting a narrative that he only wanted us to see things that made him look good.

And that’s, I had an issue with that.

Yeah. So walk me through the feeling of reading this tech. This will be the only text I’m going to share. It says, um, walk me through reading this text. So you’re not sleeping. You’re reading reality. Steve. That is awesome.

Devin Strader reads reality. Steve, before he goes to bed.

How about that? I mean, he is, it makes two of us, Steve, what do you want? You know? Yeah. I mean, yeah, you and Devin and, and, and probably others read reality Steve before bed, but it’s funny because if you scroll down on that text a little bit, you see it. Can you scroll down on that one? Or that’s, that’s all you got.

So then it says Monday, July 1st. Well, her first episode didn’t air till Monday, July 8th. So this is a week before this show even aired. And look, I put out the spoiler that Devin was engaged to Jen on May 31st on my birthday. So we were a month in before she sent that or before. Yeah. Before she said, so he had been, I guess, reading me for a month.

I don’t think he had just turned me on and I’m assuming that text was sent July 1st, even though the text after it said July 1st, maybe it was before. But now I mean, assuming these two were talking every day. So yeah, it was either July 1st or June 30th, but yeah, I, I wish we could have said, seen what the rest of that said, no, I’m no, I’m sleeping.

I just got a text from who,

who texted you, you


it wasn’t me. I’ll tell you that much now. I mean, look, you’re like the, uh, you’re like the, the dirty secret. No one, no one talks about that from the lead standpoint. They all know you. But, um, you know, now we get to see privately that, uh, you’re quite the, um, the conversation starter here in bachelor nation.

Yeah. Did they have like, did they have pillow talk about reality, Steve? And, and, and what he said? I don’t know, but you know, Dave, like you said at the, at the open, I just want to make this clear for people who are tuning in right now, I had teased it on my podcast this morning that you and I were going to dissect all the texts and I got a weird feeling last night.

I literally was thinking about it after I recorded my podcast. So I was like, you know what? Gendon consent to these texts being put out there. And it’s not just the sexual ones that we’re not going to go over. We’re not going to go over any of the texts. That one is just more of a silly one, but to sit here and dissect all the things that they privately said to each other, which was really a dick move on his part.

To do that without her consent. Again, what was the point? You know, he said at the very beginning of the video, like, look, I’m not doing this to attack Jen, or I’m not doing this to make Jen look bad. And it’s literally, that’s what the 13 minutes were to make Jen look bad. So I don’t buy anything this guy is selling.

And just so people know who are just tuning in, that didn’t hear you in the very open, you know, we’re not going to go over, we’re not going to show any of the texts because it’s just, it was non consensual on her part. So why I feel creepy doing it.

Yeah. And I, um, I, I had the same intuition. I blurred out yesterday’s video.

So I, I ran to YouTube. I was actually, I had my son, August in my hands. I threw him to my wife. I literally launched him and we have that term that she knows, which is like, get out of the way. We have a video to make, you know, I’ll buy you a purse. You know what I mean? Like we got suits. And then I made the video.

And as I was making, as the, as I was airing and watching his reel, cause I knew it was 13 minutes, I was making the thumbnail at the same time, just because we were so late to go to some fair, by the way, which we saw Lauren Lane at Ben Higgins X. We saw her and Chris Lane. Uh, just randomly in Tennessee. I felt like such a Nashvilleian.

So the Tennessee state fair was yesterday. No, no. August already won the state fair. Uh, the coveted zero to three months division. He’s the cutest boy in Tennessee. Uh, no, you know, no questions about it. He did poop his pants before he still won with a dirty diaper. Put it that way. Uh, no, this was just a local, like, you know, street market or whatever, where they like rip you off with 12 lemonades, but we did it.

And, uh, but anyhow, um, I, I was, you know, shocked and, and I’m watching it, making the video live in YouTube in post, you can blur things. We blurred it. It’s like people, you know, and by the way, I did see someone say that, that it might be deleted. So let’s just go to his Instagram. I’m going to hit refresh.

Let’s see if it’s still up. So when I, video might

be deleted.

Yeah. When I hit this, it might be deleted. I don’t see it there. So let’s just see here. Let me hit return. Um, Oh, there it is. So it was literally deleted, um, moments ago, it appears. Let me go to, um, his Instagram here and we’ll figure it out. Um, so either way,

just like his apology was deleted, he apologized.

He had that thing, you know, the giant thing, and then he deleted it.

Yeah. Here’s his apology, which we covered. And, um, look, I don’t know if it’s, he. He cannot be sued over this as far as I know, um, but there may have been that feeling of don’t admit an apology I I honestly don’t know Um, I to reflect what you said and actually bruce in the comment section said it too Bruce might have been kidding, but it’s accurate He said it should have been a powerpoint what?

Devin should have done and I already shared this in a video was he should have And again, it would have taken a lot of multimedia. He should have clipped everything. She said That he wanted to respond to, he could share snippets of text messages, but highly redact things and just share pertinent timestamps.

And if anyone, and if anyone wanted to call him out on those timestamps, you know, you could see the full thing, you know, privately or whatever, but he, it did, if you don’t, you only get one shot. To share your side like this. And he got a million views on that reel and has since deleted it now twice. Maybe he’ll reupload it, taking off the third sex message.

Look, sex messages are fine. If you want to look at my DMS with my wife, it’s like pick up toilet paper at Costco. We are long past the days of a sexy message, but that, that doesn’t bother me, but I understand it is privacy and all that, but I mean, what are your thoughts? And we’ll get to the video in a second.

But what are your thoughts on Jen’s generalization of what went down versus, and again, take out the sort of, um, betrayal of trust and all of that Jen’s characterization versus what you believe now after, after what Devin has said,

it’s really tough to know because I just didn’t feel like I got enough substance from Devin.

I got a lot of generalizations. I, like you said, I wish he would have addressed specific things. It seemed like his video yesterday was just to say, look, we had texts back and forth in the three months that we were together, where she was clearly into me. And I was telling her, I love you back. Okay. I never got the impression that they weren’t together for three months.

She just said, she felt like he had checked out the second the cameras went off and we didn’t see any texts between them. That I’m sure happened where he was the one being a dick to her. Like I I’ve got to believe that those exist, but he, like I said, the texts that he chose to show were only the ones that there was plenty of things blacked out, which is why the sexual texts being in there.

It’s like, look, you took the time to go through these texts and blackout stuff you didn’t want us to see, but you left that in three times. It’s just, he’s hard to believe. I have a hard time believing anything he says. And I, you know, call it bias, whatever. I just tend to believe what Jen said, because it lines up with what I was told for three months about this guy.

This guy isn’t like, no, Steve, he’s a great guy. And he was 1000 percent into Jen and he wanted to make it work. No, I was told from the very beginning. This guy knows nothing about the show. He had never even watched the show before. And then when he was love bombing her from hometown dates on, and then Jen says all that stopped.

It’s like, yeah, because he didn’t even know what he was doing. I think he was trying to win competition. He wasn’t trying to win Jen or he was trying to win Jenny, but he wasn’t believing the things that he would say. And I know it’s such a cliche, but actions speak louder than words. So honestly, anything he said in a text to her doesn’t really, really strike me.

I don’t care if he was telling her he loves her in text, it’s actions. You know, you can say all you want, but it’s just words. You know, you’re in a relationship. You’ve been in a relationship with your wife for, I think over 10 years now. It’s like after a while, just saying things. It’s okay for the woman to question you.

And it seemed like that’s what Jen was doing sometimes in those text messages that we did read. It was just like, but I don’t know if I believe you. And he’s just, so he’s trying to present it to us. Like, look, I was telling her and she wouldn’t believe me. God, I’m, you know, she’s driving me crazy. I can’t do anything right.

But. What were you doing action wise to show her that you really believe that you were in love with her? It seems like he was doing nothing.

You know, when I get back from a vacation with my wife, I immediately go into like work mode because I’m always like, wow, we took time off. I need to go hustle. And she’s kind of one of those, like, no, like she’s like, let’s go get Chinese food.

Like her vacation doesn’t end when we come back from the airplane and we have different styles of kind of what we’re trying, like hustle levels. And I wonder. And again, I don’t know, we don’t know any of this. I don’t think we learned any of this yesterday, but I wonder if he’s going back to work and she’s dealing with the anxiety and the pressures of the show.

It was so interesting to see that they both talked trash to Reddit, which again, everyone knows the cesspool of judgment that comes from there. Um, but they’re on that same page where like she was the lead of the show and she felt the anxiety and pressure kind of feels like Rachel Rekia, who. Was really never the bad.

She was never a villain. She never had a bad edit, but she still had a hard time watching her season back. And so to hear them at least discuss how, and Jen said this in interviews, how every Monday night was the worst night of her life because she had to relive all of this. It really goes to show that one of the issues isn’t necessarily the edit, but the audience.

Right. I mean, the audience puts this instrumental pressure on them. Even, I mean, look, if, if the bachelor was your favorite football team and you knew they were only going to quote unquote win 5 percent of the time, you wouldn’t have high expectations. So why does the audience have such high expectations for these people when it’s a show built on failure?

Yeah. Now you’ve got to look at the track record. I mean, more often than not, these couples are going to break up now. Some might last. Three months after the after funerals, six months, some might last a year, some might not even make it to the after the funerals like Jen and Devin, but it’s kind of why I do what I do and give the spoilers out because I’ve always said giving the spoilers to the show like I, I don’t want to be spoiled in anything else in my life.

I don’t read the end of books. I don’t want to know what happens in movies before I go see them. Um, because I want the suspense. There’s really no suspense for me here with this show. I don’t care if who people know who ends up with who, because ultimately it’s probably going to end up in a broken engagement.

So it’s like, what’s the big deal about knowing? And honestly, again, I say this all the time too, if I didn’t give spoilers, all you really have to do, if you wanted to take the time. Would be to study the three and a half minute video at the end of the first episode that previews everything that’s happening, uh, this season.

And you can kind of figure out who lasts long. Like the show gives away a lot in their previews for what’s upcoming this season. So you, almo you, I don’t wanna see, you almost don’t need me ’cause you do need me, . I’m here, I’m here for you. I’m here to help you. But you know what I’m saying? Like it’s just.

It’s not that it’s, this isn’t some Sherlock Holmes television show where you’re literally on pins and needles every week and trying to figure out these major clues of everything. It’s a simple, sillier dating show where somebody to get it chosen in the end. And they’re probably going to break up and some are more tragic than others.

I, I think we can probably both agree. This is. This has to be the ugliest breakup. We’ve had some ugly ones, Becca and Ari had to film theirs and Rachel and Tino, and there were others, but this was. This has easily been the ugliest breakup I think we’ve ever seen on, on this show.

Well, you know, it’s interesting though.

Um, I don’t disagree. It’s definitely the messiest, but it’s almost though it’s the first one to really bring the audience into it in a different way, because he’s not exactly slamming Jen at all, and she’s not. I mean, she is slamming him, but like, you know, she’s doing it in a very kind way. I think she’s going, you know, for the fuck Devon stuff at the bar.

But I had no problem with that either. I have no problem. You just, but here’s my thought. It’s like, if you’re going to do that privately, everyone’s like, yeah, yeah. F that guy. Every one of your friends comes forward when you go through a breakup. Yeah. That guy was the worst. We thought so all along. Thanks for telling me.

But publicly, if she does say something and again, he just did not do a good job communicating this, but if she does say something that he can. He can refute then like, so be it. This was an interesting comment. I saw someone said, I feel conflicted because clearly some of these texts never should have been leaked.

But honestly, he does provide a lot of context that was missing or intentionally obscured previously. Now this might not be like, there might be a lot left, um, on the table, a lot of meat left on the bone, but what’s interesting with the internet and you see this with. Politics and a lot of things that the dissenting opinion does not want to be shared online, but when someone does share that opinion, it gets a lot of upvotes.

So there are a lot of people that feel like he was deserved the chance to talk. I’m on the judicial mindset, which is if she is going to go on podcasts, she has every right to, he has every right to respond. I think we both agree. He just. Botched it big time. And if I, I said this before, if I ever like saw him in the elevator for 10 seconds, I’d be like, bro, take the extra week and do this the right way.

You know, and you know, that’s not what happened here. Um, do you want to jump into the video?

Yeah. And I’ll, the other thing I want to do is I want to count how many different outfits he had. Cause usually it’s just a video where you’re just sitting there talking. He definitely has at least two different outfits.

So clearly he did this on different days. So he did. This wasn’t just thrown together last minute yet. He still botched it. So black shirt here. Okay. This is one, but he was his reality.

Steve merchandise shirt was in the wall. Yeah. Where, where was that? I just tell me, just interject at any moment and I’ll pause.

Hey y’all.

Um, I know there are plenty of people upset with me right now, but, um, I wanted to come on here and hopefully try to give a little more context to the situation due to the things being said about me, um, all we’re going to do here is tell my side. Take accountability and apologize for some of the things that, uh, I wasn’t able to say at AFR, um, disclaimer again, this is my truth.

And by no means am I looking to denounce Jen in any way. By no means am I looking to comment on her in any way or say anything negative about her. All I’m trying to do here is show that this was a two way relationship. And I think we could both be held accountable. Um, I have no way, uh, sitting here trying to say I was perfect throughout that relationship.

What’d you say?

He’s reading. There’s something off screen that he keeps looking at that he’s reading. So this also makes it a little bit more insincere to me when he can’t.

Oh yeah. No, look, I mean, when I, when you compare this to the Rachel Kirkconnell, who just like spoke from her heart, she did a really good job.

Um, this isn’t, this is, but I also, you know, I, I don’t blame somebody who’s every, you know, wants to get every word right, sadly, I wish he worked on some of the other production value stuff as well,

but I am looking to clear up a few rumors and the false narrative that’s being said about me. To start, um, I want to briefly show a few texts between Jen and I directly after leaving the show, um, as well as a few texts, uh, leading up to right before AFR.

I think that’ll show a little bit of perspective from my side, as well as, uh, from a relationship standpoint. The only reason that I’m showing these texts in the first place is to give a little bit more context into why I reacted the way I did when stepping onto the stage at AFR again, a week prior, as you can see here, August 27th, I was told that we were on good terms and we were.

Friends, the next screenshot that you see here is,

by the way, this, this does kind of answer the question as to why he was sort of laughing at the commercial break where he said, is this a joke? So he. Whether or not it was due to his own, um, sort of, um, you know, I don’t know, optimism. He thought he was going into a decent conversation, not a knife fight.

It seems.

Three hours prior to AFR, um, where she basically sums up that, uh, even though things weren’t perfect between our relationship, she’ll always cherish the love between us. Um, and no matter what happens, she’ll always be rooting for me. Um, she specifically says no matter how things play out on TV.

Another big thing that I wanted to address was that I broke up with Jen over a 15 minute phone call. Um, on the day that we broke up, I wasn’t acting weird. I really wanted to get to that happy couple and have that conversation with her in person. The rest of this really just shows the text of the morning of our breakup and subsequently, uh, the fallout that happens after afterwards.

Um, as you can see, there are multiple different occasions where I do say that I really want to meet up in person to say this. She basically forces this out of me. She says that I call her, um, which was not the case, at which point I did feel the need that I owed her that conversation. Um, I did try to meet up with her.

I did try to go to the happy couple and she did not

let me, um, I’ll say this. If you’re going to break up with somebody, you can’t. It’s almost like if you’re going to get fired, you can’t, if you’re going to fire someone, you can’t let them know they’re about to be fired. Do you know what I mean? By saying we need to talk, you’re kind of like, of course, like there’s who in their right mind would want to wait a day or two.

It’s like, all right, tell me what you want to say.

Yeah. So it’s almost like, should we get mad at the breakup over the phone? If he said, look, I want to see you in person, but she knew what he was going to say in person. She’s like, well, did you just say it now? And then if the ends of being the breakup, then it’s just like, Okay, so I don’t know.

I’m conflicted about that. I’m

not hung up on the phone breakup. Like, this to me is like a neutral dating thing. I’m not like one side scorned the other. That’s where I stand right now from what we see. If we are like, you know, like, I don’t know. Calling shots. I don’t, I don’t, I, it’s like, it’s to me, I’m like indifferent based on the information as to whether he’s at fault versus her, if you’re going to break out with someone, it’s like, uh, you know, and not to make it political, but it’s like, uh, it’s like when they pulled out of Afghanistan, it’s like, okay, well, yeah, it was a disaster.

What did you expect? You know what I mean? It’s a breakup. I mean, maybe that’s a really terrible analogy or maybe it’s a spot on one, but it’s like, give me, show me all the clean breakups you know, about, you know, this would have been, you know, so, but also. The producers are probably kicking themselves because they could have easily filmed this.

This could have been, here’s what’s interesting to me, Ari You know, Ari was a villain. He left, he, you know, he took the ring off of Becca Cooper and, but it all was on camera. So it was almost resolved right away. You know what I mean? Yeah. Would this have played out better if they filmed the breakup at happy couple?

I mean, we’ve seen it before and you know, it always made for interesting TV. I also think it would have been handled a little bit differently because. You know, what we saw was live on stage. It was their reaction. They hadn’t seen each other. It was just bizarre. I want to get back to one point that you just made.

I can’t wait to see the Reddit headline tomorrow. That says, Dave Neal compares Jen and Devin breakup to Afghanistan. It’s coming. It’s

like. It’s a war and you know, I don’t read it anymore. I’ve, if it’s got my name in the title, I have a policy. Take my phone away

saying that she didn’t deserve to go if it was just going to be a breakup.

So I didn’t really know what else to do. She kind of forced my head.

Alright, so he shares a bunch of text messages. This is only going to be a glimpse. This isn’t going to be every single text that Devon and I have ever

seen. What is the point? He’s just ripping through. It’s like, what, what are you showing this for?

Like, if I had a question for Devon after all this, what do you, this whole scene right here where you’re just like, Hey, this is just showing us a talk. It’s like, Why? What was the point? What is it proving? We knew you guys were together at least until August 1st. So I expected you to have text conversations.

I expected there to be explicit text conversations for two people that were still dating and were having a long distance relationship. So you kind of got to need that little, you know, sexual frustration that I can’t see you and I can’t wait to see you stuff like that. We, we’ve kind of all been there and I think most of us have, what was the point of that?

Not you and I, I mean, going to Vegas, but my, my heart is full. I don’t say I yearn for you in my texts until we see each other again. I get it. Um, no, I mean, yeah, it’s look, if I was a teacher, I’d say Devin just redo. This isn’t an F, this is a redo. And I, and I think he should redo it. It’s just not going to hit as hard.

If he redoes it the right way, and that was the whole thing. It’s like, it was just a bad rollout. Sent

to each other every single conversation that her and I have had. But I think it’s important to highlight the highs and the lows of our, uh, our inner workings of what went on in between our

relationship and while we were together.

Uh, there’s a lot of false narratives being pushed, um, about that right now. And there’s a lot of False statements being given out. Um, so I’m really here to set the record straight and hopefully I can do that by providing a little bit of clarity into the day to day lives that Jen and I experienced while we were together, the highs, the lows, the good, the bad.

Um, but really the effort and the love that I had for this woman, because I know that’s getting confused by a lot of people based off of Jen saying that I pulled away immediately after Hawaii, but I actually only ever pulled away and started becoming distant post breakup. And not just right after our breakup, we’re talking about almost the end of the month.

And yeah, I was trying to move on with my life. As hard as that is to say, I needed that for my own happiness. Again, a relationship is two people. Two people are involved. And this wasn’t August 6th when I did that. This was closer to the end of the month. And I only did that because it felt like I was leading her on.

I felt guilty because in her mind, it felt like she was holding on to something that wasn’t there for me. And I had been honest with her in person about all of this. Where my heart stood out at the last happy couple at the end of July, where we met up in person, talked all night about this.

I wanted to also address Jen’s false claims that I was immediately pulling away from the relationship as soon as we left Hawaii.

Um, I want to be sure you guys disclaim.

Uh, prosecutes the same point twice here. Look, anything he does post breakup, I don’t care about. Could it be bad optics? Yes. But if the, if they’re both single and he wants to go, you know, to Amsterdam and, and whatever the hell he wants to do, that’s on him. I personally don’t care about that as bad as it looks like catching him with an X or whatever, you know, find me somebody who doesn’t rebound after a breakup.

People deal with it differently. The best way to get over someone is to get under, so whatever. Everyone’s different. I don’t care about that. That’s what hot to a girl said. No, did she? I mean, there you go. Yeah, before she,

before the hot to align, that was one of the things that was part of her video.

That’s made her now a podcast where she’s probably making more than 10 times more than both of us combined.

I know. And you know what, I’m all for it. That’s the U S baby. We’re all one good line away from making it. We’re also one line away from being canceled. Yeah. Um, so yeah, it’s definitely like you’re telling me.

So yeah, it’s just, again, more examples where he’s just missing the mark. But. Um,

yeah, I’m going to be showing you guys, um, the phone calls from the day after our breakup, August 5th and every phone call, uh, there afterwards leading up to AFR. Our last phone conversation was actually just under two weeks prior to stepping out on that stage, uh, on the 3rd of September.

These are the missed calls from Jen the night that we broke up that coincide with the text from the, uh, earlier portion of this video. Um, Afterwards, we did have multiple different conversations regarding the breakup. As you see, um, at no point did I ever leave her in the dark and I was very open and honest about.

Everything that I stood for.

Now I like these receipts because it’s guiltless. It’s nothing personal, but it does show that they did communicate. You know what I mean? Her, one of her big things was, you know, he left me and then he wouldn’t answer my calls. Does this, does this show that there’s a little bit more to the story than what she was saying?

I mean, I’m seeing the dates kind of spread out here, like one call on August 15th. For 34 minutes. Okay. Then what was the next, like I said, it just seems like he’s using things here of what, uh, then a 32 minute call the next day and a one minute call the next day.

Well, it’s certainly not. He never called me back.

This is not a ghosting scenario at the very least. Um, you know, folks that have defended him have said, look, he’s a business owner. He’s got this. He’s got that. Look, I don’t think, you know, even the president can respond to a text. I always say this, like we all, we all, we all have to go to the bathroom. We all love the chance to respond to a text.

Um, but you know, you know, he does show that there were phone calls made. She, she did flat out lie. I don’t blame her. She lied. Dave,

can you take me off real quick? I’m getting a call three times in a row now, and I, I kind of need to answer this. You just ramble yourself, take me off and I’ll tell you when I’m all


You go call me when you’re back.

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