Reality Steve


Podcast #413 – Interview with Chad & Lizzy from “Game of Roses” Podcast (including transcripts)

All right. So if you have not seen yesterday’s episodes that dropped on Netflix, episodes 10 and 11 of love is blind. I suggest you don’t listen to the rest of this podcast or just fast forward through before I get to two other points I want to make at the very end that have nothing to do with love is blind.

But yesterday. We found out that we are down to five couples because Steven and Monica are done. So you got Ramsey’s and Marissa, Tyler and Ashley, Nick and Hannah, Alex and Tim and Garrett and Taylor. And two more hit the dust yesterday. One of them was Nick and Hannah and. I can’t say too surprised about that just because they didn’t seem to mesh well at all.

It’s like they were trying to convince the other person that they were right for each other with how much they said they loved each other and wanted to make it work. But I have a real issue with the way Hannah talks to Nick. I think a lot of people do. Very condescending. Very, I’m better than you. I’m above you.

And, you know, I understand there’s probably women out there that are like, she shouldn’t settle. You go, girl, you set the standard. And it’s just like, I have no problem with that. My problem with Hannah is how? She conveyed her message to Nick sitting there and talking about constantly putting him down.

This was the actual quote where she was sitting there on the couch with him and talked about the reasons basically why she was ending it. She said it was respect. Nick brought up the six things that she had against him that just bothered her or five concerns that she had. She said, it was respect, delusional, social awareness, maturity, confidence versus ego.

Those five concerns that I have are still there. They never went away ever because you kept repeating the same action. Social awareness. I do not see respect. You have none. Ego versus confidence. I feel like I need to stroke your ego for you to be happy. And I feel like you say you’re an extremely confident person.

And I make you unconfident when it’s just ego and it’s just delusion. It’s just like, you can’t see how I feel. There’s one thing to think that, and I understand people would want the truth, but that was really, really harsh. Not to mention her saying things like, I taught you everything, you know, I’ve turned you from a boy into the man, into a man, like what is her deal?

Now, you know. I did not listen to her on Nick Vial’s podcast. I did read E! Online’s story about what she said, and she realizes now, watching the show back, she needs to change the way she talks to her significant other. So even she realizes how she said things, not necessarily what she said, although I have a little bit more of an issue about what she said than she does.

But it definitely is also in the tone that she says it. And she even admitted based on what I read and what she said on Nick’s podcast, she admitted, I need to do a better job of that. So at least it’s good to hear that she seems to be learning from it, but on the show, she was kind of being a bitch and she was kind of.

Calling him out for things that I just look, I have no problem that they broke up. Hell, if you break up on this show, you are the norm, not the exception. So it’s not that they broke up and I thought, Oh my God, she gave it. She didn’t give it enough chance. They were good for each other. Not at all. It’s not that they broke up.

It’s. What she said to him and how she demeaned him all the time, even after they went on that little ropes course at the beginning of the episode, it was just constantly, she’s got to like one up him. She, she almost reminds me of Kristen Wiig’s character on SNL Penelope, right? Where she just, everything that, whatever Nick said, she would have to one up him about what, how good she is at something.

You know, it just really rubbed me the wrong way. And I’m sure it rubbed Nick the wrong way, and I can’t wait to hear his side of things, because she’s done an interview. I haven’t seen anything from Nick on his end. I did see that TMZ got him at the airport, but he was just giving generic answers. At the reunion, I’m sure we will see what Nick says and what happened to this relationship during it and after the fact, but yeah, they are done.

Can’t say I’m, I’m too surprised about that. The other couple that’s done is Alex and Tim. Now, there’s a debate going on online because I don’t think Tim came across well at all, just as I’m going to get on Hannah’s case for the way she talks to Nick and demeans him. I will say the same thing about Tim.

He absolutely comes across as a know it all. He absolutely comes across as condescending. And just because he doesn’t raise his voice at her, doesn’t mean that he doesn’t come across as a total dick when he’s talking to her. Now, There’s the flip side of that, which is the social media part of the show where Tim took to Instagram yesterday and posted his side of things saying, basically, you’re missing so much conversation that wasn’t shown the lack of respect that that woman showed me didn’t even call her Alex by name, but he basically said there is so many things that you didn’t see and to you.

Just reduce my breakup to her based on what was shown isn’t doing the story justice. It was way worse. She was, I think, called him names condescending to him. So it’s like, okay, but I can only react by what we saw. And I didn’t like the way he spoke to her. I didn’t like the way he demeaned her. Now he’s basically saying, well, she did it to me too.

And you didn’t see that they had to. The show is basically painting me as the bad guy during this breakup when she was just as equal and her actions and her words were just as bad. You just didn’t see it because when he did break up with her, again, it was one of these things where he just came over and said, And it was just like, where did this come from?

It was another thing between them that we didn’t get to see air when it actually happened. And we got to hear them talk about the aftermath of it. Which was essentially after she met his family, she fell asleep and took a nap. And then he said that was disrespectful, but she said, I was tired, it was a long day.

You never told me that you were upset at that. It’s just There’s, yeah, there’s probably things that we didn’t see and we didn’t know, but I can judge him based on how he was talking to her on that couch and I thought it was rude. Not to mention the way he ended things with her. He said, wish you the best of luck.

I never want to talk to you again. It was just like, okay, a little harsh after two days, like kind of what she said. Two days after you made my dad cry, you cried yourself. You asked for his blessing to marry me. And then two days later, you’re ending it because I took a nap. Like, again, I’m sure that there’s more to it.

That was a little bit extreme. He was just being such a dick to her. The other couples, Tyler and Ashley, there is again. What’s happening on the show versus what’s happening on social media. We read you the mother of his children taking to Instagram story yesterday and saying, you better tell the truth, Tyler, or I’m coming with all the receipts.

And then on last night’s episode, now remember this happened one year ago. But on last night’s episode, Ashley asked him, do you, do the kids, you’re, you know, your sperm donor babies that you’re calling them, do they know what you look like? And he said, I don’t think so. And we’re all sitting here, obviously a year later, knowing what the mother of his children has posted on social media, him hanging out with them at Christmas.

One of the daughters saying, calling him dad. And now this guy, at the time, is telling his wife to be, when she asks him directly, Do the kids know what you look like? He says, I don’t think so. What is he talking about? He’s lying straight to her face. So, they’re in trouble. They are. There’s, I just don’t see there’s any way, especially when his, the mother of his children is chirping the way she is now, which she has every right to do.

He referring to his children as sperm babies and the mother of the children saying that is not it at all. But obviously Tim can only say so much at this point. She can only say so much at this point, but once the reunion show airs on October 30th, I think after that, we’re going to start hearing a lot more.

Hell, maybe at the reunion itself, we’ll start hearing a lot more from Tim about what this relationship entails with the children, but based on what we’ve seen, he is very much involved in their life. They know what he looks like and they call him dad. He’s not presenting that to Ashley. So I don’t know what his deal is, but again, I just, I called him Tim Tyler.

Sorry. What Tyler is telling her, it just seems like. A year ago when he’s telling her this, he was just lying to her face. I don’t know how she could still be with him. The, and then the other, the final couple that we’re going to talk about is probably the one that this show is hitching their wagon to.

And this is the one that is probably still together. And that’s Garrett and Taylor. Yes. They tried to throw a kink in the armor and make it seem like, you know, this text message that yeah, he screwed up, but you’ll hear me and. Chad discussed this Chad thought it was a little more severe than I did and I’m not sitting here defending Garrett But while he didn’t tell Taylor he did respond to his ex He said he liked it and left it alone.

And then he thought she finds out No, he did respond to it. But his response to his ex was hey in a relationship now engaged There’s no reason for us to continue talking So I was kind of surprised that she got as upset as she did Add it as she did. I understand she’s been cheated on the past. So this is comes down to a more of a trust issue that he couldn’t have just been honest when an hour earlier, he said, no, I just liked the text and left it when he actually did respond.

But at least when he responded, he didn’t, it’s not like he left her with, you know, he bread crumbed her. It’s not like he told her, Hey. Hang in there. You know, he just was like, no, let’s cut this off. I’m engaged. Good luck to you, but there’s no reason for us to talk anymore. I would think when she heard that she would feel a little bit more secure, even though he didn’t tell her that an hour earlier, I don’t know, I was surprised that she got as upset as she did, but she clearly got over it because they went to San Diego the next day.

Everything seemed to be great. They had a great final dinner and. I’d be surprised if they’re not together still, I’d be shocked actually, if they weren’t, I, they definitely get married on the finale. That’s my guess. And then it’s just a matter of, because it’s been a year, are they still together? So any of the three couples, Garrett and Taylor, Ramsey’s and Marissa, Tyler and Ashley, do they get engaged?

Do they get married on the finale next week? And then, That’s a yes or no. And then it’s another yes or no of are they, if they did, are they still together? And then finally with Ramsey’s and Marissa, this is, this has got major, major red flags written all over it. Ramsey’s came across as a total Neanderthal.

She’s basically telling him she’s on her period. She’s not feeling well. And now he’s questioning the relationship because there was lack of physicalness between them. It’s like, you know, Ramses that you’re gonna say that on television when your woman is literally telling you she’s on her period and she’s not feeling well And then you take that as well, and she’s not being physical with me is with these guys sometimes on this show Like did you not think we’re watching do you not think that?

Everything you say is going to be dissected. How did you think that was going to come across on television? What an awful thing to say to your fiance at that time. And then episode 11 ends with this cliffhanger of these two have already had the major, major disagreement on their thoughts on the military, which.

To me, I thought that was the end of their relationship because that isn’t just, Oh, you’re a Democrat and I’m a Republican or whatever. And no, it was way more deeper than that. It was a very, very deep conversation. Unlike anything we’ve probably ever seen in reality TV between two people that lasted for a good 10 minutes, it seemed like, and we got to go in depth with them.

It just seemed like morally and ethically, they are in completely different Stratospheres. That’s why I thought it was over. And then you had the whole thing with condom sex. She initially told him she wanted to wait three to five years to have kids. Then she seemed to speed up the process and he wants to have sex, but she’s like, well, can we wear a condom?

And then he’s telling her, well, I want to have pleasure when I have sex. It’s like, dude, did you just say that again on television? My, like I said, it came across as a total sex hungry Neanderthal. And I don’t have high hopes for them. And then, like I said, so that was the, you had the military conversation.

You had the condom sex conversation, and then we end episode 11 with him sitting on the edge of the bed, head in hands, she walks out of the bathroom. And we missed whatever happened between them. And I don’t even know if we got the full picture when they had that talk there at the end. The only thing that we got out of it was she seemed to insinuate.

He talked to some friends and maybe his friends might have scared him about getting married because she was saying things like, don’t listen to the outside noise, know it’s between us. But we don’t know what his friends told him. And he’s just, you know, we’re at this point there, what a day or two away from wedding day and he’s having trepidations they’re in trouble for sure.

I, my guess is Garrett and Taylor are only a couple that’s still together to this day, if I had to guess. Okay. Real quickly. Yesterday I talked about SNL. I gave you the whole thing about the Jennifer Coolidge. Let’s stop doing the impression because everybody does the same one. Nobody’s really better than anyone else at the Jennifer Coolidge impression versus other impressionists are.

You know, there are some that literally stand out when you talk about other people, but, and I said that that was showing up on my for you page. Now, the one that’s showing up on my for you page more than the Jennifer Coolidge impression is the bridesmaid skit. Everybody is now doing a. Dual video or whatever they’re called where, you know, they lip sync it and they’re playing it and it’s about Domingo.

And that song is now Domingo is now running through my head all day long. I can’t get out of my head and it’s just it. Now it’s funny to me. The skit was funny when I watched it, and now I find it even funnier when I see all these people putting it on their For You page. But man, that Domingo sketch, I have a feeling Domingo is going to end up, because even though that was a sketch that was about a bride and a bridesmaid’s song done at the wedding.

I have a feeling because it wasn’t like, Hey, let’s do a sketch. Like I mentioned Penelope earlier, there’s, you know, Kristen wig did that sketch numerous times as Penelope. Well, this sketch wasn’t about Domingo, but something tells me because it’s taken on a life of its own on social media. I do think Marcello Hernandez, I think that’s her name, his name, Marcello Hernandez, he’s going to end up being Domingo in other sketches.

Like he’s going to be a recurring character somehow. I have a feeling just because it’s too popular right now to not take advantage of it. And finally, no real way to a easy way to transition into this one, but my gosh, horrible story out of Argentina, that Liam Payne formerly of one direction fell out of his hotel room to his death.

Now there’s other stuff going on online. Apparently there’s pictures out there. There’s pictures of his hotel room. I’m not going to get into all that stuff. I think TMZ is horrible for people. Putting out pictures like that. What I do know is One Direction was one of the, one of the groups that when my niece and nephew were growing up, they really took a liking to now they don’t care about them, didn’t follow their careers once they split up.

But I have memories of one direction with my niece and nephew, so to know that one of those guys died at the age of 31 falling out of a hotel building. Yeah, it really sucked to hear and the crazy thing was it happened while I was recording with Game of Roses yesterday. So when that podcast goes up on my YouTube channel and in your podcast feed at 9 15 a.

m. Eastern time this morning. I can’t remember we were maybe 30 minutes in or something like that. And I had just happened to look at my phone and my nephew texted me and said, one of the one direction guys died. So as I’m talking to Chad and Lizzie, I look at my phone and it obviously became front page story on the entertainment sites and I broke the news to them.

And so, yeah, it’s, it’s talked about on the podcast briefly, but yeah, just just an awful, awful story to hear that 31 years old has a child with Cheryl Cole. Just, just awful anyway. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play.

It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily. We’ll be up in an hour from now. Podcast number four 13 with Chad and Lizzie from game of roses will be up on my YouTube channel at 9 15 AM Eastern time and right around the same time in your podcast feed. So. Go check that out as well. Only if you’ve watched episodes 10 and 11 of love is blind.

If you have not go watch the video or listen to the podcast after you watch episodes 10 and 11, even though I just went over it in this podcast as well. So thank you all for listening. I appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.

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