Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 10/18 – Grant’s Hometown Date Yesterday, DWTS Note, The Challenge Now An Individual Game, Answering A “Reader Email,” Fathom Events Movie For Me Tmrw, & Another Sign I’m Getting Old

You are listening to the daily roundup here as part of the reality. See podcast. I’m your host reality. Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Friday episode. We are going to go over yesterday’s hometown date with Grant and Dina in Chicago or Illinois. We’re also going to talk a little bit about dance with the stars.

There’s something that. Dawned on me and I didn’t even realize it. We’re going to speak about the challenge from Wednesday night. Finally got around to watching that yesterday and email I received from a listener that I will answer. And then an event that I am attending this weekend. I wouldn’t call it an event.

It’s more of a movie and there’s a reason I’m going to do it. And a explanation or another sign that I am getting old. We’ll get to all that momentarily. All right, let’s begin. Yesterday in Illinois, I had told you last week the final four were Juliana, Zoe, Latia, and Dina. And we had pictures and videos of Juliana last Friday in, where was it?

Connecticut? I can’t remember where her hometown date was. Something like that. No, not Connecticut. Massachusetts, what am I talking about? Newton, Massachusetts. And then I said Joey’s, uh, Joey’s Zoe’s, uh, was last Sunday in New York. Tuesdays was Latia in Wyoming, and then yesterday’s was gonna be Dina’s in Illinois.

We didn’t get anything come out from. Zoe or Latia’s hometown date, no pictures or videos. But yesterday there were some pictures of Grant and Dina at the Riverwalk in Chicago, and I had pictures of him just by himself, waiting for her to show up. TMZ posted some pictures of them walking around the Riverwalk, and then there was a TikTok account, which showed them at a pumpkin patch, a pop up pumpkin patch called Jack’s pumpkin pop up on Lemoyne.

That’s where they went for, I guess, the day into nighttime portion of their evening and then wherever they went for the nighttime portion, uh, for family and whatnot, but this was something that, um, you know, I had put out there on my Instagram story and also on my Twitter account. And I also revealed yesterday in my Instagram story, uh, because it kind of Brought me back to last week where after I had put the final four out, I was getting emails of how could Dina be the fourth person in the final four because she lives in Chicago or, you know, they’re going to be in Illinois on the last day, but they’re going from Wyoming to Illinois.

Don’t they have to go back to California for the final four rose ceremony today? And I said, look, I don’t know what to tell you. I just know that Dina’s having the fourth hometown day and. Um, it was obviously proven yesterday with her date being there and video and pictures getting out of it. And I also explained and told you for the first time yesterday that Alex Not only got the first one on one of the season, which we knew once I gave you the two group dates and who was on the two group dates in episode two, the 10 person basketball date and the seven person R and B date didn’t include Alex.

So she got the first one on one date of the season. Well, Alex also got the first impression rose and. I hinted at it a couple of days ago and I hinted at it, uh, yesterday, I believe in my podcast with Game of Roses, I remember telling them off camera yesterday just to give them a heads up and I said, look, it’s not something earth shattering that happened this season, but there was something that happened the first night, which hasn’t happened before.

And that is the first impression. Whoever got the first impression rose was. They were given a heads up, whoever gets the first impression rose is getting the first one on one of the season. So, like I said, it’s never happened before, but it’s not like, oh, wow, earth shattering. It wasn’t. It was just something different.

So, kind of like Leah’s getting the, uh, letter. Remember when she appeared at Joey’s after the final rose and they gave her a letter and said, open it up on the opening and cocktail party of the first night. And it was, you can steal a one on one day, you know, they’re just trying something different. They aren’t really anything that changes anything.

Leah threw her letter in the fire. So it didn’t have any bearing on anything really that happened on Joey’s season. And then. This little twist that they threw in there, which was they announced whoever gets the first impression rose is getting the first one on one of the season. Well, it went to Alex and she did not.

She got the first impression rose. She got the first one on one of the season. She did not even make it to final four. What is that another one? It’s only happened once, I believe in bachelor history where the first impression rose recipient ended up winning. And that was Hannah Ann. And I don’t even know if we can.

Count her technically as a quote unquote winner. I mean, she, she did, she was the final choice, so I guess she does fit that. Yeah. Alex, the women were told, Hey. First impression rose gets first one on one of the season, but Alex did not get to the final four. So, uh, just wanted to point that out yesterday.

Tonight is the final four rose ceremony, and hopefully I’ll find out soon. Maybe this weekend I’ll find out who got eliminated. I don’t know. And then I’ll hopefully find out at some point where they’re going for overnight and final rose ceremony. And I will let you know about that. Once I hear. You know, we talked about dance with the stars early this week.

And I said, there was one thing that happened on Monday’s episode that I, either I misheard back in the day, or they just screwed up and never gave us a reason because I w I was under the impression, I thought in like episode two or three, they said next week, Derek and Haley, Derek will be dancing with his wife, Haley.

And she returns to the ballroom for the first time. And I was like, didn’t they say that was going to happen like two or three weeks ago? And a lot of you emailed me and said, yeah, they did say that. And then they never addressed why it happened this past Monday, which, you know, isn’t a big thing. I just thought I was going crazy because I was like, I could have sworn they told us this was happening two or three weeks ago where they said next week, Derek will be dancing with his wife.

And then he did it the next week. And then I think that he didn’t the following week, but we know he did this Monday, it was a great dance, very emotional. Obviously she’s been through a lot. The fact that she’s even alive, like Derek said is a miracle. So congratulations to them, but man, I’m glad I wasn’t going crazy is basically what I’m trying to say.

The other thing that happened this past Monday, which it never dawned on me because having watched every episode of every season of dance with the stars, again, Everything kind of runs together for me. And if you’re asking me to recall certain winners and where people placed over the years, over the course of 33 seasons, I, I could not tell you.

And I know that Mark ballast has been a pro for numerous seasons. I think he’s, I think I read, he’s been a pro 20 of the 33 seasons. And I was reading something yesterday where obviously he came back and he was a guest judge, which was. I don’t know, light years better than having fucking Gene Simmons as a judge who isn’t a dancer, isn’t into choreography and basically ogled over all the women and gave out horrible scores.

So stupid to bring him on. Um, I know they’re regretting it. I know Gene said, Hey, everyone had a great time. I don’t regret anything I did. Yeah, but everyone else does. Gene, you were horrible. Please don’t come back to this show. When I was reading about Mark being the guest judge again, having watched every episode for 33 seasons, I could have sworn at one point, Mark ballast was a guest judge, like for an episode, they brought him back to do what he did this past Monday.

But as far as I know, from what I read yesterday, that was his first time coming back as a judge. It’s like, he’s never been a judge before on one of the seasons that he wasn’t dancing because it’s not like he’s been a pro. Every season, like I said, I think it’s 20 of the 33 seasons I could have sworn Mark Ballas was brought back as a guest judge at least one time before this.

It’s possible I’m mixing him up with Max, not that they look alike or anything, but I know Max has been brought back and I want to say Max has been brought back on more than one occasion as a guest judge. But Mark, man, I could have sworn Mark’s been a judge before this past Monday, but apparently not.

That was his first time back as a guest judge and he did a great job. I mean, look, he’s a pro dancer. That’s who they need as guest judges. Like I said, only have guest judges in the future that are a former dancers or be professional choreographers. They’ve brought on Mandy Moore. They’ve brought on Rosie Perez.

They’ve brought on who’s the other one that choreographer they brought on. I know they brought on that dance moms woman that nobody seems to like. Abby Lee Miller. Is that her name? Wasn’t she a guest judge one time? I’m sure that made people feel uncomfortable, but either way, just bring on people who have dance experience, please, not Gene Simmons, who can’t judge a dance to save his life.

That was just. That was bad. I think, I think, I mean, if, if dance with the stars is being honest with themselves, I’m pretty sure they realized after all the backlash. Yeah, that was not smart of us. Will they admit it publicly? Probably not. Maybe they’ll just say in the future, we want to bring back judges.

Any guest judge we bring back. We want to have a dance background. That would be my guess. This podcast brought to you by Mint Mobile. Mint mobile came to me about three or four months ago and said, we’ve got a plan to get you off your current wireless plan. They actually asked me how much are you paying?

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