Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 10/18 – Grant’s Hometown Date Yesterday, DWTS Note, The Challenge Now An Individual Game, Answering A “Reader Email,” Fathom Events Movie For Me Tmrw, & Another Sign I’m Getting Old

Finally got around to watching the challenge from Wednesday night.

And Devin had one of the worst arena performances we’ve ever seen before. Kylan absolutely wiped the mat with him. And then you had Tori and Casey going down to what one second difference in between them. Tori hit the button about one second quicker than Casey did. Now that also could have been editing.

Maybe it wasn’t as close. I’m not sure, but I don’t know if you saw on social media yesterday, Casey has decided to quote unquote, retire from the challenge. That’s what she claims. And then I think Tori said she’s taking time off from the challenge. I feel like those are hollow words. Anybody can say I’m retiring, but if they’re asked back in future seasons, maybe she’s just taking time off.

Casey specifically said I’m retiring because I’m assuming it’s because she wants to start a family with Nani. Totally understand. But once that family gets started, my guess is Casey would come back. And you’d be like, why would she leave her child? Have you seen how many people on this show have come back because they needed the money?

Who literally have less than six months old at home and they’ll go on this challenge. So while Casey says that she’s been a great competitor, I don’t believe her. I’ll believe her when I never see her on another season ever again. And I just don’t think that is going to happen. Wes said he retired from the challenge.

Okay. But then he went on house of villains too. And then didn’t he go on one of the all star seasons after he said he retired? Maybe he is retired from the. Flagship challenge show, but it’s like, these people are very, very attention hungry. Uh, there’s no doubt about that, but good episode. And now we find out that everybody is playing a solo game, even though you’re still playing within your era.

You’re playing a solo game. They are not teams anymore. Everything is solo. So now it’s going to become cutthroat and I’m going to be guessing unless Johnny bananas wins a challenge, he is going to be targeted every single episode and people are going to want to throw him in the arena, but then you look at the preview that they showed for the rest of the season.

And I saw bananas in three or four different clips. I don’t think it was all from the same episode. So it looks like he’s going to be sticking around a little bit longer, but. Very good episode and I’m really actually enjoying the era season and I don’t know who’s going to win. I really don’t. I’m kind of like looking at the edit and thinking like, and I don’t know if, and the other thing is it’s tough to, if you tell me right now, there’s going to be one male winner and, um, you know, one man winner, one woman winner.

I’ll be like, okay, then I could at least guess, but when I don’t even know how the final is going and I don’t even know if it’s going to be teams or I have no idea, is it going to be a solo winner? We have no idea. Well, spoiler people do. I don’t want to know who wins and I don’t want to know if someone knows.

You know what? I don’t even want to know if someone knows how the winner is distributed, if it is one of each sex. I don’t want to know. So, I’m enjoying this season so far. We’re down to, I believe, 18 people left. So, we probably got another 5 episodes before we get to the finals, assuming 2 go home every episode.

Cause then that’ll bring us down to 8, and it looks like 8 will probably go to the finals. I hope you’re enjoying this season of The Heiress. I am. I said I was going to get to a reader email that I got the other day, so I want to, uh, I want to do this one. This one says, Steve, I had some thoughts and questions over the past few weeks after listening to your daily roundups I’ve been curious about.

Number one, Golden Bachelorette. Did you notice in last week’s episode they announced the group date first, then did two one on ones? Isn’t it usually one on one, group date, one on one? My first thought was that production knew about Chalk’s mother earlier and wanted him to have on, uh, Have him on a group date before giving him the news, have him leave, come back, et cetera.

What do you think? I honestly didn’t give that any thought until you mentioned it in your question. And my answer is I have no idea if they did or didn’t. And I don’t think we’ll ever get an answer. So I, I don’t really know if that’s the reason they did the group date first and then two one on ones.

Also, I don’t think I heard you address the news about guy and his statement. He put out, what are your thoughts? Sounds like production new and cleared his casting. What about any thoughts about the New York times article that recently came out about the bachelor franchise that talked about the recent scandals and even cited you, let’s get to the second part of your question first.

I didn’t even see this New York times article. Thank you to the New York times for citing me the statement that guy put out. Uh, I mean, I’m glad he put out a statement, but I’m kind of over all of this. And I just, I’m not going to get worked up anymore about this. I’m not saying that I’m excusing guy for what he did.

Obviously I’m not, but it’s happened way too much in the last month between Devin and then between Gil and now guy, it’s just, they’re all kind of running together and, and, and. Let’s face it. Some of them are worse than others. There is a level of what happened here. Devins was the worst, which is why I spent so much time on it.

And I told you, I did a whole explanation about gills. It’s like, look, what Gil did was horrible. And I feel for the woman that he stalked, this wasn’t on the show because. The date of the filing was literally days before Gil left for filming. There’s no way the show would have known about that. So again, there’s really no, I’m not going to sit here and crucify the show over that.

As for guy, I have no idea. Um, they, should they have known based on when this was filed and everything? Yeah, but it looks like they tried to get it sealed and all this stuff. It’s just a whole mess and it’s just I’m almost I’m almost tired of talking about it. At least guy addressed it He admit it’s not like I appreciate the fact that guy actually took some responsibility for it and took some accountability At as you know as opposed to that douchebag Devin who literally tried to sidestep it and tried to gaslight everybody into thinking that Oh, this was dismissed and me and her were friends after the fact Bullshit.

No, you weren’t dancing with the stars. I really think Joey has a great shot of winning given how good he is in batter nation voting. I don’t think Chandler has the fan support behind her. Unfortunately, if you look at the DWTS Instagram page with the separate posts of each dancer each week, Chandler and Jen normally don’t get a ton of likes, but Ilona, Steven, and Joey are usually at the top.

I know likes don’t necessarily translate into votes, but it could be a good proxy. I haven’t followed the Instagram page for dancing with the stars. I haven’t looked at any of that. So I had no idea. Joey’s clearly getting to the finals. Would I be surprised if he won? No, I wouldn’t bachelor. People have always done well on this show and he’s, if he doesn’t win, he’s coming in second.

Speaking of random dance with the stars couples. Did you know Carrie Ann and Artem dated for almost three years back in the day? It’s hard to picture now because that seems like such a weird couple. Yes, that one. I did know about. I did not know about Whitney and Mark, and I certainly didn’t know about Alan and Haley, Derek Hough’s current wife.

I did not know about that until I saw that Tik TOK the other day, but yeah, definitely knew about Carrie Ann and Artem. Have you watched starting five on Netflix? No, I know what you’re talking about. I need to get to it, but it’s probably going to take me a while. It’s probably, it’s probably got what?

Eight, 10 episodes. And it followed from what I gather, it followed LeBron. Jimmy Butler, Anthony Edwards, Jason Tatum. And I think one other person last year. Yeah, there’s probably five. That’s why they’re calling it starting five. Those are four. I definitely know her at. It’s probably got eight to 10 episodes and I’ll get around to it at some point, but I have not watched it yet.

And then finally, it’s been bugging me since you told your experience of having fraud, but why do you use a debit card instead of a credit card? Assuming you are responsible with your finances can make timely monthly payments. You should definitely consider using a credit card for more protection and earning rewards for regular purchases.

Just my two cents. I’m passionate about the topic. Um, I do have my credit card. Um, I have four credit cards and. I do have some of my bills set to them. Just not all of them go to my credit card. And one thing to mention about my debit situation, that was actually, remember I told you it was like two or three weeks ago that ended up being a scam?

Like it was someone trying to pretend they were my bank. So yeah, and it was all made up because I ended up calling Bank of America and I said something suspicious about this phone call and they said, that wasn’t us. There’s nothing in our notes that we called you earlier today. I was like, Oh, okay. So it was a scam to get me to, it was literally someone telling me, Oh, your card has been hacked.

And because it came from a number, they said they were from B of a, they said, this is my cut. You know, this is my, I mean, they really went detailed. Thank God. I kind of cut off the phone call and just said, okay, I’ll take care of this myself. Or, okay, I’ll do this because that phone call ended with, Oh, we’re sending you out a new debit card.

I’m like, okay, great. But then when I called back, cause I was like, something is wrong with that phone call. I called bank of America back. They said, we haven’t called you. Don’t that’s not us. And they said, this person said they were sending you a debit card. I said, yeah, I said, they said, we’re not, that wasn’t us.

So they did not end up, I did not end up canceling my current debit card because it was never hacked. So kind of bizarre, but I do. So to answer your question, yes, I do have stuff that is monthly taken out of my credit cards, but not everything. Some of them are on my debit card. Some of them were on my debit card and some of them are on my credit card.

And then finally, um, a couple of things here tomorrow night, Fandango, you know what Fandango is or no, not Fandango. What sort of Fandango, fathom events. You always see that when you go to a movie and at the beginning, they have fathom events where they’ll talk about something that’s going to be shown in the theater.

And it’s usually a screening of an old school movie or something like that. Well, tomorrow night I’m going seven o’clock. Yes, unfortunately, even though I’ve seen this movie 50 times, I am actually passing up a majority of the Texas Georgia game to go see back to the future too, because it’s basically the 30 years, the 35 year anniversary since it came out and they are reshowing it in theater on Saturday night at seven o’clock.

I’m going and I’m going by myself. That’s me. That’s what I do. Um, I will watch Texas, Georgia when I get back from the movie. But I just want to be part of going to see it in a theater. Uh, even though I probably watched it. 10 days ago. So yeah, it’s, um, I, I bought these tickets literally two months ago when I first saw that back to the future too, was getting re released in the theaters for a weekend under a fathom event and bought them that day and I bought two tickets, but I have no one to go with because I’m supposed to go with my nephew, but he’s got a hockey game on Saturday night.

So. And finally, I mentioned this in the open, an example of me getting old. Remember how I told you the last few days, my tick talks have just been filled with either the, uh, love is blind stuff. SNL, the what’s her face. Gosh, I’m blanking on her name. I could see her face. Jennifer Coolidge impression. And then the last few days it’s been about Domingo from the bridesmaid sketch.

Well, the other thing that seems to be popping up real frequently in my for you page on Tik TOK is this ergonomic pillow that you’re supposed to sleep on. This gives you better lumbar support on your neck. I don’t have, I’m a side sleeper. I don’t have an issue with my neck when I wake up, but every time I keep Kept coming across this tick talk and people laying on this pillow and showing how great it is for your neck.

I’m like, I want one of those. I need one of those. I want to see how it is. Well, I bought it. It arrived yesterday as I’m recording this. I haven’t obviously gone to sleep yet, so I will report back on Monday, how my ergonomic pillow. God, that sounds so old. What are you, Steve? 75? No, I’m almost 50. I got an ergonomic pillow because I saw it on TikTok and it looked comfortable.

So I will let you know how my ergonomic pillow feels when I sleep at night. And I literally, I saw it on TikTok. I probably made someone a little bit of a commission because, and now I get it literally all the time. I’m like, okay, I already bought it, people. I don’t need to keep seeing this ergonomic pillow.

Don’t make me buy a second one. I only bought one. So maybe I need to buy a second one, but it looks comfortable. They even bought the, uh, cover, the, um, the, uh, pillowcase for it. Yeah. And check it out. Ergonomic pill ergonomic Steve. How about that? I’m going to change my name, get rid of all this reality.

Steve stuck stuff and change my Instagram to ergonomic Steve. I don’t even know what ergonomic means. It just looks like a comfortable pillow. It’s like a shaped like a starfish or whatever. I think it’s got a little place for your arm. This is like literally the definition of man, Steve, you are fucking getting old.

Nope. That’s me ergonomic Steve and his new pillow. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily is up in an hour from now. If you’re interested in my picks for this weekend, by the way, already started one and Oh, with a Denver Bronco blowout of the new Orleans saints last night.

I was very confident about that. When I told you new Orleans was backup quarterback, top two receivers were out. Three offensive linemen were out. Taysom Hill was out. I was like, if Denver can’t beat this team, they are a sad sack. Organization and they absolutely destroyed them. New Orleans got a late touchdown It was 33 to 3 and New Orleans gets a touchdown with a minute and a half left But it wasn’t even as close as the score indicated 33 10 Denver wins already want to know on the week So I’m looking forward to a good weekend in that.

Anyway, everyone. Have a great weekend. I’ll tell you how Ergonomic. Steve gets through the weekend with his new pillow. I will tell you how back to the future two is even though this is the easily the 50th time I’ve seen the movie and looking forward to this weekend. Anyway, thank you all for listening again, I really appreciate it and I will talk to you on Monday.

See you.

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