You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Friday. Good show heading into the weekend. Boy, a lot of stuff went down yesterday. We’re gonna, I’m gonna give you some some final thoughts on the Rachel Juarez interview from yesterday.
And Some of the things that I, that I noticed about it. Cause I actually went back and listened to all two hours. I usually don’t do that, especially with long ones, but I did yesterday. And I will give you my thoughts on that. Obviously you’re going to want to know my thoughts on the Matt James. Rachel Kirk Connell breakup.
I have some thoughts, but you’re probably gonna be disappointed. I did not talk about special forces from Wednesday night. We definitely got to talk about the traders episode last night, which was excellent. And I’m going to end with a brief mini rant on the Blake Lively, Justin Baldoni situation. And we will get to all that momentarily.
Let’s start with yesterday’s interview with Rachel Juarez. There’s a couple of things I wanted to point out. Like I said, in the open, I don’t really spend a lot of time listening to my Thursday weekly podcast because they’re usually an hour and I conducted the interview. So usually I’m very well aware of what I said, but with Rachel, it was different because When she’s explaining as much as she did to me, while I am listening and paying attention, at the time you’re interviewing them, you’re also having other thoughts go through your head of do I follow up here, what’s my next question gonna be, and stuff like that, so maybe I’m not grasping everything she said.
So yesterday I was actually able to listen to the interview and listen fully to her answers, not thinking about what am I gonna say next. Because that’s what you have to do when you’re interviewing somebody. You can’t just let them speak and have your mind go blank and then be like, Oh shit, it’s my turn to talk.
What do I say? So while yes, you are listening, but you’re listening also with a, where can I take this? Do I follow or do I go to my next question? So I listened to it yesterday and there’s just a couple of things that jump out to me when it comes to this. And maybe people that have been, you know, talking about this case for the better part of almost two years.
You know, understand it and see it as well. But it is pretty amazing when you look at this, that David Gingras, Laura Owen’s lawyer is just so hell bent on, Hey, I’m right. Rule 26 was violated here. Yet everybody else that has covered this, including Rachel, who was looking at this from an objective point of view, she has no stake in the game is like, I don’t know what he sees here.
How does he not see that sanctions? That she violated and sanctions could be awarded based on things other than rule 26. It’s like they are on completely different wavelengths. He is so right where he just doesn’t think there’s any other way that Laura should have been sanctioned. And everyone else is looking at it like, yes, there is.
Dude, you’re missing out here. So that’s the amazing part of this case to me. And it could just be his ego. It could just be his hubris. He just doesn’t want to admit, like, I don’t know if he’s going to respond to the Rachel interview, but it’s not like Rachel left a window open where she’s like, yeah, you know what?
I can see where Gingras is right. She’s like, he’s not right in this case. There are other ways for her to be sanctioned. And yet, he’s been screaming from the top of the rooftops. Mata is a terrible judge. This never should have come down. She shouldn’t even be on the bench. Like, it is night and day what people think about this case.
You’ve got what David Gingras thinks about it. And then you’ve got everybody else who has chimed in. And everyone is basically saying People in the legal field are basically saying he’s interpreting rule 26 wrong, or he’s not seeing that there are other ways. And Laura violated it in these other ways, these statutes, which Rachel laid out about as easily as you could.
And about as clear as you could. It’s just, I don’t know. It’s fascinating to me how this isn’t like some 12 people on a jury are six and six and they’re hung up on it, you know, it’s like, Everybody sees it one way, which is Clayton side. And there’s one person who sees it this way. And I’m talking about the legal side of things and that’s Gingras.
So the whole thing is fascinating to me, really. And look, he can say all he wants about we’re going to win. I don’t see any way we want, we don’t win. Well, an appellate, a three judge appellate court in Tucson, Arizona will make that determination. And when they probably rule in Clayton’s favor. You know, what’s he gonna say?
All these videos that he’s been making and everything that he’s been saying and screaming down people Who have said he doesn’t know what he’s talking about are gonna end up being right in the end if the appellate court Upholds this judgment. Then what’s he gonna do? You know, it’s like he’s taken so many L’s in this case And I just feel another one is coming And yet I know he’s not going to be like, damn it.
They got me. Yeah. I missed that one. I totally screwed that one up. You think he’s ever going to say that yet? Gingras, everybody is telling you right now, you’re wrong. You’re misinterpreting this, but is he ever going to listen or believe that? No, he’s going to obviously stick by his client and say his side.
It’s just kind of fascinating to me when I listened back and I’m like, how does Gingras not see this? What is his response when Rachel lays out? In about as clear as terms as you can, how rule 26, this isn’t a rule 26 case. When Gingras his whole case is, this is a rule 26 case. It’s amazing to me. Let’s get into Matt and Rachel.
This was bizarre because yesterday at 6 AM, at least my time. Central time, 6 a. m. yesterday, Matt James put a post up. It’s a picture of him meeting Rachel on the first night in Nemecolon. Remember his season was filmed during the pandemic. It was right after Claire and Taysha filmed their season. He filmed his season in September, but it was all shot in Pennsylvania at the Nemecolon resort.
So he puts a picture up of him and Rachel meeting, holding hands. And his caption is, Father God, give Rachel and I the strength to mend our broken hearts. Give us peace about this decision to end our relationship that transcends worldly understanding. Shower our friends and family with kindness and love to comfort us.
And remind us that our joy comes from you, Lord. With a broken heart emoji. The first thing I want to say is that is the worst breakup caption we’ve ever seen in the history of breakups. What the hell are you talking about? I have no idea. About anything, but I will say this. There’s one thing I’m confident in.
God doesn’t give a shit about your relationship. He doesn’t, sorry. He doesn’t care that you guys broke up anyway. Now this turned into, Hey, is it real? Because people were so put off by that caption. We’ve just never seen a breakup like that. Usually it’s a longer message. It doesn’t focus on the Lord and what he thinks about things.
It’s sometimes accompanied by both of them releasing a joint statement or the other person then going to their Instagram. It was six in the morning and Matt James posts three sentences, mostly focusing on the Lord and what he thought of things. So everyone’s like, was he hacked? Is this real? Is this a prank?
And what I can say is this, I’m recording this right now that you’re listening to at 10 30 PM Thursday night central time. This post has been up for 16 hours and this post is insinuating that Matt and Rachel are no longer together. It’s quite obvious in that. Give us a piece about this decision to end our relationship.
He’s talking about broken hearts. There’s no other insinuation to make out of this. This is a breakup post. Now, if he was hacked or it wasn’t true, 16 hours, this has been up. Don’t you think a couple that’s been together for five years, if it wasn’t true, They would have immediately gone to every entertainment outlet yesterday that ran with this story and said, Guys, not true.
For whatever reason, maybe they wouldn’t have given an explanation as to what that whole post was about, but they wouldn’t have let every single entertainment site run with Matt and Rachel are broken up. One of them would have contacted, they all, both of them have contacts with all the, with contacts, contacts with all the tabloids, the entertainment sites.
Matt has a direct line. Rachel has a direct line. It’s not very hard. They would just call up one of their people that they know that works there and say, Hey, it’s not true. And then that person probably would have asked, well, what about Matt’s post? Now? I don’t know what they would have said in regards to that, but if this wasn’t true, this would have been shot down.
Why would you want it out there that you broke up when you didn’t? Of course they would have wanted it taken down. So in that aspect, I believe that this is a breakup. However, Matt and Rachel also broke up four years ago. And within a week they were back together. And that was with a woman that I put on my podcast, a woman named Grace in Florida, telling her story and also getting in contact with Rachel at the time and telling her what happened with Matt and Rachel was not pleased with it.
Rachel was basically, I’m done with him. And within a week they were back together. Now, granted, they’ve been together ever since. Good for them. They were able to work through whatever problems that arose when Grace came on my podcast and told her story, but they did break up. And then they got back together very shortly right after the Grace story.
So, while this is, to me, a breakup, I don’t necessarily think it means it’s permanent. I certainly think, like, put it this way. I don’t know anything about their relationship. I have not talked about Matt and Rachel since that whole Grace thing. Like, once that, they got back together, it’s like, okay. Hell, I’ve even been complimentary of them, that they were able to work through things.
And I said, Hey, if Matt, you know, Rachel went to Matt after that whole grace story and basically gave him an ultimatum, like you’re done your days of, you know, having relations with other women, it’s done either you commit to me or we’re done. And Matt made the commitment and they’ve been together, what, four or five years since then.
So good for them. But I didn’t know that yesterday, by the way, when everyone was sending me the Matt story yesterday morning. I try to go to Matt’s Instagram to look for myself. Apparently I’m blocked because I couldn’t access his Instagram account when I typed in his Instagram handle. But when I went to my Finsta, I could bring it up.
So, I guess Matt has blocked me for five years. He’s never unblocked me. That’s neither here nor there. It’s not a big deal. I don’t care. I just didn’t even know because I hadn’t had any interest in looking at Matt James Instagram account over the last five years. I follow Rachel, so anything that I saw, I saw through hers.
I just had no idea I was blocked until yesterday. What I’m saying is I know nothing about the relationship. I’m not going to speculate. I have no idea. I know you want answers. All I can tell you is that was a real breakup post for sure. But unfortunately, I know I say this all the time. Everyone, four seconds after something happens has to have a black or white opinion on things.
All I’m going to say is let’s give it a little time because Rachel hasn’t posted anything since that post. Matt hasn’t posted anything since that post. We haven’t heard from either of them. So until I hear from either of them, I have no idea what’s going on, but let’s give it time and I’m sure after a little time passes, we will know more.
It’s their relationship. Let them handle it. All I can tell you is, that was not a hacking, that was not a prank, that was not a, Oh, I wrote this because we’re not in a relationship anymore, we’re engaged. No, it wasn’t that. Matt wrote what he wrote because, I guess at the time, 6 o’clock central time yesterday morning, they were broken up.
The only other thing I’ll say is this regarding them. On Matt’s Instagram story the night before, hours before that Instagram post, he posted that they were in London. Let me just say that Matt and Rachel, the one thing that I do know about their relationship is they never post from where they really are.
Not saying they were never in London, they just were never in London the night before. They post long after the fact of where they were. Just know that.