The Rachel Kirkconnell, Matt James story. I can’t even remember where we left off with this because, you know, TikTok went dark for about, I don’t know, six, eight hours over the weekend, and then it came back. And I felt like people were posting stuff. And then Rachel was making comments.
Rachel was liking comments on Tik TOK. And then her sister chimed in. And if you saw bachelor data’s Instagram stories over the weekend, or maybe it was late last week, it was over the weekend. Rachel’s sister Trinity literally commented when somebody said, Oh my God, I can’t believe he posted that. Posted his breakup post 15 hours after they had broken up and her sister chimed in and said, try three hours.
So it is very clear that Rachel and Matt are no longer together, or that breakup post by Matt was definitely a breakup post. It probably means this is it for them. You never know, like until they are, it’s almost like until they are done or until one of them is dating somebody else. And it is a public relationship.
It’s almost like, I don’t want to count them out. Not because I was like, Oh my God, my heart is broken. That Matt and Rachel broke up again. Once these people are off the show, I don’t really care about their relationship. I really don’t. It’s not that I don’t like them or they’re not people. I, it’s just, it’s whatever to me, because I know that most relationships In this franchise end up failing.
So it’s not a big deal to me if they break up, it doesn’t change my life, any couple from this franchise. It doesn’t alter my life in any way, shape, or form. If they break up, if they stay together, if they have five kids together, it doesn’t matter to me. I will comment on it. If there’s a breakup or if somebody in bachelor nation starts dating somebody in bachelor nation, or somebody has a new boyfriend or a new girlfriend in bachelor nation, of course, we’ll bring it up on this podcast, but That’s really the extent of it.
I don’t do any sort of deep dives on any of this, the Rachel and Matt stuff. My opinion is if Rachel is smart, cause she still hasn’t said anything. All she’s done is done a couple of likes on Tik TOK. I think if Rachel wants to maximize this breakup, and I’m not talking monetarily, I’m just talking about discussing what happened because everybody wants to know all we’ve gotten is a three sentence caption on Matt’s Instagram, where he talked about the Lord.
Most of the time we’ve gotten her sister Trinity’s comments on a couple Tik Tok posts, and we’ve gotten a couple of Rachel’s likes. That’s it. That’s all we know about what happened. So anybody who goes on, on their Tik Tok or on their Instagram story and spends 20 or 30 minutes. Talking about these two’s relationship and sources tell us and all this stuff that’s happening on the entertainment sites.
Again, it’s all speculation. I want to hear it out of Rachel’s mouth or Matt’s mouth or both. My advice, if I’m Rachel is I go on call her daddy. I don’t give this to bachelor happy hour. I don’t give this to Nick. I don’t give this to Caitlin. This is a very big breakup because they have been together the longest of any current couple that isn’t married.
I think, right? So. I think, and we know call her daddy likes to get headliners for her podcast and people whose name is pretty big, especially in bachelor nation world. She had on Maria, she had on Jen when Jen got back from filming. So we know she’s not against it. And we know that call her daddy loves to dive into tea and gossip and stuff like that.
So if I’m Rachel, I reach out to Alex and say, do you want the exclusive? I’ll talk about it with you. But I’m not going on bachelor nation podcast to reveal this. That’s what I would do. If I were her, will she listen? I have no idea. I don’t know if, and when she’s even going to talk about this. I got to believe at some point she will.
Right. And I don’t think doing an Instagram post would do it justice, not a four year relationship, almost five year relationship. I don’t think her doing an Instagram post or hell even doing an Instagram story would be big enough. I think she needs to do a sit down interview and talk about it. Plus there’s so many rumors swirling.
I’ve heard all the rumors, but again, they’re unfounded. I’m not going to feed into unfounded rumors of the things that I’ve been hearing about this relationship and why it ended. I just, I don’t feel that’s going to add to anything. Because they’re unfounded. If I could get them confirmed, be a different topic.
If Rachel confirmed them to me, it’d be a different topic that hasn’t happened. So if I’m Rachel, I go on, call her daddy. That’s my advice to her. Go on Alex’s podcast. It will certainly be a very, very listened to podcast for sure. And look, Rachel and Matt have basically stayed away from bachelor nation since the show ended.
I mean, what have they ever done? Anything. Have any of them ever been on Caitlin, Nick’s bachelor happy hour? Any of those? I don’t think they have. So I’d be really surprised if one, if, or both of them did a bachelor nation related podcast to talk about this and what happened. So that’s my advice to Rachel.
Hopefully she’ll take it. If not, I’m fine. I’m fine with it. She can do it. She can handle it however she wants. I’m just saying for the maximum coverage of this and to get it right and to be able to tell your side. I’d go on Alex’s. I mean, obviously I’d like her on mine, but she’s not going to do mine. I’d if I were her, I I’d go on Alex’s podcast just because it is a very popular podcast and Alex will give her the time and the room to explain what happened and why.
It happened the way it did, why it came out as a caption on Matt’s Instagram where he didn’t even really talk about anything other than the Lord, it was three sentences long, it was literally, probably the worst breakup post we’ve ever seen of any couple in this franchise before, why Rachel didn’t say anything right away, what happened, was this deteriorating over a certain amount of time, was this a long time coming, What was involved in this?
Did she end it? Did he end it? I mean, there’s a lot of stuff to cover, not just, yeah, we broke up. Like, I think that there is a story to this. I don’t know what it is, but I just don’t think this is like, eh, it’s been five years, it’s ran it, it ran its course. It’s a mutual breakup. We’re fine. Not based on her likes and not based on what her sister is posting.
Because if this was just a, you know what, after five years, we both decided to go our separate ways. We want different things out of life. We love each other. I mean, I’m sure they obviously care for each other. I’m just saying the way things are going and the likes by Rachel and the posts by her sister and the way Matt did it at six in the morning when they were in another country.
And it’s three sentences about the Lord. I just don’t think this is a normal breakup coupled with the things that I’ve heard. Sure. I don’t think this is a normal break. And that’s why somebody needs to come out. They’re not obligated to, they don’t have to do anything. Rachel might just stay in the dark and never address this because she’s hurting.
But my guess is she’s definitely hurting. It’s why she hasn’t said anything in a few days, but eventually she’s going to speak. And my advice to her would be go on, call her daddy. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, but you got to hit play.
It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily up in an hour from now. You want to check that out. And my thoughts on all four games this past weekend and tonight’s college football national championship. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.
See you.