Reality Steve

Bachelor in Paradise 4

  • Bachelor in Paradise 4

    The “Bachelorette” Men Tell All Recap Including Already Trouble in Paradise for a Post-Show BIP Couple?

    Photo Credit: ABC

    The MTA has really lost its luster in recent years. Not that it was a show that really accomplished anything since most of the show is recapping stuff we already saw all season long. No new insight is really given, and with the advent of social media and what we’ve seen during the airing of this season by all the guys, and knowing how that show is constructed, it’s just really hard to take that show seriously. These guys have been off the show for 3 months essentially by the time they film the MTA. They’ve hooked up with other girls, they’ve bromanced with each other, and they’ve started building their brands. None of them really truly care about talking about stuff that happened three … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 4

    “Reader Emails” & “Bachelor in Paradise” to Resume Filming

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Not an hour after my post yesterday where I said you’d be hearing that production had completed their investigation, found no wrong doing, and you’d be hearing an announcement any day now – Warner Bros. came out and basically said just that. So the only thing at that point to start discussing was “Where do they go from here?” With the statement saying that filming would resume on production, we got our answer pretty quick. I didn’t know how the logistics worked, and knowing they originally only had the resort until the 26th or 28th, could they get everybody back there so quickly, how easy it was to maybe extend their time at the resort, we didn’t really know how it was all … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 4

    The “Bachelorette” Episode 4 Recap & (EXCLUSIVE) “Bachelor in Paradise” News. Can it Be Saved After All?

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Feels like we haven’t spoken to each other in months. Years maybe. Craziness happening in the “Bachelor” world, but today I can exclusively report, that comes to an end. I don’t see any other outlet reporting this, so anyone after this post I would appreciate giving the proper credit. According to my sources, ABC’s investigation into the BIP situation has been completed, they found no evidence of any wrongdoing or sexual misconduct, and they will be announcing this soon. Possibly as early as today. After seeing some stories get out over the weekend which really questioned Corinne and her behavior, this isn’t at all surprising of an outcome to me. I kinda saw where this was headed when I was getting all the information coming … Continue reading

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