Reality Steve

Bachelor in Paradise 4

  • Bachelor in Paradise 4

    “Reader Emails,” BIP Episode 6 Recap & Reunion Finale Taping Today

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So one correction from yesterday’s column in regards to the reunion show filming this week. I said yesterday that they were filming it tomorrow. Actually, they are filming it today. Not sure when I’ll find out exactly what happened, but I’m sure I will at some point. As I said yesterday, the only legitimate couples are Derek & Taylor and Adam and Raven. Derek and Taylor I could see getting engaged on that show. I’d be pretty surprised if Adam and Raven did, although I bet the show would like them to moreso than Derek and Taylor because, well, frankly not many people care about them. Lets just say they’d fall more into the Marcus & Lacey category and Adam & Raven would be more … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 4

    “Bachelor in Paradise 4” Episode 5 Recap, Upcoming Podcasts, Nick & Vanessa Break Up, & Finale Taping on Thursday

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Because I’m working on my procrastination, you can see with last week’s podcast, I tried to change things up. Part 1 of my interview with Josiah Graham aired last Thursday with Part 2 airing this Thursday. Well, I’ve got your next set of podcasts lined up after that and both will be split into two parts. Next week: Desiree Siegfried Part 1 (Sept. 7th) and Part 2 (Sept. 14th). One thing I’ve always wanted to ask Desiree is how my wrong spoiler affected her during airing of her season. Answer: She wasn’t happy. Also, we address the elephant in the room and the two questions I seem to be asked regarding her and Chris: Why does the franchise seem to ignore them and why didn’t … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 4

    “Reader Emails,” “Bachelor in Paradise” Episode 4 Recap & An Update on Some BIP Couples

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Man, last night was kinda all over the map, no? For those that are curious, that studio show we saw in the second hour last night with some of the BIP cast, Carly & Evan, and then the DeMario sit down, was taped back on August 5th. So is the Corinne sit down we’ll see next week. All taped on the same day even though Chris says, “and next week we’ll hear from Corinne.” No, it was all done on the same day back two Saturdays ago. Hence the reason they couldn’t mention at the time that Tanner and Jade had a baby girl because they just delivered this past weekend. And DeMario I think has done about 417 interviews saying the same exact thing … Continue reading

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