Reality Steve

Bachelor in Paradise 7

  • Bachelor in Paradise 7

    “Bachelor in Paradise” – Episode 6 Recap, DWTS, Bachelor Talk, & the Brendan & Pieper Fallout

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Again the biggest question I’ve been asked in the last week is “Who is the next Bachelor and when is it gonna be announced?” Everyone’s got their theories, everyone’s got their predictions, everyone’s got their assumptions. All I know is I haven’t heard anything different from when I reported Greg a few weeks back. If something changes or I hear something different, then I’ll report it. I will say this though: You know me, I’ve never really cared who got the gig. As long as there’s a season, that’s all I care about. Who they choose as the lead has never been of importance to me. But next season? We can bump that up a little bit, because I do kinda want to see Greg … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 7

    “Bachelor in Paradise” – Update on a Couple

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Well, it was a successful weekend in Vegas I’d say. I’ve had better weekends at the tables, and I’ve had worse weekends for sure. I’m not talking about that. What I am talking about was what I told you guys a week ago that I was hell bent on doing, and that was trying to be the first customer at the new Olive Garden on the Vegas strip that opened yesterday. Well, in case you weren’t following along on my social media yesterday, I documented the whole thing. It’s on my Twitter, IG stories, and my IGTV. They opened at 11am. I got there right at 10 and, well, no one was there. I didn’t think there’d be a line around the corner, but yeah, … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 7

    “Bachelor in Paradise” – Episode 3 Recap, Ratings, IG Following, and “The OC”

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Can I just say how awesome it’s been to be on an “OC” rewatch? I remember watching all 4 seasons the early 2000s, but then I don’t think I ever watched it again. But back in May when I went to Vegas, on the flight home American Airlines wifi was down, so all I could do was watch videos on their app. “The OC” was one of the shows on there and I watched two on the flight, and ever since I basically try to watch 2 a night. Last night just finished episode 20 on season 3. There’s 25 episodes in season 3, then I think the final season only has 14. So I’m a good 75% through the series again and it’s been … Continue reading

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