Reality Steve

Bachelor in Paradise 8

  • Bachelor in Paradise 8

    “Reader Emails,” More on Michael & Danielle, Cassie Speaks on Colton Coming Out, & Your Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Man, the editing of this season of BIP is so wonky. It’s like every episode takes on a new theme. For a few of the episodes, we’ve clearly had them focus on one individual or a couple. Genevieve had an episode where she dominated the screen time, Ashley & Jared dominated last week, Michael dominated on Monday, and then last night it wasn’t one person, but it was the same theme over and over and over. And that was, lets show one couple on the beach getting to know each other and/or making out, then intersperse that with clips from the hotel where the woman in the “relationship” with the guy is miserable and crying over him. It’s ok to show it for a minute … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 8

    “Reader Emails,” BIP Ep 5 Thoughts, & Your Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Well it certainly didn’t take very long to get an answer to my “How many bank robberies actually happen nowadays” question I presented in Monday’s Daily Roundup. A quick Google search would tell you that 3000-4000 bank robberies happen a year, which seems incredibly high, no? I guess it’s because we just never hear about them. Unless one ends in a giant shootout and multiple people dead, the fact that we average 3-4k a year and never hear about any of them seems to lend to the notion that most don’t end up like that, if not all of them. Still, seems like a crazy high number. Does that include any cyber hacking of banks? Or is that number legitimately people walking into a bank … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 8

    “Bachelor in Paradise” – Brief Breakdown, Ashley & Jared’s Screen Time, & All Your BIP SPOILERS in One Post

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Fun, fun. Tonight will finally be over a third of the way through a 16 episode season of Bachelor in Paradise. That’s I believe at least 4 more episodes than we’ve ever had of this show before. You may ask “How are they gonna fill all that time?” Well, I think we got our answer last night. You know, where we got an episode focused on an already successful couple (but not from BIP even though they want to make you think it was) that was more than what anyone wanted or asked for. You’ll see below how bad it was, but man, I get that Ashley and Jared are considered BN royalty in some circles, but that was a bit much last night. Like, … Continue reading

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