Reality Steve

Bachelor Peter Spoilers

  • Bachelor Peter Spoilers

    (EXCLUSIVE) Who Are the 15 Women Left, The Dates in Ohio This Week, & Hannah Brown Becoming a Storyline on Peter’s Season

    Photo Credit: ABC

    A lot of info to get to today as we are through 3 episodes and they are heading to Ohio for dates beginning tomorrow for episode 4. I have what I believe they are doing for every date in Ohio posting a little later. But first wanna recap everything that happened last week. Yes, I’ve tweeted and posted on IG about it, but the column is always here to put it all in one place. Quite a few things to go over here, plus the big rumor that’s swirling around out there due to an IG account posting an IG direct message they got. I’ll get to that shortly. But this season is playing out exactly as I expected it would (well, except for one … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Peter Spoilers

    Final “Reader Emails” of 2019 & Yesterday’s Cancelled Date

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Don’t you just love how we’re less than a week into filming and already something has happened that we’ve never seen before? If you were following along on Twitter and IG yesterday, you saw that yesterday’s group date at the Avalon Hollywood was cancelled. Women showed up and the premise of the date was, Peter’s name is “4-Pete” because in case you didn’t know, he had sex 4 times in a windmill with Hannah. Not sure if you knew about that. Anyway, so the date yesterday was the women were supposed to tell a strange/embarrassing story about themselves (mostly sexual) in front of an audience. A ton of people who replied for the date to be in the audience never showed up, so they had … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Peter Spoilers

    Peter’s Filming Begins, Dates Coming Up, Episode 4 Location, & Profile Updates

    Photo Credit: ABC

    We are underway with “Bachelor” season 24 and pretty much the same ol, same ol except with different people. Remember, it only takes a month to go from however many they started with down to the final 4, then it takes 3 weeks to go from 4 down to 1. And based on all the public dates early in the season, gonna be fairly easy to spoil the first four episodes. They’ll basically spoil themselves. I will tweet out and put on my IG story all the things that become public, which should be a lot. Dates started filming on Sunday and rose ceremony #2 is tomorrow night. We’ll get to all that stuff in a minute, but, just wanted to remind you how many … Continue reading

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