We are underway with “Bachelor” season 24 and pretty much the same ol, same ol except with different people. Remember, it only takes a month to go from however many they started with down to the final 4, then it takes 3 weeks to go from 4 down to 1. And based on all the public dates early in the season, gonna be fairly easy to spoil the first four episodes. They’ll basically spoil themselves. I will tweet out and put on my IG story all the things that become public, which should be a lot. Dates started filming on Sunday and rose ceremony #2 is tomorrow night. We’ll get to all that stuff in a minute, but, just wanted to remind you how many of the dates will be public before they head out of the country because it’s a lot. Almost all of them, so there really won’t be many secrets to who is still around and who isn’t once they leave LA. There have been seasons like this in the past, so this definitely isn’t a first. Once they go overseas is where it gets tricky. Sometimes pictures get out, sometimes they don’t. It’s hit or miss, so we won’t know until they’re actually down in South America exactly what’s gonna get spoiled and what isn’t. What I do know is judging by social media, you can already eliminate quite a few that were on the initial 33 women that the “Bachelor” Facebook page posted since they wasted no time hopping back on to social media.
The first group date of the season was on Sunday and, shocker, it was a pilot themed date. Gee, never thought they’d go there. Here are pictures from the date and a description of what they did. The 8 women on the date were: Deandra Kanu, Shiann Lewis, Victoria Paul, Tammy Ly, Jasmine Nguyen, Kelley Flanagan, Victoria Fuller, and Hannah Sluss.
Yesterday was a 1-on-1 date with Peter’s family, but I don’t know who was on it yet.
Today will be another group date that I’m assuming will have 8 women on it and it’s a public date, so I’m sure I’ll have information on that later today. Check Twitter and IG for immediate updates.
ABC originally sent out an email saying dates on the 24th, 26th, 27th, and 28th would all be public where you could sign up and attend. They sent an email out yesterday saying that Friday’s date was cancelled. Cancelled for the public obviously, not cancelled for the show. So looks like that one we won’t know about. But today’s, Thursday’s, and Saturday’s are all public and when I get info, I will tweet it out and put it in my IG story.
Another confirmation I was able to get yesterday is their location for episode 4. They are headed to Cleveland, and I know the Browns will be a part of one of the dates. A few hours after I tweeted that out, an account said you could sign up for dates on Oct. 2nd & 4th if you’re in the Cleveland area:
(SPOILER): Here’s how you can be a part of the dates in Ohio next week on Oct 2nd & 4th pic.twitter.com/7fIOU8PIzl
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) September 24, 2019
So even though the group date on the 3rd isn’t a “public” date that you can sign up to attend, probably a good chance they’ll be seen out somewhere in the Cleveland area. We’ve had US cities get an episode before, and pretty much all of them end up getting spoiled by the public. Remember Hannah in Rhode Island last year? Jesus, we knew every date (Jed’s 1-on-1, rugby group date, Tyler’s 1-on-1) as it was happening. I think we practically knew what they were eating. So yeah, I expect every date in Cleveland to be spoiled, which means we’re gonna know everything up until when they leave for South America pretty much.
Now the immediate reaction on social media that they were headed to Cleveland was one you’d expect. Yeah, it wasn’t positive. But let me remind you of some of the cities in the past they’ve headed before going overseas. Here’s a refresher:
Andi – Uncasville, CT
Chris – Albuquerque, NM (and South Dakota)
Kaitlyn – San Antonio, TX
JoJo – Uniontown, PA
Rachel – South Carolina
Arie – Lake Tahoe, Ft. Lauderdale
Becca – Virginia
Nothing against any of those places, but adding Cleveland, OH to that mix isn’t really that big of a deal to me. Hell, they’re headed to South America for three episodes after this, then to Australia for overnights and final rose ceremony, so I’d say this is one of the better travel seasons they’ve had. People getting bent out of shape about Cleveland don’t realize it has nothing to do with anything other than money. Cleveland decided they wanted their city featured on a show watched by millions a week, they ponied up the money needed for it, and they got it. Any city can do this. The show doesn’t seek out cities. The cities come to them with their bids and everything is done on trade. So yay Cleveland. Maybe you’ll need some “Bachelor” karma as your overrated football team this season is looking rather rough with their 1-2 start and their next 6 games against Balt, SF, Seattle, New England, Denver, and Buffalo. If I didn’t know any better, you’re looking at probably a 3-6 start. 4-5 at best I would say, and that’s being generous. So yeah, maybe having Peter and a date come make out at your field or something will help wash the stink off 20 years of suck.
After Cleveland as you know they’re headed to South America for episodes 5-7 with dates in Costa Rica, Peru, and Chile. I don’t know the order yet, but I’m assuming they’ll be going from north to south, which would put it in the order I just described. We’ll know as we get closer to their arrival date, but yeah, I would expect it to be in that order. Episode 8 is always hometowns, episode 9 is overnights in Australia, episode 10 is Women Tell All, and then episode 11 is the finale in Australia. I’ve had a few of you reach out to me asking where in Australia they’ll be. I don’t know. But when they head to those final destinations, they keep that shit pretty private. I don’t think they’ll be doing too much that gets seen in public. But if I hear anything I’ll let you know.
I updated the Peter’s Women page with some updated ages on a few, some new FB, LinkedIn, and other links, and also added some background on a few of them in terms of what they do. I’ll add more as the season goes on.
Tomorrow is the last “Reader Emails” of the calendar year, as it was postponed a week, so get any questions in you may have.
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is “RealitySteve,” or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.