Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #174 – Interview with Cortney Hendrix of “Married at First Sight” & Final “Reader Emails” of the Season


    Been a while since we had her on, but Cortney Hendrix from “Married at First Sight” joins the show to talk about her engagement that became public yesterday. Cortney describes how it all came about but then takes a very introspective look on her marriage to Jason that ended in 2018. You don’t usually hear someone talk about an ex-husband the way Cortney talks about Jason and what their issues were, how they were handled, and her role in all of it. Very refreshing to hear actually because, by the sound of it, Cortney realizes the mistakes she made in the marriage and is only trying to get better from it, which is really all you can ask for when moving on to a new … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #173 – Interview with Sharleen Joynt


    Well it’s certainly been a wild 24 hrs in this world. I’m no disease expert, nor will I claim to be, so I’ll just say be safe out there, be smart, and wash your hands after basically anything you do. I know, real insightful stuff. Anyway, hopefully to take your mind off things for at least a little bit, one of my favorite guests to have on has joined us for the first time in a year, and that’s Sharleen Joynt. You follow her recaps on, you read her excellent recaps on, and now she joins me for over an hour today to break down what the hell we saw on Monday and Tuesday night this week, along with talking about Clare’s upcoming … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Peter Spoilers

    (SPOILER) Podcast # 172 & Column – How Does Peter’s Season End & “Reader Emails”

    Photo Credit: ABC

    I’m just curious, is anyone waiting on pins and needles for today? I wasn’t sure. All the DM’s and tweets at me yesterday telling me to hurry up, and “finally,” and “why couldn’t you get this sooner,” were really uplifting I tell ya’. And you wonder why I call this a thankless job. And I hate even saying that because then immediately people seem to think I want people to thank me nonstop. It’s not. That’s the opposite what I want. It’s thankless in that, I’ve done this for so long, people expect it. So when they get it, it’s like, “Well yeah, that’s his job. It’s what he’s supposed to do.” And if I don’t have it on their timeline, you know, a service … Continue reading

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